expect, believe, or suppose "I imagine she earned a lot of money with her new novel","I thought to find her in a bad state","he didn't think to find her in the kitchen","I guess she is angry at me for standing her up" -
express one's opinion openly and without fear or hesitation "John spoke up at the meeting"
To have an opinion; to judge; to think; to suppose.
To think; suppose. -
To think; be of opinion that.
o-pīn′ to suppose
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary L. opinari, p. p. opinatus,; akin to opinus,in comp.) thinking, and perh. to E. apt,: cf. F. opiner,
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Fr.,—L. opināri, to think.
Reality TV staple and ( ahem ) silver fox Tim Gunn opines about art, Alexander mcQueen, and queer youth. austinchronicle.com
"Image is everything," he opined at the Central Park Conservancy's Halloween Ball at the park's Naumburg Bandshell last night. nymag.com
Even with pundits opining that McCain hurt himself with his "Man, am I old". motherjones.com
MMM > News > FTC did not abuse power in Watson brouhaha , judge opines. mmm-online.com
Readers opine on traffic circle makeovers, Obama's worth, filibusters and wildlife management. acotrib.com
Pundits opine about Utes' Bergstrom, Shelby. deseretnews.com
Pundits opine on BYU's NCAA tourney prospects. deseretnews.com
Readers opine about guns on campus, liberals at war and the NCAA victory of the Lady Aggies. acotrib.com
Pundits opine about BYU opponents. deseretnews.com
Experts Opine on Economic Development Through '13. observer.com
Reality TV staple and (ahem) silver fox Tim Gunn opines about art, Alexander mcQueen, and queer youth. austinchronicle.com
Styler opined, "There's more to this life than meets the eye". nypost.com
Obama won the election "by suppressing the vote," Rove opined Thursday on Fox News, with a straight face. motherjones.com
So trust me when I opine that Jim Henson's characters are all about education and almost zero about federal spending. albanyherald.com
Maybe MS should just ship the Sun VM and let it be someone else's problem, opines Security Supersite Editor Larry Seltzer. eweek.com
Remark 3.6 Since assertion (c) excludes—under (A1)-(A5)—partial but not total transitivity, one might opine that Theorem 1.3 would have been better formulated directly with the hypothesis of total transitivity.
Random walks in random environments without ellipticity
However, despite these developments, knowledgeable insiders generally opined that LISA enjoys sufficient support, both from Congress and within NASA, that further budget tightening for science would probably just lead to further delays, as opposed to LISA’s cancellation.
Matters of Gravity, the newsletter of the Topical Group in Gravitation of the American Physical Society
Lopez-Corredoira (2006) opines that, on the basis of existing data, either is possible; and Bellazzini et al. (2006) conclude that both are present − stars in the southern galactic warp on top of a dwarf galaxy.
Astrophysics in 2006
Since we began this discussion by opining that the Early Universe must have loved dwarfs (because she made so many of them), it seems appropriate to dive in here with a second cluster found (like Virgo) whose members are about 80% dwarfs (NGC 5846, Mahdavi et al. 2005).
Astrophysics in 2006
The pear shape was advertized around 1960 as a significant discovery from the space program, but Danson (2006) opines that this was known earlier.
Astrophysics in 2006
But I rather opine with Lord Bacon, who says that imagination is much akin to miracle-working faith. "The Antiquary, Volume 1" by
But I rather opine with Lord Bacon, who says that imagination is much akin to miracle-working faith. "The Antiquary, Complete" by
Mr. Camperdown opined that she must pay for the lost diamonds out of her jointure. "The Eustace Diamonds" by
The lodge-keeper opined the great wooden gates. "My Novel, Complete" by
Every one liked this, except Mrs. Cathcart, who opined, with her usual smile, that it was rather silly. "Adela Cathcart, Vol. 2" by
The reason is, I opine, that each doth wait for his neighbour to make a move. "Micah Clarke" by
Do you think of perching in Cumberland, as you opined when I was in the metropolis? "The Works of Lord Byron: Letters and Journals, Volume 2." by
In the meantime in the lounge the little doctor snapped the case of his watch and opined that he wanted his tea. "The Yellow Streak" by
Upon this the other opined that he had fallen among the rocks and twisted his neck. "Stolen Treasure" by
As to the matter of the priest's discourse, we opine that it is already known to you. "St George's Cross" by
And ev'ry Fed'ral min-i-on
Sprang hastily to my command,
And bowed to my opin-i-on.
Who wanted to be a head-waiter;
He said, "I opine
In that field I could shine,
Because I am such a good skater."
How, better than all books, she had raised for me
In swift perspective Europe's history
Through the vast years of Caesar's sceptred line.
I have told them before that my right is divine—
To reign as I list, and make war when I please,
Of men and of money my subjects to ease.
And jagged and swung and crossed;
To uppercut and smash and pound
No chances either lost;
Till folks opined, in some alarm,
That they might do each other harm.
An' we wus little chiner gawds; an' now we're sittin' 'ere,
Wiv the taste uv blood an' battle on the lips uv ev'ry man
An' ev'ry man jist 'opin' fer to end as we began.