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Fine Dictionary


The cord hangs through the leaf-shaped ears. Sheet belongs to 11 partially numbered sheets from a series of 18 entitled 'Pourtraicture ingenieuse de plusieurs façons de masques ...'. This is the second edition of a series described under Orn Cat I-78.1 to 11.
The cord hangs through the leaf-shaped ears. Sheet belongs to 11 partially numbered sheets from a series of 18 entitled 'Pourtraicture ingenieuse de plusieurs façons de masques ...'. This is the second edition of a series described under Orn Cat I-78.1 to 11.
  1. (v) cord
    bind or tie with a cord
  2. (v) cord
    stack in cords "cord firewood"
  3. (n) cord
    a line made of twisted fibers or threads "the bundle was tied with a cord"
  4. (n) cord
    a cut pile fabric with vertical ribs; usually made of cotton
  5. (n) cord
    a light insulated conductor for household use
  6. (n) cord
    a unit of amount of wood cut for burning; 128 cubic feet
Photo album with cover of dark brown and black paper with a cord with wooden knob. The album contains a total of 24 sheets of which 8 sheets with photos, with a total of 58 photos and a separate drawing. The photos show the life of the Jetten family and the life and work in the mining town of Moengo in Suriname around 1927.
Photo album with cover of dark brown and black paper with a cord with wooden knob. The album contains a total of 24 sheets of which 8 sheets with photos, with a total of 58 photos and a separate drawing. The photos show the life of the Jetten family and the life and work in the mining town of Moengo in Suriname around 1927.
A nun stuck out her tongue. Around the neck she wears a cord with a sign on which the text "La Reverende Mere". The print is part of a series of caricatures of the French clergy under Louis XIV.
A nun stuck out her tongue. Around the neck she wears a cord with a sign on which the text "La Reverende Mere". The print is part of a series of caricatures of the French clergy under Louis XIV.
Wine red file folder with dust flaps made of linen and paper. The usual closing cords are missing. The album contains 40 loose cardboard sheets on which 41 photos are pasted. They are mainly shots of harbors, ships, streets, buildings, landscapes and portraits, taken on the route to and in the Dutch East Indies: in Marseille, Port Said, Aden, Bombay, Colombo, Singapore, Semarang, Soerabaja, Borobudur, Batavia and Tandjong Priok. Most of the photos have handwritten inscriptions on the front and back. Some of the photos were in the possession of the Dutch journalist Marie van Maanen, who lives and works in Rome, as evidenced by the inscription: Collezione Maria van Maanen Via Boncompagni 93 Roma.
Wine red file folder with dust flaps made of linen and paper. The usual closing cords are missing. The album contains 40 loose cardboard sheets on which 41 photos are pasted. They are mainly shots of harbors, ships, streets, buildings, landscapes and portraits, taken on the route to and in the Dutch East Indies: in Marseille, Port Said, Aden, Bombay, Colombo, Singapore, Semarang, Soerabaja, Borobudur, Batavia and Tandjong Priok. Most of the photos have handwritten inscriptions on the front and back. Some of the photos were in the possession of the Dutch journalist Marie van Maanen, who lives and works in Rome, as evidenced by the inscription: Collezione Maria van Maanen Via Boncompagni 93 Roma.
Two men measure the length of a whale lying on the beach with a cord. A procession of people comes up in the background. Under the representation four lines of Latin.
Two men measure the length of a whale lying on the beach with a cord. A procession of people comes up in the background. Under the representation four lines of Latin.
Portrait of the pastor Paulus Cordes, in his study. He points to an open Bible, with text in Hebrew. Top left a motto in Latin. In the margin the name, position and dates of birth and death of the person portrayed. Below this a four-line eulogy in Latin and an eight-line eulogy, in two columns, in Latin.
Portrait of the pastor Paulus Cordes, in his study. He points to an open Bible, with text in Hebrew. Top left a motto in Latin. In the margin the name, position and dates of birth and death of the person portrayed. Below this a four-line eulogy in Latin and an eight-line eulogy, in two columns, in Latin.
Portrait of Philip Willem (Prince of Orange). He wears a cord with the decorations of the Order of the Golden Fleece around his neck. The portrait is framed by an oval border decoration with putti, fasces and hunting booty. Below the portrait are name and title. In the corners a laurel wreath.
Portrait of Philip Willem (Prince of Orange). He wears a cord with the decorations of the Order of the Golden Fleece around his neck. The portrait is framed by an oval border decoration with putti, fasces and hunting booty. Below the portrait are name and title. In the corners a laurel wreath.
Rounded rectangular tsuba with slightly raised rim; on the front in inlay with different colored metals (iroe takazogan) a shimenawa (sacred cord), on which are hung two lucky notes, a yuzuri leaf and two fern leaves; signed "kansai katsumi" (?).
Sword guard with sacred cord
Cast gold oval medal with cord edge; front: skeleton facing observer holding scythe in left hand and burning torch in right hand, and with both hands also a cloth with engraved text; reverse: coat of arms with stone well inside triangle and left and right branches with leaves; coat of arms is crowned with helmet above which winged animal protrudes with branch in legs, and is surrounded by interlaced decorations.
Cast gold oval medal with cord edge; front: skeleton facing observer holding scythe in left hand and burning torch in right hand, and with both hands also a cloth with engraved text; reverse: coat of arms with stone well inside triangle and left and right branches with leaves; coat of arms is crowned with helmet above which winged animal protrudes with branch in legs, and is surrounded by interlaced decorations.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
Interesting fact
7.5 million toothpicks can be created from a cord of wood.
  1. Cord
    A solid measure, equivalent to 128 cubic feet; a pile of wood, or other coarse material, eight feet long, four feet high, and four feet broad; -- originally measured with a cord or line.
  2. Cord
    A string, or small rope, composed of several strands twisted together.
  3. Cord
    (Mus) See Chord.
  4. Cord
    To arrange (wood, etc.) in a pile for measurement by the cord.
  5. Cord
    To bind with a cord; to fasten with cords; to connect with cords; to ornament or finish with a cord or cords, as a garment.
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
Interesting fact
"Toboggan" is derived from the Algonquin language and loosely meant "instrument with which to drag a cord."
  1. (n) cord
    A string or small rope composed of several strands of thread or vegetable fiber, twisted or woven together.
  2. (n) cord
    Something resembling a cord in form or function. Specifically— A string of a stringed musical instrument.
  3. (n) cord
    A quantity of firewood or other material, originally measured with a cord or line; a pile containing 128 cubic feet, or a pile 8 feet long, 4 feet high, and 4 feet broad. There have been some local variations in England: thus, in Sussex it was 3 by 3 by 14 feet, coming substantially to the same solid contents; in Derbyshire there were cords of 128, 155, and 162½ cubic feet. Similar measures are in use in other countries. In France, before the adoption of the metric system, it was likewise called a corde; there were three kinds, containing respectively 64, 56, and 112 French cubic feet. In Germany the similar measure is called a klafter; in Gotha and Brunswick it is 6 by 6 by 3 local feet.
  4. (n) cord
    A measure of length in several countries. In Spain the cuerda is 8¼ varas, or equal to 23⅝ English feet. At Botzen, Tyrol, the corda is 8 feet 10 inches English measure.
  5. (n) cord
    A measure of land. In Brittany it was 73.6 English square yards.
  6. (n) cord
    Figuratively, any influence which binds, restrains, draws, etc.: a frequent use of the term in Scripture: as, the cords of the wicked (Ps. cxxix. 4); the cords of his sins (Prov. v. 22); cords of vanity (Isa. v. 18); the cords of a man —that is, the bands or influence of love (Hos. xi. 4).
  7. (n) cord
    A strong ribbed fustian; corduroy.
  8. (n) cord
    In fancy weaving, the interval between two vertical lines of the design.
  9. cord
    To bind with cord or rope; fasten with cords: as, to cord a trunk.
  10. cord
    To pile up, as wood or other material, for measurement and sale by the cord.
  11. cord
    In bookbinding, to tie (a book) firmly between two boards until it is dry, so as to insure perfect smoothness in the cover.
  12. cord
    To accord; harmonize; agree.
  13. (n) cord
    An imperfection on the surface of glass. See cordy.
  14. cord
    To become hard and cord-like: noting a condition occasionally encountered in the blood-vessels.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
Interesting fact
"Corduroy" comes from the French, "cord du roi" or "cloth of the king."
  1. (n) Cord
    kord a small rope or thick kind of string: something resembling a cord, as 'spinal cord,' 'umbilical cord,' &c.:
  2. (v.t) Cord
    to supply with a cord: to bind with a cord
  3. (n) Cord
    kord (fig.) anything that binds or restrains: a measure of firewood, originally determined by the use of a cord or string
A phoneless cord is a great device for people who love peace and quiet.
Source Unknown
No cord nor cable can so forcibly draw, or hold so fast, as love can do with a twined thread.
Robert Burton
A threefold cord is not quickly broken.

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary F. corde, L. chorda, catgut, chord, cord, fr. Gr. chordh`; cf. chola`des intestines, L. harus,pex soothsayer (inspector of entrails), Icel. görn, pl. garnir, gut, and E. yarn,. Cf. Chord Yarn

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Fr. corde—L. chorda. See Chord.

Usage in the news

Once in the hallway, Smith, 35, allegedly struck the children with an extension cord until she was too tired to continue.

A woman was arrested on four counts of child endangering after allegedly using an extension cord to beat her children at a home on St Clair Avenue in East Columbus.

Overloaded extension cord sparks house fire in Ewing.

EWING — An overloaded extension cord sparked a house fire in the first block of Braeburn Drive after noon today, according to fire officials.

Before the supervisors approve this cable, the SFPUC needs to look at all the energy options, prepare a long-term plan, and evaluate whether this giant extension cord fits into it.

Exposed live wires in frayed cord and a puddle equal tragedy.

According to Fox 59 News A Indiana mother is accused of beating her 15- year-old son with an extension cord because he was wearing his pants sagging at school.

Vermont's own Grace Potter wasn't home much this year, but she did make it back when Tropical Storm Irene hit, using her vocal cords to help flood victims as best as she could.

The jury is still out on whether these systems, which use stretch cords for resistance, build strength to the same degree as free weights or weight machines.

INTRODUCTION The neural tube is a structure that develops into the brain and spinal cord during embryonic development.

Americans are not consuming enough folic acid, a B vitamin that may prevent serious birth defects of the spinal cord and brain (i.e.

The Food and Drug Administration says it has approved Allergan's Botox injection for a new use in patients who have bladder problems caused by spinal cord injury or multiple sclerosis.

Laid-back new childrearing approach urges cutting the cord.

John Mayer Cancels Tour Due to Vocal Cord Granuloma .

Short electrical appliance cords reason for gripe .

Usage in scientific papers

Ferrari, Four dimensional non-critical strings, Les Houches summer school 2001, Session LXXVI, l’Unit´e de la Physique fondamentale: Gravit´e, Th´eorie de Jauge et Cordes, A.
On exact superpotentials in confining vacua

The downward going neutrinos do not cross any significant earth cord before reaching the detector.
Some aspects of neutrino astrophysics

Therefore, the spectral features of these two ob jects differ significantly, since if we take into account the difference in distances to these ob jects, ∼ 300 pc to the Vela pulsar, and 1.8 kpc to PSR 1706-44 (Taylor & Cordes 1993), PSR 1706-44 has much weaker X-ray emission and much stronger TeV γ -ray emission.
Gamma-rays from the pulsar wind nebulae

The distance to this ob ject is put in the range 4.2 kpc (kinematics of H I, Caswell et al. 1975) up to 5.9 kpc (dispersion measure, Taylor & Cordes 1993).
Gamma-rays from the pulsar wind nebulae

Very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) observations of pulsar image sizes measure angular broadening as a function of frequency (Lee & Jokipii 1975a; Cordes, Pidwerbetsky & Lovelace 1986) and determine SM (Spangler et al. 1986).
Interstellar Turbulence II: Implications and Effects

Usage in literature

It was fixed on taut cords which were fastened to stakes driven into the earth. "The Brass Bell" by Eugène Sue

When I recovered my senses I was being dragged over the ground by means of a cord around my chest and under my arms. "A Virginia Scout" by Hugh Pendexter

When the sewing is completed, the cords are cut off close to the lay cords, and then the keys will be loose enough to be easily removed. "Bookbinding, and the Care of Books" by Douglas Cockerell

Animated by it he sat up and made an effort to loosen the cord that still bound his ankles. "The Copper Princess" by Kirk Munroe

A cord of yak-hair, about forty or fifty yards long, was now produced. "An Explorer's Adventures in Tibet" by A. Henry Savage Landor

He had several strings (or cords) to his bow, and he ultimately found himself at Kensal Green Cemetery. "The Big Bow Mystery" by I. Zangwill

The spiral stems a sort of laid cord. "Art in Needlework" by Lewis F. Day

The cord entered the wax candle about two inches lower than the flame. "Hushed Up" by William Le Queux

In the cord the fibres rearrange themselves and pass to the brain by a double path. "Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities--Head--Neck. Sixth Edition." by Alexander Miles

Pull the cord through the middle hole until it draws with it four thicknesses of cord. "Construction Work for Rural and Elementary Schools" by Virginia McGaw

Usage in poetry
'Tis not the rippling of the wave,
Nor sighing of the cords;
No winds or waters ever gave
A murmur so like words;
We look in vain for a substitute
To take the place of success;
A proxy saps its vital cords,
It dies of paralysis.
Angel of this sacred place,
Calm her soul and whisper peace,
Cord, or axe, or guillotin'
Make the sentence - not the sin.
Bright are the floating clouds above,
The glittering seas below;
But we are bound by cords of love
To kindred weal and wo.
He for thy follies may thee bind
With cords of great distress;
To make thee moan thy sins, and mind
Thy Husband's holiness.
And sin-wrecked men, with eager hands,
Did grasp each golden cord;
And with my heart I drew them on
To see my gracious Lord.