an official who evaluates property for the purpose of taxing it
One appointed or elected to assist a judge or magistrate with his special knowledge of the subject to be decided; as legal assessors, nautical assessors. -
One appointed to assess persons or property for the purpose of taxation.
One who sits by another; hence, one who shares another's position, rank, or dignity; an associate in office. -
An inferior officer of justice, who sits to assist a judge as a law authority; in Scotland, the legal adviser of a magistrate, with judicial powers. -
In England, a person chosen to assist the mayor and aldermen of a borough in matters concerning elections. -
In some universities, as the Scotch, the title of the elected members of the university court or supreme governing body of the university. -
One appointed to make assessments, especially for purposes of taxation.
a legal adviser who sits beside a magistrate: one who assesses taxes: one who shares another's dignity
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary L., one who sits beside, the assistant of a judge, fr. assidre,. See Assession. LL., one who arranges of determines the taxes, fr. assidre,. See Assess (v.), and cf. Cessor
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Fr.—L. assessāre, freq. of assidēre, assessum, to sit by, esp. of judges in a court, from ad, to, at, sedēre, to sit.
The arrest of Los Angeles County Assessor John Noguez and two others is part of a yearlong inquiry into allegations of illegally reduced assessments, the Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles Daily News and Wall Street Journal report.
Prosecutors on Wednesday alleged that the payments to Noguez — and an additional $100,000 given to a lower-level assessor 's official — were bribes to illegally reduce the values of properties so that Salari's clients would pay less in taxes.
Corruption probe inside assessor 's office.
Assessor Is Accused of Taking Bribes.
Assessor pleads not guilty to bribery, seeks to have bail reduced.
Los Angeles County Assessor John Noguez has pleaded not guilty to bribery charges.
Despite putting up a fight over bail, Los Angeles County Assessor John Noguez and Ramin Salari, one of those arrested with Noguez on Wednesday, will remain in jail on bail of $1.3 million each.
Proctor added that Mr Noguez has a history of professionalism and cares deeply about the job and the people at the assessor 's office.
Assessor 's office employees complained they were pressured to lower property taxes for clients of prominent Noguez campaign contributors, authorities said.
An election contribution-tax reduction tradeoff scheme may have been going on for more than a decade at the assessor 's office, the Los Angeles Times has reported.
Cook County Assessor 's photo, 2007.
( Cook County Assessor 's photo, 2007 / October 17, 2012 ).
The assessor 's staff dropped from 39 to 37, but the deeds staff decreased from 11 to five.
2012 election, County assessor .
Shelby County trustee and assessor discuss upcoming property reassessment on WKNO.
Therefore, to determine the right practices for an organization to adopt, the assessor chooses a set of practices based on the objectives of the organization. The assessor then determines whether or not the organization possesses the characteristics needed for each of the chosen practices.
Determining the Applicability of Agile Practices to Mission and Life-critical Systems
Scoring rules and the evaluation of probability assessors.
On a Reliable Peer-Review Process
To the each assessor the author assigned a personal level of competence based on user’s sub jective estimation of professionalism in the sub ject.
A Search Relevancy Tuning Method Using Expert Results Content Evaluation
Each of the assessor was included in ”training experts” user group and given read access to all the documents in system.
A Search Relevancy Tuning Method Using Expert Results Content Evaluation
To define relevance for the assessors, the assessors are told to assume that they are writing a report on the sub ject of the query.
A Search Relevancy Tuning Method Using Expert Results Content Evaluation
Johnny will be tax-assessor yet, I'll bet you, and you just watch that Eller. "Letters on an Elk Hunt" by
He was succeeded by Simplicius of Emona, who had been a schoolmaster, but was now the assessor of Maximin. "The Roman History of Ammianus Marcellinus" by
Tax Assessor, Oahu, Jonathan Shaw. "The Hawaiian Islands" by
The villagers then appointed assessors from among themselves, and decided how much each household should pay. "The Soul of a People" by
Archbishop Warham sate with him as assessor. "The Divorce of Catherine of Aragon" by
The valuation is made by three assessors, of whom the master nominates one and the magistrate the other two. "To Cuba and Back" by
Every wrinkle in the assessor's forehead told of arrogance and absolutism. "The Progressionists, and Angela." by
The assessors vote equally with the judges, and three votes decide the verdict. "Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Slice 3" by
If he has an acre of land the assessor can find it. "The Future of Road-making in America" by
In the case of admiralty appeals from colonial or consular courts, naval assessors may be called in. "Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 2, Slice 3" by