the hero of William Shakespeare's tragedy who was betrayed and mistreated by two of his scheming daughters -
British artist and writer of nonsense verse (1812-1888)
Lore; lesson. -
To learn. See Lere, to learn.
To teach; instruct; inform. -
To learn. -
To teach. -
Learning; lore; a lesson. -
See leer. -
See leer.
lēr (Spens.) to learn -
that which is learned, a lesson: -
(Scot.) learning
' Glee ' producer Ryan Murphy to honor Norman Lear. timesleader.com
Raye Birk has the title role in Park Square Theatre's production of "King Lear". twincities.com
Park Square Theatre's production of "King Lear" wants to make you an offer you can't refuse. twincities.com
NEW YORK (AP) -- " King Lear " may be Shakespeare's greatest work, but, let's face it, it's also grindingly grim. crescent-news.com
Chook Sabtain, Jenny Jules, Jonathan Pryce, Zoe Waites and Richard Hope in " King Lear ". variety.com
New Players Theater's King Lear . columbusalive.com
This year they will be performing King Lear . kingfm.com
Too often the role of King Lear is played as an over-the-top lunatic trying to outshout the storm that rages around him literally and figuratively. blog.timesunion.com
OXFORD TOWN – Veteran thespian Peter Pinow (pictured on the OT cover) takes the lead role as King Lear in Shakespeare's "darkest tradegy" this weekend at the Ford Center. oxfordeagle.com
Presented by the Oxford Shakespeare Festival, curtains will rise on " King Lear " Saturday, June 3. oxfordeagle.com
CNY Shakespeare's King Lear features powerful performances. blog.syracuse.com
Classic's ' King Lear . blog.mysanantonio.com
Dan Yount, who plays Gloucester, rehearses a scene for Classic Theatre's staging of " King Lear ". blog.mysanantonio.com
New Moon Theatre Company Presents King Lear at TheatreWorks. knofm.org
NEW YORK—Glee co-creator Ryan Murphy is paying tribute at the International Emmy Awards to television legends Norman Lear and Alan Alda, whose socially-conscious shows in the '70s changed the face of television. elpasotimes.com
The experimental programs - carried out in the past mostly at the former LEAR facility and at present at the AD facility at CERN - would bene fit from intense future sources of low energy p’s.
Low Energy Antiproton Experiments -- A Review
After moderation of a p beam from LEAR at CERN, p’s could be trapped in a cylindrical Penning trap for the first time in 1986 .
Low Energy Antiproton Experiments -- A Review
It has been shown at the LEAR facility at CERN that antiprotonic x-rays from atoms in which a p has been captured can be utilized to obtain information on the neutron mean square radii of nuclei (see Fig. 17) .
Low Energy Antiproton Experiments -- A Review
We have de fined an inference algorithme DEES designed to lear n rational stochastic languages which strictly contains the class of stochastic languages computable by PA (or HMM).
Learning rational stochastic languages
The BABAR measurement of this ratio is shown in fig. 2 (right) for six different mass bins of Mp ¯p ; a previous LEAR measurement12 is in disagreement with BABAR.
Measurement of the e+e- Multihadronic Cross Sections below 4.5 GeV with BaBar
But he is old, as Lear is old; he is called the father of his kingdom. "The Growth of English Drama" by
An ounce o' wit is worth a pound o' lear. "The Proverbs of Scotland" by
Is one that watches himself a mischief, and keeps a lear eye still, for fear it should escape him. "Microcosmography" by
At a time not far distant "Lear" was my favourite among Shakespeare's plays. "Fibble, D. D." by
Enter Lear and the fool. "Tolstoy on Shakespeare" by
He thought of old Lear moaning over dead Cordelia. "The Art of Disappearing" by
Lear, Tobias, describes Henry's control of Virginia politics in 1788, 353. "Patrick Henry" by
What can there be in common between Lear and Juliet? "The Strollers" by
Macready, you acknowledge, is perhaps your superior in such parts as Lear and Hamlet; but did he ever paint a single side-scene in his life? "Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 59, No. 367, May 1846" by
The fate of Lear finds a parallel in that of {186} Gloucester in the underplot. "An Introduction to Shakespeare" by
He fled to mingle again
With the dread Orestean thunder,
The Lear of the driven rain!
To talk wi' him is vain;
For gin we a' should say 'twas fair,
He'd prove that it did rain.
Gae her bairnies wark and lear;
Lastly, gae this cot-house till her,
Wi' four sterling pounds a year.'
Myself must I remake
Till I am Timon and Lear
Or that William Blake
Who beat upon the wall
Till Truth obeyed his call;
For passion spake while fancy cheer'd;
And while wi' flaunting airs ye flar'd
And thought to shine;
But Nature -- judging nature sneer'd And ca'd it -- fine!
The spirit's flown that warm'd the clay!
The light has fled that cheer'd the way
Through lear's mirk page;
Fir'd the young breast wi' fancy's ray,
And charm'd the sage!