rāl (Spens.) Same as Rail.
The artwork of BETTY RAYLE will be on display from 11 am to 5 pm Saturday, Oct 6 at the Greenbank Cellars Winery, 3112 Day Road, as well as at Whidbey Pies Cafe at the Greenbank Farm. hidbeynewstimes.com
Rayle displays paintings and more in Greenbank Art and About. hidbeynewstimes.com
John Rayl The Press TribuneTony Ellison (39) is dragged down by two Woodcreek players Friday night. thepresstribune.com
Now Arnold Lodlo and Michael Bute rayled at them, and told them their knaverie would show itselfe. "Henry Hudson" by
When none of these will take, they fal to right downe rayling; these Puritans, these singular fellowes, &c. unfit for all honest company. "A Coal From The Altar, To Kindle The Holy Fire of Zeale" by
Rayling was sixty miles away. "Get-Rich-Quick Wallingford" by
And a kind of Ralla aquatica or water Rayle. "The Works of Sir Thomas Browne" by
And equall the gold that you lay on the earth,
Then neyther rayle nor grudge you to see
The blind beggars daughter a lady to bee.
Or else the young knight for his love had been slaine;
This fray being ended, then straitway he see
His kinsmen come rayling at pretty Bessee.
Yett rayle not against my child at my own doore;
Though shee be not decked in velvett and pearle,
Yet will I dropp angells with you for my girle;