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Mistborn: Secret History
Mistborn: Secret History
Mistborn: Secret History
Ebook203 pages3 hours

Mistborn: Secret History

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Mistborn: Secret History is a companion story to the original Mistborn Trilogy.

As such, it contains HUGE SPOILERS for the books Mistborn (the Final Empire), The Well of Ascension, and The Hero of Ages. It also contains very minor spoilers for the book The Bands of Mourning.

Mistborn: Secret History builds upon the characterization, events, and worldbuilding of the original trilogy. Reading it without that background will be a confusing process at best.

In short, this isn’t the place to start your journey into Mistborn. (Though if you have read the trilogy—but it has been a while—you should be just fine, so long as you remember the characters and the general plot of the books.)

Saying anything more here risks revealing too much. Even knowledge of this story’s existence is, in a way, a spoiler.

There’s always another secret.

Release dateJan 25, 2016
Mistborn: Secret History

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson grew up in Lincoln, Nebraska. He lives in Utah with his wife and children and teaches creative writing at Brigham Young University. His bestsellers have sold 34 million copies worldwide and include the Mistborn saga; the Stormlight Archive novels; and other novels, including Tress of the Emerald Sea, The Rithmatist, Steelheart, and Skyward. He won a Hugo Award for The Emperor's Soul, a novella set in the world of his acclaimed first novel, Elantris. Additionally, he completed Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time®. Visit his website for behind-the-scenes information on all his books.

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Reviews for Mistborn

Rating: 4.3440002 out of 5 stars

250 ratings14 reviews

What our readers think

Readers find this title to be a great read, with excellent storytelling and writing. The author's choice to write the story in a certain way is seen as a smart literary move. It is recommended to read the first trilogy before this book, as it completes the holes and expands the universe. The book is praised for its lore and is a must-read for fans of the author's other works.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    It's odd that Sanderson chose to write his story this way. But it is the only way to make Kelsier's involvement matters without compromising Vin's story. It would have been weird had the main story includes chapters of ghost Kelsier. Smart literary move.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This is a must read if you've finished The Bands of Mourning. It completes all the holes in the first trilogy and it expands the universe we know of dramatically. There's far more to this world than we realized, enjoy!
    And remember, there's always another secret.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Sanderson is a great storyteller as well as an excellent writer. If he wasn’t so good,I couldn’t stay transfixed to the end. More, please.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Great book.
    I recommend reading mistborn era 1 first but amazing
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Amazing! Full of lore of the Cosmere. It’s a must read if you love Brandon’s books.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Be warned: Secret History contains HUGE spoilers for the original Mistborn trilogy and very minor spoilers for Bands of Mourning. Definitely do not read before finishing the original trilogy. My mind is blown. It's amazing how much was going on behind the scenes during the time of the original Mistborn trilogy. I think I have even more questions now than answers. I really hope additional Secret Histories are written some day. I want the rest of the story!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The Survivor, the man whose sacrifice led to the downfall of the Lord Ruler and freedom for the oppressed skaa on Scadrial, died in the first book of the original Mistborn trilogy. Mistborn: Secret History by Brandon Sanderson follows Kelsier after death during the events of the climax of the first novel and then Well of Ascension and The Hero of Ages.Throughout the original trilogy, the reader knew Vin’s life was being influenced by greater forces that were playing out on a different plain or Realm and in this novella the reader learns that Kelsier prevented himself from going to the Cosmere’s afterlife (the Beyond). Then we follow Kelsier through the background events of the next two books from the Well of Ascension to the final showdown as the Hero of Ages emerges. The supernatural elements of the Cosmere are explained, especially those specific to Scadrial, and other characters from the Cosmere appear for knowledgeable readers through are also intriguing introductions for beginning readers. Absolutely this should be read only after finishing the Mistborn trilogy.Mistborn: Secret History is exactly that, the now revealed background events that affected Vin’s story in the original trilogy.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I enjoyed this novella much more then most shorter then novel length fiction that I read. After reading it, I'm wondering why Sanderson didn't interweave this into the Mistborn trilogy books. If you've read all the Mistborn books this is highly recommended. I liked Kelsier a lot and was surprised what happened to him in the trilogy, so this all Kelsier story was appreciated.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    For a midquel about secret things happening in the background of the main narrative, this is pretty good. I don't think it would do particularly well standing on its own, but as an appendix to "The Hero of Ages", I got rather a lot out of it. There's some quippy dialogue that made me chuckle, some reasonably intriguing worldbuilding as Sanderson puts the Mistborn trilogy into context of his greater Cosmere universe continuity, and some cool connections to the main story that he clearly planned all along.Just don't ever read up on this book before reading the main three. It spoils nearly every single reveal if you read this first.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I struggled a bit with the core concept of this novella, in that it sort of undermined one of the things I found particularly compelling about the first Mistborn book, If you are looking for context to help make sense of some of the confusing incidents in the original Mistborn trilogy this is quite helpful. As a stand-alone exercise in storytelling it really didn't do much for me.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I'm usually not a fan of books written to show another perspective of another popular book or series; it's usually more of a money-grab than anything. In this case, however, I was pleasantly surprised that this wasn't the case. Another perspective, sure, but so much more, and this novella actually helps flesh out the series even more.

    Don't read this unless you've read all six Mistborn books! Tons of spoilers here!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    THIS GUY. which could refer to EITHER Sanderson or Kelsier because man both men are non-stop.

    Explains a lot of the weird going on through Well of Ascension and Hero of Ages, as well as the Epilogue of Bands of Mourning. Definitely read after original trilogy, though I think it could be placed either before or after the Wax & Wayne (it was a nice surprise after BoM, though, when Brandon mentioned it in notes at the end).
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Spoilers ahead!
    I'm crying. I'm glad Kelsier is still there, but Vin and Elend are truly gone... I can't stop crying...
    It's implied that Kell is going to do sth with Spook and I want to know more about it. and maybe I should have read this after reading bands of mourning... there were some things I didn't understand and probably were spoilers... Dammit.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Misborn: Secret History is a surprise novella released alongside The Bands of Mourning. It contains huge, massive, epic spoilers for the original Mistborn trilogy! DO NOT READ THIS NOVELLA IF YOU HAVEN’T READ THE ORIGINAL MISTBORN NOVELS! Seriously, don’t do it! In fact, you probably shouldn’t even read it until after you’ve read The Bands of Mourning (this is what Sanderson recommends).Also, Mistborn: Secret History is basically cosmere backstory. So it’s probably best that you have some knowledge of the cosmere going in. The cosmere is the universe that contains Sanderson’s adult epic fantasies (namely, The Way of Kings, Mistborn, Warbreaker, Elantris, and some yet unreleased novels). These series are all set in different worlds, but the worlds are partially unified. They have some of the same underlying theory of magic that depends on three realms, Physical, Cognitive, and Spiritual. Part of Words of Radiance is set in the Cognitive realm, and almost all of Mistborn: Secret History takes place in it.There are a few characters who are able to travel between realms. The most obvious is Hoid, a mysterious character who’s appeared in every cosmere novel. He’s most prominent as Wit from The Way of Kings and Words of Radiance. There’s a group of people the fans call the Seventeenth Shard who also travel between realms. Shards are another important cosmere concept that relates to the magic system.Honestly, if any of this is news to you, you probably shouldn’t be reading Mistborn: Secret History. I’d suggest reading some of the other cosmere novels first and checking out the online forums to get up to date on the fan collected knowledge.As for talking about the plot of Misborn: Secret History itself… I cannot be at all specific if I want to avoid spoilers. It’s basically a “behind the scenes” of the original Mistborn trilogy. It’s interesting to see how there was all this stuff going on that we didn’t know about and that Sanderson’s been planning since 2004! I also liked being back with certain characters from the original trilogy, although in her review, Anila does make some good points about how this effects characterization (especially regarding Vin).If you have an interest in the cosmere (or a huge love of the original Mistborn trilogy), Mistborn: Secret History is definitely something you should read.Originally posted on The Illustrated Page.

Book preview

Mistborn - Brandon Sanderson

Part One


Part One



Kelsier burned the Eleventh Metal.

Nothing changed. He still stood in that Luthadel square, facing down the Lord Ruler. A hushed audience, both skaa and noble, watched at the perimeter. A squeaking wheel turned lazily in the wind, hanging from the side of the overturned prison wagon nearby. An Inquisitor’s head had been nailed to the wood of the wagon’s bottom, held in place by its own spikes.

Nothing changed, while everything changed. For to Kelsier’s eyes, two men now stood before him.

One was the immortal emperor who had dominated for a thousand years: an imposing figure with jet-black hair and a chest stuck through with two spears that he didn’t even seem to notice. Next to him stood a man with the same features—but a completely different demeanor. A figure cloaked in thick furs, nose and cheeks flush as if cold. His hair was tangled and windswept, his attitude jovial, smiling.

It was the same man.

Can I use this? Kelsier thought, frantic.

Black ash fell lightly between them. The Lord Ruler glanced toward the Inquisitor that Kelsier had killed. Those are very hard to replace, he said, his voice imperious.

That tone seemed a direct contrast to the man beside him: a vagabond, a mountain man wearing the Lord Ruler’s face. This is what you really are, Kelsier thought. But that didn’t help. It was only further proof that the Eleventh Metal wasn’t what Kelsier had once hoped. The metal was no magical solution for ending the Lord Ruler. He would have to rely instead upon his other plan.

And so, Kelsier smiled.

I killed you once, the Lord Ruler said.

You tried, Kelsier replied, his heart racing. The other plan, the secret plan. But you can’t kill me, Lord Tyrant. I represent that thing you’ve never been able to kill, no matter how hard you try. I am hope.

The Lord Ruler snorted. He raised a casual arm.

Kelsier braced himself. He could not fight against someone who was immortal.

Not alive, at least.

Stand tall. Give them something to remember.

The Lord Ruler backhanded him. Agony hit Kelsier like a stroke of lightning. In that moment, Kelsier flared the Eleventh Metal, and caught a glimpse of something new.

The Lord Ruler standing in a room—no, a cavern! The Lord Ruler stepped into a glowing pool and the world shifted around him, rocks crumbling, the room twisting, everything changing.

The vision vanished.

Kelsier died.

It turned out to be far more painful a process than he had anticipated. Instead of a soft fade to nothingness, he felt an awful tearing sensation—as if he were a cloth caught between the jaws of two vicious hounds.

He screamed, desperately trying to hold himself together. His will meant nothing. He was rent, ripped, and hurled into a place of endless shifting mists.

He stumbled to his knees, gasping, aching. He wasn’t certain what he knelt upon, as downward seemed to just be more mist. The ground rippled like liquid, and felt soft to his touch.

He knelt there, enduring, feeling the pain slowly fade away. At last he unclenched his jaw and groaned.

He was alive. Kind of.

He managed to look up. That same thick greyness shifted all around him. A nothingness? No, he could see shapes in it, shadows. Hills? And high in the sky, some kind of light. A tiny sun perhaps, as seen through dense grey clouds.

Kelsier breathed in and out, then growled, heaving himself to his feet. Well, he proclaimed, "that was thoroughly awful."

It did seem there was an afterlife, which was a pleasant discovery. Did this mean . . . did this mean Mare was still out there somewhere? He’d always offered platitudes, talking to the others about being with her again someday. But deep down he’d never believed, never really thought . . .

The end was not the end. Kelsier smiled again, this time truly excited. He turned about, and as he inspected his surroundings, the mists seemed to withdraw. No, it felt like Kelsier was solidifying, entering this place fully. The withdrawal of the mists was more like a clearing of his own mind.

The mists coalesced into shapes. Those shadows he’d mistaken for hills were buildings, hazy and formed of shifting mists. The ground beneath his feet was also mist, a deep vastness, like he was standing on the surface of the ocean. It was soft to his touch, like cloth, and even a little springy.

Nearby lay the overturned prison wagon, but here it was made of mist. That mist shifted and moved, but the wagon retained its form. It was like the mist was trapped by some unseen force into a specific shape. More strikingly, the wagon’s prison bars glowed on this side. Complementing them, other white-hot pinpricks of light appeared around him, dotting the landscape. Doorknobs. Window latches. Everything in the living world was reflected here in this place, and while most things were shadowy mist, metal instead appeared as a powerful light.

Some of those lights moved. He frowned, stepping toward one, and only then did he recognize that many of the lights were people. He saw each as an intense white glow radiating out from a human form.

Metal and souls are the same thing, he observed. Who would have thought?

As he got his bearings, he recognized what was happening in the living world. Thousands of lights moved, flowing away. The crowd was running from the square. A powerful light, with a tall silhouette, strode in another direction. The Lord Ruler.

Kelsier tried to follow, but stumbled over something at his feet. A misty form slumped on the ground, pierced by a spear. Kelsier’s own corpse.

Touching it was like remembering a fond experience. Familiar scents from his youth. His mother’s voice. The warmth of lying on a hillside with Mare, looking up at the falling ash.

Those experiences faded and seemed to grow cold. One of the lights from the mass of fleeing people—it was hard to make out individuals, with everyone alight—scrambled toward him. At first he thought perhaps this person had seen his spirit. But no, they ran to his corpse and knelt.

Now that she was close, he could make out the details of this figure’s features, cut of mist and glowing from deep within.

Ah, child, Kelsier said. I’m sorry. He reached out and cupped Vin’s face as she wept over him, and found he could feel her. She was solid to his ethereal fingers. She didn’t seem able to feel his touch, but he caught a vision of her from the real world, cheeks stained with tears.

His last words to her had been harsh, hadn’t they? Perhaps it was a good thing that he and Mare had never had children.

A glowing figure surged from the fleeing masses and grabbed Vin. Was that Ham? Had to be, with that profile. Kelsier stood up and watched them withdraw. He had set plans in motion for them. Perhaps they would hate him for that.

You let him kill you.

Kelsier spun, surprised to find a person standing beside him. Not a figure made of mist, but a man in strange clothing: a thin wool coat that went down almost to his feet, and beneath it a shirt that laced closed, with a kind of conical skirt. That was tied with a belt that had a bone-handled knife stuck through a loop.

The man was short, with black hair and a prominent nose. Unlike the other people—who were made of light—this man looked normal, like Kelsier. Since Kelsier was dead, did this make the man another ghost?

Who are you? Kelsier demanded.

Oh, I think you know. The man met Kelsier’s eyes, and in them Kelsier saw eternity. A cool, calm eternity—the eternity of stones that saw generations pass, or of careless depths that didn’t notice the changing of days, for light never reached them anyway.

Oh, hell, Kelsier said. There’s actually a God?


Kelsier decked him.

It was a good, clean punch, thrown from the shoulder while he brought his other arm up to block a counterstrike. Dox would be proud.

God didn’t dodge. Kelsier’s punch took him right across the face, connecting with a satisfying thud. The punch tossed God to the ground, though when he looked up he seemed more shocked than pained.

Kelsier stepped forward. "What the hell is wrong with you? You’re real, and you’re letting this happen?" He waved toward the square where—to his horror—he saw lights winking out. The Inquisitors were attacking the crowd.

I do what I can. The fallen figure seemed to distort for a moment, bits of him expanding, like mists escaping an enclosure. I do . . . I do what I can. It is in motion, you see. I . . .

Kelsier recoiled a step, eyes widening as God came apart, then pulled back together.

Around him, other souls made the transition. Their bodies stopped glowing, then their souls lurched into this land of mists: stumbling, falling, as if ejected from their bodies. Once they arrived, Kelsier saw them in color. The same man—God—appeared near each of them. There were suddenly over a dozen versions of him, each identical, each speaking to one of the dead.

The version of God near Kelsier stood up and rubbed his jaw. Nobody has ever done that before.

What, really? Kelsier asked.

No. Souls are usually too disoriented. Some do run, though. He looked to Kelsier.

Kelsier made fists. God stepped back and—amusingly—reached for the knife at his belt.

Well, Kelsier wasn’t going to attack him, not again. But he had heard the challenge in those words. Would he run? Of course not. Where would he run to?

Nearby, an unfortunate skaa woman lurched into the afterlife, then almost immediately faded. Her figure stretched, transforming to a white mist that was pulled toward a distant, dark point. That was how it looked, at least, though the point she stretched toward wasn’t a place—not really. It was . . . Beyond. A location that was somehow distant, pointing away from him no matter where he moved.

She stretched, then faded away. Other spirits in the square followed.

Kelsier spun on God. What’s happening?

"You didn’t think this was the end, did you? God asked, waving toward the shadowy world. This is the in-between step. After death and before . . ."

Before what?

Before the Beyond, God said. "The Somewhere Else. Where souls must go. Where yours must go."

I haven’t gone yet.

It takes longer for Allomancers, but it will happen. It is the natural progress of things, like a stream flowing toward the ocean. I’m here not to make it occur, but to comfort you as you go. I see it as a kind of . . . duty that comes with my position. He rubbed the side of his face and gave Kelsier a glare that said what he thought of his reception.

Nearby, another pair of people faded into the eternities. They seemed to accept it, stepping into the stretching nothingness with relieved, welcoming smiles. Kelsier looked at those departing souls.

Mare, he whispered.

She went Beyond. As you will.

Kelsier looked toward that point Beyond, the point toward which all the dead were being drawn. He felt it, faintly, begin to tug on him as well.

No. Not yet.

We need a plan, Kelsier said.

A plan? God asked.

To get me out of this. I might need your help.

"There is no way out of this."

That’s a terrible attitude, Kelsier said. We’ll never get anything done if you talk like that.

He looked at his arm, which was—disconcertingly—starting to blur, like ink on a page that had been accidentally brushed before it dried. He felt a draining.

He started walking, forcing himself into a stride. He wouldn’t just stand there while eternity tried to suck him away.

It is natural to feel uncertain, God said, falling into step beside him. Many are anxious. Be at peace. The ones you left behind will find their own way, and you—

Yes, great, Kelsier said. No time for lectures. Talk to me. Has anyone ever resisted being pulled into the Beyond?

No. God’s form pulsed, unraveling again before coming back together. I’ve told you already.

Damn, Kelsier thought. He seems one step from falling apart himself.

Well, you had to work with what you had. You’ve got to have some kind of idea what I could try, Fuzz.

What did you call me?

Fuzz. I’ve got to call you something.

You could try ‘My Lord,’ Fuzz said with a huff.

That’s a terrible nickname for a crewmember.

Crewmember . . .

I need a team, Kelsier said, still striding through the shadowy version of Luthadel. And as you can see, my options are limited. I’d rather have Dox, but he’s got to go deal with the man who is claiming to be you. Besides, the initiation to this particular team of mine is a killer.


Kelsier turned, taking the smaller man by the shoulders. Kelsier’s arms were blurring further, drawn away like water being pulled into the current of an invisible stream.

Look, Kelsier said quietly, urgently, you said you were here to comfort me. This is how you do it. If you’re right, then nothing I do now will matter. So why not humor me? Let me have one last thrill as I face down the ultimate eventuality.

Fuzz sighed. It would be better if you accepted what is happening.

Kelsier held Fuzz’s gaze. Time

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