French Post-impressionist painter who influenced modern art (especially cubism) by stressing the structural components latent in nature (1839-1906)
Cezanne Allen lets the world know how she feels about her limo ride as a "Millionaire for a Day". cutimes.com
Paul Cezanne , Portrait of Madame Cezanne , 1891, Metropolitan Museum of Art. observer.com
The Philadelphia Museum of Art unveiled its Cezanne and Beyond exhibition last month. usatoday.com
Paul Cezanne, Portrait of Madame Cezanne, 1891, Metropolitan Museum of Art. observer.com
Paul Cezanne called him "an honest man". cbsnews.com
Visitors to the Phillips Collection in Dupont Circle can now down a fresh cup of java after taking in a Georgia O'Keeffe or Paul Cezanne painting. ashingtonpost.com
Steven Cohen, one of the world's biggest art collectors who owns works by Van Gogh, Manet, de Kooning, Picasso, Cezanne, Warhol, Johns and Richter. courant.com
Paul Cezanne, "Fruit and a Jug on a Table,"circa 1890-94, oil on canvas, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. thepilot.com
Cezanne, Matisse Tie at $19 Million in Christie's Sale. businessweek.com
The Metropolitan Museum of Art is the rightful owner of Paul Cezanne's 1891 Portrait of Madame Cezanne and does not have to turn the painting over to the heir of its original owner, the District Court in Manhattan found late last week. observer.com
On Oct 9, the Everson Museum of Art (401 Harrison St. 474-6064) opens Turner to Cezanne: Masterpieces from the Davies Collection, National Museum Wales. syracusenewtimes.com
The exhibit traces the collection's development, highlights individual works by Paul Cezanne, Joseph M.W. syracusenewtimes.com
It would be difficult to overestimate the impact of Paul Cezanne's works on the histories of French, European and American art. pbs.org
Thomas Chimes--Independence Seaport Museum--Cezanne & Beyond at PMA--L'Enfant at les Sortilges. rti.org
A reproduction of Paul Cezanne's painting "The Boy in the Red Vest" provided by The Buehrle Collection and released by Zurich Police on Feb 11, 2008. cbsnews.com
Rey, “Estimations de De Giorgi-Nash et approximations”, Th`ese de doctorat de l’Universit´e Paul C´ezanne, Marseille, 2004.
A Meyers type regularity result for approximations of second order elliptic operators by Galerkin schemes
Berthe Morisot, Paul Cezanne, Whistler, Sargent, Hassam, and many others. "Women in the fine arts, from the Seventh Century B.C. to the Twentieth Century A.D." by
More, his faith in Cezanne was shaken. "The Roll-Call" by
Cezanne is the full-stop between impressionism and the contemporary movement. "Since Cézanne" by
The first Cezannes I ever saw seemed to me to be very funny. "Books and Persons" by
When I noticed this, my admiration for Cezanne and some of his followers confirmed me in my aesthetic theories. "Art" by
It looks like a Cezanne still-life. "Visionaries" by
Both Whitman and Cezanne stand together in the name of one common purpose, freedom from characteristics not one's own. "Adventures in the Arts" by
Mallarme was not versatile; Cezanne was not versatile; nor was Thomas Love Peacock. "The Merry-Go-Round" by
It is a pity that New York as yet has not had an opportunity of viewing the best Cezannes, Gauguins, and Van Goghs. "Ivory Apes and Peacocks" by
When vision began to fail he took refuge in a catalogue of facts or in unconvincing symbolism: Cezanne tossed his picture into a bush. "Pot-Boilers" by
In dreams of ecstasy en-skied,
A genius and a pioneer,
Poor, paralysed and mad he died:
Yet by all who hold Beauty dear
May he be glorified!