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Fine Dictionary


Cyranthus obliquus (L.f.) Aiton
Cyranthus obliquus (L.f.) Aiton
Cyranthus obliquus (L.f.) Aiton; kan ook als cyranthus worden gespeld; Eng.: Ifafa lily (EvK, div. bronnen).
Left: Ahmed Kan, center: Danja Khan, right: Jaffur Khan.
Left: Ahmed Kan, center: Danja Khan, right: Jaffur Khan.
Pitcher of silver. The ovoid, smooth barrel, with engraved band in the middle, is gripped at the bottom by six cleats and rests on a round base. The spout has the shape of a dragon. Marked: F ENRIQZ.
Piet Heyn-kan
Cartoon of the Jewish stockbroker Eduard Kann (or Kan), c. 1824. A crowd of Jewish merchants stands in front of a column in the Amsterdam stock exchange with the inscription 'the small lawmaker of the metaliken'. The small figure in the center should represent Eduard Kann. In the caption is a list of sayings numbered 1-12 that correspond to the dealers in the show.
Cartoon of the Jewish stockbroker Eduard Kann (or Kan), c. 1824. A crowd of Jewish merchants stands in front of a column in the Amsterdam stock exchange with the inscription 'the small lawmaker of the metaliken'. The small figure in the center should represent Eduard Kann. In the caption is a list of sayings numbered 1-12 that correspond to the dealers in the show.
The Chinese Kan U, recognizable by his enormous beard, his costume with golden dragons and his halberd, sits under a blossoming peach tree. Scene from a kabuki play. Poem by Fujiwara no Yoshitaka.
The Chinese Kan U, recognizable by his enormous beard, his costume with golden dragons and his halberd, sits under a blossoming peach tree. Scene from a kabuki play. Poem by Fujiwara no Yoshitaka.
Courtier Sugawara no Michizane (Kan Shôjô) sitting on a black ox, along with the farmer Shirotayû, is on his way to the Anraku temple to admire a cherry tree that has miraculously moved from Michizane's native village to the temple. The courtier is played by kabuki actor Ichikawa Danjurô VIII and the farmer by Ichikawa Kodanji IV. (diptych).
Courtier Sugawara no Michizane (Kan Shôjô) sitting on a black ox, along with the farmer Shirotayû, is on his way to the Anraku temple to admire a cherry tree that has miraculously moved from Michizane's native village to the temple. The courtier is played by kabuki actor Ichikawa Danjurô VIII and the farmer by Ichikawa Kodanji IV. (diptych).
Jug (jug) of stoneware on a corrugated base with an egg-shaped belly and openwork neck with a short spout on the rim. The C-shaped ear is attached to the neck and shoulder. At the bottom of the jug there is a hole on the inside, through which the liquid can flow out through the spout via a tube in the wall, ear and rim. Covered with a brown engobe. On the belly four medallions with Mary and Child in relief. Siegburg.
Kan (joke jug) with Mary with Child
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
  1. Kan
    To know; to ken.
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. kan
    An obsolete spelling of can.
  2. kan
    An obsolete form of can.
  3. (n) kan
    An obsolete form of khan.
  4. (n) kan
    In Holland, the name given to the liter when used as a measure of capacity for liquids.
  5. (n) kan
    In Java, a measure of capacity equal to 0.35 of a United States gallon.
  6. (n) kan
    Abbreviations of Kansas.
Usage in the news

Rhonda (Rex) Rife of Pierceton, Tina Hostetler of Mesa, Ariz. Roger (Pam) Hostetler of Kansas City, Kan.

The 82nd Scripps National Spelling Bee ended on Thursday night in Washington with Kavya Shivashankar of Olathe, Kan. Kansas Speller Gets the Last Word.

T he president of the United States came to Osawatomie, Kan.

Patterson, out of Pratt, Kan.

Lenora Stich 82, Leavenworth Lenora Ann Stich , 82, Leavenworth, Kan.

Lenora was born December 19,1929, in Atchison, Kan.


Today's question about the Broncos comes from Craig Levin in Overland Park, Kan.

Job seekers attend a career fair in Overland Park, Kan.

Sisters, Nicole Kiner, Pekin, Allison Stone, Junction City, Kan. Brenna Stone, Grand Forks, Danya McIntyre, Leeds.

The US Citizenship and Immigration Services will start its move into Rosana Square in Overland Park, Kan. At the end of the month and the shift will have a ripple effect in Lee's Summit.

PHOENIX — Arizona legislators proposed emergency legislation Tuesday to head off picketing by a Topeka, Kan. Church at the funeral service for a 9-year-old girl who was among six people killed during Saturday's shooting in Tucson.

Kan made name in exposing health scandal.

Until something changes, all talk about the Big 12's preseason favorite starts and ends in Lawrence, Kan. For eight consecutive seasons under Bill Self, Kansas has either tied for the Big 12 title or won it outright.

"The day after the tornado, he was there," said his wife, Dina, of Olathe, Kan.

Usage in scientific papers

It follows from the fact that colimit is itself a left Kan extension along a functor into the trivial category.
An example of a non-cofibrantly generated model category

But any two left Kan extensions commute since they may be represented as coends, and for the coends there is a “Fubini” theorem.
An example of a non-cofibrantly generated model category

Systemet kan t ex konstruera hypoteser om antal ub åtar samt om vilka rapporter som h ärr ör fr ån respektive ub åt.
Beslutst\"odssystemet Dezzy - en \"oversikt

Man kan h är ocks å st älla upp hypoteser om vilka rapporter som kan betraktas som falska.
Beslutst\"odssystemet Dezzy - en \"oversikt

En misst änkt ub åt kan lokaliseras p å flera s ätt.
Beslutst\"odssystemet Dezzy - en \"oversikt

Usage in literature

The "Takachico" had an officer and two men wounded; the "Naniwa Kan" (Captain Togo's ship) one man wounded. "Famous Sea Fights" by John Richard Hale

W. V. COPELAND, 227 N. LAKE STREET, TOPEKA, KANS. "Armour's Monthly Cook Book, Volume 2, No. 12, October 1913" by Various

I E ka, kan, kar desire; Dak kon desire. "The Dakotan Languages, and Their Relations to Other Languages" by Andrew Woods Williamson

Mrs. E. E. McKibban, Manhattan, Kan. Miss Harriet M. Markham, Chicopee Falls, Mass. "The American Missionary--Volume 49, No. 02, February, 1895" by Various

Said it was Louey Kans. "Killykinick" by Mary T. Waggaman

Senators Poindexter (Wash.) and Thompson (Kans. "The History of Woman Suffrage, Volume V"

Henry J, 202; 204; 351; see Kans. "The History of Woman Suffrage, Volume VI" by Various

Hvor kan man finde Kjaerlighed Hvor Kjaerlighed ej boer? "A Danish Parsonage" by John Fulford Vicary

If I kan nocht vin to Fakland the first nycht, I sall be tymelie in St Johnestoun on the morne. "James VI and the Gowrie Mystery" by Andrew Lang

DIGGS, ANNIE L., on Kan. wom. "The Life and Work of Susan B. Anthony (Volume 2 of 2)" by Ida Husted Harper

Usage in poetry
Dat niet meer zijn kan zonder
Zijn alle dagen
Vernieuwde wonder
Van zegen niet te dragen
De vader--maar wat woekeraar
Kan deernis of gevoel bevatten?--
Zijn leven was--zijn goudtresoor,
Zijn wellust--snoodverkregen schatten.
Sometimes thou dost divide thy gifts to man,
Sometimes unite. The Indian nut alone
Is clothing, meat and trencher, drink and kan,
Boat, cable, sail and needle, all in one.
Lief, ik kan geen tranen vinden
Als mijn hart hem elders peist,
Waar zijn ziel met de beminde
Sterren van den avond rijst
En ons, dagelijks verblinden,
Hooger wegen wijst.
Naar de heemlen van de lage zoden
Stijg' de gouden offervlam!
Wie kan weenen naar de vroeg vergoden
Die de dood ons halen kwam?--
Tranen, lief, zijn enkel voor de dooden
Die het leven nam.
Niet zoolang aan aardes blonde brood
Wij ons vloek en smaadheid eten;
Niet zoolang met maat van veler nood
De overvloed der enklen wordt gemeten;
Niet voordat ons aller jeugd den dood
Om het blijde leven kan vergeten!