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Spiritual Dangers
Spiritual Dangers
Spiritual Dangers
Ebook119 pages1 hour

Spiritual Dangers

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About this ebook

A Christian walks in the midst of many dangers, snares and traps. This book will open your eyes to the many subtle dangers that lie in wait to harm, injure and destroy us. Help yourself, save yourself, and deliver yourself through this powerful book on spiritual dangers!

Release dateSep 18, 2013

Dag Heward-Mills

Bishop Dag Heward-Mills is a medical doctor by profession and the founder of the United Denominations Originating from the Lighthouse Group of Churches (UD-OLGC). The UD-OLGC comprises over three thousand churches pastored by seasoned ministers, groomed and trained in-house. Bishop Dag Heward-Mills oversees this charismatic group of denominations, which operates in over 90 different countries in Africa, Asia, Europe, the Caribbean, Australia, and North and South America. With a ministry spanning over thirty years, Dag Heward-Mills has authored several books with bestsellers including ‘The Art of Leadership’, ‘Loyalty and Disloyalty’, and ‘The Mega Church’. He is considered to be the largest publishing author in Africa, having had his books translated into over 52 languages with more than 40 million copies in print.

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    Book preview

    Spiritual Dangers - Dag Heward-Mills

    Unless otherwise stated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the 

    King James Version of the Bible.

    Spiritual Dangers

    Copyright © 2013 Dag Heward-Mills

    First published 2013 by Parchment House

    Find out more about Dag Heward-Mills at:

    Healing Jesus Campaign

    Write to:


    Facebook: Dag Heward-Mills

    Twitter:  @EvangelistDag

    EBOOK ISBN:  978-1-61395-923-7

    All rights reserved under international copyright law.  Written permission must be secured from the publisher to use or reproduce any part of this book.

    Table Of Contents

    Chapter 1: Why Certain Things Must Be Done First

    Chapter 2: Why The Kingdom Of God Must Be Your First Passion

    Chapter 3: The Danger Of Fornication

    Chapter 4: Steps To Avoiding Fornication

    Chapter 5: Spiritual Keys To Avoiding Fornication

    Chapter 6: What Is A Strange Woman

    Chapter 7: Signs Of A Strange Woman

    Chapter 8: Strange Women In The Bible

    Chapter 9: Ten Keys To Understanding Your Attraction To Women

    Chapter 10: The Danger Of A Dual Life

    Chapter 11: Ten Types Of Duality

    Chapter 1

    Why Certain Things Must Be Done First

    Wrong priorities are great dangers for Christians. When you are a sinner, you basically choose between two opinions: good and evil. As you grow in the Lord, your options increase and you begin to have more to choose from.

    This time your choices are not between good and evil but between good and good. In terms of what to do, there are often several good things to choose from. When you get to that point it is important that you understand the concept of priorities: Which one do I do first? Jesus gave us a great revelation on some things that should be done before others.

    It is interesting to study how many things Jesus said should be done first. Whenever Jesus spoke of the first or the foremost issue, He used the Greek word proton. In this book, we take a look at the proton issues; things that Jesus said should be done first.

    As a Christian, you must do first things first. First things first means first in time, order, number, rank and value.

    A Christian must do the most important things first.

    Why Must Certain Things Be Done First?

    1. Anything that is not done first seems to lose its significance.

    God is very patient with us. Many have disobeyed Him and seem to have gotten away with it. The importance of the Word of God seems to fade as we carry on in disobedience. Very soon that which is more important than anything else becomes despised and irrelevant.

    Today, I minister under the anointing and many respect me for the ministry. But if I had not obeyed God when I did, I may have lived out my life normally as a medical doctor. Discussions about the call of God would have seemed insignificant and irrelevant.

    Sitting amongst my medical colleagues in various hospitals, the thought of being a pastor would have sounded ridiculous. I would have said to my friends, Let me tell you about a silly idea I once had. Did you know that I once wanted to be a pastor? When we were younger, we were over- spiritual and impractical.

    Have you never met grown-ups who said they were originally lined up for priesthood? In their old age they try to compensate for their disobedience through their children.

    I know a man who tried to force one of his children to become a priest.

    He said to his son, God called me to be a priest but I didn’t do it. You become that priest and I will give you property and money so that you lack nothing. At the end of their lives they desperately want to compensate for a life of non-compliance and non-cooperation with God.

    Dear friend, I can assure you that the longer you walk in your own ways the more distant and unrealistic the commands of God will seem. There is a reason for proton.

    Proton, doing first things first, saves you from deception. God will take care of you and be with you as you flow in His will.

    2. Anything that is not done first may never be done.

    Delay often means cancellation. Anything that is not done first may never be done. I never knew that delaying something could actually lead to its cancellation.

    There was a day I had to make a trip from London to New York to minister. I was actually scheduled to minister in Maryland that night. Unfortunately, I had a very early flight from Heathrow Airport in London, to Amsterdam and then I was to connect from Amsterdam to New York. Somehow I did not believe the time I saw on my ticket. I thought it was too early to be true.

    When I got to the airport, for the first time in my life, I was too late to check-in or to board the aircraft. I had missed the check in time by about twenty minutes. I was disappointed. I had to wait for the next flight to Amsterdam!

    You cannot make your first connection to New York but you can get a later flight, they told me. I realized from the time, that I would still make it to New York and just in time to drive to Maryland. So I called New York and told the pastor when I would be arriving and told him that we would need to drive rapidly to Maryland. I assured him that we were in good time and that the programme would surely come on in spite of the slight delay.

    In Amsterdam, I confidently boarded my connecting flight to New York knowing that it would soon take off and I would be on my way. After a while, I looked out of the window and I saw people spraying the wings of the plane. Then came the announcement: There is so much ice on the engine that it will not be safe to take off. It will take us one hour to get rid of it. Please bear with us.

    I did another calculation and I still felt I could just make it to Maryland for the programme. The whole church would be waiting for me. They had been expecting me for weeks. Unfortunately, it was not to be so.

    After the ice problem was solved, a new one arose, introducing even further delays. This time they said the toilets in the plane were not working and they had to fix them. I had never heard of toilets in a plane not working but it was happening live! It took another two hours before we were finally ready for take-off.

    I sat in anguish as the minutes went by, imagining how many people would have gathered for the programme. Eventually, I had to accept that the programme would be cancelled because I would not make it in time.

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