a primeval Egyptian personification of air and breath; worshipped especially at Thebes
To say Amen to; to sanction fully.
Verily; truly: retained in the Bible from the original. -
It is so; after a prayer or wish, be it so: a concluding formula used as a solemn expression of concurrence in a formal statement or confession of faith, or in a prayer or wish. -
A mere concluding formula. -
He who is true and faithful: retained in the Bible from the original, as a title of Christ. -
An expression of concurrence or assent; an assertion of belief. -
The concluding word or act; end; conclusion. -
To ratify solemnly; say amen to; approve. -
To say the last word to; end; finish.
ā′men′ or ä′men′ so let it be!—v.t. to say amen to anything, to ratify solemnly. -
ā′men′ or ä′men′, so let it be!—v.t. to say amen to anything, to ratify solemnly.
Amen - Some use 'Amen' or 'Amen to that' as a way of agreeing with something that has just been said.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary L. amen, Gr. 'amh`n, Heb. āmēn, certainly, truly
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Gr.—Heb. āmēn, firm, true.
Amen , Funeral Director.
Amen , a funeral director in Brooklyn, refuses to dress dowdy, even while working wakes at the Jurek-Park Slope Funeral Home, which she has owned since 1989.
Dr Daniel Amen and "Unchain Your Brain".
Oh Well, Whatever, Nevermind: Forever and Ever, Amen .
The Amen Center is a new shelter for the homeless which has opened in the former Delta Elementary School.
Shirley and Danny Hollowell show a finished bedroom in the Amen Center Sunday, Sept 11, 2011, at Delta, Mo.
After the claustrophobic fuzz of 2009's DIA, Amen Dunes has returned with the fantastically-titled Through Donkey Jaw (Sacred Bones).
Goodbye, Farewell and Amen .
Lady Gaga Launches ' Amen Fashion' Tumblr.
Kamau Amen -Ra's 'Here's Looking at You: A Visual Essay of Jazz and Blues' at the San Leandro Library through July 31.
Amen Hallelujah Reaching for Oaks Glory.
Amen Hallelujah has been prepping for the Kentucky Oaks on the turf at Gulfstream.
The leader of a household that authorities described as a religious cult was convicted Tuesday along with two other people of starving a 1-year-old boy to death because he did not say " Amen " during a mealtime prayer.
Amen Hallelujah Answers Santa Ynez Call.
Amen Hallelujah pulls away to win the Santa Ynez under Chantal Sutherland.
The techniques described in this paper are amenable to evolutionary approaches, and could benefit from these results.
Multiagent Control of Self-reconfigurable Robots
By an application of the uniqueness theorem of Burton and Keane , we get in the case where G is the usual Zd lattice (and more generally when G is a transitive amenable graph — see Section 2.5 for a definition) that the number of infinite clusters is at most one, FRC-a.s. as well as WRC-a.s.
Explicit isoperimetric constants and phase transitions in the random-cluster model
Two important properties, that may or may not hold for a given quasi-transitive graph, are amenability and unimodularity, which we review next.
Explicit isoperimetric constants and phase transitions in the random-cluster model
The graph Zd is amenable, while Tn is nonamenable for n ≥ 2.
Explicit isoperimetric constants and phase transitions in the random-cluster model
All of (20)–(23) can reduce to equalities; this happens, e.g., whenever G is amenable.
Explicit isoperimetric constants and phase transitions in the random-cluster model
About sunset Lord Kenmure died, at the same instant that Rutherford said Amen to his prayer. "Samuel Rutherford and some of his correspondents" by
His will be done: Amen, Amen, Amen. "The Life of Nelson, Vol. II. (of 2)" by
The Great Temple was built, as we have said, in honour of Thothmes I and II, and the deities Amen-Ra and Hathor. "History Of Egypt, Chaldæa, Syria, Babylonia, And Assyria In The Light Of Recent Discovery" by
She had known for many days that she would have to punish Jimmy Singleton, for Jimmy had been growing daily less amenable to discipline. "The Trail Horde" by
And, moreover, what was, is, and ever shall be, Amen! "Two Knapsacks" by
Neither could send nor receive a challenge without rendering himself amenable to a court-martial. "The Point Of Honor A Military Tale" by
Elmira, while constantly more amenable to her mother, was at the moment more outspoken against her. "Jerome, A Poor Man" by
Cancers of mucous membranes are less amenable to ray treatment because they are less circumscribed and are difficult of access. "Manual of Surgery" by
I will not stand amenable before God for crime like this. "The Harvest of Years" by
Scientific prophecy is amenable to the same tests as other prophecy. "The Breath of Life" by
In glory close;
LORD GOD, may we attain
Their grand repose! Amen.
Amen, so let it be;
Life from the dead is in that word,
'Tis immortality.
This lamp in our poor room.
O grey and gold amenity, —
Silence and gentle gloom!
The badger for the glen;
The otter for the river-pools
Amen, amen, amen!
To him, the world, who made —
To him, who sav'd it, lost,
And to the Holy Ghost! Amen.
Cleanse this polluted den;
Tender my suits, cancel my debts:
Sweet Jesus, say Amen.