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Believing God for His Best: How to Marry Contentment and Singleness
Believing God for His Best: How to Marry Contentment and Singleness
Believing God for His Best: How to Marry Contentment and Singleness
Ebook110 pages1 hour

Believing God for His Best: How to Marry Contentment and Singleness

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About this ebook

What are you waiting for? If you're among the growing ranks of single adults, chances are you're waiting for Mr. or Miss Right. And while waiting is an important aspect of the Christian life, it's not easy. No one knows this better than Bill Thrasher. He spent almost two decades in adulthood before marrying his wife, and now shares the secret of successful single living--contentment.

Believing God for His Best is a personal story that will walk you through Thrasher's journey through singleness, and toward marriage. The anecdotal style, coupled with godly wisdom, will inspire singles to trust God for His best.
Release dateJul 1, 2004
Believing God for His Best: How to Marry Contentment and Singleness

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    Believing God for His Best - Bill Thrasher

    The example of Bill Thrasher’s life has always spurred me on toward a closer walk with the Lord. His words, fleshed out through his own real-life experience, are an inspiration to all Christian singles to live prayerful and Christ-centered lives. He provides practical helps as well as spiritual motivation to maximize our singleness for God’s glory, as we believe God for His best in all areas of life.

    Lisa Weglewski



    I am delighted to comply with your request to write a brief commendation of your book Believing God for His Best. Your reference to the way that God in His sovereign and scriptural leading brought Stephen and me together—in a marrage that has now lasted over 56 years—makes me exclaim, Hallelujah! I remember his sharing with me the revelation God had given him from the Word, and how meticulously he followed those instructions, until God brought me into his life. My prayer is that as this chapter is read, hundreds of young people will be led away from the tragic marriages they might have become involved in to the marrage that God intends for their lives. The tragedy of divorce amongst Christians today breaks my heart; and I trust that your book will go a long way to resolve this problem. May God bless you and your written ministry.

    B. Heather Olford


    I welcome the privilege of writing a few words concerning my good friend Dr. Bill Thrasher’s new book, Believing God for His Best. Nothing is more needed in our contemporary Christian world today. With the tangled marriages, broken homes, and divorce rates, one wonders what can possibly be the solution. Needless to say, the only one is returning to God’s blueprint as recorded in His Holy Word. I am grateful that he has drawn on the experience of how God brought my sweetheart, Heather, and me into the vital union of marriage, now going on our 57th year! It seems inconceivable that God would initiate such a sacred ordinance as the marriage of a man and woman without giving instructions on how He plans to bring this about to fulfill His glory, as well as His purpose, not only in mutual pleasure, but in bringing precious little lives into a Christian home, and then a full spiritual life. For this reason, I congratulate him on his book in general, and the privilege of having our names included in his treatment of this delicate, but important subject in the hour in which we live. May God grant the book a wide readership, especially amongst our young people.

    Dr. Stephen F. Olford



    GOD for


    How to








    © 2004 by


    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

    Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the New American Standard Bible®, copyright © The Lockman Foundation 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995. Used by permission.

    Scripture quotations marked PHILLIPS are from J. B. Phillips: The New Testament in Modern English, copyright © 1958, 1960, 1972. Used by permission of Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc.

    Scripture quotations marked NLV are from the New Life Version, copyright © 1969 by Christian Literature International. Used by permission.

       Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

    Thrasher, Bill, 1952-

          Believing God for his best : how to marry contentment and singleness / Bill Thrasher.

             p. cm.

          Includes bibliographical references.

          ISBN 0-8024-5573-5

           1. Single people–Religious life. 2. Thrasher, Bill, 1952-I. Title.

    BV4596.S5T48 2004



    1 3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 2

    Printed in the United States of America

    Dedicated to every single who desires to

    maximize their time of singleness

    for the Lord and discern God’s wisdom

    in regard to a marriage partner.

    Dedicated to every caring parent who desires to

    protect their children from scarring

    their lives before marriage and

    shepherd their children to wait on God

    for His will, person, and timing

    for a marriage partner.

    Dedicated to every caring person who desires to

    honor Christ by esteeming singles

    and esteeming marriage.




      1. Seeing Singleness from God’s Point of View

      2. Waiting on God for a Mate

      3. Finding God’s Provision on the Other Side of a Temptation

      4. Repenting of Idolatry After Experiencing Love at First Sight

      5. Rebirth of the Vision: Purify My Heart Amidst Closed Doors

      6. Experiencing God’s Providence and Delayed Answers to Prayers

      7. Learning from the Other Side of the Story

      8. Developing a Conviction Before God

      9. Discovering the Secret of Contentment

    10. Making an Important Commitment

    11. Pondering a New Direction

    12. Handling Your Passions

    13. Discerning God’s Will

    14. The Secret of Waiting


    Appendix 1: Questions to Consider and Explore

    Appendix 2: Vows Study Guide


    THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH, with its ubiquitous pro-family and pro-marriage emphasis, unwittingly constructs an idol to which many Christian singles fall prostrate.

    Dr. Thrasher exposes this idol and deftly offers advice on how to tear it down.

    The idol is marriage.

    Marriage is an unexpected idol because Scripture holds it in such high regard. But, Dr. Thrasher explains, when a person believes marriage can quench those thirsts of the heart meant only for Christ to quench, that person has made marriage an idol.

    Sadly, this marriage idol is alive and strong within the church. Many singles truly believe they cannot be content without a spouse. I myself fall into this trap at times. As a single minister, I am subject to constant heckling and inquiries from fellow pastors and laity alike. I am frequently encouraged toward marriage (sometimes with specific suggestions of a prospective mate), and people are eager to know the latest inflection of my heart. While these comments and questions are usually playful or offered in my best interests, they reflect a general attitude in the church that a man (or woman) is not complete until wed.

    I am convinced that countless single men and women can relate to this pressure, and our families are often the greatest offenders! I recently heard of one wise church leader who advised his spiritually volatile son that what he needed was a wife, as if marriage would settle his spiritually wavering heart. It seems there are very few problems a single person faces to which someone does not think marriage is part of the solution. This is sad, and it causes many unmarried people to make an idol of marriage.

    Holy matrimony is designed by God, promoted by God, and blessed by God. It can be a beautiful reflection of His glorious gospel (Eph. 5:32). But the Bible does not treat it as the universal elixir able to cure any ill that plagues a single person.

    Rather, the Bible teaches that God is good and in complete control of all things. Hence, whether a believer is single or married, he can rest knowing that he has God’s best. This truth is the key to true contentment. Knowing that God has me single for a reason, I am free to pursue Christ and His Kingdom with my whole heart.

    This is precisely the message that Dr. Thrasher delivers in this unique book. He masterfully dismantles the marriage idol while still holding marriage in high esteem. Weaving together his own fascinating biography, rich biblical exposition, and eminently practical advice, his book speaks from the heart, to the heart.

    Dr. Thrasher deals a devastating but gentle

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