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We care Our sustainable story


At Kara-Tunga, we are committed to sustainable tourism. This means we strive to limit any negative impacts of our operations. At the same time we support local communities through employment and community projects.

Recycle Water

Ban plastics bags

Grey water is used to wash cars and water gardens, guests re-use towels and linen. Polytdene bags are banned and filtered water is free to reduce plastic bottles.

Plant Trees

Green Waste

Fruit, shade and timer trees are planted at local schools. All green waste is collected and used as compost for the gardens.


Grow Food

We reduce CO2 by giving staff bicycles and promoting bike and walking tours. Growing vegetables for the kitchen and staff.

Local Economy


Locally owned, local employees, pay taxes. Develop and promote community tourism initiatives.

Our ambition

Our road to a more sustainable future

Recycle water 75%
Ban plastics bags 50%
Plant Trees 50%
Green Waste 100%
Bicycles 100%
Grow Food 100%
Local Economy 100%
Community 100%


People and Prosperity


Kara-Tunga launches Karamoja Workshop Tours – The Karamoja Workshops are tours aimed at connecting travellers with craftsmen, two-way sharing of knowledge, improving communities livelihoods and preserving cultural heritage. Through the workshops, craftsmen are able to double or triple their income and learn more about a potential group of buyers and fellow artists.

Community 100%

Local economy

People and Peace


Kara-Tunga values transparency, autonomy, accountability and integrity. Together with our partner Akiiki, we’re building capacity of the organisation to change from a hierarchical structure to a sociocratic structure.

akiiki logo
Akiiki Marijke Dherde Verbindende Communicatie Mindfulness Reis Karamoja Uganda
Akiiki Marijke Dherde Verbindende Communicatie Mindfulness Reis Karamoja Uganda
Akiiki Marijke Dherde Verbindende Communicatie Mindfulness Reis Karamoja Uganda
Local economy 100%

Grow food



Moroto is located in one of Uganda’s hard to reach areas and most of fresh foods are imported from distant towns. In order to reduce dependence and transportation, we’ve engaged with he German NGO called GIZ to build our capacity through an exposure visit and practical training on how to grow foods and best practice to recycle green waste into compost.

Recycle water 75%
Green Waste 100%
Grow Food 100%

Plant trees



Kara-Tunga believes that change starts from a young age and therefore we have started the project ‘One tree per Child’ in Karamoja that plants trees in schools. All the trees are provided by Uganda’s National Forest Authority, the tools by Kara-Tunga and men power by Kara-Tunga volunteers.

Plant trees 50%

First Aid



We build partnerships to support us achieving our goals like with the Uganda Red Cross Society. This partnership is aimed at equipping our staff with the skills to provide more safety during our tours, at our accommodations and for the community around us.

red cross uganda logo
Community 100%

Reduce plastic waste



When it comes to travel, plastic waste has a massive impact on the environment. On average, you’ll use at least 30 plastic bottles each on just a two-week trip. We encourage clients to use fewer single-use plastic bottles. By trading in these single-use plastic bottles for refillable water bottles, we can really minimize our plastic waste when travelling and work our way towards plastic-free travel.

Plastic waste 75%
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