Complaining. -
Mourning; lamenting.
(Shak.) complaint
Plain as a pikestaff - (UK) If something is as plain as a pikestaff, it is very clear.
Plain as the nose on your face - If something is as plain as the nose on your face, it is very clear and obvious.
Plain Jane - A plain Jane is a woman who isn't particularly attractive.
Plain sailing - If something is relatively easy and there are no problems doing it, it is plain sailing.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary O. Fr. pleigner (Fr. plaindre)—L. plangĕre, to lament.
The Plain Dealer has managed to endorse Josh Mandel as the Republican candidate for Senate (Forum, Sunday) while writing hardly anything positive about him.
1/3 cup plain fat-free yogurt.
Chuck Crow, The Plain Dealer Tim Belcher , in 2002.
Peggy Turbett, The Plain Dealer A small cacao army awaits those who order the chocolate Napoleon at L'Albatros Brasserie and Bar in Cleveland.
Luffey, age 93, of Delano, died Wednesday, Nov 28, 2007 at the Haven Homes in Maple Plain.
Plain-Folk Religion, Grassroots Politics, and the Rise of Evangelical Conservatism By Darren Dochuk (W. Norton, 520 pp.
The plain pie at Joey's Pizzeria & Catering (460 Joralemon St, Belleville.
View full size Joshua Gunter, The Plain Dealer Josh Cribbs probably finds it easier to escape from tacklers than from angry fans upset over his tweeted picture of "my boy" LeBron James at the NBA All-Star game.
Broad Ripple's new binary eatery hides in plain sight.
View full size Plain Dealer file photo.
New research suggests drinking plain old-fashioned black tea may fight stress and promote relaxation.
The mountains, the rolling plains, the caverns.
While your video plays, a smaller side window displays a Google satellite image of your location with the option to see a photo image, a topo map or a plain old road map.
View full size Plain Dealer file Vapor from cooling tower at The Davis Besse nuclear power plant billows over farmland along Rt.
On the Plains, cold weather prevails, according to the USDA's Joint Ag Weather Facility.
The point C of the unit sphere, which does not belong to the region Ω, is mapped by (14) into the deleted point 0 of the complex plain (λ), see Fig. 2.
Systems of $n$ subspaces and representations of $*$-algebras generated by projections
Finally we show that in contrast to classical (algorithmic) randomness—which cannot be naturally characterised in terms of plain complexity—asymptotic randomness admits such a characterisation.
Natural Halting Probabilities, Partial Randomness, and Zeta Functions
Let s > 1 be a computable real, T a universal Turing machine, and KT be the plain complexity induced by T .
Natural Halting Probabilities, Partial Randomness, and Zeta Functions
To state this result more precisely we fix a universal Turing machine T and denote by KT the induced plain complexity.
Natural Halting Probabilities, Partial Randomness, and Zeta Functions
Theorem 32 has given rise to alternate definitions of random sequences with respect to the plain complexity and a characterisation of random reals: the real α ∈ (0, 1) is random iff KT (α[m]) ≥ m − KT (bin(m)) − c, for al l m ≥ 1, .
Natural Halting Probabilities, Partial Randomness, and Zeta Functions
Come, man, I have spoken to you plainly, speak plainly to me. "Simon Dale" by
May I ask you very kindly, but very plainly, are you like that? "Quiet Talks on Power" by
Proceeding along the leaf: 3 plain, 1 picot, 3 plain, 3 plain on the stitch at the point, 3 plain, 1 picot, 7 plain *****. "Encyclopedia of Needlework" by
Fourth row: slip 1, seam 35, knit 1 plain, seam 15, knit 1 plain, seam 15, knit 1 plain, seam 36. "Exercises in Knitting" by
The facts as to the use of that name are very plain, and as instructive as they are plain. "Expositions of Holy Scripture" by
The latter could be plainly heard more than a mile over the plain, like repeated discharges of a musket. "The Bush Boys" by
The train with which I am to cross the plains will not be going for six months to come. "The Lone Ranche" by
The plain before me is level, as though its surface were liquid. "The Rifle Rangers" by
He dreamed of the plains and horses and herds of buffalo and troops of Indians filing down the distant slopes. "The Eagle's Heart" by
One day, while gazing toward the north, he beheld a beautiful young woman of slender and majestic form, standing on the plains. "The Myth of Hiawatha, and Other Oral Legends, Mythologic and Allegoric, of the North American Indians" by
There came to the mud
A son of the plain,
Who sank where he stood.
he seeks readiness –
so let your will answer.
Let your no become yes.
But every one is plain
To each pure thought that rises
Again and yet again.
Waves o'er the plain;
The sickle's gleam is bright;
Full swells the grain.
May make it plain,
No image we may seek
Shall match the magic of his gurgling beak.
And starlight come again;
And I, weary rover,
Lie camped on One Tree Plain.