food prepared from the husks of cereal grains -
broken husks of the seeds of cereal grains that are separated from the flour by sifting
The broken coat of the seed of wheat, rye, or other cereal grain, separated from the flour or meal by sifting or bolting; the coarse, chaffy part of ground grain. -
(Zoöl) The European carrion crow.
The outer coat of wheat, rye, or other farinaceous grain; the husky portion of ground wheat, separated from the flour by bolting. -
To steep in a bath of bran and water, as cloth before or after dyeing, or skins for tanning. -
A name of the common crow -
A dialectal form of bren, burn.
bran the refuse of grain: the inner husks of corn sifted from the flour: the coarser part of anything
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary OE. bren, bran, OF. bren, F. bran, from Celtic; cf. Armor. brenn, Ir. bran, bran, chaff
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary O. Fr. bran, bran; prob. Celt.
Millions of Americans now eat more high-fiber foods because doctors and nutritionists say oat bran and other high fiber grains aid digestion and help reduce cholesterol levels.
It would be pretty difficult to consume even one of the Oat Bran Brownies made by Elam, though I suspect the species that eats oats from a bucket might find the texture to its liking.
General Mills also has Total Oatmeal , which is advertised as having "more oat bran and more nutrition than Old Fashioned Quaker Oats ".
But the excitement over oat bran, once a lowly byproduct of the milling process but now the elixir of choice for health-conscious consumers, has yet to infect farmers of the upper Midwest, where most of the country's oats are grown.
OAT -BRAN-MUFFIN mania has reached a fever pitch.
Last week Between the Bread, a takeout business in New York City, was unable to supply its eager customers with oat -bran muffins because it was unable to get any oat bran.
It is made from rice bran oil, palm oil, coconut oil, herbs, essential oils, and no preservatives.
Real Housewives: Bran Ach/ WireImages.
Bran Zucchini- Sunflower Seed Muffins from The Spa at the Grand Del Mar.
Consumers simply tear off the panel to uncover the new one-an identity that is meant to position All-Bran as a more contemporary option for women.
Rice milling quality can be influenced by any factor that affects kernel strength, which is ultimately responsible for the kernel withstanding the processes of hulling and bran removal without breaking apart.
Cottondale- Just across the street from Cottondale Elementary School sits Branning's garage and a nativity scene.
Sesame and Rice Bran Oils.
Remember when you thought bran muffins were good for you.
Used with corn, wheat, bran or rice, PFE temperature-controlled chilled nip rollers withstand high pressures and the related heat when opposing rolls are used to crush grain into cereal flakes.
R′ − Ki¯j ∇mφi∇m ¯φ The first equality, (1.6), is supergravity coupled to chiral matter in what we shall call the Brans-Dicke frame; the second equality, (1.7), is in the Einstein frame.
Conserved supercurrents and Fayet-Iliopoulos terms in supergravity
Thus, the canonical definition of the stress tensor can (and does!) differ between the Brans-Dicke and the Einstein frames.
Conserved supercurrents and Fayet-Iliopoulos terms in supergravity
Brans-Dicke and Einstein frames, and then in the component context where we demonstrate that the Einstein frame currents do give the standard globally supersymmetric currents when supergravity is decoupled.
Conserved supercurrents and Fayet-Iliopoulos terms in supergravity
The Brans-Dicke frame corresponds to choosing the conventional ly chiral superfield φ0 to be unity.
Conserved supercurrents and Fayet-Iliopoulos terms in supergravity
Within the Brans-Dicke frame, we may freely set the entire superfields G and R to zero, and then send κ2 to zero.
Conserved supercurrents and Fayet-Iliopoulos terms in supergravity
She was a bran-new ship, and had come out of Brest on her first cruise only the day before we fell in with her. "Under the Meteor Flag" by
Good you drink bran-dee vis vater? "Devon Boys" by
Priscilla leaped off her bicycle at the door of Bran-nigan's shop. "Priscilla's Spies" by
Squeeze and manipulate the bran bag until the water resembles a thin porridge. "The Eugenic Marriage, Volume IV. (of IV.)" by
Most of the watch were "on the bran," that is, were in the boats stationed along the edge of the ice, on the look-out for whales. "Peter the Whaler" by
I'se dat hungry I c'd eat bran! "Chums in Dixie" by
The thing is to avoid putting in more water than the bran can easily absorb and hold. "Papers on Health" by
It's a bran new invention in the fishing line. "Handy Andy, Volume One" by
In an hour after, rub them with flannel, dipped in bran and powdered whiting. "A Treatise on Domestic Economy" by
It consists of turnips, rice, chaff, bran, hay, and sea biscuit. "Anecdotes of the Habits and Instinct of Animals" by
To nourish his rich dmak, of noble size;
I comb his soft wool with a wooden comb;
He is a dear and precious sacrifice.
Wi' teäties, or wi' barley an' some bran,
Why you've a-got zome vlitches vor to zell,
Or hang in chimney-corner, if you can.
With a fust class Stetson on my head.
A bran new slicker tied on behind—
It's strange how yore clo'se improves your mind.
Beat out the continent's wheat from its bran,
While the wind scatters the chaffy seceshers,
What will become of our sweet little man?
My stomach's full of hay, sir, my children live on bran."
"I really can't delay, sir," the busy man replied,
"Please call some other day, sir, my car is just outside."
Where the young bird waits the spring, where the dawns are fair,
Said: "I'll name my trees for her, since I may not yield her
Stars of morning for her feet, of evening for her hair."