Kern Audubon Society Zoom General Meeting
Tuesday, March 2, 7 PM
The Salton Sea: Oasis or Mirage
The Salton Sea, California’s largest body of water and arguable one of the Pacific Flyway’s most important IBAs, is shrinking, exacerbated by climate change and water diversion. The receding waters are exposing and will increasingly expose hundreds of acres of toxic playa. This is already affecting hundreds of thousands of birds and potentially will also affect the 650,000 who live around the Sea. Audubon’s 4 Prongs approach aims to protect both birds and people from challenges ranging from conservation to public health.
The Speaker:
Frank Ruiz, the Salton Sea Program Director for Audubon California, advocates for a healthier and sustainable Salton Sea in partnerships with local communities and various other entities from all sectors. Prior to joining Audubon, Frank created among the faith-based communities a conservation movement that crossed the threshold of conservation and environmental justice, leading to the creation of “Por La Creacion: A faith based alliance”, an organization that seeks to educate and empower the Latino communities in areas of environment protection, protection of public lands and public policy. He worked tirelessly toward the recent designation of monuments in the California Desert. Frank inherently understands the balance between economic progress and conservations efforts.
In addition, Frank has been a mental health professional, clergy, police chaplain, and advisor to many public and private entities. He enjoys hiking, camping and playing golf along with his two kids and wife
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