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Labour to be Blessed: Labour not to be rich
Labour to be Blessed: Labour not to be rich
Labour to be Blessed: Labour not to be rich
Ebook113 pages1 hour

Labour to be Blessed: Labour not to be rich

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Most people spend many hours working with just one aim – to be rich! Unfortunately, riches elude many people as they vehemently seek riches. Why? because they want to be rich but there is a higher purpose, other than riches, why God wants you to labour.
This book seeks to explain the things the Bible says you must give your life to. Instead of merely labouring to be rich, you will learn to labour for higher things!

Receive a new vision to be a blessing to others as you study this new and absorbing book by Dag Heward-Mills!

Release dateAug 27, 2019

Dag Heward-Mills

Bishop Dag Heward-Mills is a medical doctor by profession and the founder of the United Denominations Originating from the Lighthouse Group of Churches (UD-OLGC). The UD-OLGC comprises over three thousand churches pastored by seasoned ministers, groomed and trained in-house. Bishop Dag Heward-Mills oversees this charismatic group of denominations, which operates in over 90 different countries in Africa, Asia, Europe, the Caribbean, Australia, and North and South America. With a ministry spanning over thirty years, Dag Heward-Mills has authored several books with bestsellers including ‘The Art of Leadership’, ‘Loyalty and Disloyalty’, and ‘The Mega Church’. He is considered to be the largest publishing author in Africa, having had his books translated into over 52 languages with more than 40 million copies in print.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Blessed by reading this book. Learnt a lot about labouring for the blessing

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Labour to be Blessed - Dag Heward-Mills

Labour to be blessed…labour not to be rich


Parchment House

Unless otherwise stated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the

King James Version of the Bible.

Copyright © 2017 Dag Heward-Mills

First Edition published by Parchment House 2019

Find out more about Dag Heward-Mills

Healing Jesus Crusade

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Facebook:  Dag Heward-Mills

Twitter:  @EvangelistDag

EBOOK ISBN: 978-1-64329-228-1

All rights reserved under international copyright law.  Written permission must be secured from the publisher to use or reproduce any part of this book.


CHAPTER 1: Labour to be Blessed!

CHAPTER 2: Labour Not to be Rich

CHAPTER 3: What is in a Blessing?

CHAPTER 4: Labour for a Blessing

CHAPTER 5: Labour for the Blessings of Those Who Give

CHAPTER 6: Labour for the Blessings of Church Builders

CHAPTER 7: Labour to Become a Blessing

CHAPTER 8: Labour for Supernatural Provision

CHAPTER 9: Labour for the Supernatural Supply

CHAPTER 10: Labour for Revelation

CHAPTER 11: Labour to be Associated with Blessed People

CHAPTER 12: Labour for Exemption from Evil

CHAPTER 13: Labour for the Blessing of the Holy Spirit

CHAPTER 14: Labour for the Blessing of Favour

CHAPTER 15: How to Labour for the Blessing of Favour


Labour to be Blessed!

There is one alone, and there is not a second; yea, he hath neither child nor brother: yet is there no end of all his labour; neither is his eye satisfied with riches; neither saith he, For whom do I labour, and bereave my soul of good? This is also vanity, yea, it is a sore travail.

Ecclesiastes 4:8

Solomon, the wisest man to ever live, made an observation that we must consider deeply.  He wondered why people were working endlessly.  He wondered if people asked themselves why they were so bent on fighting, labouring, suffering, working and sweating in this world.   Perhaps, these are some of the questions that Wisdom is asking you today.    

1. What are you in school for?

2. What are you working for?

3. What are you sweating for?

4. What are you struggling about?

5. What are you building for?

6. What are you travelling for?

7. What are you migrating for?

8. What are you sacrificing for?

9. What are you labouring day and night for? 

10. What are you fighting for?  

11. What are you suffering for?

12. What are you dying for?

These are also questions that come into my mind whenever I see people struggling, hustling, working and suffering in our dark and difficult world.  Many people achieve their goals several times over but still do not know why they are working.  Many people acquire houses, cars and lands that they cannot even use.  To what purpose are all these acquisitions?  What makes men go on and on, working for money that they will not use?

I met a businessman who was working so hard.   He had achieved so many things in this life. He had a car! He had houses! He had money! And he had more contracts than he could handle.  I was wondering what he was trying to achieve.  What was in his mind as he continued to struggle, sweat and suffer? To what purpose were all his efforts? So I asked this businessman why he was working so hard.  He said he just wanted more and more of the same things.  He wanted to be richer than he was. He was wealthier than most people I knew.  Yet, he wanted more, and more and more!  

Most people do not think about what they are doing.  Most men are engaged in a fight for something.  Some imaginary goal is set before them and they labour on mindlessly!  

Is it not amazing to you that there is a scripture that states that we should not labour to be rich?  In other words, labouring for riches is not a wise thing to do.  

If we are not labouring to be rich, then what are we labouring for?  Is there any other goal or purpose that we can give ourselves to?  

Is there any other good reason for working, struggling, suffering, sweating and labouring night and day?  

Is there any other good reason for all the jobs we take up and all the sacrifices we make at work every day?

Yes, there can be a good reason for all your work!  God has given us something good to fight for.  Fight the good fight is what the bible says!  In other words, there are fights that are not good fights.  There are fights that are not worth fighting. 

So what is there that is worth fighting for?  What is there that is worth my time, my life, my suffering, my sweating and my struggles?  Does everyone have to become a full time priest?  Are you saying that I should stop working and become a priest because there is no point in working?  No, that is not what I am saying!  God does not expect everyone to become a priest.  Most people will not become priests.  Even in the Old Testament the full time Levites who did not do ordinary work were in the minority.  The majority of the tribes of Israel were normal workers in the society. 

This is not a book about becoming a full time pastor. This message is about carrying on as a businessman, a worker and a professional who has a good purpose for all his work.  

I do not want you to be a purposeless businessman or professional.  I do not want you to have the wrong purpose or vision as you work.  Labour not to be rich!  Do not have a vision to be rich. Have a vision to be blessed!  

Your vision must be to obtain a blessing rather than to obtain riches. Instead of fighting for money, fight for a blessing.  A blessing is what will change your life.  Jacob and Esau wrestled over a blessing.  Jacob and Esau did not fight over money.   They fought over a blessing. Each of them wanted to be blessed.  At the end of this fight, Jacob obtained the blessing. Jacob is Israel and Israel is one of the richest and most successful groups of people on earth today.  It is a far greater purpose for you to desire a blessing and work for a blessing than to desire and work for riches.  Learn from the example of Jacob and Esau. Fight for blessings rather than for money! Fight to be a blessed person.  Live your whole life seeking, fighting, struggling, sweating, working and forcing to acquire a blessing.  Do whatever it takes to obtain a blessing on your life.  As you read this book, you will receive revelation on how to live your life to receive a blessing.

And Rebekah heard when Isaac spake to Esau his son. And Esau went to the field to hunt for venison, and to bring it.

And Rebekah spake unto Jacob her son, saying, Behold, I heard thy father speak unto Esau thy brother, saying, Bring me venison, and make me savoury meat, that I may eat, and bless thee before the Lord before my death. Now therefore, my son, obey my voice according to that which I command thee. Go now to the flock, and fetch me from thence two good kids of the goats; and I will make them savoury meat for thy father, such as he loveth: And thou shalt bring it to thy father, that he may eat, and that he may bless thee before his death. And Jacob said to Rebekah his mother, Behold, Esau my brother is a hairy man, and I am a smooth man: My father peradventure will feel me, and I shall seem to him as a deceiver; and I shall bring a curse upon me,

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