be asleep -
a gymnastic exercise performed starting from a position with the legs over the upper body and moving to an erect position by arching the back and swinging the legs out and down while forcing the chest upright -
the basic unit of money in Laos -
sleep "roused him from his kip"
(Gymnastics) A method or feat of raising the body when hanging or swinging by the arms, as for the purpose of mounting upon the horizontal bar. The legs are swung forward and upward by bending the hips, then suddenly down again, which gives the upward impulse to the body. -
A sharp-pointed hill; a projecting point, as on a hill. -
The hide of a young or small beef creature, or leather made from it; kipskin.
To snatch; take up hastily. -
To hold or keep: with together. -
To conduct one's self; act. -
The hide of a young or small beast, as a lamb or calf. The term is also applied to the skins of full-grown cattle when they are of a small breed, or, in general, undersized. -
A sharp-pointed hill; a jutting point. -
A hook. -
The enlarged tip of the lower jaw of a spent salmon. See kipper, n. -
In. coal-mining, a level or gently sloping outgoing roadway, at the extremity of an engine-plane, upon which the full tubs stand ready to be sent up the shaft. -
A house of ill fame. -
A lodging-house; a bed in a lodging-house; hence, a bed in general.
kip (Scot.) to play truant. -
kip the skin of a young animal -
kip a level or slight incline at the end of an underground way, on which the tubs of coal stand till hoisted up the shaft. -
kip a house of ill-fame -
Also Kip′shop
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary Cf. G. kippe,
Kip Moore is having quite the year.
Tim McGraw, Dierks Bentley, Kip Moore at CMAC.
Special Guests Justin Moore and Kip Moore are join the bill.
Last year at this time, Kip Moore was mingling with fans at the CMA Music Festival, some familiar with him and some not.
Is Kip Moore country music's next biggest star.
Georgia native Kip Moore attends the Country Music Awards in April.
Kip Moore's debut album, "Up All Night," landed in Billboard 200's Top 10.
Number one song for the week of May 21, 2012 according to mediabase is Kip Moore Somethin' 'bout a Truck.
Keep on truckin': For Kip Moore, a good truck means everything.
Country star Kip Moore is 'Up All Night'.
Country singer Kip Moore was scheduled to call in the morning to talk about his new CD "Up All Night," which is being released today.
Lee Brice, The Wanted, Eve 6, Kip Moore.
View past events for Kip 's Restaurant.
Kip ' Pundt Is Honored By Snowflake Fire Department.
Republican state Rep Kip Smith was arrested early Friday morning in Buckhead and charged with DUI, according to an Atlanta police report obtained by Channel 2 Action News.
We thank Kip Thorne and members of his relativity group for useful discussions. N.
Local and global properties of conformally flat initial data for black hole collisions
This information feeds a light curve generator based on the Mandel & Agol (2002) formalism, which itself is corrected for Kepler’s finite integration time (Kipping 2010).
An Independent Planet Search In The Kepler Dataset. I. A hundred new candidates and revised KOIs
The studies of Kipping & Bakos (2011) and Paper IV had access also to the Q2 data, although none of the three datasets were short-cadence.
Homogeneous studies of transiting extrasolar planets. V. New results for 38 planets
Even more important, they are not robust against outliers, they provide values of T 0 known to be biased (Kipping 2010) and errors on T 0 known to be underestimated (Pribulla et al. 2012).
TASTE. III. A homogeneous study of transit time variations in WASP-3b
This inequality can be achieved in two ways: (1) choose any a ≥ 0 and then use the fact that limp→∞ kip,q kHS = 0, (2) choose any p ≥ 0 such that ip,q is a HilbertSchmidt operator and then choose a sufficiently small number a ≥ 0.
Characterization of test functions in CKS-space
KIP'S Christmas Holidays at Rome. "Evenings at Donaldson Manor" by
And mother," dropping to a whisper, "our Kip is to sing! "Joyce's Investments" by
It took its name from the old Kip family, who owned the adjacent estate. "The Campaign of 1776 around New York and Brooklyn" by
Nen I kip on fawever fine who ki' Jan Han Sun. "Masterpieces of Mystery In Four Volumes" by
Gone were the Kips, with their waving lines. "The Dew of Their Youth" by
Browning, Benning, Dering, Dunning, Gunning, Hemming, Kipping, Manning, and many others which occur in place-names. "The Romance of Names" by
Mus' kip some fer da' Sunday. "Nights With Uncle Remus" by
Kip, Jacob Hendricksen, 14-17. "Privateering and Piracy in the Colonial Period" by
Dere's 'noder t'ing kip on your head, ma frien', dey mus' be tole Ma name's Bateese Trudeau no more, but John B. "Humour of the North" by
Mus' kip some fer da' Sunday. "Nights With Uncle Remus" by
Back on de mountain dere,
But de pine tree an' spruce stan' ev'rywhere
Along by de shore, an' mak' her warm
For dey kip off de win' an' de winter storm.
But they will not have we, lass, for we be too old;
So step it out cheerful, an' kip up your heart,
For you an' me, Bess, we be doin' our part —"
Can't kip me long away from home on dis beeg Yankee town,
I t'ink I'll settle down again on Parish Saint Michel,
An' leev an' die more satisfy so long I hear dat bell.
Neighbors tryin' to kip heem goin' right off hees min',
W'en somebody say, "Las' winter, ma wife she is nearly go,
An' who do you t'ink is save her? ev'ry wan surely know.
It 'ealed too quick, considerin' me state.
An' 'ere I am, back in the firin' line
Gamblin' wiv Fate.
It's like two-up: I'm 'eadin' 'em this trip;
But Iookin', day be day, to pass the kip.
Tell to me offen, so long ago--
Poor ole Pierre! an' I’m tryin' too,
Tak' hees advice, for I know it’s true,
But far as it goes we’re all de same breed,
An' it’s not so easy kip out de weed.