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The Old Soul's Guidebook: Who You Are, Why You're Here, & How to Navigate Life on Earth
The Old Soul's Guidebook: Who You Are, Why You're Here, & How to Navigate Life on Earth
The Old Soul's Guidebook: Who You Are, Why You're Here, & How to Navigate Life on Earth
Ebook267 pages4 hours

The Old Soul's Guidebook: Who You Are, Why You're Here, & How to Navigate Life on Earth

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Everything you are—your personality, beliefs, aspirations, talents and fears—is the result of your soul’s many incarnations. 

To help you tap into this wealth of past-life experience and dramatically increase your potential for success in this lifetime, past-life psychic and author Ainslie MacLeod offers T

Release dateApr 8, 2019
The Old Soul's Guidebook: Who You Are, Why You're Here, & How to Navigate Life on Earth

Ainslie MacLeod

For more than a decade, Ainslie MacLeod has used his talents as a psychic to explore the soul and its effects on human beliefs and behavior. Collaborating with elevated spirit guides, he developed the Instruction as a way to help each of us understand our own personal destiny. Originally from Aberdeen, Scotland, he currently lives in the beautiful Pacific Northwest, where, from his office on a tranquil island, he offers psychic guidance to clients worldwide.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Mind and heart opening! My soul absorbed all the information with such joy, curiosity and certainty.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    An in-depth view of the world of the soul and it`s various incarnations. Including far reaching karmic effects on not just the operator but those tangential in relation to the material event or relationship of the soul in question. It`s not always obvious who is being effected by ones actions, so self- awareness is key to spiritual growth and consequently a good life. 7.5/10

    1 person found this helpful

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The Old Soul's Guidebook - Ainslie MacLeod


Your Soul’s Cosmic Journey

Your soul is on a journey with one overarching mission: to truly understand all there is to know about being human. This is why you’ve been coming here to the Physical Plane for millennia, and why your many incarnations have given you the opportunity to grow by experiencing life in every part of the world.

In your earliest incarnations, the lives you lived were simple. You hunted, fished, fell in love, reproduced, and came to grips with being in a solid body from within the safety of the tribe. But when you were ready, you began to look beyond the village walls to make the world your school.

Your soul’s thirst for growth has constantly impelled you from within to keep exploring. Over the span of thousands of years, you’ve marched with mighty armies, built monuments to your gods and kings, and sought ways to give your life meaning. You’ve lived lives of wealth and power, and many more of drudgery, brutality, and powerlessness.

You learned about justice and compassion through suffering and hardship, and taught younger, less experienced souls powerful lessons that you embodied from firsthand knowledge.

Your soul saw every experience, however harsh, as an opportunity for growth. You loved and lost, but in doing so, learned the importance of love. You killed and were killed, and that taught you to value the sanctity of life.

As an old soul, you’ve been visiting and revisiting this world for something like five or six thousand years. You’ve explored different genders and race. You’ve been gay, straight and everything in between. You’ve worn every color skin. And throughout your long and often arduous trek, your choices have always been made to ensure a well-rounded education.

Now here you are, back on the planet once more. The question is why? To answer that, it’s essential to know what led to your decision to be here again.

Without knowing where you’ve been, you can never truly know where you’re going. And everything—from the circumstances of your birth, to your dreams and aspirations—is influenced by your soul’s past.

In fact, I don’t think I can stress this enough: Everything you are—your personality, your beliefs, your aspirations, your talents, your fears—is entirely the result of your soul’s many lifetimes of experience.

How do I know all this? For over two decades, I’ve used my psychic abilities to explore the world of the soul. I’ve written two books, taught many classes and workshops, and worked with thousands of individual clients. But I wasn’t always a spiritual teacher and psychic. For most of my life, I was just a regular Muggle. I considered myself an atheist and flew my skeptic flag with pride—and even a smidgen of arrogance. I used to think life was just a series of random events, completely devoid of meaning. And even when psychics told me I was one of them, I thought they were making it up.

As a child growing up in Scotland, I saw ghosts, had vivid premonitions, and could always tell when someone was lying. And what seems crazy now is that I never for one single moment thought any of those experiences pointed to my being psychic. Clinging obstinately to my rational view of the world, I put everything down to coincidence or just one of those things.

Yet, and this may seem odd for someone who had no belief in a world beyond this, I was drawn to psychics. I told myself I was visiting them to debunk them. Truth was I really did—on a soul level at least—believe. It just took me a long time to overcome my deeply-held beliefs in, well, nothing. At least, nothing beyond what I could see and touch.

Then the spirit world whacked me over the back of the head with a metaphysical 2x4, and finally got my full attention.

In the space of a few months, two significant events rocked my world and woke me up from my slumber. In my early 40s, I took a flight from the East Coast to San Francisco, planning to stay for a few weeks. Just hours after my arrival, I heard the words a psychic had spoken to me ten years earlier while I was still living in the UK: You’re going to end up in California. There’s nothing you can do about it. He was right. What I thought would only be a short trip turned into permanent relocation.

Then, a few months later, on a trip to Hawaii, I ran into my uncle in a bookstore in Kauai (which was something of a surprise since he’d been dead for over a decade). He appeared slightly to my right, looking just as he had in life, and was there for about a second. And he gave me a message. He said that in his capacity as a spirit guide, he wanted to work with me.

Those two events changed the course of my life, and were what I needed to accept my destiny and embark on my current path. A few weeks after my brief encounter with my uncle I made my first attempt to communicate with him on the other side. I was blown away to find I actually could.

Through my Uncle John, I was introduced to a higher level of guides, ones whose entire purpose is to help those of us on this plane make the most of our time here. My spirit guides are souls who have completed all their lives on the Physical Plane, and now devote themselves to doing what their name suggests.

Communicating with those in spirit was far from easy. For the first year, trying to hear my spirit guides was like listening to a faint radio signal from another planet. It would take me an hour to do what would now take five minutes. Then I hit on a method I still use today. It allowed me two levels of communication, increased my level of accuracy, and made everything so much faster.

Three years after I began working with my guides, I was ready to go professional. All I had to deal with was my discomfort with actually being known as a psychic. My first career was as an artist, and even after it had been years since I’d last put pencil to paper I’d still tell people that was my job. Someone told me once that psychics were top of a list of least respected professions, sandwiched between mob boss and televangelist. And though I’d met some truly amazing psychics in my time, I knew that with that particular profession being so full of frauds it would be hard to avoid being lumped in with them.

Over time, I gradually threw off the Reluctant Psychic label I’d chosen for myself, and with strong encouragement from those on the other side, jumped in with both feet. On my birthday, one year, when my children excitedly presented me with personalized plates for my new car, I had a momentary feeling of Oh Gawd! but it didn’t last, and I certainly didn’t want to disappoint them by being ungrateful. (So, if you see a car with license plates that read P5YCH1C, say hello—that’s me: The Proud Psychic.)

My first book, The Instruction: Living the Life Your Soul Intended, gave me the first opportunity to share what I feel are the most incredible discoveries into human nature. The actual method, The Instruction itself, was something I channeled about a year before writing the book. I’ve been using the system for years now, and I continue to learn more about how it works, how different elements interact with one another, and how it explains what each of us is doing here.

Three years after publication of The Instruction, I wrote The Transformation: Healing Your Past Lives to Realize Your Soul’s Potential. It describes the purpose of reincarnation and the incredible power of past-life healing as way to achieve a state of higher spiritual consciousness.

The Old Soul’s Guidebook is my third work. My reason for writing it is to share my experiences and knowledge to help you make the very best of your life. I would love for this to be a book you refer to as a way to enhance your life’s journey through greater awareness of your purpose, know how to transcend obstacles in your path, and recognize important karmic lessons and significant spiritual connections that are part of your soul’s plan. In the same way my work with my spirit guides continually deepens my understanding of the soul’s purpose, I hope you’ll regularly come back to the book as your voyage unfolds.

As well as helping you to better understand your life’s purpose, I offer The Old Soul’s Guidebook as an antidote to the plethora of misinformation that has muddied the waters of genuine spiritual insight in recent years. It’s surprising, for example, how many people think everything is meant to be (it’s not), or that if life isn’t working out for you then you’re being punished for something you did in another incarnation. Such beliefs can be dangerously disempowering.

Though my discoveries into the nature of the soul and its purpose are far from scientific (I don’t do double-blind tests or conduct methodical experiments), this book is not based on supposition or conjecture. My understanding of the soul and its purpose comes directly from the source which is, of course, my spirit guides.

The spirit guides’ decision to choose me for this work was based, in part, on my passion for the subject and my talents for both intuition and empathy, developed—as are all talents—over many lifetimes.

My specialty, my field of interest, and my obsession is the soul and how it influences every single aspect of human life. I’ve spent the larger part of every day for the last 20 years talking with my spirit guides. To the very best of my understanding, what I share is the way things are.


Your soul’s journey has lasted for thousands of years and spanned many lifetimes. Unlike your conscious mind and your body, your soul doesn’t actually die after each incarnation. Instead, it travels between lives to another dimension, to what’s known as the Astral Plane. Before each lifetime, the Astral Plane is where it plans all the significant lessons it wants to investigate during its upcoming adventure on earth. And when each incarnation is over, it’s where it goes to process what it learned.

Your life, far from being a series of random events, is carefully planned long before you first make your appearance in this world. Your soul always seeks to evolve, and for that reason, it chooses whatever circumstances it thinks will offer the biggest lessons. To make sure that you get the most out of each incarnation, it creates a road map for the life ahead. This life plan includes a list of places to go, people to meet, lessons to learn, and missions to be accomplished. Your life plan is your destiny.

It’s crucial to understand that your destiny is not something that’s out there somewhere. It’s not a distant goal like taking a Mediterranean cruise when you retire. Your destiny is not a mystery that will eventually be revealed after decades of navel-gazing and personal development classes. It’s what is happening now.

Fulfilling your destiny means doing what’s consistent with your life plan in every moment. All you have to know is what’s actually in your life plan. Which, surprisingly enough, is not that hard to find.

You might imagine that with all the planning that happens on the Astral Plane, you simply have to come to earth, follow the directions, and all will be well. Yet how many of us can say we really know who we are or why we’re here, or that we’re doing exactly what we feel we should be doing?

If your soul is aware of what’s in your best interest, where you should be, and what you should be doing, why is it so hard for your conscious mind to get it? Why do so many of us stumble blindly through life unaware of our purpose? Is your destiny hidden from you for a reason? Is it some kind of arcane secret, its mysteries accessible only to those with some kind of esoteric knowledge?

Your destiny is not a secret. The universe never seeks to confound you by making your life’s purpose mysterious and elusive. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. If you know what to look for, your destiny is staring you right in the face.

As an old soul, your journey is in full swing. And life won’t always be easy. You might be dealing with difficult parents, raising challenging children, struggling with an unfulfilling job, having difficulty finding or keeping your soulmate, coping with deep, inner uncertainties, or living with the effects of less than ideal decisions, disappointments, limiting beliefs, physical ailments, and a host of other things that keep the journey interesting.

How you deal with life’s challenges is, to a large extent, up to you. Your life plan is your route map to help keep you on track, but you have unlimited free will. You can take your life in any direction you want. (That’s why it’s so important to understand your destiny.) It allows you to navigate your own path with confidence, knowing what’s consistent with your soul’s plan for this incarnation.

Again, your destiny is not some intangible holy grail that you might, if you’re fortunate, discover sometime before you die. As long as your goals are consistent with your life plan, you can manifest your destiny right now.

My destiny has led me to write this book to help you uncover your life’s purpose and guide you towards a more purposeful and fulfilling incarnation. I’m not a therapist. And I’m not a guru, either. I’m not here to tell you how to live your life. Your decisions are always yours to make. You’re the one leading the expedition. I’m simply here to help you by sharing what I’ve learned from my spirit guides.

I’ve included some of my own personal story in the book. I do so to make the point that though I’ve faced my share of challenges during this incarnation, I’ve learned how to roll with the punches, and I’ve done it through the work I now offer to others. I may be a teacher, but that doesn’t mean I’m not still a student.

I also offer numerous anecdotes from client sessions. All the examples are chosen to help you better understand your soul’s purpose, and to empower you. In most cases, names and identifying details have been changed out of respect for privacy.

My sincere expectation is that you’ll find a deeper understanding of who you are and why you’re here in the pages of this guidebook. I hope it serves as a road map and compass to help you better navigate your journey on Earth, and that you use what you discover within these pages to make this your best incarnation ever.

I wish you bon voyage!


Throughout the book, I reference aspects of your soul’s life plan as described in my book, The Instruction. When I refer, for example, to a desire for Immortality, capitalizing the word immortality indicates that the desire is a specific term related to the soul’s life plan.

Also, as the proud father of a transgender child, I’ve learned to be respectful in my use of pronouns. For that reason, I use they/them/theirs in place of he/him/his or she/her/hers where appropriate (no matter how often autocorrect tries to tell me otherwise).

Each chapter contains an exercise to help you explore your soul’s purpose in this life. I encourage you to spend time on these exercises, and even journal about what you uncover. Through writing, you’ll reach a deeper place of understanding.


In these pages, you’ll find short sections entitled In a Room of a Hundred People. These are brief examples of the various idiosyncrasies that have their origins in past lives. When I encounter one during a session, I’ll often say to my client, If I put you in a room of 100 people, you’d be the only one who… (Like when I told a client she’d lost her teeth under torture in a past life, and she revealed that she still has all her baby teeth at the age of 45.)

My purpose in sharing these examples (besides lending weight to my hypothesis that everything is past-life related) is to show you how even the oddest quirks can be explained when you take reincarnation into account.


The Journey Begins



The Purpose of Reincarnation

If you’re an old soul (and if you’re interested in this topic, that’s a given), then what are the signs? How can we pick you out of a crowd? To answer that, we first need to understand the part reincarnation plays in making you who you are.

For your soul, it’s been a long, frequently exhausting, and even dangerous mission. Since first leaving the safety of the spiritual realm several thousand years ago, your soul has undertaken a quest for new experiences that would make the voyages of the Starship Enterprise look uneventful.

And now, here you are, back on the Physical Plane for the umpteenth time, in a brand-new body with a whole new set of goals and missions to accomplish.

Your conscious mind, your body, and your soul are inseparable. Wherever your soul goes, there go you. Your destiny is entwined. Without mind or body, your soul is helpless. Without your soul, you are nothing. You need each other to survive.

It’s no exaggeration to say that your soul makes you who you are. It’s responsible for your motivations, your desires, your fears, and your personality. How you see the world is through your soul’s eyes. Its centuries of experience influence your beliefs and behavior in every way.

But what is the soul? Where does it come from? How do you know if you’ve even got one?

Your soul is what gives you consciousness. (And when I say you, I’m talking about the mind and body that house your soul.) You and your soul were joined at birth, so to speak, when your physical and spiritual selves commingled. That was the first time you’d both met, but because your soul’s memories are infused with your conscious mind, it was more like a reunion than a first encounter.

Human souls originated some 55,000 years ago, at a time when our species was mostly still living in Africa. It was then that Homo sapiens underwent a radical shift in consciousness—one that would alter our entire future. Our giant leap resulted in us becoming the creatures of virtually unlimited reason and creativity that we are now.

Your own personal soul hasn’t actually been around that long, though. Maybe something like five or six thousand years at most. That’s roughly how long it takes for any soul to get everything done here on the Physical Plane, or to go from life number one to life one hundred and something. (The average is around 120.)

There are three planes of existence that are important to know about. The first is

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