a knowledge domain that you are interested in or are communicating about "it was a limited realm of discourse","here we enter the region of opinion","the realm of the occult" -
the domain ruled by a king or queen -
a domain in which something is dominant "the untroubled kingdom of reason","a land of make-believe","the rise of the realm of cotton in the south"
A royal jurisdiction or domain; a region which is under the dominion of a king; a kingdom. "The absolute master of realms on which the sun perpetually shone." -
Hence, in general, province; region; country; domain; department; division; as, the realm of fancy.
A royal jurisdiction or extent of government; a king's dominions; a kingdom. -
Figuratively, a jurisdiction or domain in general; a sphere of power, influence, or operation; province; arena. -
In zoögeog., a prime division of the earth's surface; a faunal area of the largest extent; a zoölogical region of the first order.
relm a regal or royal jurisdiction: kingdom: province: country: dominion.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary OE. realme, ream, reaume, OF. reialme, roialme, F. royaume, fr. (assumed) LL. regalimen, from L. regalis, royal. See Regal
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary O. Fr. realme—Low L. regalimen—L. regalis, royal.
Audiences inside the collection of theaters and concert halls along the south bank of the Thames that make up the world's largest cultural complex are regularly transported to the realm of the sublime.
Organizations can't operate in the realm of luck and emotions.
As with many modern scientific breakthroughs, synthesizing sunlight into electricity was once in the realm of science fiction.
APTA has launched a new podcast series that will address physical therapist s' practice in the realm of telehealth.
Add in the sometimes-unfathomable machinations of a homeowners association and you enter a realm filled with the potential for misunderstandings that may have legal and financial consequences.
The Realms of Roland Poska' opens Feb 3 at Rockford Art Museum.
ALBANY … What is it that pushes a good band into the stratospheric realm of greatness.
The story of how she was "discovered" by Stanley Kubrick is already entering the realm of folklore.
A Private Corporation Working in the Public Realm.
If you were to shrink down to the size of an electron, you would enter what physicists call the quantum realm, and things would suddenly get very weird.
MadCap Software Expands Reach Into Adobe's Realm.
While other showbiz realms retreat, new gurus widen their footprint.
Allan Watson is a writer whose work leans towards the dark and disturbing realms of the fiction spectrum.
There seem to be more goings than comings in the realm of city politics lately.
Coins of 'The Hobbit' realm.
This is true even when the world does not seem the same from different points of observation as e.g. in the realm of the cosmological principle.
Quantum Theory within the Framework of General Relativity
In the realm of complex and/or disordered systems, the theory of random matrices plays an important role in differentiating noise from information.
Free Random Levy Matrices
Other methods come to astronomy from the realm of multi-parametric statistical and clustering analysis such as the Voronoi Tessellation Technique (e.g., Scharf et al. 1997, Ramella et al. 2001).
Multi-wavelength Surveys for Distant Clusters
Outside the realm of Maltsev theories there exist linear extensions P : T′ → T such that not all the η ’s are abelian.
Linear extensions and nilpotence for Maltsev theories
Feshbach, in Asymptotic Realms of Physics, ed. A.H.
Superpenetration of a high energy Q barQ bound state through random color fields
There are, then, two realms of mind, the conscious and the subconscious. "The Higher Powers of Mind and Spirit" by
The realm of the social is the realm constituted by such exchange. "Introduction to the Science of Sociology" by
The supernatural is simply the realm of freedom, and it is as natural as the physical realm of necessity. "Library of the World's Best Literature, Ancient and Modern, Vol. 7" by
This realm where everyone had all of happiness that he could want! "The World Beyond" by
I who to Hebrew and to Gentile both Flung wide the portals of the heavenly realm? "Legends of the Saxon Saints" by
And so, from henceforth, the blind god and his twin-brother are together in the realms of Hela. "Told by the Northmen:" by
The two parties, from their antagonistic realms, rushed to the encounter, the fiends of darkness battling with the angels of light. "Henry IV, Makers of History" by
This is the next way to fulfil your realm with Lutherians. "History of England from the Fall of Wolsey to the Death of Elizabeth. Vol. II." by
Equally bright were the brass pots and pans in Phillis's realm. "Daughters of the Revolution and Their Times" by
He has carried the analogy of observation into the realm of abstract conceptions. "The Religious Sentiment" by
Where thou, O seer! art set;
Thy realm of thought is drear and cold--
The world is colder yet!
Uncertain where to wend its flight,
My spirit lingered at the gates,
Which close upon that realm of light;
When faith and hope shall cease;
'Tis this shall strike our joyful strings
In the sweet, realms of bliss.
Where joyous freedom reigns,
He’d teach my soul love’s sweet control,
Then claim it for his pains.
Will wait her in a realm of light,
Nought of a future meeting whispers,
No faith illumes her soul's dark night.
The various tongues of Woe:
One said -- "Is there a hope in the to-morrow?"
And many answer'd -- "No."