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The Accounting Game: Learn the Basics of Financial Accounting - As Easy as Running a Lemonade Stand (Basics for Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners)
The Accounting Game: Learn the Basics of Financial Accounting - As Easy as Running a Lemonade Stand (Basics for Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners)
The Accounting Game: Learn the Basics of Financial Accounting - As Easy as Running a Lemonade Stand (Basics for Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners)
Ebook230 pages2 hours

The Accounting Game: Learn the Basics of Financial Accounting - As Easy as Running a Lemonade Stand (Basics for Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners)

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Master the fundamentals of accounting with The Accounting Game: Basic Accounting Fresh from the Lemonade Stand, a bestselling nonfiction book that transforms the complex world of finance into an engaging and interactive learning experience

Whether you're a small business owner, aspiring entrepreneur, or simply seeking to broaden your financial knowledge, this book offers a comprehensive introduction to accounting principles, making it accessible even to those with no prior experience in the field.

Key Features:

  • Clear and Engaging Approach: Dive into the world of accounting through a unique gamified format that simplifies complex concepts. 
  • Business and Financial Basics: Develop a solid foundation in accounting principles, bookkeeping, and financial management.
  • Interactive Learning: Embrace the interactive elements throughout the book, such as quizzes, exercises, and case studies. 
  • Practical Application: Apply the knowledge gained from the book to real-life scenarios, empowering you to make sound financial decisions for your own startup or small business.
  • Accessible and Engaging: The Accounting Game is written in a friendly and approachable style, demystifying complex financial concepts and ensuring that readers of all backgrounds can grasp the principles with ease.
  • Highly Acclaimed: Recognized as a bestseller, this book has earned praise for its ability to make accounting enjoyable and accessible to readers from all walks of life.

Whether you're seeking to enhance your business acumen, pursue a career in finance, or simply gain a practical understanding of money management, this book is your guide. Dive into the world of accounting and empower yourself with the knowledge to make informed financial decisions that drive success.

Praise for The Accounting Game:

"The game approach makes the subject matter most understandable. I highly recommend it to anyone frightened by either numbers or accountants."

—John Hernandis, Director of Corporate Communications, American Greetings

"Fantastic Learning Tool...Don't let this book title fool you. It is not an oversimplification of accounting and financial principles. It is, however, a serious and very effective examination of a very small but progressively complex business. There are not many books available on the market that make a complex and dry subject understandable and even fun. This book successfully does just that."

—Amazon Reviewer

Release dateMar 1, 2008
The Accounting Game: Learn the Basics of Financial Accounting - As Easy as Running a Lemonade Stand (Basics for Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners)

Darrell Mullis

Darrell Mullis served as the Director of Training and Development at Educational Discoveries for over twelve years where he taught EDI’s learning technology and developed a training program for its trainers. Mullis has also taught over 300 of the phenomenally successful Accounting Game seminars to thousands of Americans. Mullis lives with his four daughters in Louisville, Colorado.

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Rating: 4.045454490909091 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    A simple approach to learning traditional financial accounting by using a lemonade stand. Colorful book.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Let me begin by saying that i am in no way shape or form a math person, nor am I really good at it. It is just one of those subjects that has evaded me most of my life. That said, my husband bought me this book to help with a legal accounting course. What a life-saver!!!!

    While it is a very basic story - setting up a lemonade stand in your front yard, this book breaks down every part of accounting and balance sheets into easy to understand concepts. The childish drawings add to the story but the charts are very useful. I found the short chapters perfect for handling one concept at a time. Gradually the book builds upon itself utilizing the previous chapters to establish important background. Extremely easy to follow, read, and understand;, it actually made accounting fun for me to learn!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Perfect for everyone who is new to the accountant world
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I got this book not to learn accounting but as an Instructional Designer to experience the use of simple metaphors for teaching/learning. Topics like accounting that can get little complicated was made interesting and fun to learn using simple ,known idea of lemonade stand.

Book preview

The Accounting Game - Darrell Mullis

The Accounting Game

Updated and Revised

Basic Accounting Fresh from the Lemonade Stand

Darrell Mullis and Judith Orloff

Copyright © 2008 by Educational Discoveries, Inc. Cover and internal design © 2008 by Sourcebooks, Inc. Sourcebooks and the colophon are registered trademarks of Sourcebooks, Inc.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems—except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews—without permission in writing from its publisher, Sourcebooks, Inc.

This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional service. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought.

From a Declaration of Principles Jointly Adopted by a Committee of the American Bar Association and a Committee of Publishers and Associations

Published by Sourcebooks, Inc. P.O. Box 4410, Naperville, Illinois 60567 (630) 961-3900 FAX: (630) 961-2168

ISBN-13: 978-1-4022-3161-2

Previous edition cataloged as follows:

Mullis, Darrell.

The accounting game: Basic accounting fresh from the lemonade stand Darrell Mullis, Judith Orloff.

p. cm.

Produced by Educational Discoveries.

1. Accounting. I. Orloff, Judith Handler. II. Educational Discoveries (Firm) III. Title.

HF5635.M953 1998 657—dc21 98-17214

Printed and bound in the United States of America.

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Chapter 1

Cash, Original Investment, Assets, Liabilities, Notes Payable,

Owner’s Equity, Balance Sheets, Inventory, Earnings, Expenses

Chapter 2

Gross Profit, Net Profit, Income Statements, Cash Flow

Chapter 3

Retained Earnings, Loans, Credit, Accounts Payable, Notes Payable

Chapter 4

Paid Labor, Accounts Receivable, Bad Debt, Interest,

Prepaid Expenses, Accrual Method, Cash Method, Creative Accounting

Chapter 5

Service Businesses

Chapter 6


Chapter 7

Cash Statements, Fixed Assets, Capitalization, Depreciation

Chapter 8

Profits vs. Cash

Chapter 9

Taxes, Liquidation

Chapter 10

Final Analysis – Improving Profits


Answer Key



About the Authors



How do people really learn? The answers and theories are endless. They include ideas ranging from genetic imprinting to osmosis and modeling and emotional intelligence. Brain research is voluminous in the 21st century.

For now, though, please ask yourself: How do I learn?

Isn’t that an interesting question? And, what do you learn? Do you learn information from reading, watching videos, using computers? Can you learn people skills without interacting with other people? Can you change behavior without a model of what the ideal behavior should look like? Feel like? Are there people you meet in your daily travels that you want to emulate? Do you emulate them? How does it work? Can you remember the words of the songs from childhood, but not the ones you listened to last week or even this morning? Questions and questions. More than any other thought process, questions help us learn.

Remember what we heard about a baby’s first year of life? Babies learn more in that year than in all the years combined afterwards. Yet, in that first year, babies cannot pose questions in the way they will once they learn language. So, how do babies learn? And what can we take away from that to help adults learn more quickly, retain new information longer, and apply it immediately in their lives?

So, what does this have to do with you and this book? Good question.

The Accounting Game is written in a way that creates a specific learning experience for you as it teaches you the basic skills of accounting. We call the learning method accelerative learning. What do you think that means? It is a learning methodology that uses all of your senses as well as your emotions and your critical thinking skills. If you can remember your kindergarten or elementary school classrooms, you will see many colored maps, letters and numbers, bold (even raw) drawings by each child, etc. You learned the alphabet by singing. You learned the multiplication tables by saying them out loud with each other. You laughed a lot. You were creative.

Then, how you were taught began to change when you entered middle school or high school. Learning became more lecture, more black and white, more rote. You studied before tests and probably did well or maybe not. Yet, for all the endless homework and cramming, most of the information you learned in high school you don’t remember now. That’s because it went into your short-term memory so that you could pass the tests and move on to the next grade.

Yet, look at all the things you remember from early childhood! While in elementary school, much of the information you learned went directly to your long-term memory, because it was peppered with music, color, movement, smells, emotional experiences, and lots of play and fun.

The methodology we use in this book in many ways parallels how you learned in grade school. We do this by accessing the part of your brain where long-term memory lives. Now, the way to reach your long-term memory has to include emotion, because they reside in the same place in your brain—the limbic region.

The truth is, because of the way we humans learn, we have to discover something ourselves to really learn it. This book is designed so you make dozens of discoveries. In short, you will learn a college semester’s worth of accounting in the time it takes you to interact with this book.

This is quite a reversal, because business people and students have over the years found the subject of accounting quite difficult to master. Many have simply given up in frustration, others have decided to leave accounting to the experts. This book is for all of you who have hated accounting, had difficulty learning it, or ever thought you didn’t really get it.

We think that most attempts to teach accounting fail because of too much attention to details and a failure to present the big picture framework of how it all works and fits together. In this book, we promise not to overburden you with details and to focus on what are really the key concepts of accounting that any businessperson needs to know.

You will learn the structure and purpose of the three primary financial statements—the balance sheet, the income statement, and the cash flow statement. You will learn how these fit together and their interrelationships. You will also learn the basic language of business—concepts like cost of goods sold, expenses, bad debts, accrual vs. cash methods of accounting, FIFO and LIFO, capitalizing vs. expensing, depreciation, and the difference between cash and profit.

Our promise is that you will get all this information in a fun and easy way that allows you to participate, interact, and discover all that you need to know. Many people need to have understanding and confidence in working with financial concepts, but are not ever going to be doing accounting details. If that is you, then this book fits that need, too. It is set up so that you can actually do financial statements as you are learning them. We invite you to play the game as you interact with this book (answers to the charts can be found in the Answer Key on pg. 159).

Understanding all this information is nice, but what do you do with it? The final chapter will give you some tools for analyzing financial information and making better decisions for your company and your career.

As mentioned, the information in this program was developed by Educational Discoveries, Inc. in the early 1980s in a one-day seminar, The Accounting Game. The program was originally created by Marshall Thurber at the Burklyn Business School in the late 1970s. Nancy Maresh, a student at Marshall’s school, then took the program and developed The Accounting Game seminar. We offer our heartfelt thanks for their original genius and commitment to bringing this extraordinary program to life. We also want to thank all of the somewhere between 75,000 and 100,000 people who have attended the public and private seminars for the fun they have been and for the insights and suggestions that have helped us improve the teaching of this information.

The Accounting Game is now offered in private seminars by Coastal Training Technologies Corporation. The Accounting Game continues to be the most successful financial seminar in the world.

So, enjoy! Because if you enjoy this book, you’ll learn more in a brief time than you ever imagined possible.

Judith Orloff and Darrell Mullis


1. Which one of the following items is not found on a Balance Sheet?

A. Cash B. Gross Profit C. Assets D. Liabilities

2. Which accounting system most accurately reflects profitability?

A. Cash Accounting B. Flow of Funds Accounting C. Accrual Accounting

3. An account receivable is:

A. an Asset B. Owner’s Equity C. a Liability

4. Which of the following is most important to the daily operations of a business?

A. Assets B. Retained Earnings C. Cash

5. When people speak about the bottom line, they are referring to:

A. Net Profit B. Gross Margin C. Gross Profit

6. A prepaid expense is:

A. an Asset B. Owner’s Equity C. a Liability

7. Is LIFO/FIFO a method of:

A. Inventory Evaluation B. Profit Ratio C. Financing

8. Which would you find on an Income Statement?

A. Expense B. Fixed Asset C. Liability

9. Which of the following expenses does not affect your cash position in running a business:

A. Lease Expense B. Advertising Expense C. Depreciation Expense

10. Which of the following is a basic accounting equation:

A. Net Worth = Assets + Profits B. Gross Profit - Sales = Gross Profit Margin C. Assets = Liabilities + Owner’s Equity


Remember how you learned to make money as a kid?

There was baby-sitting and delivering newspapers. Shoveling snow off the neighbors’ sidewalk and driveway. Mowing lawns and taking care of other people’s pets and plants when they went on vacation.

There is one business which, chances are, almost every kid tries at least once in his or her life. A tried and true operation as American as baseball and Mom’s apple pie.

The Lemonade Stand.

It’s this world of childhood, of lemonade stands and sunny days that we use in The Accounting Game. It’s hand-made signs and scraps of lumber turned into a humble yet proud establishment. It’s when saving up enough of your own money for a bike or a piece of sports equipment or horseback-riding lessons seemed the most important goal in the world. It’s when you had your first inkling about money, and wished you understood everything you needed to know about it.

Now is your chance to go back, and learn what you need to know about the language of business, which goes by the name of Accounting.

So, find a quiet space and relax. Read a paragraph of the italicized passage below, then close your eyes and visualize what you’ve just read. When you’re ready, go on to the next section, and the next...

Let yourself slowly go back in time...

Let’s go back, all the way back to grade school. Picture yourself somewhere between five to ten years old. Let yourself remember what your childhood grade school looked like. If you went to more than one school, just pick out your favorite.

It’s the last day of school. The sun is streaming through the classroom window. You can’t wait for the final bell to ring one last time—then you’ll

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