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Fine Dictionary


  1. (n) filth
    an offensive or indecent word or phrase
  2. (n) filth
    a state characterized by foul or disgusting dirt and refuse
  3. (n) filth
    the state of being covered with unclean things
  4. (n) filth
    any substance considered disgustingly foul or unpleasant
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
  1. Filth
    Anything that sullies or defiles the moral character; corruption; pollution. "To purify the soul from the dross and filth of sensual delights."
  2. Filth
    Foul matter; anything that soils or defiles; dirt; nastiness.
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. (n) filth
    Anything that soils or defiles; foul, offensive matter; also, the state of being defiled; a foul condition; squalor; nastiness.
  2. (n) filth
    Anything that sullies or befouls the moral character; pollution; defilement.
  3. (n) filth
    Figuratively, a low or foul fellow; a wretch.
  4. (n) filth
    Synonyms Impurity, grossness, obscenity.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
  1. (n) Filth
    filth foul matter: anything that defiles, physically or morally

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary OE. filthe, fulðe, AS. fȳlð, fr. fūl, foul; akin to OHG. fūlida,. See Foul, and cf. File

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary A.S. fýldhfúl, foul.

Usage in the news

Actor Angus T Jones, who stars as Jake on CBS' "Two and a Half Men" has apologized for calling the US sitcom filth and asking people to stop watching it.

Jones apologizes after calling Two and a Half Men ' filth '.

'Two and a Half Men' star Angus T Jones apologizes to colleagues after calling show ' filth '.

Jones calls Two and a Half Men FILTH .

'Two And A Half Men' Star Angus T Jones Calls Show ' Filth '.

'Two and a Half Men' actor apologizes after criticizing the show as ' filth '.

'Two and a Half Men' star apologizes for calling show filth (video).

Teenage actor Angus T Jones of the comedy "Two and a Half Men" is apologizing for a series of interviews attacking his own show, at one point calling it " filth ," The Associated Press reported today.

Two and a Half Men's' Angus T Jones apologizes for calling show ' filth .

'Two and a Half Men' Actor Calls His Show ' Filth '.

The teenage actor who plays the half in the hit CBS comedy "Two and a Half Men" says it's " filth " and through a video posted by a Christian organization has urged viewers not to watch it.

Two and a Half Men' actor apologizes after criticizing the show as ' filth .

'Two And A Half Men' Star Says Show Is ' filth ' In Bizarre Vid.

The teenage actor who plays the "half" in the hit CBS comedy "Two and a Half Men" says the show is " filth " and, through a video posted by a Christian church, has urged viewers not to watch it.

A day after a video posted online showed him describing "Two and a Half Men" as " filth " and advising viewers to stop watching the sitcom, actor Angus T Jones apologized to the show's cast and crew Tuesday.

Usage in literature

Filth and desolation have taken the place of cleanliness and busy life. "What I Saw in California" by Edwin Bryant

The pale monk, in all his filth and poverty, is the master of the best hearts in the capital. "A Short History of Monks and Monasteries" by Alfred Wesley Wishart

What in the name of heaven made you put your hand to such filth! "Don Orsino" by F. Marion Crawford

We flopped in the ancient filth. "A Yankee in the Trenches" by R. Derby Holmes

They feast upon carrion and every form of filth. "In the Footprints of the Padres" by Charles Warren Stoddard

Oh, the filth, the unspeakable filth of these people! "Across China on Foot" by Edwin Dingle

Look at all the filth ye leave scattered about. "Two Little Savages" by Ernest Thompson Seton

Woman, to the patient, is impurity, filth, the very incarnation of degradation and vice. "Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 6 (of 6)" by Havelock Ellis

He gives us every detail of the filth, the dullness, and the agony of the trenches. "The Art of Letters" by Robert Lynd

What a deplorable mixture of ancient magnificence and modern filth! "Marie Bashkirtseff (From Childhood to Girlhood)" by Marie Bashkirtseff

Usage in poetry
They tell of filth, and blood, and woe;
Of things beyond belief;
Of things that make me tremble so
With mingled fright and grief.
From the filth of vice and folly,
From infuriate passion's rage,
Evil thoughts and hopes unholy,
Heedless youth and selfish age;
'Tis good news of a fountain ope
For sin and filth; a door of hope
For those that lie in blood and gore
And of a slave for ev'ry sore.
In David's well, or the Lamb's gore,
In tears of real penitence,
Cleanse all thy filth, and wash thee o'er,
In peace, true faith, and innocence.
The surly fates around him gathering,
'Twas something worse than tar-and-feathering.
While he was sinking lower and lower,
In filth was rolling o'er and o'er.
Christ wash'd our sins and filth away,
Christ will to bliss our souls convey,
Christ bought those souls, when lost and gone,
And what he bought, shall be our own.