talk or behave amorously, without serious intentions "The guys always try to chat up the new secretaries","My husband never flirts with other women"
To attempt to attract the notice, admiration, or love of; to treat with a show of tenderness or regard, with a view to deceive and disappoint. "You are coquetting a maid of honor." -
To trifle in love; to stimulate affection or interest; to play the coquette; to deal playfully instead of seriously; to play (with); as, we have coquetted with political crime.
See cocket and coquette. -
To attempt, out of vanity, to attract the notice, admiration, or love of; entertain with compliments and amorous flattery; treat with an appearance of amorous tenderness. -
To trifle in love; act the lover from vanity; endeavor to gain admirers. -
Hence To trifle, in general; act without seriousness or decision.
ko-ket′ to excite admiration or love -
to trifle with in love: to flirt with: to dally with:—pr.p. coquet′ting; pa.p. coquet′ted
ARQUES, France--Arc International has sold Salviati, the Italian art glass brand, to JL Coquet-Jaune de Chrome, a small French Limoges company.
Antonelli and Kohatsu-Higa in and also Coquet, Mackeviˇcius and M´emin in and proposed approximation schemes that use discretization of filtrations and convergence of filtrations.
Stability of solutions of BSDEs with random terminal time
M.∧τ , according to Remark 1.2 in Coquet, M´emin and S lomi´nski .
Stability of solutions of BSDEs with random terminal time
The notions of convergence of filtrations and of σ-fields have been firstly defined in Hoover and then in a slightly different way in Coquet, M´emin and S lominski .
Stability of solutions of BSDEs with random terminal time
Briand, Ph., Coquet, F., Hu, Y., M´emin J. and Peng, S. (2000) A converse comparison theorem for BSDEs and related properties of gexpectations, Electron.
G-Brownian Motion and Dynamic Risk Measure under Volatility Uncertainty
Coquet, F., Hu, Y., M´emin, J. and Peng, S. (2001) A general converse comparison theorem for Backward stochastic differential equations, C.R.
G-Brownian Motion and Dynamic Risk Measure under Volatility Uncertainty
He was masked, and had with him only Coquet, the master of the household. "In Kings' Byways" by
I am not quite the heartless coquet I seem. "Flora Lyndsay" by
And half-a-dozen damson-trees overshadowed the back of the cottage, their branches coquetting with the roof when the wind blew. "The Toilers of the Field" by
Parrots abound in carnival hues, and buff-colored doves, with soft white rings of feathers about their necks, coquet lovingly together. "Foot-prints of Travel" by
Lion trotted into the pasture, trotted straight up to the right horse, coaxed and coquetted with him for a minute, and then trotted back. "The Young Surveyor;" by
She continues to sing, meanwhile coquetting with him. "Operas Every Child Should Know" by
This was no ordinary person coquetting with his pretty daughter. "Jennie Gerhardt" by
There was no more coquetting with the saddle. "The Spanish Jade" by
A sharp suspicion crossed the doctor's mind that she was coquetting with him. "Hetty's Strange History" by
The little Coquet Island in the distance breaks the expanse of blue waters. "England, Picturesque and Descriptive" by
And trifled with despair,
Tried failure which displeases,
And coquetted with care.
And of the slawny trapes, take care,
Nor to the dow'r-proud flirt incline:
She'll prove a plague to thee and thine.
With Venus' or Minerva's name,
One warrior, one coquet;
No; Pallas and the Queen of Beauty
Shunn'd, or betray'd that nuptial duty,
Which she so high has set.
he skated up & down in front of her house
wishing he could, sir, die,
while being bullied & he dreamt he could fly—
during irregular verbs—them world-sought bodies
safe in the Arctic lay: