the apartment on board ship occupied by the gunner, or by the lieutenants as a mess-room
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary M. E. gonne, from W. gwn, a bowl, a gun, acc. to Skeat.
What an unfathomable, boundary-crossing, guns-in-the-Wizards locker-room Gilbert Arenas-Javaris Crittenton grudge confrontation story.
Guard's gun stolen in game room robbery.
The company behind the only armed robots in Iraq is rolling out a new model of gun-toting machine, built from the start for combat DANGER ROOM has exclusive pictures and footage.
Movies Watch Bill Murray's Brother Gun Down Dummies Tonight at Red Room.
Lawmaker's Wife Hurt in Gun Room Explosion.
Idaho Lawmaker's Wife Hurt in Gun Room Explosion.
Imagine your next-door neighbor — with whom you have had a long and bloody feud — pulling out a gun and shooting into your windows, from his own living room, which is densely packed with women and children.
One of Danger Room's very first posts was on the military's attempt build to make a puke ray gun – a non-lethal weapon that would make the target feel so dizzy, he just might hurl.
Radio Rumpus Room (Redux) on Dart Gun Radio this Wednesday, Jan 25 at midnight.
Vac's Tuesday Whacks, on the toughest son of a gun in the room.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Gilbert Arenas says he deserves to be punished for bringing guns to the locker room.
Eye-opening visit to city's Gun Room reveals scope of problem.
Kentucky State Police say an inmate at the Christian County jail shot himself with a jailer 's gun in a Hopkinsville hospital emergency room.
The manager told police that the gun malfunctioned and as the gunman attempted to fix the weapon, the manager and employee fled to a back room.
A freshman at USC was arrested and expelled after guns were found in his dorm room.
Of course there is a tiny probability of this, but we would guess that the chances of the appearance of the glider gun by random selection or evolution from a random state is similar to the probability of all the air in the room collecting in one corner.
He shook his head doubtingly, and referred to the difficulty of finding room for signal guns. "Fragments of science, V. 1-2" by
Those belonging to the gun-room were mostly men of this description, but one or two scarcely came up to it. "The Three Midshipmen" by
He had his gun ready, just in case, but there was no sign of anyone in the room he entered. "What The Left Hand Was Doing" by
On a feed-box lay the gun Sam had handled while on guard in the sitting room. "An Undivided Union" by
Shuffling all over the room and round about her was Mr. Gunning. "The Creators" by
Say so to the gun-room steward as you pass; and tell him it is my orders to fill you out a stiff nor-wester. "Thrilling Narratives of Mutiny, Murder and Piracy" by
In frigates, stern-ports cut through the gun-room. "The Sailor's Word-Book" by
Bates may have it in the gun room. "The Strange Case of Mortimer Fenley" by
Gun-room versus Ward-room, coming off this week. "The Submarine Hunters" by
His gun, powder, and shot were in the next room, as he had been out hunting in the morning of that day. "Stories of Authors, British and American" by
And you're shouting praise of men who fight for you,
Think of those who do their bit
In a seething furnace pit —
They're the heroes in the fire-room crew!