a tall chest of drawers divided into two sections and supported on four legs
A kind of tall chest of drawers, with drawers up to near or above eye level and fouyr legs at the base; it is often divided into lower and upper sections, with the lower section somewhat wider than the upper; also called a tallboy. Compare lowboy. "Mahogany highboys glittering with brass handles." -
One who lives high; also, in politics, a highflyer.
An extreme Tory and High-churchman, supposed to favor Jacobitism. -
A tall chest of drawers supported on legs from 18 inches to 2 feet high. Those on shorter legs are called low-boys.
Philadelphia Highboy , ca 1765 PBS. iptv.org
It takes a little madness to build a '29 Ford highboy phaeton from a sedan. streetrodderweb.com
One man's hot-rod ideal Finding a 1932 Ford highboy roadster in Texas turns into a dream for Terry Scroggin. kansas.com
Leigh and Leslie Keno examine a highboy to determine what kind of wood it is constructed of during Roadshow's visit to Orlando , Florida on June 30, 2007. pbs.org
Zack Norman's '32 Highboy Roadster Is All Platinum Bomb. streetrodderweb.com
Kent leaned against a tall highboy and laughed weakly, immoderately. "The Red Seal" by
It was in the Queen Anne period that highboys and lowboys made their first appearance. "Furnishing the Home of Good Taste" by
And there in the wide hall, dusting an old highboy, was the girl with the dark hair. "Red-Robin" by
You like the highboy, don't you? "Patchwork" by
There were three stiff chairs, a table, a dresser, and a highboy. "The Cat in Grandfather's House" by
Polly took an armload of things away from her and put them back in the highboy. "The Cup of Fury" by
You know you got those candlesticks thrown in when you bought that highboy and the gate-leg table. "The Merriweather Girls and the Mystery of the Queen's Fan" by
She ran after him and found him standing before a highboy in his dressing room. "The Indian Drum" by
Opposite the highboy is an old-fashioned kitchen dresser, part of which was found in the house, and the rest designed to match. "Historic Homes" by
These came to be designated as "lowboys" in distinction from the chests mounted upon high legs, which were known as "highboys. "Colonial Homes and Their Furnishings" by
Old Highboys used to beat them all!
See what Society has done—
He's holding her cashmere shawl!
"O yes: how do? good brandy here!"
The wretch's mother, in her youth,
Was famous for her beer!