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Time for Love: Nuralda Series, #3
Time for Love: Nuralda Series, #3
Time for Love: Nuralda Series, #3
Ebook590 pages14 hours

Time for Love: Nuralda Series, #3

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As Matt looked around the room at Nick and Emily’s wedding reception he thought about finding his one true love. Was it too late? Had he already missed the boat? He had a very successful football career and he’d travelled the world playing the game he loved, so why did he feel so alone? When he almost runs into a beautiful girl on the steps of his apartment building his heart skips a beat but their abrupt meeting was over before it began. Could the beautiful girl from the steps be the one he’s been looking for? Why couldn’t Matt stop thinking about her? Would he ever see her again?

Katie’s life has been turned upside down. Her so-called boyfriend had been playing her, not just one but two other women on the side. He’d used her and it almost cost her her job. Could life get any worse? It was two weeks from their first meeting on the steps and this time he came to her rescue. After their second meeting Katie couldn’t stop thinking about the gorgeous guy from across the hall. Could he be the one? Would she even give him a chance? Things had ended badly the last time she gave her heart to someone, would she risk it again? Could she trust in love again? 

Release dateMay 12, 2015
Time for Love: Nuralda Series, #3

Vicki Connellan

Nothing special to see here folks. I'm just your run-of-the-mill wife, mum of three, and grandmother of one who works part time and spends the rest of her time writing, crafting, shopping, or hanging out with my gal pals. I love country music, rugby leauge and Christmas. Not a big fan of exercise, but i do love chocolate. That's me in a nutshell really. Just taking life one day at a time like the rest of you. Xx 

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    Book preview

    Time for Love - Vicki Connellan

    About the Author


    Vicki was born in Orange, NSW. When she was two years old her family moved to Dapto, a southern suburb of Wollongong. She was kicked out of pre-school at the age of four (for reasons that she will keep to herself) but did go on to graduate from Koonawarra Primary School then Kanahooka High School. 

    When she was sixteen she moved with her parents and two sisters to the ACT where, ironically she studied Child Care so she could work in a pre-school.

    Now, at the age of 45 she still lives in Canberra with her husband and three adult/teenage children. 

    Vicki works full time (not in the child care industry!) and is an avid baker and most spare time is spent in the kitchen or transporting kids around to sports.

    Vicki has always enjoyed writing and is now taking the time to put her stories to print.

    You can contact Vicki via email at with any questions or

    feedback on her book.

    If you enjoyed the book please take the time to leave a quick review on the site you purchased it from.


    On January 1, 2015 I decided I would set myself three goals for the year. Two of them I’m going to keep to myself (sorry) but the main one was to write my first book, which I did. Meant to Be was the first of the Nuralda Series and I had an absolute ball writing it. I thought it would end there but the writing bug had well and truly bitten me. Forever Girl came next, it was the story of Nick and I had so many requests to keep the series going that I had to write this book, book three, the story of Matt.

    My dream to write a book has gone way beyond what I ever thought possible. Just like the first two books, Time For Love would not have been possible without the support of three beautiful people. Firstly, my wonderful gorgeous husband who helped me with the technical side of getting a book published and out into the big wide world of eBook stores (there is way more involved with this than I thought). He took care of all the boring paperwork, registrations and the cover design, which I happen to love, but most of all he encouraged me to write. He’s become the admin guru behind all of my books. I couldn’t have done this without him.

    The other two beautiful people who deserve a special mention are my super funny, super gorgeous and super supportive Kim and Deb.  A huge thanks to both of you for being the first people to read this book. Thank you for your thoughts, your feedback and your edits. Your opinions mean a great deal to me and from the bottom of my heart I thank you. I love that you love my books and hopefully all the readers out fall in love with the story of Matt as much as you did.

    Finally I would like to thank my kids, they are three of the most awesome people I know. Love you to bits kidlets, don’t ever change.

    I hope you enjoy reading the story of Matt as much as I enjoyed writing it. There will be one more book in the Nuralda series, I’m not quite ready to say goodbye to Jess, Brendan, Nick, Emily, Jamie, Mike or Matt just yet. The final book, a novella, will be free and should be available by late 2015.

    Time For Love

    Vicki Connellan

    Chapter 1


    As I looked around at all the people gathered at the pub for Nick and Emily’s wedding reception, I thought about my life, everything that I’d done, everything that I’d achieved. I’d made something of myself and I’d done that doing something that I loved more than anything, but I still felt like there was something missing. I looked over at Nick and Emily and thought that I’d never seen my best friend as happy as he was today. He and Emily had just said their vows to each other in a beautiful wedding ceremony under the big magnolia tree in the botanical gardens, and he was walking on a cloud. He was even happier than when we’d won the grand final a few years back. I sat there and thought about love and finding that one special person. This made me think about Sophie. I thought she was that person back in England but she just wasn’t as committed to us as I was. I’m pretty sure she was more in love with the idea of dating a footballer than she was in love with me.

    Who was I kidding? Maybe there just isn’t that one special person out there for me. I was going to be twenty-nine this year, maybe I missed that boat already. I’d done my last season in England so I was back home for good now. With Nick away on his honeymoon I’d be spending more time in the pub, this should keep me busy, keep my mind on things other than love, or lack there of. My thoughts of self-pity were interrupted. Hey big brother, why so down? Jess sat down next to me. She handed me her baby daughter Tori, they’d named her after Brendan’s sister. She brought a smile to my face instantly. She was the cutest little thing I’d ever seen. I was playing in England when their toddler Josh was a baby so I missed out on a lot of his little baby days.

    Hey Jess, I’m not down, just thinking that’s all, I smiled at her. She had a permanent smile on her face since she’d met Brendan. They were so good together and they were brilliant parents to Josh and Tori. I knew Jess would be a great mum, despite our childhood she showed nothing but kindness and love to everyone. Beautiful wedding, Nick looks like he’s in heaven.

    She looked over at him and Emily. Yeah he does, they’re good for each other, she patted my leg. So, your turn next, now that you’re back here for good we’ll have to find you you’re forever girl, she winked at me.

    I shook my head, I don’t know Jess, I think that ship has sailed don’t you? I asked as looked down at the baby. She was all smiles and it made me think about having kids of my own. Barb interrupted our conversation. She’d been a surrogate mum to Jess and I since I went to live with them when I was sixteen. Hey Barb, have I told you yet how beautiful you look tonight? I winked at her. She took Tori from me and handed her back to Jess then she reached for my hand.

    Come with me, I need to dance with a handsome man and Ron says his ticker isn’t up to it, she smiled. I think he’s full of baloney, he just doesn’t want to dance with me, she dragged me onto the dance floor. I looked back at Jess with pleading eyes and she laughed at me.

    Well Barb, I think Ron’s mad for not wanting to dance with the most beautiful woman in the room, I pulled her hand to my mouth and kissed it. She laughed at me.

    Oh Matt, it’s about time we found you that someone special, you’re getting desperate now if you are saying things like that, she squeezed my hand and laughed. I took her in my arms and we danced to the slow songs and the fast ones. She was a ball of energy tonight.

    You know Barb I don’t think Ron’s heart would have been up to this, you’re on fire tonight, I smiled at her. As we walked back to our seats I looked at her. What you said before, about me finding that someone special, you’re the second person to say that to me tonight. Is it a wedding thing that makes people think so much about love? I asked her as we sat down. She looked at me and patted my hand.

    Matt, there’s someone for everyone, maybe you just aren’t looking in the right places or maybe you just haven’t been looking at all. There’s more to life than football you know.

    Oh I’ve been looking Barb, don’t you worry about that, but I’ll be honest with you, I think it’s time I gave up, I sipped my beer. If the right girl comes along she comes along, if not, well I’ll just be a bachelor then wont I? I smiled at her but she wasn’t fooled. I wasn’t fooling myself either, despite my successes on the footy field my life felt empty.

    By the time the reception ended and the pub was empty it was almost one in the morning. I cleaned up all of the empties and restocked the fridges before heading home. The apartment was dark and quiet. I sighed as I threw my keys into the bowl on the entry table. I didn’t bother flicking on any lights, just headed straight for my room. When Nick moved in with Emily I’d shifted all of my stuff to the main room with the ensuite. I splashed some water on my face, stripped down and climbed into bed. I set the alarm for ten in the morning. I’d have enough time for a run before taking Nick and Emily to the airport. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep...alone.


    I was just coming back from my run as I rounded the corner and bounded up the steps to my apartment building two at a time. Jeez, watch out, watch where you’re going. I looked up. I’d almost run into the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen. She looked at me and shook her head as she dragged her suitcase and moved to walk around me. Excuse me, can you move please? she asked with a scowl. Shit, I needed to say something, speak, say something, anything at all.

    Sorry, was all I could manage. She looked back at me as her cab pulled up at the curb. I gave a little wave and she turned back to the cab and hopped in. The cabbie put her suitcase in the boot and I watched them drive off down the street. Nice one genius, nice one. I headed for the shower. Who was that girl? I hadn’t seen her around here before, maybe she was just visiting someone. Maybe she lived on one of the other floors. I’d see my neighbours every now and again but I didn’t really know the people from the rest of the building. Someone new had moved in across the hall while I was away in England but I hadn’t seen them yet either. I need to stop thinking about her, the chances of seeing her again are pretty remote and she looked like she was leaving so she’d probably been visiting someone.

    I dropped Nick and Emily at the airport in the afternoon and headed for the pub. It was Sunday afternoon at the tail end of summer but it was pretty busy. Lynsey and Zach were on shift tonight and Chris would be in each night this week. He had the weekend off to spend time with Emily’s sister while they were in town. From what I could gather they were becoming pretty close, they’d sparked up a friendship since he helped rescue her kids from the house fire. I looked around the bar at all of the regulars and thought that Nick had done a great job of building the business. I really needed to spend more time here, help him out a bit more. Now that I wasn’t going back to play in England again I’d be able to do that. When I thought about it I probably only had another two, maybe three seasons of footy in me anyway. The young players coming through were much faster and fitter than I was. Not that I couldn’t keep up with any of them of course, but I’d been playing football since I was six years old and the body was starting to feel it.

    It had been two weeks since I had almost bumped into the beautiful girl on the steps and I had all but given up hope of seeing her again. Maybe I needed to get out more, put myself out there and see what happens. I sat on the couch to eat my bowl of cereal for dinner when I heard voices out in the hallway. Shit. Nick said that a new person had moved in across the hall about six months ago, but he didn’t tell me that they were noisy. I listened for a second, it sounded like an argument. A man and a woman, the woman sounded upset so I went to see what the problem was. That’s when I saw her, it was the beautiful girl from the steps. The guy was just raising his arm back as if he was going to strike out at her. I grabbed his hand from where I stood behind him and spun him around. I think you should leave, it doesn’t sound to me like your welcome here, he looked at me, trying to decide if he wanted to take me on or not. I’m glad he thought better of it. I wasn’t up for a fight. I hated violence but I’d have no problem hitting him if he tried to hit her again. 

    I let go of his hand and he took a step back. He glared at me then turned to the girl. You’ll be sorry, he turned to glare at me again and then stormed off. I followed him down the corridor to make sure he was gone. I walked back over to the girl. She was looking down at the floor, her long hair pulled back in a ponytail with some stray bits hanging down at the front. She looked both sad and scared and she looked like she was about to cry. I took a step towards her but when she took a step back I stopped. After a few seconds she looked up at me as she pushed some strands of hair back behind her ear. Her blue eyes looked so sad.

    Thanks, she said and turned to go back inside her apartment. Shit, I couldn’t let her leave. I hadn’t been able to stop thinking about her for the last two weeks. I needed to know her name.

    Wait, I said as I took a step closer to her, I put out my hand, I’m Matt, Matt Murphy. I stood with my hand extended out to her. She looked at my hand then up at me. With a small hint of a smile on her face, she reached out and shook my hand. I sucked in a breath as her hand touched mine. Her hands were so small, so warm. I held onto her for a few seconds longer than I needed to.

    Katie, she smiled at me as she let go of my hand. She turned to go but stopped at her door, Thanks again, sorry to have bothered you.

    No problem, and it was no bother, if he comes back again just knock on my door, I looked at her and she nodded before going inside and closing her door. I smiled to myself as I headed back to the couch. Katie, the beautiful girl from the steps was named Katie, and she lived just across the hall.



    I leaned back against my door, what the hell just happened? I turned and made sure that all the locks were latched and the chain across the door. I sat on the couch and pulled my knees up under my chin. What a shitty couple of weeks. First I find out that Greg has been playing me just to steal my accounts, and then I get sent to the arse end of the earth for two weeks on a stupid project that was never going to happen, and now this. How dare Greg come here and accuse me of crossing him, if he hadn’t been doing the wrong thing then he wouldn’t have got caught. It had nothing to do with me, he got greedy but as usual he was looking for someone to blame.

    I thought about the hot guy from across the hall. I’d been a bit rude to him when we met on the steps a couple of weeks back, would have to apologise for that one day. I wonder what his girlfriend’s like. I bet she’s gorgeous, there’s no way that someone as hot as him would have anything less than a supermodel girlfriend. I flicked on the telly and tried to think of something other than Greg or the hot guy across the hall. I didn’t succeed. After a couple of hours of not really paying attention to the show I was watching I fired up my laptop and tried to do a bit of work. I had three assignments on the go and one of them was due next week and of course that was the one that I had no clue where to start. The clients wanted something punchy, something snappy, but how the hell do you make a snappy and punchy ad campaign about dog biscuits? I shut down the laptop and headed for bed.


    The shit had hit the fan big time by the time I got into work the next morning. The boss had seen the scale of Greg’s deceit and he wasn’t happy. He ordered everyone into damage control, phoning clients, reassuring them that we were still on top of their accounts and convincing them of the benefits of staying with us and not taking their business to the company that Greg had started. Pleading for your livelihood was exhausting. By the time I got home my head hurt. I needed to go for a run.

    I headed towards the beach on Ocean Drive, I’d do a lap to the surf end of the beach then head back up the point to the lighthouse then home. It was a good five kilometres run with a couple of small hills that use to absolutely kill me, but I was use to them now. I was running along in my own world, keeping a nice pace when I heard another runner coming up behind me. I moved over to let them pass. I just about jumped a mile when they spoke. I stopped and turned, Jeez, you scared the hell out of me, I said as I put my hands on my hips and bent over a little. Sorry, I didn’t catch what you said, God Katie, don’t sound so rude every time you talk to him. Sorry, I smiled.

    No problem, I probably shouldn’t be running up behind people and scaring them, Matt smiled back at me, he looked so friggin’ sexy in his running shorts and singlet. Huge biceps and you could see the well-defined chest muscles under his top. Can I run with you? he smiled. More fun than running alone, he had a cheeky grin now.

    Sure, if you think you can keep up, I smiled back at him as I took off. I heard him laughing from behind me but it wasn’t long before he was running beside me, matching me stride for stride. I snuck a sideways look at him but quickly turned back when I noticed him grinning. We ran for a couple of minutes in silence. When we reached the lighthouse I stopped at one of the park benches. I wanted to keep running with him, to make this moment last, but this was near the end of my route and I was starting to tire. If I could rest for a couple of minutes then I’d be good to run a bit further than my usual loop. I sat on the bench and looked out at the ocean. To my surprise he came and sat next to me. When I looked over he was looking straight at me. I was hoping that my cheeks were red enough from my run that he didn’t see me blush. A smirk came across his face. What’s so funny? I asked him.

    Nothing, nothing at all, he smiled back. He looked out at the ocean then back at me, Do you run often?

    I shook my head, I try to run everyday but that doesn’t always happen, depends on my workload and whatever else I have going on at the time, I said, You?

    Yeah, I like to run twice a day, but sometimes I don’t get the evening run in, depends on work, he stood to go. Coming, or can’t you keep up? he winked at me. I gave a little laugh and stood. I took off back down the hill before he could speak again. Shit, what’s going on here? Were we just flirting with each other? But what about his girlfriend, surely there was a girlfriend. Hey, there’s no need to run away from me, he’d caught up with me in less than a minute. I turned to look at him. I gave him the biggest smile and took off as fast as I could. We were only a block from the apartments when he caught up with me and he wasn’t even trying. I stopped to walk the last block. Ah, can’t make it all the way? he asked as he fell into step beside me.

    Yeah, I can, but I walk the last block as a warm down, I turned to him. Matt, I want to say sorry, a couple of weeks ago when we met on the steps, I was rude to you, I’m sorry about that. I was in a bad mood that morning and I shouldn’t have taken it out on you. He waved me off.

    Don’t worry about it, you were right, I should’ve been watching where I was going, he looked at me as we walked. I could feel myself blushing again. We were just about at the steps to the apartment when he reached for my hand. Katie, I was wondering if you’d like to get a drink with me sometime, one night soon, he smiled the sexiest smile I’d ever seen. I looked at his hand holding mine, it was huge, and strong. I was just about to reply when a girl called him from across the street. We both looked over at her. Shit, I heard him say in a low voice. He looked back at me and gave me a small smile. I pulled my hand out of his as she came over and wedged herself between us.

    Hey Matt, you look like you need a shower, I could give you a hand with that, she twirled her hair in her fingers. I rolled my eyes at him and headed inside. Shit, I should have known that he’d have a string of girls after him. I closed my door and leaned against it, this is becoming a habit I sighed. I headed for the shower and tried not to think about Matt in the shower with his little hair-twirling friend. 



    By the time I brushed Pamela off and got inside Katie was gone. Damn. I headed for the shower, alone. Was she about to say yes to coming for a drink with me? Damn Pamela for turning up when she did. After my shower I headed for the pub, I needed to check on things there. It was a quiet night and Chris was on so I wouldn’t need to be there long.

    Between working at the pub and training I hadn’t been at home much in the last couple of days. I was just about to start making dinner when I heard Katie out in the corridor. I opened my door to talk to her. She was juggling a couple of bags of groceries and some books while trying to talk on the phone. I stepped forward and took the groceries from her. She smiled at me. I could hear her side of the conversation as I waited. Yeah, yeah, no problem, he can stay here...two weeks...sure...he’s a cutie, he can stay as long as he likes...sure...see you Monday morning, yep, you too, bye. Once she ended her call she turned to face me. Thanks for taking those, she said as she unlocked her door and went inside. I didn’t move. You can come in you know, she headed towards the kitchen. I followed her and put her shopping on the bench. She smiled at me, So, did you enjoy your shower? she didn’t look at me as she asked the question. Had she been stewing on this? Did it make her mad to think that I was with another woman? Was she jealous? I smiled to myself.

    For your information I showered alone, have done for a long time now, I looked at her. I’m sure there was a small smile there. That girl use to be one of Nick’s flings, I’ve never been with her if that’s what you’re asking. She looked at me. Before she interrupted us you were going to say yes to coming out for a drink with me weren’t you? I smiled at her. She looked at me as she continued to unpack her shopping.

    Look, I’m sure you have a long line of girls that you could ask out for a drink so I’ll pass thanks, she wouldn’t look at me. Why was she so unsure of herself? She was beautiful.

    Maybe, but I don’t want to ask them, I’m asking you, I sighed. Come on, say yes, if you’re not having a good time then you can walk home, I shook my head, shit Matt, think about it before you say it. Sorry, that came out wrong, what I meant was, you can leave anytime if you’re not enjoying yourself, the pub is only three blocks from here, its walking distance is what I meant, I shook my head again. What is it about this girl that gets me so tongue tied and so flustered? Please, think about it, lets say Friday night at eight if you decide to say yes, I headed for the door. Just knock on my door and let me know, I looked at her. It took all of my strength to not reach over and touch her beautiful face, to hold it in my hands and kiss her soft lips. I shook those thoughts from my head. Let me know ok, I said as I left. She nodded ‘yes’.

    I went back to my apartment and flopped down on the couch. I didn’t feel like cooking now and I didn’t feel like cereal for dinner again either. I called Jess. Hey sis, you home, can I come round for dinner? I knew I didn’t have to ask, there was a standing invitation for me to turn up to dinner whenever I wanted. Cool, I’ll be there in ten, love you too. I ended the call and went to get my keys. Ten minutes later I was knocking on Jess’s door. Hey sis, I reached down and gave her a hug. Josh came running over and wrapped himself around my legs. I scooped him up and tickled his stomach. Hey little man, he laughed as I put him down again. I looked at Jess Brendan at work?

    Yep, he’s on evening shifts this week, he won’t be home until just after eleven, she went to the kitchen. Want a beer? she asked as she was already getting one from the fridge.  I sat on a stool at the kitchen bench as she looked over at me, Are you ok? she asked. I took a sip of my beer and started to peel the label off.

    Yeah, I’m fine, I looked up at her. What’s for dinner? Is that spaghetti I smell? Jess was moving about in the kitchen. She didn’t look up at me but I knew she was going to ask again, she knew me too well.

    No, not spaghetti, lasagne, and you’re not having any until you tell me what’s wrong, come on Matty, what’s bothering you? She stopped what she was doing then came over and sat on the stool next to me and rubbed my back. Jess and I had always been close, closer than most brothers and sisters. We had to be, with Dad being the ass that he was we needed each other, we were all the other one had, it was just the two of us. I don’t think I would have survived my childhood without her. We kept each other going. I leaned over and bumped my shoulder into hers and smiled.

    Nothing’s wrong Jess, it’s just a girl that’s all, I’ll be fine, I smiled at her. She looked at me, a huge smile coming across her face. I knew what she was thinking. I smiled at her, Don’t go making wedding plans Jess, she won’t even agree to go out for a drink with me. And she has a ‘cute’ male house guest coming to stay for a couple of weeks, I looked back at my beer. Jess rubbed my back again.

    Well she doesn’t know what she’s missing does she? she paused, You’re a great guy Matty, any woman would be damn lucky to have you, she shoulder bumped me again and got up to serve up dinner. If she’s got half a brain she’ll say yes to having a drink with you, and once you have her there you can show her how awesome you are, she smiled at me. And if she says no then it’s her loss. She went to get Josh and put him on the stool next to me. Here you go, she said to him, You sit with Uncle Matty and eat your dinner. Josh looked up at me and smiled, he was one damn cute little kid. Sometimes I still couldn’t believe that my little sister was a mother. We ate dinner then I helped her bath Josh and put him to bed. I could get use to this father thing, it was really nice, the way that Josh totally relied on someone to care for him. It must be nice to feel needed the way that he needed Jess and Brendan. Tori was already down for her evening nap so I didn’t get to see her. Jess said that she was a great baby, slept well, ate well and was happy most of the time. I headed for the couch. You want another beer? Jess asked.

    No thanks, I have training tomorrow morning and I drove here, wouldn’t look good for the team captain to get done drink driving. I know it’s only one more beer but I’d rather not risk it. We sat and chatted for ages. We talked about Mum and how she would have been so proud of both of us. Jess for her super successful business and me for my footy career. We talked about Nick and Emily and how perfect they were for each other and we talked about me. I knew that Jess was worried about me, I could tell. When I got up to go I gave her a big hug, Jess, please don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine, honest, she held me tight. Are you guys coming to the game on Saturday? She stepped back from me.

    Of course, wouldn’t miss it for the world. Jamie, Mike and the boys will be there too, Jake is so excited about being ball boy this season, you’ve absolutely made his year you know that, she smiled at me.

    Ah, it was nothing, all I did was give his name to the club admin people, they did the rest. I gave her another hug at the door and we said goodbye. I headed home via the pub. I just wanted to check that things were all good. When I got home and opened my door there was a note on the floor.

    Matt, I knocked but there was no answer. If you get home before eleven can you knock on my door please, I need to speak to you, Katie.

    I looked at my watch, it was only a little after ten. I smiled and turned to knock on her door. When she answered I couldn’t speak, she stood there in her little shorty pyjamas, her hair still damp from her shower. I went hard just looking at her and when she smiled at me I went even harder. Hey Matt, do you want to come in? I must have given her a stupid look, when I didn’t answer she spoke again, Or not, you don’t have to, she said. Shit, pay attention Matt, focus, what did she say.

    Pardon, sorry, I didn’t hear you, I said, I knew I sounded like an idiot. She smiled, or was that a smirk? Did she know the effect she had on me? 

    I asked if you wanted to come in, or is it too late, sorry it’s so late, she looked unsure now. I smiled at her, trying to focus on something other than my hard-on.

    No, I can come in if you want, I just got home from dinner, I said, god Matt, you sound like an idiot. Why couldn’t I focus when I was around her? She looked back over her shoulder at me as she headed for the kitchen and flicked on the jug.

    Hot date? she took two mugs from the cupboard. Do you want a cuppa? she asked as she motioned for me to sit at the bench.

    Ah, no, not a hot date, dinner with my sister and her kids actually, and yes, I’d love a cuppa thanks, I smiled back at her. Why did she think I was always with a woman?



    Why did I invite him in for a cuppa? Shit Katie, what were you thinking? Tea or coffee? I asked as I pulled a tea bag out for myself. He smiled.

    Tea thanks, white with one, he replied.

    I made a chocolate cake earlier, do you want some with your cuppa? I asked him as we waited for the jug to boil. His eyes lit up.

    Sure, I’ve loaded up on carbs tonight, what’s a bit more, he smiled. Just a small piece though, I’m watching my figure, he smiled the sexiest smile as he patted his stomach. I laughed.

    Oh I don’t think you have to worry about that, I said as I reached for the milk. As I turned I saw the smile that came across his face. He was enjoying this flirting as much as I was but I had a feeling for him it was all just a game. I looked at him again, he was drop dead gorgeous in every way. There’s no way that he was single. I made our cuppas and cut him a piece of cake.

    So, what did you need to talk to me about? Please tell me you were going to say yes to a drink with me on Friday night, he looked at me as he took a bite of the cake. I took a sip of my tea then sucked in a deep breath.

    Well, I paused, he stopped eating and looked at me, waiting for my answer. Could he be serious? Did he really want to take me out for a drink? I was going to say yes, his face fell as I said this. Before I could tell him the rest he put his cup down and stood to go. And I would still like to say yes, he stopped and sat down again. But I can’t, he stood again. I smiled at him. Please sit down and finish your cuppa, you’re up and down like a yo-yo, I laughed at him.

    Well, I’m glad you find this amusing because I don’t, he looked at me as he pushed his empty cake plate away. Look Katie, I just want to take you out on a date that’s all, why is it so hard? Its either yes or no, but your messing with my head right now and I’m not up for it, he was serious, he looked really sad. Wow, he was serious, he wanted to take me out on a date. The hottest guy I had ever seen wanted to take me out on a date. I smiled to myself. He shook his head and went to leave. I reached for his forearm, when my hand touched his arm he looked around. He looked at my hand on his arm then up at me. He didn’t look happy.

    Matt, please, let me explain, I looked into his eyes, holy shit they were gorgeous eyes. Look, I want to go out for a drink with you, I really do. It’s just that I have someone coming to stay and well, he wasn’t going to be coming until Monday but now he’s coming on Friday and I can’t go out on Friday night and leave him here alone, I took my hand off his arm and stepped back. I thought that if I explained to him why I couldn’t go he’d be happy, but he didn’t look happy. So, I was kinda hoping that I could take a rain check on the drink and we can go once he leaves in two weeks, I finished. It was a while before he spoke. He looked really pissed off, why was he so pissed off at me? I hadn’t done anything wrong. But if that’s not an option I understand. I turned and went to put my cup in the sink. I heard him take a deep breath in.

    Look Katie, he stopped when I turned back around to face him. I looked at him, waiting for him to keep going. I’d like to say why don’t you bring your friend along, but I was kinda hoping that I could spend some time with you, get to know you. But I don’t want some other guy crashing our first date and I don’t know if I can wait a couple of weeks, he looked at me. Why can’t this guy stay somewhere else, or why can’t he stay here alone for a few hours? he asked as he looked at me with a serious face. Shit, he really did want this date. Why? Why would he want to go out with me? I just didn’t get it.

    I reached across the bench and took his plate and put it in the sink, I turned back to him. Ok, first of all he’s not ‘some guy’, Ryan’s my ten year old nephew so no, he can’t go and stay somewhere else and no, I can’t leave him here alone for a few hours while I go off drinking with someone. I put the milk back in the fridge and when I turned around he’d lost that pissed off look. Look, if you can’t wait two weeks for our date then you’re welcome to hang out with us on Saturday afternoon. Ry’s a footy nut and I promised to take him to a game while he’s staying with me. We’re going to the Cobras and Bears game on Saturday afternoon. You can come with us if you want. I put his empty cup in the sink and looked at the clock. It was getting late and I had an early meeting tomorrow. When he didn’t answer I moved towards my door. I looked at him, then at the clock. It’s late and I have an early start tomorrow. How about you sleep on it? I’m going to get the tickets tomorrow afternoon, I’ll just get an extra one and if you decide to come along then great, if not, well I understand, I opened my door to let him out.

    He stopped in front of me and smiled. I’d love to come with you but two things, firstly, don’t worry about buying the tickets. I know a guy who can get you in for free, great seats too, and secondly, I’ll have to meet you there. I have somewhere to be in the morning but I can meet you there. Give me your phone and I’ll put my number in your contacts. When you get to the game give me a call and I’ll come find you, he smiled at me. He actually seemed excited about this solution for our date. I gave him my phone, when he was done adding his number he handed it back to me, letting his hand linger there for a few seconds. Just go to Gate A, and call me when you get there ok, he smiled back at me as he headed off across the hall.

    I closed the door and flicked the locks and put the chain across. Once again I leant back against the door and sighed. Shit Katie, what are you doing? You’re going to get your heart broken messing around with this guy. Why are you doing this to yourself? There’s no way that he would be interested in you, no way. I turned off the lights and headed for bed. As I fell asleep I was thinking about Matt and the touch of his fingers on my hand. I was kidding myself. Surely I was kidding myself to think that he would be interested in me.


    Chapter 2


    I headed to training on Thursday morning and all I could think about was Katie. Why couldn’t I stop thinking about her? I hardly even knew her and she was all I could think about. We finished our training session then the coach and I did the obligatory media interviews before I headed home. By the time I got to the pub to do a shift behind the bar it was almost six in the evening. The after work crowd was in and the place was packed. Lynsey, Zach and I worked well together and we had a good system going. It didn’t take me long to get the hang of it all and I was glad to be finally helping out. I really felt like I’d left Nick to deal with it all on his own while I’ve been off playing footy.

    Friday went by pretty much the same, only I didn’t work at the pub until as late as I did on Thursday seeing as though I had a game on Saturday. The coach had strict rules about curfew the night before a game. Chris and Lynsey were on at the pub tonight and I said goodbye to them just before ten and headed home. I knew that Chris could take care of things and lock up. Nick said he was a good guy, one that we could trust. When I got home I thought about knocking on Katie’s door to make sure she was still coming to the game tomorrow, but I decided to slip a note under her door instead. I didn’t think I could take seeing her in those little pyjamas again.

    Hey Katie, hope you’re still coming to the game tomorrow, I’m looking forward to it, see you there around two o’clock, Matt.

    After I showered I had a huge glass of milk and headed for bed. It took me forever to get to sleep. I couldn’t stop thinking about Katie and her coming to the game tomorrow. It wasn’t my idea of the perfect date, I’d hardly get to spend any time with her. I just wanted to get her alone, to talk to her, get to know her. I wanted to know everything about her but tomorrow was a start. Maybe we’d be able to go to dinner one night, take her nephew with us. I needed to stop thinking, go to sleep and focus on the game tomorrow.

    I woke up to my alarm just after eight. I rolled over and hit the snooze button. I lay on my back with my hands behind my head. I was so sick of waking up alone, living alone, being alone. What was wrong with me? Why couldn’t I find someone to love? Why couldn’t I find someone to share my life with? I got up and headed for the beach for a surf. I needed to relax and clear my head. Once I hit the waves I was happy and my thoughts stopped going crazy.

    This didn’t last long. I thought about Sophie. When I was living in England I thought she was the real deal, the one for me. We’d been together for more than six months and she was going to come back to live with me here but at the last minute she decided it was too far from her family. It took me forever to get over her, and then when I went back to England last year we ended up together again. What was I thinking? I knew that when it came time to head home she wouldn’t come with me. But at the time we were so good together. Still, I didn’t have to worry about that now, she was in England and I was here and I was done going to England in the off-season now. When I thought about it, really thought about it, I was over her. I’d been devastated at first, but now my heart and my head were use to not having her. I guess it couldn’t have been true love if I could get over her and move on like I did. Why was it so hard? I just wanted to find my one true love, I just wanted a family of my own, someone to come home to every night. I just want someone to lean on me when they needed someone to lean on. Am I expecting too much?

    After I’d been in the surf for about an hour and a half, I headed home for a shower. I got dressed and headed for the kitchen to make my pre game smoothie. I sat on the couch and flicked on the telly, I liked to relax as much as possible before a game, to clear my head and get ready for the eighty minutes that we worked towards every week. It was just after midday now and I needed to get ready, to head off to the club building. This was my second season as captain and I was really enjoying the role. The coach and I would meet an hour before the rest of the players arrived and we’d go through the plays again and he’d give me a little pep talk and tell me what he expected of me.

    I grabbed my gear bag, boots and suit and headed for the door. There was a note on the floor. Shit, I frowned as I picked it up. I knew it would be from Katie, what if she was cancelling on today. I read the note to myself and smiled. She was letting me know that she’d still be at the game and she’d call me at two. I tucked the note into my pocket and headed out.

    It was just before two when I headed from the clubhouse over to the stadium. Jess, Jamie, Mike and the boys already had their passes so I knew that they’d already be inside but I always went to find them before the game. Jess didn’t like it if she didn’t get to wish me luck. I was walking down the path to the gates when my phone rang. I swiped to answer, Hey Katie, I smiled as I spoke.

    Hey Matt, you sound pretty happy. Are you here yet? Ry and I are at Gate A, she said. I smiled some more.

    Yeah, I’m walking around to that gate now, I’m almost there, I’ll find you, I was still smiling as some kids came running over to me for autographs. I’ll just be a sec ok, don’t move, see you in a minute, bye, I hung up and tucked my phone into my pocket so I could sign stuff for the kids. There were photos with kids and their parents, autographs and pats on the back. It was pretty full on. I tried to keep walking as I was talking to them all. I wanted to get to Katie. I looked up from the group around me. I could see her looking our way. She had her nephew with her and he got all excited as he saw me coming down the path. I could see her looking from me to him, and back at me again. I walked over to her.

    Hey Katie, so happy you could make it, I looked at her nephew and put out my hand. Hey Ryan, nice to meet you, he shook my hand as he looked from me back to Katie. Some more kids and a group of giggly girls were crowding around us now, I needed to sort them out so we could go inside. I handed Ryan my bag, Hey Ry, could you hold this for a sec please? I turned to Katie. I’ll just be a sec then we can go inside okay, she looked confused.

    Okay, she said to me. I took her hand and squeezed it before I turned to all the kids. I spent the next ten minutes signing autographs and having my photo taken with them. I told the group I had to go get ready for the game and I’d be back out here later. I high fived a few of them and turned to Katie and Ryan.

    I took my bag off him and reached for Katie’s hand, she still looked confused. Lets go in, I led them through the player’s gates and into an area where it was quiet. I’m so happy that you could make it, I hope you weren’t waiting long, I said to her. She looked at me.

    What’s going on here Matt? Are you one of the players? she asked me. I smiled, before I could answer Ry spoke.

    Aunty Katie, he’s Matt Murphy, he’s the captain of the Cobras, he rolled his eyes at her. He’s the best player on the team, he added. I smiled and messed up his hair.

    Oh I don’t know about that mate, there’s some pretty good players on our team, I don’t think I’m the best, Katie still looked stunned. Listen, why don’t I show you to your seats, then I can take Ry into the sheds with me, he can meet some of the team then I’ll bring him back out to you ok, she nodded. I took her hand. Come on, you’re going to be sitting with my sister Jess and some of my friends, she stopped walking.

    Ah Matt, I don’t know, I don’t want to intrude on their day. Maybe Ry and I could just find a seat somewhere. We’ll be fine, she looked worried. I pulled on her hand a little.

    Nah, come on, you’ll be fine, they’re all lovely and they’ll make you feel welcome, I know they will. Plus, Jamie and Mike’s boys will be there, Ry will get on just fine with them too, I smiled at her. She didn’t look too sure but she started walking again. I held onto her hand and she held onto Ry so she didn’t lose him in the crowd. We got to the corporate box that Jess owned and I introduced everyone. Katie looked really unsure, especially when Jess grabbed her into a big hug and kissed her on the cheek. I bent down and whispered in her ear, Get use to that, that’s how she greets everyone, I smiled. I noticed her shiver a little as I whispered into her ear. I turned to Ry, Come on mate, lets go to the sheds then I’ll bring you back up here okay, he had a huge smile on his face as we headed off.

    So who do you play for mate? I asked him as we walked along.

    He smiled up at me, I play for the Morrisville Red Backs, I’m in the under ten’s. I play fullback like you, he said with a huge smile.



    Holy crap, Matt was the captain of the Cobras. Why didn’t he tell me he was one of the players? I couldn’t believe that he didn’t say anything about that. I didn’t have much time to think about what had just happened. His sister and friends surrounded me and I could feel them all looking at me. I sat down and tried not to look awkward. His sister spoke to me first. So Katie, how long have you known Matty? she asked. I looked over at her, at the group, they were all looking at me.

    Ah, about a week, well, actually we ran into each other a couple of weeks ago but we only really met last week, I was getting flustered. Jess reached over and patted my leg.

    Relax Katie, we’re not going to give you the third degree, they laughed. I smiled at her. She seemed really friendly. She introduced everyone again, in a little more detail than Matt had. This is my little boy Josh and my daughter Tori, she held a cute little baby on her lap and there was a little boy seated next to her. This is my best friend Jamie and her husband and my business partner Mike, I smiled at both of them as they said hello. And these are their two youngest, little Mike and Nate, she pointed to the two little boys in the front row of the box seats. There are three missing from our usual game day group, Nick is Matty’s best mate, he and his wife Emily are on their honeymoon and my husband Brendan’s at work, she said. Then there’s Jake, he’s Jamie and Mike’s oldest, he’s a ball boy for the Cobras so he’s down on the field, she smiled at me. Don’t worry, there’s no test at the end of the day, she smiled again.

    I have to say, I’m a bit overwhelmed. Matt didn’t tell me he was one of the players, just that we were going to the footy together. I’m a bit shocked I guess, it’s not what I expected the afternoon to be like, I looked down at my hands. Jess reached over and patted my leg again.

    Just relax and enjoy yourself, after the game we all go back to my place for dinner and drinks, please say you’ll come with us, she looked really genuine with her invitation. I smiled and nodded.

    Thanks Jess, that would be lovely, as long as it’s okay with Matt of course, he may not want me to tag along, I said. Just as I finished speaking he came up from behind us.

    I might not want what? he asked as he crouched down behind our seats so he was at eye level with us. He looked from me to Jess as he reached forward and tickled the baby on the stomach. Hey there sweet pea, she rewarded his efforts with a huge smile. 

    I just invited Katie back to my place after the game for dinner and drinks, that’s okay isn’t it? she looked back at the baby.

    He smiled from ear to ear, Absolutely, I was going to ask you, just hadn’t had a chance yet, he looked at me. You will come wont you? He gave me the sexiest smile. I was just about to say yes when I noticed Ry wasn’t with him, my heart raced and I stood up.

    Where’s Ry? I asked looking around. Matt stood and reached for my arm.

    Relax, he’s in the sheds with Jake. One of the ball boys didn’t turn up so Ry’s filling in for him, he’s just getting changed now, he looked at me worried. Is that okay? I didn’t have time to bring him back up to ask you and he was so excited about it, he’ll be safe. He’ll be down on the field with Jake, you’ll be able to see him the whole time, he looked worried. I thought about it for a second then smiled at him. I knew Ry would be in heaven down there on the field.

    Sure, It’s fine, he relaxed a little. He turned to Jess and gave her a hug.

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