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Fine Dictionary


Portrait of Jan Kuiper, nicknamed Jan Practiseer. He is wearing a hat and scarf.
Portrait of Jan Kuiper, nicknamed Jan Practiseer. He is wearing a hat and scarf.
  1. (v) practise
    learn by repetition "We drilled French verbs every day","Pianists practice scales"
  2. (v) practise
    engage in a rehearsal (of)
  3. (v) practise
    carry out or practice; as of jobs and professions "practice law"
Half-length portrait of Jan Kuiper, nicknamed Jan Practiseer, in an oval. The portrait rests on a plinth with a five-line text in Dutch.
Half-length portrait of Jan Kuiper, nicknamed Jan Practiseer, in an oval. The portrait rests on a plinth with a five-line text in Dutch.
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. practise
    To put into action or practice; execute; perform; enact.
  2. practise
    To do or perform frequently or habitually; make a practice of; observe or follow usually: as, to practise the Christian virtues; to practise deception.
  3. practise
    To make use of; frequent.
  4. practise
    To exercise or pursue as a profession, art, or occupation: as, to practise law.
  5. practise
    To exercise one's self in, with the object of acquiring skill or experience; study or learn by repeated performance: as, to practise a piece of music.
  6. practise
    To cause to practise; teach by practice or exercise; train; drill.
  7. practise
    To scheme; plot; contrive craftily or treacherously.
  8. practise
    To influence; entice; tamper with; bribe.
  9. practise
    To make; construct; build.
  10. practise
    To perform certain acts repeatedly or usually; exercise, train, or drill one's self: as, to practise upon the piano; to practise with the rifle.
  11. practise
    To form a habit of action; act or do habitually; hence, to behave; conduct one's self.
  12. practise
    To exercise a profession; follow a vocation.
  13. practise
    To experiment.
  14. practise
    To negotiate secretly; have a secret understanding.
  15. practise
    To use schemes or stratagems; conspire; plot.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
  1. (v.t) Practise
    prak′tis to put into practice or to do habitually: to perform: to exercise, as a profession: to use or exercise: to teach by practice: to commit
  2. (v.i) Practise
    to have or to form a habit: to exercise any employment or profession: to try artifices

Practise what you preach - If you practise what you preach, you do what you say other people should do.(In American English, the verb is 'practice')

Usage in the news

JOE BRYKSA / WINNIPEG FREE PRESS Locked-out Jets captain Andrew Ladd will be practising in an NHLPA jersey at the MTS Iceplex for the foreseeable future, having turned down a deal to play in Siberia.

Bomber quarterbacks Justin Goltz (left) and Joey Elliott practise today.

A group of first-time acquaintances got together over lunch last week just to practise our French.

Practise might be a bit of an overstatement.

Phoenix Coyotes captain Shane Doan, a former member of the original Winnipeg Jets, practises at the MTS Centre Wednesday.

Pine forests has been a nightmare — one that continues due to salvage logging practises.

Wiebe has practised law in Brandon and Winnipeg for the last decade.

Edmonton Eskimos middle linebacker J.C. Sherritt practises at Commonwealth Stadium on Thursday.

Kayakers practise in front of the Kitsilano Coast Guard station at the entrance to False Creek.

Los Angeles Kings forward Mike Richards of Kenora practises today at Iceplex.

CHINA PHOTOS/GETTY IMAGES Creating champions A young girl practises gymnastic movements watched by her team matesat Chengdu Children's Gymnastics School in Chengdu, China.

Simon Fraser University's men's soccer team practise las Sunday at Burnaby's Swanguard Stadium.

Andrew Ladd practises at the MTS Iceplex.

Vancouver Canucks player Jannik Hansen, along with other NHL players, practises at the MTS Iceplex Friday during the NHL lockout.

Vancouver College Fighting Irish quarterback Hunter Robinson practises Thursday as his team prepares for Saturday's Triple-A football final against the Mount Douglas Rams of Victoria.

Usage in scientific papers

In practise the analysis is often hampered by the presence of periodic interference sources which can often look very “pulsar-like”.
Binary and Millisecond Pulsars at the New Millennium

In practise however, the role of the users among the partners has been restricted to hosting open scientific workshops, and to scientific support for a single item in OPTICON’s activities, development of the science case for future Extremely Large Telescopes.
OPTICON: EC Optical Infrared Coordination Network for Astronomy

In practise, there is a considerable degree of overlap in membership of the working groups, so that informal communications are excellent.
OPTICON: EC Optical Infrared Coordination Network for Astronomy

In practise the point to point correlators were quite noisy.
Meson and Baryon Spectroscopy on a Lattice

In practise as recently emphasised by Lepage et al. , fitting masses from equation 23 is nontrivial.
Meson and Baryon Spectroscopy on a Lattice

Usage in literature

His practised and ever-watchful ear had detected the coming footsteps before his friend. "Traditions of Lancashire, Volume 2 (of 2)" by John Roby

He need not stop further study, but whatever else he learns let him at least practise this daily recital for one month. "Assimilative Memory" by Marcus Dwight Larrowe (AKA Prof. A. Loisette)

He was now beginning to practise, and men said that he was to rise in the world. "The Bertrams" by Anthony Trollope

Cannot you practise writing ciphers, and write as many as you want? "The Crown of Wild Olive" by John Ruskin

Though snuff-taking is prohibited in the convents, yet the nuns practise it to a great extent. "Travels in Peru, on the Coast, in the Sierra, Across the Cordilleras and the Andes, into the Primeval Forests" by J. J. von Tschudi

The latter is preached, but seldom practised. "An Explorer's Adventures in Tibet" by A. Henry Savage Landor

He served as a soldier in the Revolution and then practised law in Richmond. "Southern Literature From 1579-1895" by Louise Manly

Thus a man practising Dharma, Artha and Kama enjoys happiness both in this world and in the world to come. "The Kama Sutra of Vatsyayana" by Vatsyayana

I had by this time discovered that they were not practising for mere sport. "The Wild Huntress" by Mayne Reid

They are practised merely out of human respect; they do not come from the heart. "Public School Education" by Michael Müller

Usage in poetry
To practise there the soothing lay
That sorrow best relieves;
Thankful for all God takes away,
Humbled by all He glass.
Dipped in Stygian waves of pain,
We can never feel again;
Time may hurl his deadliest darts,
Love may practise all his arts;
Then let me make the Lord my trust,
And practise all that's good;
So shall I dwell among the just,
And he'll provide me food.
Thus shall they learn in God alone
Their hope securely stands;
That they may ne'er forget his works,
But practise his commands.
Depart from mischief, practise love,
Pursue the works of peace;
So shall the Lord your ways approve,
And set your souls at ease.
The tenor, oft, below my flat,
Shall practise "Violets" and such;
And in the area a cat
Shall beat the band, the cars, and Dutch.