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Fine Dictionary


Klapmuts bowl with two deer in a landscape near a pine tree
Klapmuts bowl with two deer in a landscape near a pine tree
Klapmuts bowl of porcelain with a scalloped rim, painted in underglaze blue. At the bottom two deer in a river landscape near a fence and a pine tree; the wall with four scalloped cartouches with a flower branch or lucky object (scroll, gourd jar), between the cartouches a ruyi motif; the inner border with peonies; the outer rim with twice a flowering plant (prunus); the outer wall with four scalloped cartouches with a peach branch interspersed with rectangular compartments with a ruyi scepter. A chip in the rim. Crack porcelain in blue and white.
  1. (v) pine
    have a desire for something or someone who is not present "She ached for a cigarette","I am pining for my lover"
  2. (n) pine
    a coniferous tree
  3. (n) pine
    straight-grained durable and often resinous white to yellowish timber of any of numerous trees of the genus Pinus
Porcelain dish with accolade-shaped rim, painted in underglaze blue. In the flat two people, one with a parasol, near a pine tree. A few more plants for them. The rim with a relief decoration of four empty cartouches between clouds. Three proons on the bottom. Marked on the bottom with a square seal mark in a circle. Arita, blue and white.
Bowl with two people with a parasol by a pine tree
Italian landscape with pine trees. Hilly landscape with a river in the distance, in the foreground on the right some women are doing the laundry at a well.
Italian landscape with pine trees. Hilly landscape with a river in the distance, in the foreground on the right some women are doing the laundry at a well.
Cover depicting pine trees on islands in the Seto Inland Sea; cover and bract, bird's eye view of the Sanyo coast; title page, coastal road with red temple; 1-2, introduction; 1-2, the same introduction; 1-16, table of contents of the text; 1-2, table of contents of the illustrations; 1-564, text; inserted unnumbered black and white and color illustrations; second title page, coast with pine trees and Mount Fuji; 1-2, table of contents of the text; 1, table of contents of the illustrations; 1-72, text; inserted unnumbered black and white and color illustrations; colophon; 1-8, advertisements. In original case with images of sights in the Sanyo area: the Himeji castle, the Miyajima temple gate and the Kintai bridge.
Cover depicting pine trees on islands in the Seto Inland Sea; cover and bract, bird's eye view of the Sanyo coast; title page, coastal road with red temple; 1-2, introduction; 1-2, the same introduction; 1-16, table of contents of the text; 1-2, table of contents of the illustrations; 1-564, text; inserted unnumbered black and white and color illustrations; second title page, coast with pine trees and Mount Fuji; 1-2, table of contents of the text; 1, table of contents of the illustrations; 1-72, text; inserted unnumbered black and white and color illustrations; colophon; 1-8, advertisements. In original case with images of sights in the Sanyo area: the Himeji castle, the Miyajima temple gate and the Kintai bridge.
Two geishas dance on a stage with lanterns above their heads, with cherry blossoms and pine trees in the background. This is the right page of the pentagram. With two poems.
A woman walks with a basket in a hilly landscape. Behind her a row of pine trees. With one poem about the seven herbs of spring (haru no nanakusa). The herbs were used for the New Year's horror on the seventh day of the first month.
Woman at young pine trees
Porcelain dish, painted in underglaze blue. In the center a pine tree, peony, beautiful carnation and a large lotus flower. Behind the tree a pond with some lotus plants. The wall and rim with napkin work with a pearl interrupted by irregularly shaped cartouches with flowering plants and bamboo behind a fence near a rock. The outer wall with three flower sprays. A crack in the edge; edge has been broken and restored with six staples. Blue White.
Dish with a pine tree and flowering plants
Pear-shaped porcelain vase with thickening modeled in lotus leaves at the top of the neck, painted in underglaze blue and on the glaze green, red, yellow and black. The body with a continuous landscape with bamboo, prunus and pine trees, bird and clouds. On the neck cartouches of peach or peony flower against a napkin ground, above that again a landscape with rocks, bamboo, peony and birds closed by a band ruyi motif. The vase is made up of three horizontal parts that were later joined together. The visible lines are covered with green and black enamel in the form of a meander band. Blue-white with enamel colors.
Pear-shaped vase with bamboo, prunus, pine and birds in a landscape
Bowl with round porcelain wall, painted in underglaze blue and red. The saucer is covered with bleu poudré (powder blue) with a star-shaped reserve in the center containing two flower pots with pine, bamboo and prune branches; twice a bamboo branch on the underside. Marked on the bottom with Emperor Chenghua's six-character mark in a double circle. A chip in the edge; a crack in the rim. Underglaze blue with copper red.
Bowl with round porcelain wall, painted in underglaze blue and red. The saucer is covered with bleu poudré (powder blue) with a star-shaped reserve in the center containing two flower pots with pine, bamboo and prune branches; twice a bamboo branch on the underside. Marked on the bottom with Emperor Chenghua's six-character mark in a double circle. A chip in the edge; a crack in the rim. Underglaze blue with copper red.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
Interesting fact
Pine, spruce, or other evergreen wood should never be used in barbecues. These woods, when burning or smoking, can add harmful tar and resins to the food. Only hardwoods should be used for smoking and grilling, such as oak, pecan, hickory, maple, cherry, alder, apple, or mesquite, depending on the type of meat being cooked.
  1. Pine
    A pineapple.
  2. Pine
    (Bot) Any tree of the coniferous genus Pinus. See Pinus.
  3. Pine
    The wood of the pine tree.
  4. Pine
    To grieve or mourn for.
  5. Pine
    To inflict pain upon; to torment; to torture; to afflict. "That people that pyned him to death.", "One is pined in prison, another tortured on the rack."
  6. Pine
    To languish with desire; to waste away with longing for something; -- usually followed by for. "For whom, and not for Tybalt, Juliet pined ."
  7. Pine
    To languish; to lose flesh or wear away, under any distress or anexiety of mind; to droop; -- often used with away. "The roses wither and the lilies pine ."
  8. Pine
    To suffer; to be afflicted.
  9. Pine
    Woe; torment; pain. "Pyne of hell."
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
Interesting fact
Pinocchio is Italian for 'Pine Eye'.
  1. (n) pine
    Any tree of the genus Pinus. The pines are evergreens ranging in size from that of a low bush up to a height of 300 feet. Some of them are of the highest economic importance from the timber obtained from them, which, though not of the finest cabinet quality, is very extensively used in all kinds of construction. In this regard the most important species are —in Europe, the Scotch pine; in North America, the (Canadian) red pine, the common white pine, the long-leafed pine, the yellow pine of the east, and that of the west; in India, the Bhutan, chir, and Khasian pines; and in Japan, the matsu (Japanese pine). (See below.) The resinous products of some are of great value (see pitch, tar, turpentine, resin, abietene, australene; also Aleppo pine, cluster-pine, Corsican pine, long-leafed pine, Mugho pine, and stone-pine —all below, and chir); and some species are useful for their edible seeds (see nut-pine). See also fir-wool, and pine-needle wool (under pine-needle).
  2. (n) pine
    One of various other coniferous trees, as the Moreton Bay pine and the Oregon pine (see below); also, one of a few small plants suggesting the pine. See ground-pine.
  3. (n) pine
    The wood of any pine-tree.
  4. (n) pine
    The pineapple.
  5. (n) pine
    Same as Austrian pine.
  6. (n) pine
    Same as bull-pine .
  7. (n) pine
    Same as miro.
  8. (n) pine
    Same as digger-pine.
  9. (n) pine
    Same as yellow pine .
  10. (n) pine
    Same as yellow pine .
  11. (n) pine
    See white pine .
  12. (n) pine
    In England, the long-leafed pine, or its imported wood.
  13. (n) pine
    See celery-pine.
  14. (n) pine
    See Chimaphila.
  15. (n) pine
    See Dacrydium.
  16. (n) pine
    The Swiss stone-pine, or arolla, Pinus Cembra, a middle-sized tree with fragrant and resinous, very fine-grained soft wood, much used for carving and cabinet-work. The seeds are edible, and abound in oil. It yields a turpentine called Carpathian balsam.
  17. (n) pine
    The Siberian stone-pine, Pinus Cembra, var.
  18. (n) pine
    Pinus monticola, a large species of the western United States, not very common, but in Idaho an important timber-tree.
  19. (n) pine
    The cedar-pine.
  20. (n) pine
    The Rocky Mountain species Pinus reflexa, of Arizona, and P. flexilis, which serves for lumber in Nevada, where better is wanting.
  21. (n) pine
    Same as kahikatea.
  22. (n) pine
    The long-leafed pine.
  23. (n) pine
    An important species, Pinus ponderosa, found in the Black Hills, and from British Columbia, through the Pacific region, to Texas and Mexico: within its range the most valuable timber-tree after the Oregon pine. It sometimes approaches 300 feet in height, but is commonly much lower, especially in the Rocky Mountains. Its heavy, hard, and strong, but not durable, timber furnishes lumber, railway-ties, etc. Also called bull-pine, silver-pine.
  24. (n) pine
    Pinus Arizonica, a species of minor importance in the mountains of Arizona.
  25. (n) pine
    A commercial name of the common white pine. (See also ground-pine, heavy-pine, hoop-pine, huon-pine, kauri-pine, knee-pine, loblolly-pine, and slash-pine.)
  26. (n) pine
    Pain; torment; anguish; misery; suffering; wretchedness.
  27. pine
    To pain; afflict; torture; starve; wear out or consume, as with sickness, pain, or grief.
  28. pine
    To grieve for; bemoan; bewail.
  29. pine
    To be consumed with grief or longing; grow thin or waste away with pain, sorrow, or longing; languish: often with away: as, she pined away and died.
  30. pine
    To long; languish with longing desire: usually with for before the object of desire.
  31. pine
    To shrink or “render,” as fish in the process of curing. Synonyms To droop, flag, wither.
  32. (n) pine
    The black-headed gull, Chroïcocephalus ridibundus. Also pinemaw.
  33. (n) pine
    Same as foxtail-pine (which see, under pine).
  34. (n) pine
    See black pine .
  35. (n) pine
    Same as stone-pine in any of the senses.
  36. (n) pine
    Same as table-mountain pine (which see, under pine).
  37. (n) pine
    In New South Wales, a variety of Callitris robusta. See black pine .
  38. (n) pine
    A low tree, Pinus contorta, ranging along the Pacific coast from Alaska to northern California and to some extent inland. It has either a compact round head or an open picturesque one which has given rise to the name twisted pine. It seems to grade into the lodge-pole pine. The saccharine cambium is eaten by the Indians. Also coast scrub-pine.
  39. (n) pine
    Same as slash-pine. Also she pitch-pine.
  40. (n) pine
    Same as slash-pine.
  41. (n) pine
    The loblolly-pine.
  42. (n) pine
    In the Bahamas, a species of air-plant, Tillandsia Balbisiana. Compare wild pine , under wild.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
Interesting fact
Squirrels eat through 40,000 pine cones a year.
  1. (n) Pine
    pīn a northern cone-bearing, evergreen, resinous tree, furnishing valuable timber
  2. (v.i) Pine
    pīn to waste away under pain or mental distress: to languish with longing
  3. (v.t) Pine
    to grieve for: to bewail
  4. (n) Pine
    wasting pain: weary suffering
The lofty pine is oftenest shaken by the winds; High towers fall with a heavier crash; And the lightning strikes the highest mountain.
Fiona Macleod
A handful of pine-seed will cover mountains with the green majesty of forests. I too will set my face to the wind and throw my handful of seed on high.
Fiona Macleod
John Gay
But his kiss was so sweet, and so closely he pressed, that I languished and pined till I granted the rest.
John Gay
Agnes De Mille
Theater people are always pining and agonizing because they're afraid that they'll be forgotten. And in America they're quite right. They will be.
Agnes De Mille

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary AS. pīnan, to torment, fr. pīn, torment. See 1st Pine Pain (n.) & (v.)

Usage in the news

What will happen to the property where the old (Big Pine) care center was.

In 1983 and moved to Pine Island Cove in 2003.

John McNeely, of Sharon, and Judi Meyer, of Litchfield, take a walk through Cathedral Pines in Cornwall this afternoon to survey the damage wrought by Monday night's tornado.

The Schuylkill County Commissioners approved $23,361 more for engineering costs to renovate a covered bridge near Pine Grove on Wednesday.

Joel Peralta ejected from Rays-Nationals game because of pine tar in glove.

Modern cowgirl aims to shoot through Purgatory in the Pines.

PINE HILL — Police in Camden County successfully ended a standoff with an armed robbery suspect.

Five Pine Chocolate Porter (Three Creeks Brewing Co.).

Young Pine, Upper Young Lake, Yosemite National Park, California.

8 m ago In Brentwood accident on Sagtikos Pkwy SB south of Pine Aire Dr/S3.

Video still from Whispering Pines 8 by Shana Moulton.

The oldest private daycare center in upstate New York is celebrating its 61st year of service in the Pine Hills.

Toyland Day Nursery at 2 South Pine Ave has been owned and operated by Steven Rudnick since 1973.

Bend's Pine Tavern evacuated after gas leak.

Lee MacPhail, former American League president, 'Pine Tar' decider , dies at 95.

Usage in scientific papers

Pinelis, Convexity of sub-polygons of convex polygons.
Polygon Convexity: A Minimal O(n) Test

Rate of spread of surface fires in the ponderosa pine type of california.
A review of wildland fire spread modelling, 1990-present, 1: Physical and quasi-physical models

Rate of spread of surface fires in the ponderosa pine type of california.
A review of wildland fire spread modelling, 1990-present 2: Empirical and quasi-empirical models

More properly however, h ˆVscif .s./∆ should be interpreted as the parameter f 0 a of the Fermi-liquid theory (Pines & Nozi`eres 1966).
Many-Body Physics and Quantum Chaos

Pines, “Correlation Energy of a Free Electron Gas”, Phys.
Electrodynamics of correlated electron systems

Usage in literature

Sand dunes, pines, inlets; awfully wild. "Radio Boys Loyalty" by Wayne Whipple

The persistency with which it is repeated on the solitary pine-clad mountain sides constitutes its principal charm. "Birds of the Rockies" by Leander Sylvester Keyser

Draw a pine tree, a bunch of pine needles, a pine cone, and a pine seed. "Ontario Teachers' Manuals: Nature Study" by Ontario Ministry of Education

It was built of pine logs neatly matched and hewed on one side. "The Forester's Daughter" by Hamlin Garland

It was with satisfaction that she heard the pine-trees complaining. "The Huntress" by Hulbert Footner

In this way the yellow pine sometimes chokes out the cedar, and the fir gets the advantage of the sugar pine. "Conservation Reader" by Harold W. Fairbanks

Formerly there had been a grand growth of pine here; and there were still a few pine trees. "When Life Was Young" by C. A. Stephens

Every pine wood seemed to have its colony of them. "The Foot-path Way" by Bradford Torrey

He once spent a whole morning trying to run up a tall, straight, pine tree in whose branches was a snickering Pine Squirrel. "Wild Animals at Home" by Ernest Thompson Seton

In one part of his journey, the road extended almost wholly through pine-forests, and was very lonely. "Travels in North America, From Modern Writers" by William Bingley

Usage in poetry
And from that hour the ladye pined,
For love was in her heart,
And on her slumber there came dreams
She could not bid depart.
Heard accents of the eternal tongue
Through the pine branches play--
Listened and felt thyself grow young!
Listened, and wept--Away!
Then, that the gods might hear their voice
On purple days of spring,
They sought the tossing, pine-clad slope
And made a place to sing.
Ah! For the hearts that cherish her,
That sigh and pine with secret pain
For her cool lips and smiling eyes;
For Maye will never love again—
Sprung from great Nature's royal lines,
They share her deep repose,–
Their rugged shoulders robed in pines,
Their foreheads crowned with snows.
As sings the pine-tree in the wind,
So sings in the wind a sprig of the pine;
Her strength and soul has laughing France
Shed in each drop of wine.