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Fine Dictionary


A moving van drives out of the gate. Left a poster for the (interrupted) exhibition 'Bijbelsche Kunst'
A moving van drives out of the gate. Left a poster for the (interrupted) exhibition 'Bijbelsche Kunst'
  1. (n) interruption
    an act of delaying or interrupting the continuity "it was presented without commercial breaks","there was a gap in his account"
  2. (n) interruption
    some abrupt occurrence that interrupts an ongoing activity "the telephone is an annoying interruption","there was a break in the action when a player was hurt"
  3. (n) interruption
    a time interval during which there is a temporary cessation of something
Silver medal. Front: man lifts millstone with beam resting on trestle, inside circle; cut-off: inscription interrupted by coat of arms. Reverse: spade with laurel wreath inside circle
Silver medal. Front: man lifts millstone with beam resting on trestle, inside circle; cut-off: inscription interrupted by coat of arms. Reverse: spade with laurel wreath inside circle
Obverse: man's bust with lion skin inside circle in Gothic script, interrupted by coat of arms. Reverse: winged archangel Michael, with helmet with cross on head, is about to pierce human-headed monster with spear with his spear, lying on the ground
Obverse: man's bust with lion skin inside circle in Gothic script, interrupted by coat of arms. Reverse: winged archangel Michael, with helmet with cross on head, is about to pierce human-headed monster with spear with his spear, lying on the ground
Copper medal. Front: man lifts millstone with beam resting on trestle, inside circle; cut-off: inscription interrupted by coat of arms. Reverse: spade with laurel wreath inside circle
Copper medal. Front: man lifts millstone with beam resting on trestle, inside circle; cut-off: inscription interrupted by coat of arms. Reverse: spade with laurel wreath inside circle
Copper medal. Obverse: male bust between two years, inside circle, interrupted by different symbols. Reverse: woman's bust with beret; left: year; above her head two hands, holding the crown within the circle, interrupted by two crowned coats of arms
Copper medal. Obverse: male bust between two years, inside circle, interrupted by different symbols. Reverse: woman's bust with beret; left: year; above her head two hands, holding the crown within the circle, interrupted by two crowned coats of arms
Socrates and his friends are talking at a table. The conversation is interrupted by Alcibiades, standing on the left as a naked young man. The seated Agathon turns to Alcibiades. In the background a lute player, a woman with a hoop and a dancing figure. Scene from Plato's 'Symposium'. Assignment bottom center of a sheet.
Socrates and his friends are talking at a table. The conversation is interrupted by Alcibiades, standing on the left as a naked young man. The seated Agathon turns to Alcibiades. In the background a lute player, a woman with a hoop and a dancing figure. Scene from Plato's 'Symposium'. Assignment bottom center of a sheet.
Maria in a room, interrupted while reading by the angel Gabriel announcing that she will have a child. Above it God in the midst of angels and the dove, flying towards Mary.
Maria in a room, interrupted while reading by the angel Gabriel announcing that she will have a child. Above it God in the midst of angels and the dove, flying towards Mary.
Men's cardigan with shawl collar, fully embroidered with cattle-colored floral motifs interrupted by oblique and straight stripes. Model: cut short and straight. Two bags with a raised collar. Low neckline, with shawl collar. All edges are finished with silk tresband in purple and green / white stripe. Button closure with small embroidered buttons. Pattern: In fine stem stitch, diagonal stripes run from top left to bottom right, on both left and right front pieces. Narrow stripes show a white, broad stripes and a mustard-yellow background. Very full and closed decoration of octagonal flowers, fan-shaped wreaths. The octagon alternates with a palette on the following broad stripes. As a conclusion a palm edge. edges finished with silk tresband in purple with green / white stripe. Button closure with small embroidered buttons.
Men's cardigan with shawl collar, fully embroidered with cattle-colored floral motifs interrupted by oblique and straight stripes. Model: cut short and straight. Two bags with a raised collar. Low neckline, with shawl collar. All edges are finished with silk tresband in purple and green / white stripe. Button closure with small embroidered buttons. Pattern: In fine stem stitch, diagonal stripes run from top left to bottom right, on both left and right front pieces. Narrow stripes show a white, broad stripes and a mustard-yellow background. Very full and closed decoration of octagonal flowers, fan-shaped wreaths. The octagon alternates with a palette on the following broad stripes. As a conclusion a palm edge. edges finished with silk tresband in purple with green / white stripe. Button closure with small embroidered buttons.
Fragment green silk with gold pattern of hexagons formed by interrupted bandwork, within which palmettes.
Fragment green silk with gold pattern of hexagons formed by interrupted bandwork, within which palmettes.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
  1. Interruption
    Temporary cessation; intermission; suspension.
  2. Interruption
    The act of interrupting, or breaking in upon.
  3. Interruption
    The state of being interrupted; a breach or break, caused by the abrupt intervention of something foreign; intervention; interposition. "Lest the interruption of time cause you to lose the idea of one part."
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. (n) interruption
    The act of interrupting or breaking in upon anything.
  2. (n) interruption
    The state of being interrupted; the state of being impeded, checked, or stopped.
  3. (n) interruption
    Obstruction or hindrance caused by a breaking in upon any course, current, progress, or motion; stoppage: as, interruptions in the execution of a work.
  4. (n) interruption
    Cessation; intermission; interval.
  5. (n) interruption
    A prorogation of Parliament: used in the seventeenth century.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
  1. Interruption
    act of interrupting: hinderance: cessation
Those who say it can't be done are usually interrupted by others doing it.
Joel A. Barker
There cannot be greater rudeness than to interrupt another in the current of his discourse.
John Locke
You know how you hate to be interrupted, so why are you always doing it to me.
Source Unknown
George Ade
In the city a funeral is just an interruption of traffic; in the country it is a form of popular entertainment.
George Ade
Lewis Mumford
Today, the degradation of the inner life is symbolized by the fact that the only place sacred from interruption is the private toilet.
Lewis Mumford
W. Edwards Deming
The average American worker has fifty interruptions a day, of which seventy percent have nothing to do with work.
W. Edwards Deming

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary L. interruptio,: cf. F. interruption,

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary L. interrumpĕreinter, between, rumpĕre, ruptum, to break.

Usage in the news

This after he's accused of interrupting a funeral service to demand payment from a family.

Gas service interruption due to water line leak.

Gas service for approximately 250 residents has been interrupted after damage to a natural gas line on Sunday, July 29.

Calmly watching the NFL slate on CBS, I was interrupted by a CBS news break of an Iraqi man throwing his shoes at President Bush.

When speaking with photographer Catherine Opie about her upcoming Guggenheim show, we were interrupted.

Just like any other five-year-old, he loves the Vikings, enjoys fishing, and interrupts his mother with questions and requests for pop.

A supply-chain interruption involving Japanese engine parts supplier IHI will force Embraer to delay delivery of at least six E190s to Indianapolis-based Republic Airways.

Stink bombs thrown by Nazi sympathizers interrupted at least two performances that involved Jewish artists.

Reporter from conservative website interrupts Obama during his remarks on immigration.

"I'M used to being interrupted," President Obama said Tuesday night in his second debate with Mitt Romney, an event in which each man repeatedly cut in while the other was speaking.

Obama wins title of debate Interrupter -in-Chief.

'^" Jackson worked as one of the city's six "street intervention workers, " or " interrupters " who mediated conflicts between gang members and recent shooting victims.

Che, a gorgeous young revolutionary with a cell phone, is always being interrupted by calls from his mother.

A Wells Street resident called police at 8:26 pm Oct 15, reporting he had interrupted a man who was attempting to open a screen door to his home.

Undertaker interrupts Triple H's job evaluation of John Laurinaitis.

Usage in scientific papers

In heavy ion collisions, the vacuum virtuality evolution is interrupted at some scale by scattering with the medium partons which increase the virtuality with respect to the vacuum evolution.
sPHENIX: An Upgrade Concept from the PHENIX Collaboration

It lacks entropy sources other than network interrupts.
The Arduino as a Hardware Random-Number Generator

Hence, an interrupt would be admissible after the category check.
Anytime Algorithms for Speech Parsing?

The interface between both types of constraints is a crucial place for the introduction of control in the parsing process in general Since we use a constraint-based grammar formalism, whose central operation is the uni(cid:12)cation of feature structures, it does not make sense to admit interrupts at any time.
Anytime Algorithms for Speech Parsing?

Certainly one might ask whether a smaller grain size makes sense, i.e. the construction of a feature structure should itself be interruptible.
Anytime Algorithms for Speech Parsing?

Usage in literature

Of necessity her new interests would be interrupted. "Unleavened Bread" by Robert Grant

WOODCUTTER (interrupting it and going up to her with a smile). "Second Plays" by A. A. Milne

These two interruptions did me good, though I am still a poor wretch. "The Journal of Sir Walter Scott" by Walter Scott

He quickly entered the centre hall from a rear door, and mounted, as he hoped, without interruption to his room. "The Three Black Pennys" by Joseph Hergesheimer

The stranger interrupted this painful silence. "Traditions of Lancashire, Volume 1 (of 2)" by John Roby

Each position goes over into the next without any interruption. "The Photoplay" by Hugo Münsterberg

We have interrupted the revel too long. "The Lancashire Witches" by William Harrison Ainsworth

He did not interrupt the narrative, or speak at its conclusion. "Verner's Pride" by Mrs. Henry Wood

While engaged in this holy duty, Hannah was interrupted by the re-entrance of Herman. "Ishmael" by Mrs. E. D. E. N. Southworth

Our talk was happily interrupted by the appearance of Mrs. Barton and the tea-tray, which at once turned Lady Betty's thoughts into a new channel. "Uncle Max" by Rosa Nouchette Carey

Usage in poetry
Imperious Prima flashes forth
Her edict ``to begin it'':
In gentler tones Secunda hopes
``There will be nonsense in it!''
While Tertia interrupts the tale
Not more than once a minute.
When Rome's troops Syracusa fill'd,
Each palace, and each cot,
Who skilled in scientific lore,
Left not the precincts of his door,
Till interrupted he was kill'd
By one who knew him not ?
Draw off my rings, and let my hands rest so ... the wretched cough
Will interrupt my feeble speech and will not be put off....
Ah, anyhow my anodyne is this--to know that you
Are near me, love me!--Kiss me now, as you were wont to do.
I use my head-piece here a bit to wriggle from the fix;
For the widow is a winner 'less I fluke a win by tricks.
An' I lets a reel mean notion (that I don't seek to excuse),
when I interrupts her rudely with, "But have you heard the news?"
And Mother tells the servants that of course they must contrive
To manage all the househod things from four till half-past five,
For we really cannot suffer interruption from the cook,
When we cuddle close together with the happy Fairy-book.
"Why, Mister Jim," she says to me. "You're very bold," says she.
"Yes, miss," I says. Then she looks up—an' that's the end of me….
"O man !" she cries. "O modest man, if you go on like this—"
But I interrupt a lady, an' I do it with a kiss.