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Doorway of the Burning Heart
Doorway of the Burning Heart
Doorway of the Burning Heart
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Doorway of the Burning Heart

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When Jesse and his friends (with their new dorg Scooby) head to Raleigh, NC in search of a kidnapped angel of the Throne of God, they expect to face impossible odds and horrifyingly undead monsters. They are right, but they also find something worse, a situation that none of them are prepared for, with the balance of the Heaven and Hell at stake.

The third novella of the Throne of Hearts

PublisherGil Hough
Release dateDec 5, 2017
Doorway of the Burning Heart

Gil Hough

Gil Hough was born in Detroit, Michigan, and raised on the waters of Lake St. Clair, spending the majority of his youth reading and boating. After graduating from Grand Valley State University, where he mostly studied his love of the sport of rowing, he left for various adventures. Which included several years of non-violent reconciliation work in Northern Ireland with the Brethren Volunteer Service. He also worked with refugees from Central America seeking political asylum and teaching English as a second language in Torreon, Mexico.Gil settled in Knoxville, Tennessee, where he resides today. After spending four years organizing Appalachian communities with SOCM, he worked as the Tennessee Director of Renewable Programs at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy, until he moved on to developing renewable projects with RSI EnTech LLC. He is a founding member of TenneSEIA (Tennessee Solar Energy Industries Association), where he also serves as Executive Director, advocating for the orderly and sustained development of solar energy.I enjoy hearing my readers' thoughts on my books! You can email me at or learn more at my web site

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    Book preview

    Doorway of the Burning Heart - Gil Hough

    Doorway of the Burning Heart

    By Gil Hough

    The Third Novella in THE THRONE OF HEARTS series

    First Edition

    Copyright 2017 Gil Hough

    Cover Art by Chris KUDI Design 2017

    Discover more about the author at:

    License Notes

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or if it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    Writing has been my lifelong dream, and it has only been made possible due to the support of many people, notably my amazing wife Kelly and our wonderful children Jonah, Steven and Autumn. A special thanks to my editors and beta readers Katie Rehs, Kelly Melear-Hough and Autumn Hough. This book is dedicated to my nephew Wyatt whose hospital room I finished it in, I am glad he is back to being healthy!

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1 – Taste of Honey

    Chapter 2 – Knowledge Smells like Bacon

    Chapter 3 – Night Vision

    Chapter 4 – Hunting Pack

    Chapter 5 – Howling at the Moon

    Chapter 6 – Onward Christian Soldier

    About the Author

    Chapter One

    Taste of Honey

    I think we are going to have to ditch this car, said Belinda

    What! Why? This old Land Rover is sweet. I’m pretty sure it’s bulletproof and it drives like a dream, said Jesse.

    It might drive like a dream, but if we get pulled over it might turn into a nightmare, said Belinda. A college student like you might get off with a warning, but if you remember, I am out on bail and if I get caught in a stolen vehicle…

    It is not stolen. All the original drivers just happen to be dead, said Jesse.

    I don’t think the police will find that re-assuring, said Belinda.

    Jesse did not say anything for a moment. Though unspoken, he knew race was an issue. He, as a white male, and she, as a black female, had different reactions and assumptions about dealing with the police.

    How long will it take us to walk to this Raleigh community? asked Jophiel in a curious tone from the back seat.

    Jessie could not help smile at the question, but he responded, I think what Belinda is suggesting is that we switch vehicles, not that we walk to Raleigh.

    Jophiel nodded and settled back in the back seat. She trusted the two of them to navigate the strange world that she was in.

    Jesse had to admit that Belinda was right. The more time that passed since the ‘situation’ in Chattanooga, the more likely that police would be looking for this vehicle. With regret he switched positions in the car with Belinda and at the next exit, he called ahead and arranged a rental in Statesville, the next major city on their route.

    While Jesse got the new rental, Belinda and Jophiel stripped the Range Rover of any useful equipment and their limited personal belongings. They were careful to switch out of the Land Rover somewhere far from any traffic or security cameras and wipe it clean of fingerprints, so as not to have the abandoned vehicle lead back to them. He put the rental on the credit card that his parents had gotten him only for emergencies and he had, until now, never used. He had a sinking feeling that saving the world was going to be very bad for his credit.

    Soon they were driving east from Statesville toward Raleigh in a Dodge minivan. Jesse felt a little depressed; this was not the style that one used while saving the world. Jesse dismissed his negativity and looked over at Belinda as he drove and said to both the other women in the minivan, You both know about angels and choirs and all this stuff, but can I ask some questions before we stick our head into the next vampire nest?

    I don’t know everything, just more than you do, clarified Belinda as she glanced behind her shoulder at the Angel Jophiel who sat in the back seat gazing out the window with Scooby in her lap. Jesse looked in the rearview mirror and then peeled his eyes away. It was a challenge to look at the beautiful angel and keep his eyes on the road.

    The angel’s pale hair was not white, nor was it blonde; it was simply a pale cascade of loveliness that set off her amber eyes. Her skin appeared almost lighter than her hair until one noticed the faint pattern that was part of her skin - not the light blue veins that you can see in some really pale people, but some half visible amber pattern that reminded him of the pattern in marble. The slim angel appeared to be in her late teen years, and was so shockingly beautiful that even after almost a week of traveling together, Jesse could get lost staring at her.

    Jesse thought he was better than average looking, even with his face being rough from childhood acne scars, but compared to Belinda with her exotic looks, and an honest-to-god angel, he rated himself just ahead of the puppy Scooby in the looks department.

    What do you want to know? asked Jophiel, her voice as musical and beautiful as the rest of her.

    Jesse, focusing on the task at hand, said, So we don’t know who or what we might have to fight in Raleigh or Durham, but what do we know about the angels of The Throne of God that we’re trying to rescue? There are seven of them you said?

    Jophiel became still at the question, and she did not respond right away. Belinda piped in with a related question. You also said, that one of the seven fell long ago, and was never replaced in the Choir of the Throne of God, but then a millennia ago another fell and was replaced. If I understood you correctly, this replacement angel led the others of the Choir down here to rescue him, as you ‘all feared what would happen to the balance of Heaven and Hell. We found the archangel Zaphkiel in Atlanta; before he got away it sounded like he was the replacement angel.

    I can’t believe he betrayed us, Jophiel whispered. If we can simply get him back to heaven…

    Jesse had to hold back his response that it would probably require a bullet to Zaphkiel’s head to get him to return to heaven, but he did not want to start an argument. Instead he held up one hand and then closed four fingers and said, Alright, that is four out of seven that we know of.

    When Jophiel still did not speak, it was Belinda who responded to Jesse, "Three actually, the one who fell long ago, the one who fell a millennia ago whose position Zaphkiel filled in the choir, and Jophiel. Can you give us the names that we are most likely to recognize of the

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