spear with a harpoon "harpoon whales" -
a spear with a shaft and barbed point for throwing; used for catching large fish or whales; a strong line is attached to it
A spear or javelin used to strike and kill large fish, as whales; a harping iron. It consists of a long shank, with a broad, flat, triangular head, sharpened at both edges, and is thrown by hand, or discharged from a gun. -
To strike, catch, or kill with a harpoon.
A missile weapon used in capturing whales and large fish, and either thrown by hand or fired from a gun. See harpoon-gun. In the older form of this weapon the head is a heavy, flat, triangular piece of iron with strong barbs, sharpened on the outer edges to enable it to penetrate deeply, and fastened to a handle or shank, 2½ or 3 feet long, to which is attached a long cord or rope. In a later form the head has but one barb. The common non-explosive harpoon is not employed by whalemen to kill the whale, but merely to fasten it to the boat, in order that the latter may be hauled up alongside the animal, which is then killed by a lance. (See exploding harpoon, below.) The harpoons that are to be first used are carried at the head of the whale-boat, six being included in the outfit of a boat. The first two are known as the first and second irons; the rest as the spare harpoons, one of which is the drag-iron. The first harpoon is darted into the whale by hand, and the second follows if there is time; if not, it is thrown overboard to prevent fouling with the outgoing line. See toggle-iron. -
To strike, catch, or kill with a harpoon.
här-pōōn′ a dart for striking and killing whales -
to strike with the harpoon
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary F. harpon, LL. harpo, perh. of Ger. origin, fr. the harp,; cf. F. harper, to take and grasp strongly, harpe, a dog's claw, harpin, boathook (the sense of hook, coming from the shape of the harp); but cf. also Gr. "a`rph the kite, sickle, and E. harpy,. Cf. Harp
Where will Harpoon Larry's dock. dailypress.com
Where will Harpoon Larry's eventually go. dailypress.com
Formed in 1986 by college classmates, Harpoon Brewery has become one of the largest craft brewers in the region. telegram.com
Susan Stockwell of Leominster wearing the coveted Harpoon Brewery to Brewery Ride jersey after the 148-mile journey. telegram.com
AUSTIN, Texas — For July and August Whole Foods Market is offering Nova Scotia harpoon -caught swordfish in its stores. supermarketnews.com
Right now we're testing the harpoons in a laboratory. popsci.com
Facebook Timeline, Android's Galaxy Nexus and a space harpoon : Tech news with John Moe. scpr.org
A Harpoon by the Door. valleyadvocate.com
Kitty Hoynes Irish Pub & Restaurant hosts a dinner featuring the beers from Boston's Harpoon Brewery on Tuesday, Jan 26. blog.syracuse.com
Harpoon 's Doyle To Keynote Conference. ohiotavernnews.com
Richard Doyle, a co-founder of Harpoon Brewery, will be the keynote speaker April 15 for the 25th annual Craft Brewers Conference here. ohiotavernnews.com
Harpoon 's Grateful Harvest Ale Celebrates the New England Thanksgiving. allaboutbeer.com
Harpoon 's line of craft beer features its award-winning IPA and UFO Hefeweizen beers, along with four special seasonal selections. allaboutbeer.com
Samuel Adams Utopias, Harpoon 's Grateful Harvest return. patriotledger.com
Also soon to hit stores is the return of Harpoon 's Grateful Harvest Ale. patriotledger.com
However, Gromov has recently harpooned the embedding approach by constructing finitely generated groups which do not uniformly embed in Hilbert space [G2].
An etale approach to the Novikov conjecture
These fish are taken on rocks and under water, where they are struck by a kind of harpoon hooks and drawn out. "Travels in Peru, on the Coast, in the Sierra, Across the Cordilleras and the Andes, into the Primeval Forests" by
The hunters harpooned a goodly catch before the gale was upon the little fleet almost without warning. "The Ocean Wireless Boys And The Naval Code" by
Harpoon Hayfork, late 19th century. "Agricultural Implements and Machines in the Collection of the National Museum of History and Technology" by
The projectile which is used consists of a barbed harpoon, to which a short chain is affixed, and to that a strong line. "Foot-prints of Travel" by
What would be the good of the fish if you harpooned them? "Hunting the Skipper" by
They were standing on the dead body of a whale that had been killed by harpoons. "The Ocean Waifs" by
They have arrows and harpoons, whose points are fastened to the shaft by a long cord. "Man And His Ancestor" by
Then the mate came out, and he had two harpoons in his hand. "The Sandman: His Sea Stories" by
They harpooned many, but these also were given to Tugto and his wife. "Eskimo Folktales" by
The shark had apparently been harpooned at sea, and washed into the Humber. "Adventures and Recollections" by
The narwhale, and the seal;
Ha! 't was a noble game!
And like the lightning's flame
Flew our harpoons of steel.
Thou cheerest the Esquimau in the night;
For thou lettest him see to harpoon the fish,
And with them he makes a dainty dish.
While the men and the boats after him did go,
Armed well with harpoons for the fray,
Which they fired at him without dismay.
While they fired at him their sharp harpoons:
But when struck with,the harpoons he dived below,
Which filled his pursuers' hearts with woe.
Blow, my bully boys, blow;
"There she blows!" the look-out shoutin' --
Blow, my bully boys, blow;
'Lower away!" and off we goes, mate. Sticks a harpoon in her nose, mate --
Blow, blow, my bully boys, blow!
I'll get into my fishing-boat, and fix the fellow soon."
Down fell that pretty innocent, as falls a snow-white lamb,
Her hair drooped round her pallid cheeks, like sea-weed on a clam.