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Fine Dictionary


  1. (v) vivisect
    cut (a body) open while still alive "people no longer vivisect animals--it's considered unethical"
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
  1. Vivisect
    To perform vivisection upon; to dissect alive.
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. vivisect
    To dissect the living body of; practise vivisection upon; anatomize, as a living animal.
  2. vivisect
    To practise vivisection; dissect a living animal.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
  1. (v.t) Vivisect
    to practise vivisection on

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary L. vivus, alive, sectiosecāre, to cut.

Usage in the news

Apple's brief experiment in employing one of the most brilliant hackers to ever vivisect its machines seems to be over.

Judge gives doctor a legal vivisection.

To vivisect it for redistribution is to kill it.

Usage in literature

Has he ever thought on the subject of vivisection? "The Patient Observer" by Simeon Strunsky

An earlier controversy, in which his name was involved, was that which raged round the practice of vivisection. "Victorian Worthies" by George Henry Blore

Rather like a biologist planning the details of an interesting vivisection. "Legacy" by James H Schmitz

Which gathers most knowledge from a vivisection, the attentive student or the writhing frog? "Half a Hero" by Anthony Hope

On behalf of Liberal Party, PREMIER proposed the vivisection of Ireland. "Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 146, March 18, 1914" by Various

The man who can vivisect an emotion, and lay bare a heart-beat in print, knows a subtle joy. "Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great Philosophers, Volume 8" by Elbert Hubbard

It would be a case of vivisection all round. "The Gentle Art of Making Enemies" by James McNeill Whistler

They do not know what their own opinions are, until the victim of vivisection tells them. "Eugenics and Other Evils" by G. K. Chesterton

I would go out of that door and in ten minutes I would have a subject ready for vivisection. "A Black Adonis" by Linn Boyd Porter

Consider a poor dog whom they are vivisecting in a laboratory. "The Will to Believe" by William James

Usage in poetry
And oft as it may be rejected,
The little victim, mad with thirst,
Is jerked back, well-nigh vivisected,
Till pain and hunger do their worst.
No more our foolish passions and affections
The tragic Muse with mimic grief shall try,
But, nobler far, a course of vivisections
Teach what it costs a tortured brute to die.
"'John, go and catch--or, if needs be,
Purchase that animal for me!
By vivisection, at expense
Of half-an-hour and eighteen pence,
How brain secretes dog's soul, we'll see!'"
I have known the mind bound like a dog, laid bare
To any stranger in cruel vivisection,
I have seen a man's eyes break in marvelous
Dread of his own dark act and its detection:
"One half cried, 'See! the choice is S. J. T.!'
And one half swore as stoutly it was t' other;
Both drew the knife to save the Nation's life
By wholesale vivisection of each other.