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Fine Dictionary


  1. (n) bowknot
    a knot with two loops and loose ends; used to tie shoelaces
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
  1. Bowknot
    A knot in which a portion of the string is drawn through in the form of a loop or bow, so as to be readily untied.
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. (n) bowknot
    A slip-knot made by drawing a portion of a cord, ribbon, etc., in the form of a bow through an involution, which is then tightened round the bow. The knot is simple if there is only one bow, double if there are two; it can be easily untied by drawing the bow back.
Usage in the news

2012 Strapless Sweetheart sash bowknot back Ball gown Wedding Dress.

Material: leather and suede Front studs and bowknot.

Usage in literature

Helen's hands rose slowly to her breast, where a pretty watch dangled from a bowknot of crushed diamonds. "The Lion and the Unicorn and Other Stories" by Richard Harding Davis

In his free left hand he holds a slim ivory cane with a violet bowknot. "Ulysses" by James Joyce

The men call it a "bowknot" of river; so we name it Bowknot Bend. "Canyons of the Colorado" by J. W. Powell

Brocades of lovely color and designs of flowers, bowknots, wreaths, festoons, lace, feathers, etc. "Furnishing the Home of Good Taste" by Lucy Abbot Throop

But he'll tie you in a bowknot if you hold to the old theological doctrines. "Burned Bridges" by Bertrand W. Sinclair

These doughs may be moulded in wreaths, crescents and bowknots. "Mrs. Wilson's Cook Book" by Mary A. Wilson

Today he was so absorbed that he had almost twisted the offending lock into a double bowknot and he heeded the children no more than flies. "Chicken Little Jane" by Lily Munsell Ritchie

For a moment he stood rubbing his head, with his merry little face puckered up into a comical sort of bowknot. "Sure Pop and the Safety Scouts" by Roy Rutherford Bailey

I contrived to tie some of my little innards into bowknots once when I was h-hunting hippopotamusses in the Himalayas, I guess. "The Monk of Hambleton" by Armstrong Livingston

Fashion them into bowknots. "Candy-Making Revolutionized" by Mary Elizabeth Hall