impressive in appearance "a baronial mansion","an imposing residence","a noble tree","severe-looking policemen sat astride noble horses","stately columns" -
having or showing or indicative of high or elevated character "a noble spirit","noble deeds" -
of or belonging to or constituting the hereditary aristocracy especially as derived from feudal times "of noble birth" -
inert especially toward oxygen "a noble gas such as helium or neon","noble metals include gold and silver and platinum" -
a titled peer of the realm
(Zoöl) A European fish; the lyrie. -
A person of rank above a commoner; a nobleman; a peer. -
An English money of account, and, formerly, a gold coin, of the value of 6 s. 8 d. sterling, or about $1.61 (in 1913). -
Grand; stately; magnificent; splendid; as, a noble edifice. -
To make noble; to ennoble. "Thou nobledest so far forth our nature."
Possessing or characterized by hereditary social or political preëminence, or belonging to the class which possesses such preëminence or dignity; distinguished by birth, rank, or title; of ancient and honorable lineage; illustrious: as, a noble personage; noble birth. -
High in excellence or worth. -
Great or lofty in character, or in the nature of one's achievements; magnanimous; above everything that is mean or dishonorable: applied to persons or the mind. -
Proceeding from or characteristic or indicative of greatness of mind: as, noble courage; noble sentiments; noble thoughts. -
Of the best kind; choice; excellent. -
In mineralogy, excellent; pure in the highest decree: as, noble opal; noble hornblende; noble tourmalin. -
Precious; valuable: applied to those metals which are not altered on exposure to the air, or which do not easily rust, and which are much scarcer and more valuable than the so-called useful metals. Though the epithet is applied chiefly to gold and silver, and sometimes to quicksilver, it might also with propriety be made use of in reference to platinum and the group of metals associated with it, since these are scarce and valuable, and are little acted on by ordinary reagents. -
In falconry, noting long-winged falcons which swoop down upon the quarry. -
Of magnificent proportions or appearance; magnificent; stately; splendid: as, a noble edifice. -
A person of acknowledged social or political preëminence; a person of rank above a commoner; a nobleman; specifically, in Great Britain and Ireland, a peer; a duke, marquis, earl, viscount, or baron. See nobility and peerage. -
An old English gold coin, current for 6s. 8d., first minted by Edward III., and afterward by Richard II., Henry IV., V., and VI., and also by Edward IV., under whom one variety of the noble was called the ryal or rose noble (see ryal). The obverse type of all these nobles was the king in a ship. The reverse inscription, “Jesus autern transiens per medium illorum ibat” (Luke iv. 30), was probably a charm against thieves. Ruding conjectures, though not with much probability, that the coins derived their name from the noble nature of the metal of which they were composed. The coin was much imitated in the Low Countries. See George-noble, quarter-noble. -
The pogge, Agonus cataphractus. -
plural In entomology, the Papilionidæ. -
To ennoble.
nō′bl illustrious: high in rank or character: of high birth: magnificent: generous: excellent -
a person of exalted rank: a peer: an obsolete gold coin=6s. 8d. sterling
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary F. noble, fr. L. nobilis, that can be or is known, well known, famous, highborn, noble, fr. noscere, to know. See know
Meanwhile, Barnes & Noble just dropped the price of its excellent Nook GlowLight to $119.
Wilfred Gerald Nobles, 55, had been kayaking with friends Saturday afternoon in the river south of Emma, Ill.
The driver, Joseph Noble, died at the scene.
I've lived at Noble and Chicago in West Town for nearly three decades, but trend-trackers keep changing the name of my neighborhood.
(July 8, 2010) Monday afternoon, at 2:10, the big white tour bus bearing 33 nobles and scholars from 11 different countries, including The Hon.
Robert Caro will be speaking and signing books at Barnes & Noble.
" The Noble Buyer": John Quinn, Patron of the Avant-Garde by Judith Zilczer Smithsonian Institution Press, 198 pp.
NORMAN — One Noble woman knows how to put the "ahhh" in massage.
Daniel Mendelsohn will be reading and signing books at Barnes & Noble.
Jeremy Noble (18, 16), Cam Flint (27, 11) and Chase Carraro (19, 2) form the nucleus of Bill Tierney's midfielders .
Debbie Millman 's "Brand Thinking and Other Noble Pursuits".
"Brand Thinking and Other Noble Pursuits" by Debbie Millman (Allworth Press, 2011).
I came very close to saying Barnes & Noble's Nook Color was the surprise deal of the season.
Once a noble home, the sprawling Valtice Castle in the Baroque town of Valtice dates back at least to the 12th century.
Mark Edward Wetsch (Courtesy of the Nobles County sheriff's office via KARE-11).
Here, we extend the random Fibonac ci system to the noble means family, and present the results from the point of view of dynamical systems.
Random noble means substitutions
The entire family is still relatively simple because each individual member of a fixed noble mean family de fines the same (deterministic) hull.
Random noble means substitutions
We refer to zm as the random noble means substitution (RNMS).
Random noble means substitutions
Random Noble Means Substitutions subword of some realisation of zk m,ℓ be the set of all legal m (a).
Random noble means substitutions
Data for noble gases show that shake-up and shake-off effects were of comparable magnitude (Svensson et al., 1988; Armen et al., 1985; Wark et al., 1991).
Shake-up and shake-off excitations with associated electron losses in X-ray studies of proteins
This was a noble animal, with horns of gold and feet of iron. "Myths and Legends of All Nations" by
There is a moral lesson of profound interest in the steps by which a noble nature glides to perdition. "Short Studies on Great Subjects" by
At last Charles himself received her in the midst of a throng of nobles and soldiers. "History of the English People, Volume III (of 8)" by
Give me a nation of noble women, and I will give you a noble nation. "Aims and Aids for Girls and Young Women" by
A noble mind best teaches what is noble. "Northland Heroes" by
On the third night, we encamped at the foot of an obelisk in the centre of some noble ruins. "Travels and Adventures of Monsieur Violet" by
A part of the same noble company, though not all, were at Chancellorsville. "Woman's Work in the Civil War" by
They are supporters of the decent usages sanctioned by antiquity, and consecrated by the veneration of a long line of the great and noble. "Aurelian" by
We were in the command of General Silas Casey, a noble specimen of a man and a soldier. "Three Years in the Sixth Corps" by
Now am I sure the noble fellowship of the Round Table is broken for ever, for with him will many a noble knight hold. "Stories of King Arthur and His Knights" by
In the flower of her noble life,
Of her who had stood beside him
A true and a tender wife?
I brought to deadly wracke;
And a thousand more of noble knightes
For feare did turne their backe.
Behold, and prove the change;
Then leave, perchance, my noble prize,
Once more in arms to range.
It made his noble heart grow sad;
"My children, I love both of you,
And yet I love my country, too."
Who led me into perfect calm,
And brought me to that noble end
Where all this earth is like a psalm.
Pursue them bravely to the end,
Nor pause to question or to care
What says thy foe, or what thy friend.