a licensed medical practitioner "I felt so bad I went to see my doctor" -
a person who holds Ph.D. degree (or the equivalent) from an academic institution "she is a doctor of philosophy in physics"
Juan Carlo/The Star Dr Thomas Fogel (left) hears Dr Tsewang Tamdin explain his methods of healing to a group of doctors at the Coastal Communities Cancer Center in Ventura. venturacountystar.com
A memorial service will be at 11 am on Saturday, Oct 27, 2012 at Bill Head Funeral Home, Lilburn/Tucker Chapel, with Dr Randy Shepley and Dr Cecil Ethridge officiating. timesrecordnews.com
Dr Cordice performed life-saving surgery in 1958 on Dr Martin Luther King Jr after the civil rights leader was stabbed in the chest in Harlem. nyc.org
USC remembers the life and legacy of Dr Martin Luther King Jr. The University of South Carolina is keeping the memory of Dr Martin Luther King Jr alive across the Midlands by hosting a series of commemorative events. ach.com
Tuesday morning, a private 40th anniversary celebration was held at Harborview Medical Center with co-founder Dr Leonard Cobb and Medic One Medical Director Dr Michael Copass. blog.seattlepi.com
This group of hunters, (from left) A.J.Good, Roy Huntwork, John Huntwork, Dr W B. Taylor, Dr Louis Saylor and Fred Sensabaugh, bagged a large moose which was given to the Carnegie Library. snponline.com
In this photo supplied by Rockefeller University, Dr Vincent P Dole and Dr Marie Nyswander are seen in 1983 at Rockefeller University in New York. lodinews.com
"She's watching Dr Andrews, Dr Andrews cuts the tendon out and holds it up and he's testing it, playing with it like a piece of spaghetti," Morton said. post-gazette.com
We also got Mötley Crüe last night at Bridgestone Arena, where we took in "The Tour" — a Dr Feelgood-meets-Dr. nashvillescene.com
Announced by Edward and Sandra Mulligan of Poland is the engagement and upcoming marriage of their daughter, Dr Erin A Mulligan , to Dr Paul S Shilling, both of North Olmsted. towncrieronline.com
Dr Cote said he and colleagues such as Dr Ram Datar, co-director at the institute, developed nanotech products in California that led to startup companies there, and the same can happen in Miami. miamitodaynews.com
Northeastern Illinois University's 2009-2010 Presidential Lecture Series opened with a lecture on the "Societal Impact of Nanotechnology " by Dr Vladimiro Mujica and Dr Luis Nuñez. bez.org
His presentation was listened to closely and roundly applauded before people trickled out, along with Dr Carter, Dr Rice, Mr Bienstock, and other astronomers and scientists, to observe the planet Saturn through the observatory's telescope. easthamptonstar.com
HEALTH Dr Pearl and Dr Powell are dedicated chiropractors and wellness advisors who specialize in nutrition, pediatrics and special needs children, pain management, and rehabilitation. nymetroparents.com
Posted on May 18, 2003 Article Author: Dr Ruth Arnold and Dr Ann Marie Gallo. northstarpubs.com
In both cases it follows, from the definition of the type I DR-paths, which are walks in the integer lattice LI in CS-I, that the DR-path must intersect the S-step in the ES-step, and after that go to a point with a larger xI -coordinate.
Non-intersecting Paths, Random Tilings and Random Matrices
Z dr′ dr ˆΨ† (r) ˆΨ† (r′ )V (r − r′ ) ˆΨ(r′ ) ˆΨ(r) where ˆΨ(r) and ˆΨ† (r) are the boson field operators that annihilate and create a particle at the position r, respectively.
Helium nanodroplets and trapped Bose-Einstein condensates as prototypes of finite quantum fluids
Integrating Eq. (5) over r , r ′ yields Z dr Z dr ′ XF,M ˆA†F M (r , r ′ ) ˆAF M (r , r′ ) = ˆN ( ˆN − 1), where ˆN ≡ R ˆn(r)dr is the total number of bosons.
Theory of spin-2 Bose-Einstein condensates: spin-correlations, magnetic response, and excitation spectra
Indeed, every G-invariant point of ˆDr,c would belong to ˆDr1 ,C for all r1 , but the intersection of all these divisors is empty since π factors through the blowup of the intersection of Dr,C , r ∈ G.
McKay correspondence for elliptic genera
Ec ) Yr∈G,1≤c≤k where ˆDr,c is the proper preimage of Dr,c .
McKay correspondence for elliptic genera
At this convention Dr. Martha Griffiths of Crawfordsville and Dr. Adah McMahon of Lafayette were added to the directors. "The History of Woman Suffrage, Volume VI" by
Dr. Kent, father of Alan and Babs, maintained a luxurious home, with only a housekeeper and and no other servant. "Astounding Stories, March, 1931" by
Dr. Jebb of Cedar Mountain. "The Preacher of Cedar Mountain" by
The following chapter will contain the letters addressed to Dr. North. "Vegetable Diet: As Sanctioned by Medical Men, and by Experience in All Ages" by
You'd better have him bring Dr. Lassen with him. "Astounding Stories, May, 1931" by
With Dr. Warren Slavens it was quite different from the case of these purely adventurous speculators. "Claim Number One" by
Dr. Allerton knew what he was about when he sent you to a farm to get well. "Chicken Little Jane on the Big John" by
This same young man later became tutor for the children of Dr. David Stuart. "Seaport in Virginia" by
And after what Dr. Prime said only this afternoon! "When Ghost Meets Ghost" by
One hot week this month was spent with Dr. Sarah A. Dolley, a prominent physician of Rochester, in her summer home at Long Pond. "The Life and Work of Susan B. Anthony (Volume 2 of 2)" by
All are happy as can be—
I to live alone am fated:
No one's left to marry me!
For golden opinions he has won
From his patients one and all,
And from myself, McGonagall.
said Reverend Dr. Wise
“is standing straight with outstrecthed arms
and rapt and upturned eyes.”
For Washington, Wesley and good Dr. Watts;
His prurient plots pained Wesley and Watts,
But Washington said he "enjoyed them in spots."
Of this terrible phrase, which I cannot make out;
And what is the Latin for "reaping" and "gleaning?"
Is "podagra" the Greek, or the Latin for "gout?"
To fight the mailed fist, sir, the Kaiser and his crew."
Thus answered Dr. Brown,--"Sir, in one main point you lack;
I'll have to turn you down, sir, because your teeth don't track."