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Coherent Stress Testing: A Bayesian Approach to the Analysis of Financial Stress
Coherent Stress Testing: A Bayesian Approach to the Analysis of Financial Stress
Coherent Stress Testing: A Bayesian Approach to the Analysis of Financial Stress
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Coherent Stress Testing: A Bayesian Approach to the Analysis of Financial Stress

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In Coherent Stress Testing: A Bayesian Approach, industry expert Riccardo Rebonato presents a groundbreaking new approach to this important but often undervalued part of the risk management toolkit.

Based on the author's extensive work, research and presentations in the area, the book fills a gap in quantitative risk management by introducing a new and very intuitively appealing approach to stress testing based on expert judgement and Bayesian networks. It constitutes a radical departure from the traditional statistical methodologies based on Economic Capital or Extreme-Value-Theory approaches.

The book is split into four parts. Part I looks at stress testing and at its role in modern risk management. It discusses the distinctions between risk and uncertainty, the different types of probability that are used in risk management today and for which tasks they are best used. Stress testing is positioned as a bridge between the statistical areas where VaR can be effective and the domain of total Keynesian uncertainty. Part II lays down the quantitative foundations for the concepts described in the rest of the book. Part III takes readers through the application of the tools discussed in part II, and introduces two different systematic approaches to obtaining a coherent stress testing output that can satisfy the needs of industry users and regulators. In part IV the author addresses more practical questions such as embedding the suggestions of the book into a viable governance structure.

Release dateJun 10, 2010
Coherent Stress Testing: A Bayesian Approach to the Analysis of Financial Stress

Riccardo Rebonato

Riccardo Rebonato is Head of Group Market Risk and Head of the Quantitative Research Centre (QUARC) for the Royal Bank of Scotland Group. He is also a Visiting Lecturer at Oxford University's Mathematical Institute, where he teaches for the MSC/Diploma in Mathematical Finance. His books include Interest-Rate Option Models and Volatility and Correlation in Option Pricing.

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    Book preview

    Coherent Stress Testing - Riccardo Rebonato

    Chapter 1


    [Under uncertainty] there is no scientific basis on which to form any calculable probability whatever. We simply don’t know. Nevertheless, the necessity for action and for decision compels us as practical men to do our best to overlook this awkward fact and to behave exactly as we should if we had behind us [. . .] a series of prospective advantages and disadvantages, each multiplied by its appropriate probability waiting to be summed . . . .

    Robertson (1936)

    1.1 Why We Need Stress Testing

    Why a book about stress testing? And why a book about stress testing now? Stress testing has been part of the risk manager’s toolkit for decades.¹ What justifies the renewed interest from practitioners and regulators² for a risk management tool that, truth be told, has always been the poor relation in the family of analytical techniques to control risk?³ And why has stress testing so far been regarded as a second-class citizen?

    Understanding the reason for the renewed interest is simple: the financial crisis of 2007-2008-2009 has shown with painful clarity the limitations of the purely statistical techniques (such as Value at Risk (VaR) or Economic Capital) that were supposed to provide the cornerstones of the financial edifice. In the year and a half starting with July 2007, events of once-in-many-thousand-years rarity kept on occurring with disconcerting regularity. Only a risk manager of Stalinist dogmatism could have lived through these events and ‘kept the faith’. Clearly, something more - or, rather, something different - had to be done. But what? And what analytical tools should we employ to fix the problem?

    ‘Stress testing’ has become the stock answer to these questions. But the unease and suspicion with which this technique has been regarded has not melted away. The frog has not been kissed (yet) into a handsome prince. The current attitude seems one of resigned acceptance of a faute-de-mieux measure of risk: a far cry from an enthusiastic embrace of a new and powerful analytical tool. Two cheers, the mood seems to be, for stress testing. Can we do better? And why has stress testing been regarded as such an ungainly frog in the first place?

    If by stress testing we mean the assessment of very severe financial losses arrived at without heavy reliance on statistical techniques, but by deploying instead a large dose of subjective judgement, some answers to the latter question are not difficult to see. Rather than paraphrasing, I would like to quote extensively from an article by Aragones, Blanco and Dowd (2001), who put their fingers exactly on the problem:

    . . . traditional stress testing is done on a stand-alone basis, and the results of stress tests are evaluated side-by-side with the results of traditional market risk (or VaR) models. This creates problems for risk managers, who then have to choose which set of risk exposures to ‘believe’. [R]isk managers often don’t know whether to believe their stress test results, because the stress tests exercises give them no idea of how likely or unlikely stress-test scenarios might be . . . .

    And again:

    A related problem is that the results of stress tests are difficult to interpret because they give us no idea of the probabilities of the events concerned, and in the absence of such information we often don’t know what to do with them. Suppose for instance that stress testing reveals that our firm will go bust under a particular scenario. Should we act on this information? The only answer is that we can’t say. If the scenario is very likely, we would be very unwise not to act on it. But if the scenario was extremely unlikely, then it becomes almost irrelevant, because we would not usually expect management to take expensive precautions against events that may be too improbable to worry about. So the extent to which our results matter or not depends on unknown probabilities. As Berkowitz [1999] nicely puts it, this absence of probabilities puts ‘stress testing in a statistical purgatory. We have some loss numbers, but who is to say whether we should be concerned about them?’

    The result of this state of affairs is not pretty: we are left with

    . . . two sets of separate risk estimates - probabilistic estimates (e.g., such as VaR), and the loss estimates produced by stress tests - and no way of combining them. How can we combine a probabilistic risk estimate with an estimate that such-and-such a loss will occur if such-and-such happens? The answer, of course, is that we can’t. We therefore have to work with these estimates more or less independently of each other, and the best we can do is use one set of estimates to check for prospective losses that the other might have underrated or missed . . .

    In modern finance, risk and reward are supposed to be two sides of the same coin. Risk is ‘priced’ in terms of expected return by assigning probabilities⁴ to outcomes. But when it comes to extreme events, absent of any probabilistic assessment, we don’t know how to ‘price’ the outcomes of stress testing. And if our confidence in assigning a probability to extremely rare events has been terminally shaken by the recent market events,⁵ the state of impasse seems inescapable.

    Perhaps there is hope - and it is exactly this ray of hope that this book pursues. First of all, ‘probabilistic statement’ need not be equated with ‘frequentist (i.e., purely data-driven) probabilistic statement’. As I discuss in Chapter 4, there is a different way of looking at probability that takes into account, but is not limited to, the pure analysis of data. I maintain (and I have argued at length elsewhere⁶) that the subjective view of probability is every bit as ‘respectable’ as the purely-data-driven (frequentist) one. I also believe that it is much better suited to the needs of risk management.

    This view, while not mainstream, is not particularly new, especially in the context of financial risk management - see, e.g., Berkowitz (1999). However, the subjective approach brings about an insidious problem. It is all well and good to assign subjective probabilities to stand-alone events. But, if we want to escape from Berkowitz’s purgatory, we will have to do more. We will have to combine different stress scenarios, with different subjective probabilities, into an overall coherent, albeit approximate, stress loss number at a given confidence level (or, perhaps, into a whole stress loss distribution). How is one to do that? How is one to provide subjectively these co-dependences - and tail co-dependences to boot? How is one to ensure that the subjectively-assigned probabilities are reasonable, let alone feasible (i.e., mathematically possible and self-consistent)?

    This book offers two routes to escape this purgatorial dilemma. The first is the acknowledgement that the risk manager can only make sense of data on the basis of a model (or of competing models) of reality. A risk manager, for instance, should have a conception of the direction of causation between different events: does a dramatic fall in equity prices ‘cause’ an increase in equity implied volatilities? Or is it an increase in implied volatility that ‘causes’ a dramatic fall in equity prices? The answer, at least in this case, may seem obvious. Unfortunately, correlations, and even conditional probabilities, contain no information about the direction of causation. Yet, this information about causation, even if imperfect, is powerful. It is ignored in the frequentist approach at a great loss for the risk manager. Speaking about the sciences in general, Pearl (2009) points out that there is ‘no greater impediment to scientific progress than the prevailing practice of focusing all of our mathematical resources on statistical and probabilistic inferences’. I believe that exactly the same applies in the area of quantitative risk management.

    If one is prepared to ‘stick one’s neck out’ and make some reasonable assumptions about the direction of the arrow of causation, just like Dante one can begin to glimpse some light filtering through the thick trees of the selva oscura. In the case of stress testing, the route to salvation is via the provision of information that is not ‘contained in the data’.

    Sure enough, even if one can provide this extra information not all is plain sailing. Organizing one’s understanding about how the world might work into a coherent and tractable analytical probabilistic framework is not an easy task. Fortunately, if one is prepared to make some reasonable approximations, there are powerful and intuitive techniques that can offer great help in building plausible and mathematically self-consistent joint distributions of the stress losses that have been identified. These technical tools (Bayesian networks and Linear Programming) have been well known for a long time, but their application to risk management problems, and to stress testing in particular, has been hesitant at best. This is a pity, because I believe that they are not only powerful and particularly well suited to the problem at hand, but also extremely intuitively appealing. And in Section 2.2 of the next chapter I will highlight how important appeal to intuition can be if the recommendations of the risk managers are to be acted upon (as opposed to ‘confined to a stress report’).

    Once we accept that we can, approximately but meaningfully, associate stress events with a probabilistic assessment of their likelihood, the questions that opened this chapter begin to find a compelling answer. We need stress testing, and we need stress testing now, because the purely-data-based statistical techniques we have been using have proven unequal to the task when it really mattered. Perhaps the real question should have been instead: ‘How can we do without stress testing?’

    Of course, there is a lot more to risk management than predicting the probability of losses large and small. But, even if we look at the management of financial risk through the highly reductive prism of analysing the likelihood of losses, there still is no one single goal for the risk manager. For instance, estimating the kind of profit-and-loss variability that can be expected on a weekly or monthly basis has value and importance. Ensuring that a business line or trading desk effectively ‘diversifies’ the revenue stream from other existing lines of activity under normal market conditions is also obviously important. So is estimating the income variability or the degree of diversification that can be expected from a portfolio of businesses over a business cycle. And recent events have shown the importance of ensuring that a set of business activities do not endanger the survival of a financial institution even under exceptional market conditions. These are all important goals for a risk manager. But it would be extraordinary if the same analytical tools could allow the risk manager to handle all these problems - problems, that is, whose solution hinges on the estimation of probabilities of events that should occur, on average, from once every few weeks to once in several decades. This is where stress testing comes in. Stress testing picks up the baton from VaR and other data-driven statistical techniques as the time horizons become longer and longer and the risk manager wants to explore the impact of events that are not present in her dataset - or, perhaps, that have never occurred before.

    As I explain in Chapter 4, stress testing, by its very nature, can rely much less on a frequentist concept of probability, and almost has to interpret probability in a subjective sense. In Bayesian terms, as the time horizon lengthens and the severity of the events increases, the ‘prior’ acquires a greater and greater weight, and the likelihood function a smaller and smaller one.⁸ In my opinion, this is a strength, not a weakness, of stress testing. It is also, however, the aspect of the project I propose that requires most careful handling. Frequentist probability may make little sense when it comes to stress testing, but this does not mean that probability tout court has no place in stress testing. If anything, it is stress testing without any notion of probability that, as Aragones, Blanco and Dowd remind us, is of limited use. The challenge taken up in this book is to provide the missing link between stress events and their approximate likelihood - as explained, an essential prerequisite for action⁹ - without inappropriately resorting to purely frequentist methods.

    The enterprise I have briefly sketched therefore gives us some hope of bringing stress losses within the same conceptual framework as the more mundane losses analysed by VaR-like techniques. The approach I suggest in this book bridges the gap between the probabilities that a risk manager can, with some effort, provide (marginal, and simple conditioned probabilities) and the probabilities that she requires (the joint probabilities). It does so by exploiting to the fullest the risk manager’s understanding of the causal links between the individual stress events. By employing the causal, rather than associative, language, it resonates with our intuition and works with, not against, our cognitive grain.

    The approach I suggest is therefore intended to give us guidance as to whether and when we should really worry, and to suggest how to act accordingly. It gives, in short, tools to ensure that the stress losses are approximately but consistently ‘priced’. Hopefully, all of this might give us a tool for managing financial risk more effectively than we have been able to do so far.

    This is what this book is about, and this is why, I think, it is important.

    1.2 Plan of the Book

    This book is structured in four parts. The first, which contains virtually no equations, puts stress testing and probabilistic assessments of rare financial events in their context. The second part presents the quantitative ideas and techniques required for the task. Here lots of formulae will be found. The third part deals with the quantitative applications of the concepts introduced in Part II. The fourth and last part deals with practical implementation issues, and equations therefore disappear from sight again.

    Let me explain in some detail what is covered in these four parts.

    After the optimistic note with which I closed the previous section, in Chapter 2 I move swiftly to dampen the reader’s enthusiasm, by arguing that stress testing is not the solution to all our risk management problems. In particular, I make the important distinction, too often forgotten, between risk and uncertainty and explain what this entails for stress analysis.

    With these caveats out of the way, I argue that the expert knowledge of the risk manager is essential in constructing, using and associating probabilities to stress events. This expert knowledge (and the ‘models of reality’ that underpin it) constitutes the link between the past data and the possible future outcomes. In Chapter 3 I therefore try to explain the role played by competing interpretative models of reality in helping the risk manager to ‘conceive of the unconceivable’. Chapter 3 is therefore intended to put into context the specific suggestions about stress testing that I provide in the rest of the book.

    In Chapter 4 I describe the different types of probability (frequentist and subjective) that can be used for risk management, and discuss which ‘type of probability’ is better suited to different analytical tasks. The chapter closes with an important distinction between associative and causal descriptions. This distinction is at the basis of the efficient elicitation of conditional probabilities, and of the Bayesian-net approach described later in the book.

    In Part II I lay the quantitative foundations required for the applications presented in the rest of the book. Some of the concepts are elementary, others are less well-known. In order to give a unified treatment I deal with both the elementary concepts (Chapter 5) and the somewhat-more-advanced ones (Chapter 6) using the same conceptual framework and formalism. Venn diagrams will play a major role throughout the book. Chapter 7 shows how very useful bounds on joint probabilities can be obtained by specifying marginals and (some) singly-conditioned probabilities. Chapter 8 introduces Bayesian nets, and Chapter 9 explains how to build the conditional probability tables required to use them. This concludes the tool-gathering part of the book. (A simple introduction to Linear Programming can be found in Appendix Chapter 15.)

    Part III is then devoted to the application of the conceptual tools and techniques presented in Part II. This is achieved by introducing two different possible systematic approaches to stress testing, of different ambition and scope, which are described in Chapters 10 and 11.

    Finally, in Part IV I address more practical questions: how we can try to overcome the difficulties and the cognitive biases that stand in the way of providing reasonable conditional probabilities (Chapter 12); how we can structure our chain of stress events (Chapter 13); and how we can embed the suggestions of the book into a viable approach in a real financial institution (as opposed to a classroom exercise). Doing so requires taking into account the reality of its governance structure, its reporting lines and the need for independence of a well-functioning risk-management function (Chapter 14).

    I have prepared Parts II and III with exercises. I have done so not because I see this book necessarily as a text for a formal course, but because I firmly believe that, in order to really understand new quantitative techniques, there is no substitute for getting one’s hands dirty and actually working out some problems in full.

    1.3 Suggestions for Further Reading

    Stress testing is the subject of a seemingly endless number of white, grey and variously-coloured consultation papers by the BIS and other international bodies. At the time of writing, the latest such paper I am aware of is BIS (2009), but, no doubt, by the time this book reaches the shelves many new versions will have appeared. Good sources of up-to-date references are the publication sites of the BIS, the IIF and the IMF.

    Part I

    Data, Models and Reality

    Chapter 2

    Risk and Uncertainty - or, Why Stress Testing is Not Enough

    In the introductory chapter I made my pitch as to why stress testing is important and why I believe that the approach I propose can show us the way out of Berkowitz’s (1999) purgatory. I don’t want to convey the impression, however, that stress testing can be the answer to all our risk management questions. The problem, I think, does not lie with the specific approach I suggest in this book - flawed as this may be - but is of a fundamental nature. To present a balanced picture, I must therefore share two important reservations.

    2.1 The Limits of Quantitative Risk Analysis

    The first reservation is that the quantitative assessment of risk (and I include stress testing in this category) is an important part of risk management, but it is far from being its beginning and end. Many commentators and risk ‘gurus’ have stressed the inadequacies of the current quantitative techniques. The point is taken. But even if the best quantitative assessment of risk were available, a lot more would be required to translate this insight into effective risk management. The purpose of analysis is to inform action. Within a complex organization, effective action can only take place in what I call a favourable institutional environment.¹⁰ So, in a favourable institutional environment the output of the quantitative analysis is first escalated, and then understood and challenged by senior management. This is now well accepted. But there is a lot more, and this ‘a lot more’ has very little to do with quantitative risk analysis. The organizational set-up, for instance, must be such that conflicts of interest are minimized (in the real world they can never be totally eliminated). Or, the agency problems that bedevil any large organization, and financial institutions in primis, must be understood and addressed in a satisfactory manner. And again: an effective way must be found to align the interests of the private decision makers of a systemically-relevant institution such as a large bank with those of the regulators - and, more to the point, of society at large. And the list can go on.

    VaR & Co have received so much criticism that it sometimes seems that if we had the right analytical tools, all our risk management problems would be solved. If only that were true! The institutional environment in which the risk management decisions are made is where the heart of risk management lies. Yes, the quantitative analysis of risk is part of this ‘institutional environment’ - and perhaps an important one - but it remains, at best, a start.

    2.2 Risk or Uncertainty?

    My second reservation is about our ability to specify probabilities (frequentist, subjective or otherwise) for extremely rare events when the underlying phenomenon is the behaviour of markets and of the economy. As the reader will appreciate, I make in this book ‘minimal’ probabilistic requirements, often asking the risk manager to estimate no more than the order of magnitude of the likelihood of an event. Nowhere in my book will the reader find the demand to estimate the 99.975th percentile of the loss distribution at a one-year horizon.¹¹ But even my more limited and modest task may be asking too much. Let me explain why I think this may be the case.

    One of the applications of stress testing that has been recently put forth is for regulatory capital. Regulatory capital has to do with the viability of a bank as a going concern - the time horizon is, effectively, ‘forever’. I do not know what ‘forever’ means in finance, but certainly it must mean more than two, four or even ten years. When the horizon of required survivability becomes so long, I am not sure that, for matters financial, we truly have the ability to associate probabilities, however approximate, to future events. Perhaps Keynesian (or Knightian) uncertainty provides a better conceptual framework.

    What is the difference? ‘Risk’ and ‘uncertainty’ are today used interchangeably in the risk-management literature, but a careful distinction used to be drawn between the two concepts: the word ‘risk’ should be used in those situations where we know for sure the probabilities attaching to future events (and, needless to say, we know exactly what the possible future events may be). We should instead speak of uncertainty when we have no such probabilistic knowledge (but we still know what may hit us tomorrow). Indeed, as far back as in the early 1920s Knight (1921) was writing

    . . . the practical difference between [. . .] risk and uncertainty, is that in the former the distribution of the outcome in a group of instances is known (either through calculation a priori or from the statistics of past experience), while in the case of uncertainty, this is not true, the reason being in general that it is impossible to form a group of instances, because the situation dealt with is in a high degree unique . . . .

    This distinction was kept alive for several decades. For instance, as game theory became in the post-war years an increasingly important technique in the economist’s toolkit, Luce and Raiffa (1957) were still clearly pointing out that the two concepts yield very different types of results and ‘solutions’ and devote in their textbook on game theory different chapters to the two categories. Yet, the boundaries between the two concepts have become increasingly blurred, and the two words are now frequently used interchangeably. So much so that the current prevailing view in economics has become that all probabilities are known (or at least knowable), and that the economy therefore becomes ‘computable’, in the sense that there are no ‘unknown unknowns’. Current mainstream economics firmly endorses a risk-based, not uncertainty-based, view of the world. In the neo-classical synthesis ‘uncertainty plays a minimal role in the decision making of economic agents, since rational utility-maximizing individuals are [assumed] capable of virtually eliminating uncertainty with the historical information at hand’.¹²

    The consequences of this distinction are well presented by Skidelsky (2009) in his discussion of the Keynesian view of probability:

    Classical economists believe implicitly, and Neoclassical economists explicitly, that market participants have complete knowledge of all probability distributions over future events. This is equivalent to say that they face only measurable risk . . .

    In basing the calculation of regulatory (or economic) capital on the full knowledge - down to the highest percentiles - of ‘all probability distributions over future events’, the regulators have implicitly embraced the neo-classical view: that is, that when it comes to matters financial, human beings are always faced with risk, not with uncertainty, even when they are dealing with events of such rarity and magnitude that they could bring a bank to its knees.

    Why has the concept of risk prevailed over uncertainty, despite the rather extreme assumptions about human cognitive abilities (and the world itself!) that it implies? From an academic perspective, unfortunately, dealing with uncertainty brings about rather ‘unexciting’ analytical results, often based on minimax solutions: we disregard probability completely, and we arrange our actions so as to minimize the damage if the worst (however unlikely) materializes. There is no great edifice of economic thought that can be built on such dull foundations. Succinctly put, ‘in conditions of uncertainty, economic reasoning would be of no value’.¹³ This is not a good recipe for exciting papers or for getting a tenure-track position at a prestigious university.

    Matters are different when it comes to risk - i.e., when we assume that we can know the probabilities of future events perfectly. Dealing with risk rather than uncertainty allows us to speak about trade-offs and non-trivial optimality,¹⁴ and opens the door to much more exciting analytical results, such as expected utility maximization, portfolio diversification, rational expectations, the efficient-markets hypothesis, etc. - in short, to modern finance. No wonder risk has won hands down over uncertainty.

    In addition, from a practical perspective, speaking of risk provides an illusion of quantifiability and precision that regulators like because of the supposed ‘objectivity’ of the rules it brings about.

    But the fact that one set of results is more ‘sexy’, more fun to obtain and more handy to use than the other does not necessarily make that set more true - or

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