the act of choosing or selecting "your choice of colors was unfortunate","you can take your pick" -
one of a number of things from which only one can be chosen "what option did I have?","there no other alternative","my only choice is to refuse" -
the right to buy or sell property at an agreed price; the right is purchased and if it is not exercised by a stated date the money is forfeited
(Ch. of Eng) A right formerly belonging to an archbishop to select any one dignity or benefice in the gift of a suffragan bishop consecrated or confirmed by him, for bestowal by himself when next vacant; -- annulled by Parliament in 1845. -
A wishing; a wish. -
The exercise of the power of choice; choice. "Transplantation must proceed from the option of the people, else it sounds like an exile." -
The power of choosing; the right of choice or election; an alternative. "There is an option left to the United States of America, whether they will be respectable and prosperous, or contemptible and miserable, as a nation."
Choice; wish; preference; election. -
The power or liberty of choosing; the right or power of choice; the opportunity of electing or selecting an alternative or one of several lines of conduct; the power of deciding on a course of action: as, that is not left in my option; it is at your option to take it or leave it. -
In Eng. canon law, the right, now obsolete, which an archbishop formerly had, on consecrating a bishop, of selecting a benefice in the bishop's diocese for one of his own chaplains. -
On stock and other exchanges, a privilege, secured by the payment of a certain premium or consideration, either of calling for the delivery, or -
of making delivery, of a certain specified amount of some particular stock or kind of produce, at a specified price, and within specified limits of time. The first kind of option is usually designated a call, and the second a put; but both are sometimes called futures. -
A wishing; a wish. -
Synonyms Option, Choice, Preference, Election. Option is the right of choice, the freedom to choose between two or more: as, “there is no option,” -
Choice is primarily the act of choosing, but, by extension, may be the same as option: as, he gave him the choice. Preference is primarily the state of mind determining the choice, and secondarily the act of choosing. Election emphasizes the leaving of some while choosing others. Choice and preference may apply to that which is chosen; the others not.
op′shun act of choosing: power of choosing or wishing: wish
Keep your options open - If someone's keeping their options open, they aren't going to restrict themselves or rule out any possible course of action.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary L. optio,; akin to optare, to choose, wish, optimus, best, and perh. to E. apt,: cf. F. option,
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary L. optio, optionis—optāre, to choose.
Even if he planned on using two quarterbacks, James Madison coach Mickey Matthews won't have the option. 2.timesdispatch.com
Steel Cut Oatmeal slow cooked, fruit & spice- infused with toasted almonds (optional) milk 5. nymag.com
The long dirt path has a few optional routes and some extremely big drop-offs. 4wheeloffroad.com
When Tal Soltz set out to design a reusable water bottle, dissatisfied with the clunky and chunky options on the market, she refused to compromise aesthetics to be environmentally friendly. dwell.com
You've got a few options for nighttime running. mensjournal.com
RPS offers variety of preschool, child care options. rockfordsquire.com
Add 'Cut' and ' Bleep ' To a DVD's Options. nytimes.com
Shrimp is just one of the options for your B's po-boy. ibj.com
Skiing and snowboarding destination Mount Bohemia is weighing its options due to a crack in a tooth in the gearbox that has shut down the triple chairlift. mininggazette.com
There are just too many options, and you can only enjoy so many a day. dallasobserver.com
BOMA to consider children's home option. columbiadailyherald.com
Wireless Speakers Offer More Compatibility Options. blackenterprise.com
Our mayor's preferred option for viaduct replacement would have patently screwed over truckers. seattleweekly.com
As more companies decide to freeze their traditional pension plans, it's important to view the pros and cons of the frozen-plan option -- and make sure the right communication strategy is in place should you choose it. hreonline.com
If you're going to attack the hardest of targets, you've got two options: go for the weak spot, like the Air Force's Portal Defeat program does. blog.wired.com
This tutorial will provide (scientific) rationale for selecting options along with way.
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Side-lemmas 2, 5, 6 and 7 follow from an estimate on the overshooting of level h by the processes Yt and Zt stopped at σh ∧ ω , respectively, τh and from optional stopping arguments.
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The optional conditions are Caml expressions following the keyword when.
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Another option is that the scalar field gets a bulk potential.
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Condition c) gives us two options with regard to the surface S (Γ).
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I would hold an option of taking over the business on ninety days' notice. "Burned Bridges" by
At the end of that time, he declared, I would become either a pauper or his heir, at my option. "Aunt Jane's Nieces Abroad" by
This collar is made in portions, and joined together with needle and thread, or worked together with one plain at the option of the worker. "The Ladies' Work-Book" by
Allcraft hired it at once for one month certain, reserving to himself the option of continuing it for any further period. "Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 54, No. 337, November, 1843" by
Only two days of his option remained and therefore delay would be fatal. "The Furnace of Gold" by
I don't know just yet how much it is goin' to take to capitalize you, but here's ten dollars for an option. "The Skipper and the Skipped" by
Wherever it is placed, we have the option of seven squares for the second rook in the second row. "Amusements in Mathematics" by
But a priest has no option when an expression of matrimonial consent is made to him in the presence of two witnesses. "Jacqueline of Golden River" by
Perhaps this opposition of authority may give the court an option between the two. "Memoir, Correspondence, And Miscellanies, From The Papers Of Thomas Jefferson" by
It was to be left optional to other Churches to follow the example. "The English Church in the Eighteenth Century" by
'Twixt wedlock and worse things;
A lapse over-sad for a lady
Of her pedigree!"
Wou'd chuse in Hell's fierce flames to roll,
Before it to God's bar wou'd mount,
For its misdeeds, there to account!
No slave!—His option and his gain are free:
Him the same laws the same protection yield,
Who plows the furrow, as who owns the field.
But this I know: if she is so inclined
She can come play with me on our back stoop,
Even in office hours, I do not mind -
In fact I know I'm nice and good and ready
To get an option on her as my steady.