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Two angels mourn by the body of Christ. It lies on a canvas and the stigmata is clearly visible. In the margin a Bible quote from Isa. 33 in Latin.
Two angels mourn by the body of Christ. It lies on a canvas and the stigmata is clearly visible. In the margin a Bible quote from Isa. 33 in Latin.
  1. (adj) mournful
    filled with or evoking sadness "the child's doleful expression","stared with mournful eyes","mournful news"
  2. (adj) mournful
    expressing sorrow
From a series of twelve prints. Cut away frame. Dead Christ mourned by his mother, the three Marys and John. Golgotha and entombment in background.
From a series of twelve prints. Cut away frame. Dead Christ mourned by his mother, the three Marys and John. Golgotha and entombment in background.
Mary and others mourn the dead body of Christ, which lies on a tomb. Two angels with candles kneel before the body. The print has a Latin caption.
Mary and others mourn the dead body of Christ, which lies on a tomb. Two angels with candles kneel before the body. The print has a Latin caption.
The poor man is lying on a bed of straw under a lean-to. He is mourned by three figures. In the sky three angels who lead poor Lazarus to heaven. In the left background Lazarus as a crippled man, walking on crutches in a landscape. The print has a Latin inscription and a Dutch and French caption. It is part of a series about the parable of the rich man and Lazarus
The poor man is lying on a bed of straw under a lean-to. He is mourned by three figures. In the sky three angels who lead poor Lazarus to heaven. In the left background Lazarus as a crippled man, walking on crutches in a landscape. The print has a Latin inscription and a Dutch and French caption. It is part of a series about the parable of the rich man and Lazarus
Venus and Amor mourn the death of Adonis. Venus holds her lover in her arms. Adonis' hunting weapons are on the ground next to him. His hounds are at his feet. In the background Venus floating through the air with her triumphal chariot. The print has a Latin caption and is part of a series about Adonis' life.
Venus and Amor mourn the death of Adonis. Venus holds her lover in her arms. Adonis' hunting weapons are on the ground next to him. His hounds are at his feet. In the background Venus floating through the air with her triumphal chariot. The print has a Latin caption and is part of a series about Adonis' life.
From a series of twelve prints. Dead Christ mourned by his mother, the three Marys and John. Golgotha and entombment in background. Around the show ornamental frame. At the bottom frame with text in Latin. Printed from multiple blocks.
From a series of twelve prints. Dead Christ mourned by his mother, the three Marys and John. Golgotha and entombment in background. Around the show ornamental frame. At the bottom frame with text in Latin. Printed from multiple blocks.
Empress Maria Theresa of Austria (1717-1780) in mourning clothes, seen from behind on the terrace of a park.
Empress Maria Theresa of Austria (1717-1780) in mourning clothes, seen from behind on the terrace of a park.
Portrait of Empress Maria Theresa of Austria (1717-1780), in mourning clothes on the terrace of a park.
Portrait of Empress Maria Theresa of Austria (1717-1780), in mourning clothes on the terrace of a park.
Allegory of dying with dying woman assisted by clergy and mourning family, she is welcome to heaven. On a table is an open book with the text Amor Dei. In the background in the dark are men and women who are guilty of too much food and drink and who are attached to precious possessions such as jewelry. On the ground are traces of pernicious activities such as a card game and a board game. They see behind them what happens to them when they die: the soul of a woman in bed is taken by the devil and demons wait in purgatory. Below the scene are quotes from the biblical texts Apocalypse 14 and Psalm 33.
Allegory of dying with dying woman assisted by clergy and mourning family, she is welcome to heaven. On a table is an open book with the text Amor Dei. In the background in the dark are men and women who are guilty of too much food and drink and who are attached to precious possessions such as jewelry. On the ground are traces of pernicious activities such as a card game and a board game. They see behind them what happens to them when they die: the soul of a woman in bed is taken by the devil and demons wait in purgatory. Below the scene are quotes from the biblical texts Apocalypse 14 and Psalm 33.
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. mournful
    Sorrowful; oppressed with grief.
  2. mournful
    Denoting or expressing mourning or sorrow; exhibiting the appearance of grief: as, mournful music; a mournful aspect.
  3. mournful
    Causing sorrow; deplorable; doleful: as, a mournful death. Synonyms Lugubrious, doleful, afflictive, grievous, lamentable, deplorable, woful, melancholy.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
  1. (adj) Mournful
    mourning: causing or expressing sorrow: feeling grief
The mind that is wise mourns less for what age takes away; than what it leaves behind.
William Wordsworth
We were promised sufferings. They were part of the program. We were even told, 'Blessed are they that mourn'
C. S. Lewis
The heart of the wise is in the house of mourning, while the heart of the fool is in the house of entertainment.
Edgar Allan Poe
Mournful and Never-ending Remembrance.
Edgar Allan Poe
Josh Billings
Men mourn for what they have lost; women for what they ain't got.
Josh Billings
If you want him to mourn, you had best leave him nothing.
Marcus Valerius Martial

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary A.S. murnan, meornan; Old High Ger. mornēn, to grieve.

Usage in the news

Mourning the street vendor who became their friend.

Even better, the Gram 's creator says 25 to 30 percent of the Hamm-O- Gram profits will be donated to A Caring Hand, a charity that supports mourning children and families.

Mourning husband wants answers from gravestone company.

Great Ape Trust Mourns Death News.

Great Ape Trust Mourns Death.

A whistle is his mouth screaming a shrill, mournful note as he urged his men forward in the attack.

Friends, we are here to mourn, mourn the forests and small businesses killed by Staples.

In the wake of the shooting rampage in Aurora, Colo. We saw our country's leaders come together — and not just to mourn in the face of tragedy.

Syrian Tanks Move in on City as Thousands Mourn Protesters' Deaths.

Bangladeshis mourn garment-fire dead, plan protest.

Barling mourns the loss of Tracy Powell.

Residents, mostly landowning families, noticed that Ms Musarrat's family showed no signs of grief or mourning.

Long-time Wilmington optometrist Dr George Martin was killed in a crash yesterday in Missouri, leaving a community in mourning.

The Officers and staff of UJA-Federation of New York deeply mourn the passing of Rabbi Richard Thaler , spiritual leader of Sutton Place Synagogue.

Fellow musicians mourn death of percussionist whose body was found Tuesday after search.

Usage in scientific papers

They had more time left to mourn and ponder over the disability and their bleak future and felt insecure.
Mathematical Analysis of the Problems faced by the People With Disabilities (PWDs)

We mourn the loss of Peter Carruthers and dedicate this work to him.
Analytical solution for multivariate statistics in random multiplicative cascades

Marshall Field disappeared into Macy’s this year and will be mourned by all who remember The Imperturbability of Elevator Operators by S.
Astrophysics in 2006

Kenyans are observing a national day of mourning in honor of the 215 people who died there.
Inferring Strategies for Sentence Ordering in Multidocument News Summarization

For instance, in Figure 9, quotes from US officials (third and fifth sentences) are split, and sentences about the mourning (first and sixth sentences) appear too far apart in the summary.
Inferring Strategies for Sentence Ordering in Multidocument News Summarization

Usage in literature

The old man gazed mournfully after the brilliant cavalcade. "Napoleon and the Queen of Prussia" by L. Mühlbach,

The music in the first scene should be of a lively nature; in the second scene, of a mournful style. "Home Pastimes; or Tableaux Vivants" by James H. Head

True, he mourned the lost notes, but he had lost something more. "Debit and Credit" by Gustav Freytag

There was one sentence that fell from my mother's dying lips which ever came to me in the sighs of the gale, fraught with mournful mystery. "Ernest Linwood" by Caroline Lee Hentz

Very softly she sang the mournful words of the first verse. "Grace Harlowe's Golden Summer" by Jessie Graham Flower

A mournful picture had imprinted itself on his mind, despite all his efforts to forget the past. "Legends of the Rhine" by Wilhelm Ruland

How grudgingly he now began to mourn over past extravagance, five pieces gone within the week! "The Complete Prose Works of Martin Farquhar Tupper" by Martin Farquhar Tupper

Mourning is observed during ten days for a man and nine days for a woman, while children who die unmarried are not mourned at all. "The Tribes and Castes of the Central Provinces of India - Volume IV of IV" by R.V. Russell

He fell in a foreign land, and his country, we are told, mourned for him with a loud and poignant lamentation. "The Knickerbocker, or New-York Monthly Magazine, April 1844" by Various

Do not mourn for her, my child. "The Golden Grasshopper" by W.H.G. Kingston

Usage in poetry
Word went out of the maiden's death,
Who for true love departed;
It found him who mourned her broken faith,
And mourned her as false, falsehearted.
Thou whom the Heauens themselues like made,
should never sit in mourning shade:
No, I alone must mourne and end,
Who have a life in griefe to spend.
Oh, Mary dear, I mourn thy loss,
To me the world seems nought but dross;
Sae I maun mourn baith nicht and day
For my lovely Mary, the Maid o' the Tay.
Mourning on earth, as when dark hours descend,
Wide-winged with plagues, from heaven; when hope and mirth
Wane, and no lips rebuke or reprehend
Mourning on earth.
'T is for ourselves we mourn;—we mourn
Our blighted hopes, our wishes crossed,
Thy strength, that hath our burdens borne,
Thy love, thy smile, thy counsels lost.
There's the nightingale again!
What a sweet and mournful strain!
The bird must mourn for love;
And the poets say and swear
That love is everywhere—
Around, below, above.