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Fine Dictionary


Two angels mourn by the body of Christ. It lies on a canvas and the stigmata is clearly visible. In the margin a Bible quote from Isa. 33 in Latin.
Two angels mourn by the body of Christ. It lies on a canvas and the stigmata is clearly visible. In the margin a Bible quote from Isa. 33 in Latin.
  1. (adj) mourning
    sorrowful through loss or deprivation "bereft of hope"
  2. (n) mourning
    the passionate and demonstrative activity of expressing grief
  3. (n) mourning
    state of sorrow over the death or departure of a loved one
From a series of twelve prints. Cut away frame. Dead Christ mourned by his mother, the three Marys and John. Golgotha and entombment in background.
From a series of twelve prints. Cut away frame. Dead Christ mourned by his mother, the three Marys and John. Golgotha and entombment in background.
Mary and others mourn the dead body of Christ, which lies on a tomb. Two angels with candles kneel before the body. The print has a Latin caption.
Mary and others mourn the dead body of Christ, which lies on a tomb. Two angels with candles kneel before the body. The print has a Latin caption.
The poor man is lying on a bed of straw under a lean-to. He is mourned by three figures. In the sky three angels who lead poor Lazarus to heaven. In the left background Lazarus as a crippled man, walking on crutches in a landscape. The print has a Latin inscription and a Dutch and French caption. It is part of a series about the parable of the rich man and Lazarus
The poor man is lying on a bed of straw under a lean-to. He is mourned by three figures. In the sky three angels who lead poor Lazarus to heaven. In the left background Lazarus as a crippled man, walking on crutches in a landscape. The print has a Latin inscription and a Dutch and French caption. It is part of a series about the parable of the rich man and Lazarus
Venus and Amor mourn the death of Adonis. Venus holds her lover in her arms. Adonis' hunting weapons are on the ground next to him. His hounds are at his feet. In the background Venus floating through the air with her triumphal chariot. The print has a Latin caption and is part of a series about Adonis' life.
Venus and Amor mourn the death of Adonis. Venus holds her lover in her arms. Adonis' hunting weapons are on the ground next to him. His hounds are at his feet. In the background Venus floating through the air with her triumphal chariot. The print has a Latin caption and is part of a series about Adonis' life.
From a series of twelve prints. Dead Christ mourned by his mother, the three Marys and John. Golgotha and entombment in background. Around the show ornamental frame. At the bottom frame with text in Latin. Printed from multiple blocks.
From a series of twelve prints. Dead Christ mourned by his mother, the three Marys and John. Golgotha and entombment in background. Around the show ornamental frame. At the bottom frame with text in Latin. Printed from multiple blocks.
Empress Maria Theresa of Austria (1717-1780) in mourning clothes, seen from behind on the terrace of a park.
Empress Maria Theresa of Austria (1717-1780) in mourning clothes, seen from behind on the terrace of a park.
Portrait of Empress Maria Theresa of Austria (1717-1780), in mourning clothes on the terrace of a park.
Portrait of Empress Maria Theresa of Austria (1717-1780), in mourning clothes on the terrace of a park.
Allegory of dying with dying woman assisted by clergy and mourning family, she is welcome to heaven. On a table is an open book with the text Amor Dei. In the background in the dark are men and women who are guilty of too much food and drink and who are attached to precious possessions such as jewelry. On the ground are traces of pernicious activities such as a card game and a board game. They see behind them what happens to them when they die: the soul of a woman in bed is taken by the devil and demons wait in purgatory. Below the scene are quotes from the biblical texts Apocalypse 14 and Psalm 33.
Allegory of dying with dying woman assisted by clergy and mourning family, she is welcome to heaven. On a table is an open book with the text Amor Dei. In the background in the dark are men and women who are guilty of too much food and drink and who are attached to precious possessions such as jewelry. On the ground are traces of pernicious activities such as a card game and a board game. They see behind them what happens to them when they die: the soul of a woman in bed is taken by the devil and demons wait in purgatory. Below the scene are quotes from the biblical texts Apocalypse 14 and Psalm 33.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
Interesting fact
The most frequently seen birds at feeders across North America last winter were the Dark-eyed Junco, House Finch and American goldfinch, along with downy woodpeckers, blue jays, mourning doves, black-capped chickadees, house sparrows, northern cardinals and european starlings.
  1. Mourning
    Grieving; sorrowing; lamenting.
  2. Mourning
    The act of sorrowing or expressing grief; lamentation; sorrow.
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. (n) mourning
    The act of lamenting or expressing grief; lamentation; sorrow.
  2. (n) mourning
    The outward tokens or signs of sorrow for the dead, such as the draping of buildings in giving expression to public sorrow, the wearing of garments of a particular color, the use of black-bordered handkerchiefs, black-edged writing-paper and visiting-cards, etc. The color customarily worn on such occasions differs at different times and in different countries: in China and Japan, for instance, white is the mourning color, and basted un-hemmed garments the style. At present in Europe and America the customary color is black, or black slightly relieved with white or purple, black crape playing an important part especially in the mourning worn by women. Sometimes a distinctive garment, such as the widow's cap, is added.
  3. mourning
    Having to do with mourning for the dead; of such kind as is used in mourning for the dead: as, a mourning garment; a mourning hat-band.
  4. (n) mourning
    See mourn.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
  1. (adj) Mourning
    grieving: lamenting
The mind that is wise mourns less for what age takes away; than what it leaves behind.
William Wordsworth
When one by one our ties are torn, and friend from friend is snatched forlorn; When man is left alone to mourn, oh! then how sweet it is to die!
Anna Letitia Barbauld
We were promised sufferings. They were part of the program. We were even told, 'Blessed are they that mourn'
C. S. Lewis
In private grief with careless scorn. In public seem to triumph and not to mourn.
The heart of the wise is in the house of mourning, while the heart of the fool is in the house of entertainment.
Edgar Allan Poe
Mournful and Never-ending Remembrance.
Edgar Allan Poe

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary AS. murnung,

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary A.S. murnan, meornan; Old High Ger. mornēn, to grieve.

Usage in the news

Riley, Mourning appear dazed in roaring OKC crowd.

Aurora community mourns lives lost in rampage.

KNOXVILLE — Friends and co-workers of a 20-year-old Lenoir City man are mourning his death today after he fell 35 feet from an upper level at the Georgia Dome during the University of Tennessee-North Carolina State football game Friday night.

Hugo Cuem mourning his brother-in-law Eugene Contrubis, who drowned in his Staten Island home.

Joan Didion Mourns Her Daughter.

American Theater Company's The Amish Project and Remy Bumppo's Mourning Becomes Electra .

The Amish Project, Mourning Becomes Electra reviewed.

Scene from Remy Bumppo's production of "Mourning Becomes Electra ".

Learning to mourn with Susan Howe, Gertrude Schnackenberg, Anne Carson and C.D.

I am in mourning for a dear friend and a great teacher to me, Larry Gibson.

Powwow serves as time for mourning and celebration.

Thousands mourn slain Mount Rainier ranger.

People gather at the scene of an early-morning crash on Boston Road in Lorain County, Ohio to pay their respects and mourn three teens who died there, Sunday, June 3, 2012.

Queen Victoria 's 40 years of mourning Albert.

Family and friends are mourning after two young people were found murdered in a Northeast Albuquerque home.

Usage in scientific papers

They had more time left to mourn and ponder over the disability and their bleak future and felt insecure.
Mathematical Analysis of the Problems faced by the People With Disabilities (PWDs)

We mourn the loss of Peter Carruthers and dedicate this work to him.
Analytical solution for multivariate statistics in random multiplicative cascades

Marshall Field disappeared into Macy’s this year and will be mourned by all who remember The Imperturbability of Elevator Operators by S.
Astrophysics in 2006

Kenyans are observing a national day of mourning in honor of the 215 people who died there.
Inferring Strategies for Sentence Ordering in Multidocument News Summarization

For instance, in Figure 9, quotes from US officials (third and fifth sentences) are split, and sentences about the mourning (first and sixth sentences) appear too far apart in the summary.
Inferring Strategies for Sentence Ordering in Multidocument News Summarization

Usage in literature

I beseech ye, my good friends, proceeded she, mourn not for one who mourns not, nor has cause to mourn, for herself. "Clarissa Harlowe, Volume 9 (of 9)" by Samuel Richardson

MOURNING AMID THE RUINS OF AN ANCIENT CHURCH. "The Poets and Poetry of Cecil County, Maryland" by Various

There was something mournful in its extinction. "The Man Who Laughs" by Victor Hugo


Both mother and daughter still wore deep mourning. "A Love Episode" by Emile Zola

My little son, who is the only one left me, also mourns. "Blackfeet Indian Stories" by George Bird Grinnell

There was no mention of the child, nothing but an infinitely mournful and tender farewell. "The Downfall" by Emile Zola

He was mournful and serious. "The Tree of Heaven" by May Sinclair

The peal was loud, rather harsh at first, then softened to a mourn, wild, lonely, haunting. "The Mysterious Rider" by Zane Grey

Of course, all gaieties are ended, and court mourning ordered for three weeks. "The Sunny Side of Diplomatic Life, 1875-1912" by Lillie DeHegermann-Lindencrone

Usage in poetry
Dead too thy trilling song,
Dead in thy grief;
Not e'en a saddened song
Mourns for the leaf.
Yet wears thy Tiber's shore
A mournful mien:
Rome, Rome! thou art no more
As thou hast been!
"Summer has passed away,
With every smiling scene,
And nature in decay
Assumes a mournful mien.
Mourn ye your brothers slain,
That now afar
From hush and dews and star
Man barters for his gain?
The Sons of the Gael
Are in exile and mourning,
Worn, weary, and pale
As spent pilgrims returning;
Red fangs have torn His face.
God's blood is shed.
He mourns from His lone place
His children dead.