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Fine Dictionary


Argus falls asleep next to a tree to the music that Mercury makes with his shepherd's flute. Whistling, Mercury reaches for his sword to kill Argus. In this way, Io, Jupiter's lover turned into a white cow, could be freed. Behind the tree the white cow (Io) is watching, on the left is a dog. The print is part of a four-part series of prints with scenes from the mythological story of Argus.
Argus falls asleep next to a tree to the music that Mercury makes with his shepherd's flute. Whistling, Mercury reaches for his sword to kill Argus. In this way, Io, Jupiter's lover turned into a white cow, could be freed. Behind the tree the white cow (Io) is watching, on the left is a dog. The print is part of a four-part series of prints with scenes from the mythological story of Argus.
  1. (adj) asleep
    dead "he is deceased","our dear departed friend"
  2. (adj) asleep
    in a state of sleep "were all asleep when the phone rang","fell asleep at the wheel"
  3. (adj) asleep
    lacking sensation "my foot is asleep","numb with cold"
  4. (adv) asleep
    into a sleeping state "he fell asleep"
  5. (adv) asleep
    in the sleep of death
Old Kintarô (aka Kintoki) has fallen asleep against a sake barrel and dreams of his childhood when he overpowered a bear with his ax. With three poems.
Old Kintarô (aka Kintoki) has fallen asleep against a sake barrel and dreams of his childhood when he overpowered a bear with his ax. With three poems.
In a brothel, a young man has fallen asleep on the lap of a woman of easy morals, she steals him. Behind them, a second man is intoxicated with kisses and wine.
In a brothel, a young man has fallen asleep on the lap of a woman of easy morals, she steals him. Behind them, a second man is intoxicated with kisses and wine.
Christ prays to God in the garden of olives. His students are now asleep. An angel appears in the clouds. The print has a Latin caption
Christ prays to God in the garden of olives. His students are now asleep. An angel appears in the clouds. The print has a Latin caption
Adam is asleep in front of a group of trees on the right. Eve is kneeling next to him, looking up at God the Father who, as an old man with a beard, stands before her. With six lines of caption in Latin.
Adam is asleep in front of a group of trees on the right. Eve is kneeling next to him, looking up at God the Father who, as an old man with a beard, stands before her. With six lines of caption in Latin.
Mercury plays the flute for Argus falling asleep. The cow Io drinks from a pond. Scene from Ovid's Metamorphoses (Met. I, 682-687).
Mercury plays the flute for Argus falling asleep. The cow Io drinks from a pond. Scene from Ovid's Metamorphoses (Met. I, 682-687).
After playing him asleep with his flute, Mercury kills the hundred-eyed Argus, who was ordered by Juno to guard Io. Two lines of Latin text below the image. This print is part of a series of 52 prints depicting stories from Ovid's Metamorphoses. This series is divided into three numbered series: two of 20 prints and one of 12 prints. This print belongs to the first series.
After playing him asleep with his flute, Mercury kills the hundred-eyed Argus, who was ordered by Juno to guard Io. Two lines of Latin text below the image. This print is part of a series of 52 prints depicting stories from Ovid's Metamorphoses. This series is divided into three numbered series: two of 20 prints and one of 12 prints. This print belongs to the first series.
Armida ties up Rinaldo with a magical chain of leaves and flowers as he falls asleep enchanted by her on an island. The love couple is surrounded by love deities, and a maidservant comes to the rescue of Armida in kidnapping Rinaldo. At the bottom of the margin is a verse in six lines of Latin.
Armida ties up Rinaldo with a magical chain of leaves and flowers as he falls asleep enchanted by her on an island. The love couple is surrounded by love deities, and a maidservant comes to the rescue of Armida in kidnapping Rinaldo. At the bottom of the margin is a verse in six lines of Latin.
Performance entitled 'Tired on watch'. A mother has fallen asleep in a chair next to a cradle in which a sleeping child is lying. A cat is lit on the left by the cradle, on a table behind the woman on the right a candle.
'Tired watched'
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
Interesting fact
Eating a banana at night can help in falling asleep
  1. Asleep
    In a state of sleep; in sleep; dormant. "Fast asleep the giant lay supine.", "By whispering winds soon lulled asleep ."
  2. Asleep
    In the sleep of the grave; dead. "Concerning them which are asleep . . . sorrow not, even as others which have no hope."
  3. Asleep
    Numbed, and, usually, tingling. "Leaning long upon any part maketh it numb, and, as we call it, asleep ."
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
Interesting fact
Astronaut L. Gordon Cooper was so relaxed on the morning of his launch into space in May 1963 that he fell asleep in his space capsule while waiting for blastoff.
  1. asleep
    In or into a state of sleep: as, to fall asleep.
  2. asleep
    Figuratively— Dead; in or into a state of death: chiefly in the Scriptures and religious literature.
  3. asleep
    Dormant; inactive; idle.
  4. asleep
    Having a peculiar numb feeling, accompanied by or passing off with a prickly tingling sensation. This condition is produced usually by prolonged pressure on the nerve-trunks, and consequently is most frequent in the arms and legs.
  5. asleep
    Nautical, said of sails when the wind is just strong enough to distend them and prevent them from shaking.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
Interesting fact
It is illegal for a man to kiss a woman while she is asleep in Logan County, Colorado.
  1. (adj., adv) Asleep
    a-slēp′ in sleep: sleeping: in the sleep of death, dead.
Laurence Sterne
One may as well be asleep as to read for anything but to improve his mind and morals, and regulate his conduct.
Laurence Sterne
Ralph Waldo Emerson
There never was a child so lovely, but his mother was glad to get him asleep.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Henry David Thoreau
Why level downward to our dullest perception always, and praise that as common sense? The commonest sense is the sense of men asleep, which they express by snoring.
Henry David Thoreau
It was once said that if you took all of the people who fell asleep in church and laid them end to end they would be more comfortable.
Source Unknown
P.K. Shaw
It is a shame that when we have a good dream we are asleep at the time.
P.K. Shaw
No man can reveal to you nothing but that which already lies half-asleep in the dawning of your knowledge.
Kahlil Gibran

Asleep at the switch - If someone is asleep at the switch, they are not doing their job or taking their responsibilities very carefully. 'Asleep at the wheel' is an alternative.

Asleep at the wheel - If someone is asleep at the wheel, they are not doing their job or taking their responsibilities very carefully. 'Asleep at the switch' is an alternative.


Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary Pref. a-, + sleep,

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Prep. a, and Sleep.

Usage in the news

Police say that a Whitesboro man who left his vehicle parked across both lanes of road then forced his way into someone's garage and fell asleep in their car.

Driver in rollover crash says he fell asleep .

0The driver told police he was driving his SUV on US-41 when he fell asleep , lost control and flipped over.

Chiefs LB Belcher found asleep in automobile outside another girlfriend's house hours before murder-suicide.

Burglar falls asleep in stranger's home, police say.

Frederick police have arrested a man they say entered a stranger's house and fell asleep on the couch.

Why You Can't Fall Asleep At Night.

More young drivers falling asleep behind wheel.

Police say three men are being treated for carbon-monoxide poisoning after they fell asleep in their RV in a parking lot on Long Island.

Asleep at the Wheel.

Asleep at the Wheel's Ray Benson, right, will perform with the band Nov 18 at Plaza Live in Orlando.

Man arrested for OWI falls asleep in squad with pot in hands.

A missing 16-year-old special education student and a 21-year-old sex offender were found asleep Wednesday morning at a north Tacoma home, police said.

Acting out dreams while asleep .

Driver falls asleep behind the wheel, wrecks truck.

Usage in scientific papers

For years I have been thinking about how conscience emerges from the underlying neuron clatter (by conscience I mean awareness, i.e. the difference between being awake and asleep).
A model of memory, learning and recognition

Keep going until your entire audience has fallen asleep or lost interest.
String Theory and the Vacuum Structure of Confining Gauge Theories

The Prawn Engine is event-driven, i.e., its main process remains asleep waiting for an event to occur.
Rapid Prototyping over IEEE 802.11

My capacity for alertness is limited: I cannot keep driving a car indefinitely without sleeping; after a time I will begin to have random neuron firings, eventually hallucinate, and finally fall asleep at the wheel.
Quantum randomness can be controlled by free will -a consequence of the before-before experiment

So, with their minds full of relativity and what not, Amu and Ruju fell asleep.
Special Relativity for the School Going Child

Usage in literature

Many of the men fell fast asleep in spite of the random firing, but my mind was busy with thoughts of the approaching fight. "At the Point of the Sword" by Herbert Hayens

In the other was a big fat boy, fast asleep. "The Land of the Long Night" by Paul du Chaillu

Many times the subject falls asleep while giving himself posthypnotic suggestions. "A Practical Guide to Self-Hypnosis" by Melvin Powers

No sooner had I placed my head upon the bale of goods which served me as a pillow, than I was fast asleep. "In the Wilds of Africa" by W.H.G. Kingston

He lay down and fell asleep, holding the bridle in his hand. "Taking Tales" by W.H.G. Kingston

The little girl sat in her father's lap and listened until she went soundly asleep. "A Little Girl in Old New York" by Amanda Millie Douglas

The travellers were all very tired, and so, notwithstanding Rosa's fears and Sybil's jealousy, they were all soon fast asleep. "Cruel As The Grave" by Mrs. Emma D. E. N. Southworth

Often she left her mother asleep in the big easy chair. "The Girls at Mount Morris" by Amanda Minnie Douglas

Did you suppose I was asleep there, or writing poetry all alone, or what? "Deerbrook" by Harriet Martineau

They ate with relish, and then, overcome by weariness, they lay down on the straw and fell asleep. "The River of Darkness" by William Murray Graydon

Usage in poetry
The flower is asleep.
But it is not dead,
When the morning shines
It will lift its head.
And men shall travail,
And laugh and weep;
But we have vistas
Of Gods asleep,
With dreams as deep.
Grey clouds in the sky,
And the grey world asleep,
Grey ghosts that sigh,
And grey eyes that weep.
Lived on one's back,
In the long hours of repose,
Life is a practical nightmare -
Hideous asleep or awake.
Fell upon his knees to thank,
Loved and lauded there;
Stretched him on the mossy bank,
Fell asleep in prayer;
This is a tale of the trenches
Told when the shadows creep
Over the bay and traverse
And poppies fall asleep.