tēr to stir, as a calico-printer's sieve.
(Morris) Cowen , 93, died March 9, 2012, in Edmonds, Wash. Gladys was the fourth of four daughters born to Kearney and Lovie (Glosson) Morris on Oct 24, 1918, on the family farm in Teer, N.C. union-bulletin.com
GOLF PRO & SPECIALIZED GOLF CLUBS: Ed Teer Golf Academy. vagazette.com
GOLF PRO & SPECIALIZED GOLF CLUBS: Ed Teer Golf Academy. vagazette.com
Teer endows nuclear engineering scholarship at Texas A & M University. ecnmag.com
Teer of Fairfax, Va. ecnmag.com
JaNae Altepeter from Crookston, Minnesota and Kelby Teer from Cedar Springs would like to announce their wedding engagement. cedarspringspost.com
JOHNSTOWN (AP) — A former Richland Township firefighter is accused of stealing from his volun teer fire company. dailyamerican.com
He was REALLY Jonesin' and looking forward to eating some of his mom's leftover bird and trimmings BUT he discovered that his mom's boyfriend, 35-year-old Christoper Teer, had COMPLETELY finished them off. iot.com
TEER) by ATIS, Telecommunication Equipment Energy Efficiency Rating (TEEER) by Verizons Networks and Building Systems consider total energy consumption as weighted sum of energy consumption of the equipment at different load conditions , , , .
Green Cellular Networks: A Survey, Some Research Issues and Challenges
However, these metrics such as ECR, TEER, TEEER etc. are unable to capture all the properties of a system and research work is still active to suggest different types of metrics.
Green Cellular Networks: A Survey, Some Research Issues and Challenges
But here is another," sed he, bustin into teers; "read that. "Swingin Round the Cirkle." by
Look, Maister Max, there's the teer, four, five, sax of them, over yon. "Three Boys" by
But she'll be hungry sune, and when she's shot a teer she'll mak' a fire and roast her. "Steve Young" by
B'er Rabbit teer um up un mek 'e cud wit' dem. "Nights With Uncle Remus" by
B'er Rabbit teer um up un mek 'e cud wit' dem. "Nights With Uncle Remus" by
Say that thy teere-discoloured cheeke should moue Relenting pitie and that long liu'd loue. "Seven Minor Epics of the English Renaissance (1596-1624)" by
The Hindoos there located are called Nairs and Teers. "The Humour and Pathos of Anglo-Indian Life" by