informal term for information "give me the gen on your new line of computers"
An obsolete variant of gin. -
An abbreviation of Genesis; General (as a title). -
An abbreviation of general; genitive. -
A terminal element in words from or made after the Latin or Greek, meaning primarily ‘produce,’ and taken either passively, ‘born,’ ‘produced,’ as in acrogen, endogen, exogen, etc., that which is produced or grows at the top, from within, from without, etc., or actively, ‘producing,’ ‘serving to produce,’ as in hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, etc., that which produces or serves to produce water, acid, nitric acid, etc. The corresponding adjective is in -genic or -genous, and the abstract noun, if any, is in -geny. -
An abbreviation of Geneva or Genevan. -
An abbreviation of gender; of genera; of generally; of generic; of genus.
But companies looking to court Gen-X shoppers should look past just competing on price.
Members of Gen X and Gen Y often ask me how much they should save for retirement.
Some other findings from the report were that three-quarters of Gen-X women and 72 percent of Gen-X men consider themselves ambitious.
One-third of Gen X ers have bachelor's degrees, with 11 percent holding graduate degrees.
And 36 percent of Gen X women out-earn their spouses or partners.
Gen X women, young for their age.
Courting Gen X and Gen Y customers requires an investment in infrastructure.
Not between men and women, but between Boomers/ Gen X and their Millenial counterparts.
Gen X Supervisors of Baby Boomer Officers.
Gen X Has a Midlife Crisis.
'The Atlantic', Your Gen X Magnet.
Start buying inventory with Gen-X functionality in mind, and eliminate anything that does not fit that profile.
Are Gen X -ers Falling Behind.
Special music was provided by the couple's son, Brian Gens .
CASSADAGA — Shannon Gens of Cassadaga has become an independent consultant with Tastefully Simple Inc, a national direct-sales company featuring easy-to-prepare gourmet products.
B n is a smooth submanifold of (Gk )gen/Ad with codimension 1.
On the Gribov Problem for Generalized Connections
B n ) is a smooth submanifold of (Gk )gen with codimension 1.
On the Gribov Problem for Generalized Connections
Proof By Proposition 5.1, (Gk )gen has Haar measure 1 for some k ∈ N+ .
On the Gribov Problem for Generalized Connections
A −→ Gk decreases the type, we have [Z ] = Typ(ϕ(A)) ≤ Typ(A) ≤ [Z ] for all A ∈ ϕ−1((Gk )gen ).
On the Gribov Problem for Generalized Connections
The most obvious choice of a neighbourhood of A would be U := ϕ−1(V ), where V is an almost global trivialization of (Gk )gen from the covering above with ϕ(A) ∈ V .
On the Gribov Problem for Generalized Connections
At Fishkill Landing on May 13, 1783, Gen. Knox organized the Society of the Cincinnati. "The Greatest Highway in the World" by
Concerning Jacob the Scriptures say "The elder shall serve the younger," Gen 25, 23. "Commentary on Genesis, Vol. II" by
Barton, Major.-Gen. G., C.B., 203, 269, 273, 333, 345, 347, 357-373. "History of the War in South Africa 1899-1902 v. 1 (of 4)" by
He sent his daughter, under the care of Madame de Genlis, to England. "Louis Philippe" by
She was the granddaughter of Madame de Genlis. "As I Remember" by
James M. Stillman Gen. F. G. Lippett, Theodore Tilton, Rev. "History of Woman Suffrage, Volume III (of III)" by
Yore disposition concernin' wimmen is gen'ally soured. "Rimrock Trail" by
Noun in the gen. and dat. "Elements of Gaelic Grammar" by
Me an' these gen'lemen will be quite happy till dinner-time. "The Tale of Timber Town" by
Gen. Scott insisted to have Gen. Harney appointed to the command of Missouri, and hated Lyon. "Diary from March 4, 1861, to November 12, 1862" by
Might well this bosom move;
And when I ask'd for bliss on earth,
I only When love is all I prize?
With ev'ry virtue, pure, refin'd;
And wit and taste, and grace and art,
United to illume her mind.
The poor and needy daily bless,
And in the cold her household walk,
All warmly clad in scarlet dress.
As near the cave it shiv'ring stood;
'A stranger shipwreck'd by the storm
Implores the gen'rous and the good;
On him and his;—and Thou wilt be
His Friend, who wert his father's Friend,
And all his sons Thy love shall see.
For gen'rous Britons to their mem'ry raise;
A tribute will their children's wants supply,
A living monument of grateful praise.