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Memories of the Afterlife: Life Between Lives Stories of Personal Transformation
Memories of the Afterlife: Life Between Lives Stories of Personal Transformation
Memories of the Afterlife: Life Between Lives Stories of Personal Transformation
Ebook475 pages8 hours

Memories of the Afterlife: Life Between Lives Stories of Personal Transformation

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Dr. Michael Newton, best-selling author of Journey of Souls and Destiny of Souls, returns with a series of case studies that highlight the profound impact of spiritual regression on people's everyday lives.

Edited by Dr. Newton, these fascinating true accounts from around the world are handpicked and presented by Life Between Lives hypnotherapists certified by the Newton Institute. After recalling memories of their afterlife, the people in these studies embarked on life-changing spiritual journeys—reuniting with soul mates and spirit guides, and discovering the ramifications of life and  body choices, love relationships, and dreams by communing with their immortal souls. As gems of self-knowledge are revealed, dramatic epiphanies result, enabling these ordinary people to understand adversity in their lives, find emotional healing, realize their true purpose, and forever enrich their lives with new meaning.

Release dateSep 8, 2010
Memories of the Afterlife: Life Between Lives Stories of Personal Transformation

Michael Newton

Michael Newton, PhD, held a doctorate in Counseling Psychology, was a certified Master Hypnotherapist, and was a member of the American Counseling Association. He was also on the faculty of higher educational institutions as a teacher while active in private practice in Los Angeles. Over many years, Dr. Newton developed his own intensive age regression techniques in order to effectively take hypnosis subjects beyond their past life memories to a more meaningful soul experience between lives. He is considered to be a pioneer in uncovering the mysteries about life after death through the use of spiritual hypnotic regression. He trained other advanced hypnotherapists in his techniques. Dr. Newton is the author of three best-selling books, Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives, Destiny of Souls: New Case Studies of Life Between Lives, and Life Between Lives: Hypnotherapy for Spiritual Regression. Dr. Newton has an international reputation as a spiritual regressionist who mapped out much of our life between lives experience. He appeared on numerous national radio and TV talk shows to explain our immortal life in the spirit world. For information about Life between lives Hypnotherapy (LBL) and how to arrange an LBL session please contact The Newton Institute for Life Between Lives Hypnotherapy at

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    A brilliant collection of LBL case studies... presented in a way that you can’t put the book (phone rather) down..

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Memories of the Afterlife - Michael Newton



Early in the fourth century ad, the Greek philosopher Iamblichus wrote: A man who can unlock his soul is set free.

As a result of the forces of reincarnation, we are all products of our past physical lives on Earth as well as our spiritual soul experiences between lives. The soul of every person on this planet retains all former karmic influences of cause and effect from many sources, and these forces impact our current feelings and behavior. Thus, while people may appear to be functioning normally on the outside, we can have deep-seated metaphysical provocations of distress that are masked from traditional medical doctors, mental health professionals, and even from ourselves. There are difficult episodes in our current lives when we don’t comprehend what is driving us in ways that seem irrational. The underlying reasons for these strange sensations are typically obscure, lying far below the surface of our consciousness. Most people will do anything to expose their internal demons, but where should they look?

This book is about the self-discovery of hidden knowledge contained within the unconscious mind and what unlocking this sacred information through hypnosis has meant for people therapeutically. From the hypnosis subjects whose cases are detailed here, we will see how revelations from past incarnations and the afterlife have positively affected their conscious minds, providing keys of understanding to a variety of psychological problems. These recovered spiritual memories have brought greater meaning and empowerment into their lives. This book is meant to inspire and bring new hope to people everywhere who wish to see design and order in their existence.

The cases offered in Memories of the Afterlife involve clients who came to a specialized group of life-between-lives (LBL) hypnotherapists for spiritual regression. Quite often, the typical client schedules an appointment simply to explore matters relating to their soul purpose in life. However, the stories in this book involve more disturbing core conflicts requiring specific resolution. The authors of these poignant stories have employed a unique hypnotherapy process with their hypnosis subjects that involves a deep trance state generally lasting from three to four hours. The scope of this book is distinctive in the approach that has been taken to document the follow-up studies devoted to the life-transforming benefits of LBL hypnotherapy. It should also be mentioned that the stories in this book are just a small sample from the large number of cases reported and reviewed online each year by the Newton Institute’s general membership.

Each of our authors has presented an actual client case history. Pseudonyms are used to preserve client anonymity, with the client’s permission. These stories begin by presenting the client’s stated problem and how that issue was uncovered and then resolved through spiritual regression. They end with post-session communications with the client about the benefits of their LBL experience.

The guidance by LBL facilitators in these individual cases is extremely comprehensive, although condensed here by our requirements of limited story length. Therapeutic inquiry is conducted with a view to the history of relevant incarnations by the soul and particularly the soul’s existence between lives in the spirit world. It is here where karmic lessons are formulated for the next life. Thus, current problems the client may be having on Earth are analyzed within the perspective of both a physical (human) and spiritual (soul) element.

For effective progression into the spirit world, it is of prime importance that potential clients find a highly trained LBL hypnotherapist to work with them. While there are a multitude of reasons where facilitator experience with the spirit realm will prove invaluable to the client, I would like to cite one area of concern as an example. On very rare occasions, a client could report a spirit world visualization that might initially seem threatening to them. Typically, such a disturbing report will mean one of two things to the skilled and properly trained LBL facilitator. Conscious interference caused by preconditioning, such as a religious belief in hell and evil spirits that do not actually exist in the afterlife, is one aspect. This involves earthly superstitions. All of our research with thousands of cases clearly shows the afterlife to be a realm of love, compassion, forgiveness, and justice.

A more customary and subtle challenge are visualizations that symbolize karmic forms of cosmic accountancy significant to the client’s soul self. Here, the experienced, well-trained practitioner will recognize metaphoric scenarios that might well be designed as teaching lessons, often by the subject’s spirit guide and master teachers on the spiritual plane. The client, however, may become confused and not be able to interpret such teaching manifestations for what they actually are at first. Conscious interference here by the subject could be attempts to cope with new revelations that they have not yet processed in the session. While the LBL hypnotherapist may have his or her own diagnosis in such cases, this is not allowed to interfere with client self-discovery.

To be sure, the proper measure of comfort is always offered with reports confusing to the client, but subjects are encouraged to make the effort to answer their own questions based upon spiritual messages that come to them during the deeper trance states. Given time and moving at their own pace, most clients ultimately see that their existence is truly a rite of passage—a transition to eventual enlightenment as souls. This process is both emotional and draining work for both facilitator and client, but the rewards of even one LBL session are enormous in terms of acquired self-knowledge and personal revelations of a divine plan.

The authors are all certified members of the Michael Newton Institute for Life Between Lives Hypnotherapy (TNI). Besides the Americas, they practice their craft in Europe, Asia, South Africa, and Australia. The training model for our school was an outgrowth of a methodology system developed in my Los Angeles practice during many years from an extensive volume of cases, over a hundred of which have been detailed in my previously published books. There are numerous schools for traditional hypnosis and some for past life (PL) regression. Our organization was the first to exclusively offer a weeklong, intensive life-between-lives training agenda, and it is the only hypnosis training program we give to professionals. Students come from all over the world to learn hands-on techniques from skilled LBL facilitators. The course practicum involves learning how to mentally regress each other into past lives and to a former existence in the spirit world between these lives. The work is both demanding and uplifting to the LBL student, because they are exposed to their own spiritual insights during training.

Since the authors in this book were already trained hypnotherapists with experience in their own right before I met them in the classroom, it is understandable that after graduation and certification, they have gone on to utilize their own talents and techniques in practicing spiritual regression. While they all use our LBL methodology model, each regression therapist featured in this book is different from one another in the way they assist people in uncovering memories about life after death. In my view, TNI graduates who consistently replicate the findings of those who have gone before them, while adding new truths to our spiritual paradigm, bring validity to the whole process. Thus, you will see a commonality of memory recall about the afterlife that is woven through all the LBL cases presented here. Some background PL information relevant to the case will also be included in these stories. These authors and many other certified LBL practitioners within the international network of our organization can be reached through our referral website at

While people seek us out from basic curiosity about their spiritual life, many others have acutely personal reasons—trying to understand the loss of a child, emotional or behavioral concerns, relationship issues, or a fear of dying—that they cannot resolve through traditional therapeutic means. People come to us from all walks of life, with many belief systems, ranging from atheism to a fundamentalist religious persuasion, and yet, once in deep hypnosis, they all recount memories of an afterlife that is strangely uniform in concept and perception. The grandeur of this transcendental design is what brings meaning to our work, because it demonstrates order and purpose in the universe.

It has been my impression over many years of public appearances that increasingly larger groups of people in all cultures are searching for a new kind of spirituality that is more personal to them. Spiritual discoveries that come from the inner mind allow for the exposure of personal truths that no outside religious intermediary or institutional affiliation can duplicate. People who have this kind of spiritual experience see a universal consciousness that is not indifferent to the actions and fates of human beings. Recognizing their own personal spirit guide specifically assigned to them, as well as interacting with soul mates and companions in their soul group during the LBL experience, adds to this conviction. The knowledge gained from such an internal revelation often leads to life-changing alterations that ease the troubled minds of the average person struggling to understand reasons for their existence on Earth. This is what the cases presented here reflect.

I believe the forces of intelligent creation go far beyond the religious concept of an anthropomorphic god. These spiritual forces, encountered by people in a deep trance state, indicate that creation of intelligent energy is so vast in our universe as to be incomprehensible to the human mind. However, the eternal soul mind sees connections to a series of higher beings in the afterlife who are not gods but rather more advanced souls who have completed their own physical incarnations and are available to serve others who have not finished their karmic work. These evolved teachers are part of the link of a higher consciousness that brings elements of a grand design into the human brain from the soul mind. I call those facilitators who assist in the art of uniting a conscious human brain with the unconscious immortal soul spiritual integrationists. Each of us has this mental dualism in our nature, which may be confusing to people in a fully conscious state. This potential problem is what LBL hypnotherapy endeavors to resolve with people who come to us for help. Through the integration of mind and spirit, we seek to assist them with self-revelations concerning the age-old questions of who am I, where do I come from, why am I here, and where am I going? The LBL practitioner facilitates their hypnosis subject on a spiritual journey to unravel these personal mysteries and bring greater awareness and meaning to their life by fostering understanding about who they really are as a person. Learning how one’s immortal soul character unites with a temporary human brain to produce one personality for one lifetime is rather like a cosmic experience for people. Once this unconscious duality of self is uncovered and the true identity of the soul is exposed, it becomes so liberating that often clients emerge from an LBL session with new serenity and spiritual transcendence.

In my lectures, writings, and radio shows, I have often explained to the public that I was originally resistant to the New Age movement. By training, I was a traditional therapist who specialized in hypnotherapy. Initially, I was not even particularly metaphysical in my approach to client difficulties involving the need for behavior modification. This outlook began to change after my initial past-life discovery, followed some time later by my first life-between-life case in 1968, which is described below. However, it would take years of research before I had enough data to properly map the spirit world and develop a sequential methodology for asking questions. By 1980, I realized I should prepare to write a book on my findings, and therefore I kept more detailed records; thus, many of the cases in my books stem from the 1980s and 1990s. Also, my skill level as an LBL hypnotherapist and my knowledge of the spirit world was much greater in these decades than in the earlier years.

As with so many other significant events over the years, my early revelations about an afterlife in the spirit world seemed to arrive on my doorstep rather by accident. I now realize there are no accidents in the scheme of things, especially for major events; this is what the people whose cases are discussed in this book have come to know as well. My small case contribution is not as complex as many of the cases you are about to read. Because it was my first LBL case, it will always be embedded in my memory as the beginning of fulfilling my purpose in this life: to offer a new, very personal spiritual belief system without the need for institutions or intermediaries. I would title the following condensed story the missing friends.

A middle-aged woman whose name was Una came to me with problems that centered around her feelings of isolation and a kind of dissociation with humanity. This lady told me that she felt a terrible yearning to be with her old friends, whom she could not clearly define. Una mentioned that she had seen some evidence of them in dreams, but at this stage in my career I did not understand the full implications of that statement. At our first meeting, during intake, I felt that while there was evidence of sadness coupled with lack of energy and motivation, Una was not someone suffering from mental illness, nor was she on antidepressant medication. My assessment was that despite being chronically lonely, Una was not antisocial and even appeared to evidence peer engagement in her life. After I questioned Una further, I determined she was manifestly depressed over what she stated was the absence of a meaningful connection with anyone who recognizes my real identity as a person. I saw that Una was grieving but quite functional. Yet there was an aspect to her discomfort that was clinically rather vague.

During the early stages of her session, I asked, Are these missing friends people you knew at any time in your adult life? Una answered no. We then began hypnosis, and in a shallow alpha state, I asked her, Are you missing any childhood playmates who are no longer with you? Again, her answer was no. As I took Una deeper into the middle and upper levels of the alpha state, we began to explore her most recent past life and even a couple of earlier past lives. Only a few friends dear to her began to crop up, although these souls were not visualized by Una as connected, because she was not yet mentally in the spirit world. However, she was visibly brightening as the session progressed. Una then told me that she wanted to see all her friends together, interacting with her, and this was why she felt so isolated and lonely in her current life. At the time, I thought this comment rather odd.

At this point in the session, due to my inexperience in spiritual matters, I was getting somewhat frustrated. More importantly, what I did not fully realize was the fact that this highly receptive woman was taking her trance phase into the deeper hypnotic theta state in order to help both of us. I did not know that Una was getting ahead of me and actually pushing herself from a subconscious mode into what we call today a superconscious mental state, which allows a subject in hypnosis to mentally reach the spirit world between lives.

Finally, in my bafflement, I asked Una, "Was there ever a time in your existence when you were not lonely because you were with a group of friends? Suddenly, she cried out in excitement and said yes. I immediately commanded, Go there! What I did not realize at the time was the fact that I had inadvertently used a trigger word: group. To someone in deep hypnosis visualizing the afterlife, this means a spirit group of connected souls who are especially active together between lives and often incarnate together. Una was now crying with happiness, and with her eyes still closed, she was pointing to my office wall. Oh, I see them now, she said. I asked where. She answered, In my home. My confused response was, You mean at home in one of your past lives? No, no, Una replied eagerly, I’m in between—don’t you see—in the spirit world. This is my real home, and my soul group is all here! She then said, tearfully, Oh, I miss them so much."

I was dumbfounded by what had happened to both of us and still did not fully comprehend what we had found together. With more questioning, I learned that no primary soul mate or supporting soul companions were in Una’s current life, because she had been too dependent upon them during her past incarnations on Earth. This was a karmic learning lesson involving a prior spiritual contract for her current life. By not physically being with Una in her life today, members of her soul group gave her the space to grow stronger through the challenges of being alone. Once Una understood this situation in her life was by advance mutual agreement with her soul group and spiritual advisors, she began to relax, and her sense of loss diminished.

Over the next year, Una would contact me regularly with updates to say that life for her now had new meaning, and she was living it to the fullest because she finally comprehended her purpose, involving a need for courage and independence in decision making. She derived great comfort from knowing her immortal soul companions would be waiting for her on the other side. Una’s new feelings of fulfillment, as an outgrowth of her first LBL session, caused her to realize that life was not governed by fate, or determinism, or some sort of divine punishment surrounding her loneliness, but rather by her own free will. This does not mean that I offer Una’s LBL case as a panacea for depression; rather, it shows another avenue for the exploration of an unsettled mind.

I would like to quote Una’s last letter to me, sent years after her session and just before her death:

Michael, I am no longer a solitary being within myself. Rather than existing solely in my private world as before, I now find that I coexist easily with others because I am attuned to the fact we all live in a shared world where none of us need to be limited by boundaries. These days I find myself encouraging people in distress to accept life and who they are and enjoy what is good and intended in our world. Thank you for this gift.

Una’s session with me had sent cold chills down my spine with its profound, far-reaching implications. After she left, I spent considerable time reviewing her tape recording. Her case marked the beginning of my investigations into the afterlife, or innerlife, as some call this spiritual realm. I was now in uncharted territory. At the time, there were no books that I could find about spiritual regression methodology. The conventional wisdom among most past-life researchers during this period, and indeed for years afterward, was that memory recall of life between lives only involved a nonproductive grayish limbo of no consequence. Perhaps this attitude was influenced by the millions of adherents to an Eastern philosophical concept involving the absence of a permanent soul self in human beings who transmigrate from life to life without a spiritual essence of everlasting personal identity.

As for myself, I felt a compulsion to discover everything possible about our life after death through spiritual recall. This task would take years of quiet study as I worked with hypnosis subjects, designing a methodology that included an entry and exit strategy to the afterlife. While mapping the spirit world from a great many case histories, a magnificent truth became evident to me. I found that within the mind of every person lies the answer to the mystery of their life.

Finally, in 1994, my first work, Journey of Souls, was published by Llewellyn, followed by Destiny of Souls in 2000. These two books provide a foundation of understanding about life in the spirit world and reincarnation. In 2004, a third book, Life Between Lives Hypnotherapy, offered both the public and private hypnosis professional a functional step-by-step guide to spiritual regression methodology. Representing some thirty-five years of research, this text shows interested readers how information was obtained for Memories of the Afterlife by detailing the hypnosis process used with all the cases presented here.

I should like to offer a further word about these books in connection with endnotes. In this collection of cases, the authors may briefly allude to certain aspects of LBL methodology relating to their case that they are unable to describe completely without spoiling the pace of their short stories. In those cases where I felt more detailed information would provide the curious reader with greater understanding about a particular aspect of the afterlife, I offer endnotes with further commentary and references to my books, with page numbers on specific topics. Journey of Souls is abbreviated as JS, Destiny of Souls as DS, and Life Between Lives Hypnotherapy is listed as LBLH. As therapists, we honor the beliefs and perceptions of our clients during their LBL sessions. The endnoting in this book is not intended to detract from any inquiry by the facilitator or client statement, but rather to offer the interested reader additional detail on the same topic as described by many other hypnosis subjects reporting about their spiritual life. While there is some repetition with endnoting and page references between cases, I wanted each story to have the benefit of notes that applied directly to the subject under discussion and to stand on its own for ease of reader appraisal.

Although intensely powerful, life-between-lives hypnotherapy is still a relatively new field. The authors of this book will attest to the fact that when their hypnosis subjects find they have a definite purpose in life and do not lose their real personhood at physical death, this knowledge brings overwhelming joy. Each author has chosen a case from their files that best reflects a particular theme of special interest to them. In our editing, we have tried to select stories that offer a variety of personal situations for broad reader identification. It is our hope and expectation that these stories involving the conscious illumination of the soul will demonstrate a therapeutic form of healing that one day will be in general use everywhere among traditional therapists. I trust you will enjoy the cases that follow; may they bring you an awareness of what is possible in your own life.

Michael Newton

Founder of the Newton Institute




as a

Catalyst for Change

Paul Aurand

(New York City)

President and lead trainer for

the Michael Newton Institute,

international instructor, author, and award-winning master hypnotherapist.

Many seek life-between-lives hypnotherapy longing to know if they will ever meet their soul mates. This is a story of a young woman who has recently met her soul mate. But this time, rather than to be together, he has come into her life as a catalyst for change. As the session progresses, we find this is actually his second attempt to wake her up and help her learn the soul lessons she has been struggling with for lifetimes.

Sasha is a thirty-two-year-old woman born in northern Europe. After a twelve-year relationship with Mark, the first and only man in her life, plans were made for their fairy-tale wedding. Two weeks before the wedding, Sasha’s soul mate, Raul, showed up and rocked her world. Not knowing what to do, Sasha followed through with her wedding plans and married Mark. Despite keeping her commitment to Mark, she was torn and found herself pushing him away. She was never able to be really intimate with him, and a few months later, she moved away from Mark to live and work in Portugal.

They have been apart for almost six months. During their time apart, Sasha crossed paths with Raul again. They became lovers for a brief time, and then Raul moved on. Sasha was devastated.

She came in to our session feeling terribly guilty and confused. Sasha wonders if she is to be with her soul mate, Raul, or if she should stay married and go back to her husband, Mark. She is seeking advice from her guides and direction for her soul.

During an LBL session, we normally direct a client back to the most recent past life. On occasion, when there is an earlier lifetime of great significance, a client will go to that lifetime rather than the most recent one. That is what developed in this case.

The opening scene in Sasha’s past life is of an Egyptian temple. She is a priestess named Sharoon engaged in spiritual studies. Our conversation about this life unfolds as follows:

Sasha: I am learning about spirituality, but I am also practicing manipulating people who don’t work in the temple. I am able to influence them spiritually and energetically.

Paul: Help me understand how you manipulate them.

S: I manipulate them to be obedient—to believe what I want them to believe. I do it through creating and sending images. I create a mental image of what I want them to do, and I send it. They can see it and feel it. It is very powerful! It is easy to influence them.

P: Move forward in that life of spiritual studies and manipulation. What happens?

S: I am killed. Yes, killed.

P: And how does that happen?

S: There are enemy invaders. They are entering the temple, and they are killing everybody. They kill me too.

P: What happens to you? Where are you in relation to your body now?

S: Outside, very quickly. I am just observing. I watch as more people enter the temple. But I don’t feel sad; I feel peaceful. I am accepting.

P: Where do you go and what do you do?

S: Up and up, looking back on the scene. I see light, up and to the left. I am going toward it. I move toward it without any effort. It is very peaceful.

P: What happens as you reach this light?

S: (surprised) I am not very religious, but I see an image of a holy person with his arms wide open, welcoming me. I know this is a symbol of loving bliss. I can see now, it is my guide who is there. I feel safe. It is my guide Araton. He tells me everything is fine. I am doing very well. He accepts me, supports me, and loves me. He just melted into me; we are one. This is so incredible! It’s a way of experiencing his vibrations. He is very wise and joyful, so bright and so pure.

P: Why does your guide merge with you in this way?

S: So that later on, I will know his vibrations, so that when I need his help and when I meditate, I will know he is with me. I will feel his peace and joy.

P: And where does he guide you next?

S: We are in a beautiful rose garden, sitting on a bench. There are pedestrian walkways. At the end of the path there is a building. It is white. As I look at it, I realize I can go there to ask questions, but I am afraid to do that.

P: And how does Araton respond to your being afraid to ask questions?

S: He says I don’t have to ask questions if I am not comfortable now. He says I can do it later on.

We are going to do some healing. I am to follow him. It is strange. I know he is radiating love, but I cannot feel it. He says we can fix it.

Now I am in a healing chamber. From the top, it is like a machine producing different colored rays of light. (Sasha shakes in the chair.) I can feel that I am vibrating. I don’t have to do anything. It is just happening. I am feeling very peaceful. There is a soft but penetrating pink light cleansing my body inside and out.¹

P: What is it that is being cleansed from you?

S: There is still some kind of fear that I am holding in my (ethereal) abdomen that should be cleansed that is connected to love. It is why I had trouble feeling Araton’s love.

P: Where does this fear associated with love originate?

S: From many lifetimes.

This healing and vibrating goes on for some time, then Sasha reports it is complete.

P: With this healing complete, if we were to hold up a full-length mirror, how would you appear?

S: Clean. A blue color with some pinkish tints.

P: We know your guide’s name is Araton, but what is your immortal spiritual name?

S: (long pause) I hear something like Kiya, but I am not sure.

P: Perhaps you can ask your guide?

S: He says this is a name from a past life. My immortal spiritual name sounds something like Kashyapeya.

P: And now that this healing is complete, where does your guide take you?

S: I am in front of a group of beings; there are five of them. We are in a round room. I feel so safe! Araton is with me. He is standing to my side and slightly behind me. At first, they all appear in the same brown color, but now the one in the middle is white, and one of the other ones is a reddish color.

P: What happens here?

S: I am just waiting. Now they are welcoming me. They want to help me live my life fully.

My client is now engaged with this group of beings, who are on her council, often called the elders, or wise ones. There is a long pause here while Sasha collects her thoughts and visualizes the council members preparing to work with her.

P: What are they communicating to you?

S: It is like a wall on the right-hand side of the room. It is sort of a screen. I see three scenes. In one, it looks like me giving birth, and there is someone next to me—a man I don’t recognize. I don’t want to see this.

P: What is your hesitation?

S: This man in the scene where I am giving birth is not my husband or Raul. I don’t like that. I want it to be Raul.

They are showing me three scenes. There is one scene with the man I don’t recognize. In this scene I am having a baby. There is one in the middle where I am with Raul, and this scene is very bright, although this is not the most probable or best one. Somehow I know this is true, but I don’t understand why it is brighter than the other two choices. I am scared.² The scene to the far right is me with my husband, Mark.

Oh, I see. They are showing me I have a choice! I can choose to be with my husband or the other man. I can even choose to be with Raul. That is strange. I have three choices.

P: Do you want to ask them which choice would be of the highest good for your soul?

S: (long pause) I have asked, but they are not going to tell me. They say I must make my own decision, without their influence.

Here the council is having Kashyapeya, who in her past life as Sharoon influenced and manipulated many people, experience how important it is for one to be free to make choices in life. And as is often the case, they teach her this by talking to her about it but also by giving her the experience of choice free from even their influence.

P: (I pose one of the questions that Sasha has brought to me before our session began.) Perhaps you want to ask them why Raul came into your life as he did.

S: To show me how to relax and feel joy. He came to open me up—to help me open to other people. My closest friend has always been Mark. We were always together and had no

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