mint family
mɪnt ˈfæməli-
mint family
a large family of aromatic herbs and shrubs having flowers resembling the lips of a mouth and four-lobed ovaries yielding four one-seeded nutlets and including mint; thyme; sage; rosemary
Eater Cathy Sander is heading to a family reunion in North Carolina this summer where she and her husband plan to serve mint julep s -- the better to keep the relatives cool, relaxed and harmonizing.
The stories of one of San Clemente's most well known surfing families will be the subject of an art exhibit at the Mint Fine Art Gallery Saturday.
George and Helene Mueller hosted their annual Hawaiian Luau at their home in Mint Hill for neighbors, family and friends on Saturday, August 29.
A family drama with stinging turns of dark comedy, the latest from Udall ( The Miracle Life of Edgar Mint ) is a superb performance and as comic as it is sublimely catastrophic.
Stones are flying around the "glass house" as family members battle for freedom from a tight-fisted tyrant, in "Rutherford & Son," another rediscovered gem currently performing off-Broadway at The Mint Theater.
By studying the behaviour of g at the limit nodes we observe that for each ǫ > 0 the tree T can be decomposed into a family of compact clopen subsets {Cγ }γ such that maxt∈Cγ g (t) − mint∈Cγ g (t) < ǫ for each γ .
Convex-transitivity of Banach algebras via ideals
The sage, mints, catnip, thyme, lavender, etc., will recall the peculiarities of the family. "Elements of Structural and Systematic Botany" by
Certain families, as ferns and orchids, go well together; mints and figworts are allied. "Harper's Round Table, July 30, 1895" by
I have always taken it to be a member of the mint family. "Oldfield" by
It may be known from the other members of the Mint family by its campanulate calyx with ten strong, recurved teeth. "The Wild Flowers of California: Their Names, Haunts, and Habits" by
Nepeta cataria L. Mint family. "Texas Honey Plants" by
And his whole family
Lived very easy lives, and from his bounty
Grew rich as rich could be.