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Finding Home
Finding Home
Finding Home
Ebook219 pages2 hours

Finding Home

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Moody, atmospheric, and just a little bit punk, Finding Home takes contemporary YA to a new level of grit...

When Amy's mum dies, the last thing she expects is to be kicked off her dad's music tour all the way to her Aunt Lou in a depressing hole of a seaside town. But it's okay – Amy learned how to cope with the best, and soon finds a hard–drinking, party–loving crowd to help ease the pain.

The only solace is her music class, but even there she can't seem to keep it together, sabotaging her grade and her one chance at a meaningful relationship. It takes a hard truth from her only friend before Amy realises that she has to come to terms with her past, before she destroys her future.
Release dateOct 1, 2013
Finding Home

Lauren K McKellar

Lauren K. McKellar is an author, mother, editor and creator of meals that her children do not eat. She lives in a beachside town north of Sydney where she spends her days working on books written by herself and other international bestselling authors. Lauren has released 19 books in the romance genre. The Calendar Mums (March 2025) is her first foray into women's fiction.

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    Book preview

    Finding Home - Lauren K McKellar

    Chapter One

    ‘Amy, we need to talk,’ Dad said.

    I sat across from him at a table in a crowded restaurant that was full of the usual Sunday morning types. Dad looked completely different to the man I’d seen onstage the evening before. Then, his look had been slick: ripped jeans, designer shirt; now, he appeared a lot older than his 37 years and more tired. His hair looked a mess, sticking up in all the wrong places, and his clothes were dated.

    ‘About what?’ I sipped my orange juice. The cool liquid helped my head, which throbbed from my efforts of the evening prior.

    ‘Your behaviour at the show,’ he finished. It hadn’t happened yet, but oh, yes, there it was — the sigh. That inevitable exhalation that always seemed to occur just before Dad did something he didn’t want to do. ‘You’re seventeen. You know full well that you shouldn’t be drinking.’

    ‘I’m 18 in three months. And so what, anyway?’

    ‘So you can’t keep acting like this.’ A frown creased his face.

    I twirled my straw around. Little flicks of juice spun up the sides of my glass, creating a tiny, orange mosaic. ‘It’s not like I do it all the time.’ I shrugged.

    ‘Just every time you come and see the show. And when you’re not at the show, you’re in a hotel room by yourself.’


    ‘And it’s not normal, it’s not healthy, and I want you to stop.’ He ran his hands through his thick black hair and stared me down. His craggy face was a minefield of peaks and troughs, and he had the sort of distinguished nose that would make an actor on The Bold And The Beautiful jealous. It felt weird to think of the thousands of middle-aged women who had worshipped him onstage the night before. To me, he was just my dad and a pain in the ass, at that.

    A lady strutted her way over to the table. ‘Excuse me, but can I please get your autograph?’ She threw her blonde curls over her shoulders until they were resting on her double D-sized boobs, and then shoved a piece of paper under Dad’s nose. Two tables away, a group of women in their early thirties were giggling, whispering, and pointing in our direction. I averted my gaze. It was enough to make me sick.

    ‘Can we get out of here?’ I squirmed in my chair.

    Dad ignored me, signing the napkin and making polite small talk with the lady. She leaned forward again and touched his shoulder, tossing her head back when she laughed. It would only be a matter of time before she would reached across the table to grab something and ‘accidentally’ brush her breasts against his chest. I think a tiny bit of vomit actually began to work its way up my throat and into my mouth.

    ‘I’m leaving,’ I said, grabbing my bag from the floor beneath me.

    ‘Amy, wait.’

    ‘What?’ I spun around. The blonde had retreated to her table, and Dad was now indicating I should sit. I did, rolling my eyes and letting my bag slump to the ground. I’d had enough.

    We sat in silence for a while, studying each other.

    ‘I think you should go to your aunt’s.’

    ‘For a holiday?’ I asked, my brow furrowing.

    ‘No, Amy,’ he said, sighing. That brought Dad’s total count for the day to two. ‘To live.’

    The words resonated in my head, sounding over and over again, like I was in a church hall or a bad horror movie. To live, live, live, live.

    Dad was sending me away.

    ‘What? Why?’ The questions tumbled out of my mouth. Why was he doing this? Was leaving me for his fans not enough?

    Dad almost whispered the words. ‘Just until the end of high school.’ He leaned over to put his hand on my shoulder.

    I shook it off. ‘But…but why? I’m getting good grades!’

    ‘It’s not grades I’m worried about,’ he replied.

    My voice rose in panic. ‘You don’t care about my education?’ People had started to stare.

    ‘I didn’t say that. I just…I think you should go to your aunt’s and finish your studies at an actual school.’ He clasped his hands together, interlocking his fingers as if he was praying. Clearly he hadn’t thought he’d be getting this reaction.

    ‘But I barely see you as it is.’

    ‘That’s not true. We spend all day, every day together. It’s just nights that I have to work.’

    ‘Sitting in the back of a bus while we drive all over the country hardly strikes me as quality time, Dad.’

    ‘Then what difference does it make if you’re at your aunt’s instead of here?’

    ‘You’re trying to get rid of me.’ His question hurt, stabbing at my insides. How could he hate me so much that he’d want to send me away?

    ‘I’m not trying to get rid of you, but this behaviour is unacceptable and you just don’t listen to me,’ he said. ‘Maybe staying with Aunt Lou will do you some good. Plus, this means you can hang around people your own age again.’

    ‘I can’t believe you,’ I blurted out.

    ‘It’s for the best. I’ll visit you, and —’

    ‘It’s for the best?’ I asked. ‘Sure, I don’t have a mum, so what’s best for me is to not have a dad, too. You know you drove her to it, right? What happened to her was your fault!’

    Silence. His jaw dropped, his eyes widened.

    As far as I was concerned, it was true. If he hadn’t decided to pursue a career in music, we wouldn’t be having these problems. We would still be living in our old apartment, and Dad would be spending every spare second with me, teaching me the keyboard and singing me to sleep.

    And Mum would still be alive.

    Finally, he spoke. ‘It’s only going to be for a few months. Nothing between us will change.’

    ‘You’re right,’ I replied. I stood up and grabbed my bag again. ‘Because you don’t really act like much of a father now, anyway.’

    ‘Oh, Amy. My life isn’t normal. I only want the best for you, and I promised your mum I’d give you that.’ His dark eyes were drawn and red. Lately, severe wrinkles had begun to develop at the corners, even though he was only 37. My dad, the aging chart-topper.

    I hated him and his stupid job. How could he just ditch me after all we’d been through together?

    ‘Dad, I promise I’ll stop drinking,’ I said, trying to bargain. Don’t send me away.

    ‘Good.’ He smiled.

    ‘Don’t leave me,’ I whispered. But he was already on the phone, responding to Joe, or his tour manager, or his sound guy, or possibly even the president of the Stevie D fan club.

    It was done. I was leaving. Even though a few months ago this had been exactly what I’d wanted, things were different now. Mum wasn’t by my side, and we weren’t leaving to escape the madness together. My dad, the only immediate family member I had left alive in the whole world, didn’t want me. Now, I’d have no one.

    One thing was for sure — there was no way I was ever going to forgive my father for this.

    Chapter Two

    I walked through the gates of Cherrybrook High and felt as though I was stepping onto the face of another planet. Sure, I’d been a regular school-attending student a little over three and a half years ago, but so much had changed since then.

    The grounds weren’t too different from what I’d expected. A small reception block sat next to the school gates. A long field of motley-looking grass stretched out to the left, with basketball and tennis courts behind it. To the right were the school buildings — drab, stale blobs of brick, arrayed in all shapes and sizes.

    I strolled toward the reception block to pick up all the mind-numbing paperwork that I knew would go along with starting at a new school. Boredom, here I come.

    ‘Hi, my name is Amy Detrinella,’ I announced to the short, stout secretary that stared down her nose at me from behind the counter.

    ‘You’re new, then?’ she asked.


    ‘Here’s the welcome pack.’ The woman tossed me a manila folder with my name printed on top in neat capitals. It was the only one on the desk in front of her. ‘We don’t usually get mid-year intake students.’ Her words felt like an accusation.

    ‘The map is on page three and the schedule is on page four. If you’ve got any questions, come see me,’ she said, adding a ‘good luck’ before turning back to her computer and starting to type.

    I nodded my thanks, took the file and moved away from the counter. So that was it, huh? A piece of paper and I was off, heading straight into my final year of high school. For a second, I wished I was back in the stupid old tour bus with my dad again, but then anger began to well up inside me. As if I would want to be back with him again, even for a second.

    I took a quick look at the map and timetable. It had been a while since I’d been in school, but I hadn’t forgotten how stupid students struggling with paperwork looked from the outside. Once I’d found my bearings I shoved the folder in my bag, smoothed down my hideous tartan uniform, and set off in what I hoped was the right direction.

    People were milling all around me, a sea of gently undulating green and grey. I quickly checked my watch: eight thirty. There was still 15 minutes before class — 15 long, torturous minutes of trying to blend in with a group of people I’m sure I had absolutely nothing in common with. I saw a toilet block ahead and picked up the pace, eager to kill some time before class with a quick hair check.

    I marched inside, thankful to be out of the masses.

    It stank as only school toilets can. In fact, this bathroom seemed to be worse than any other I’d ever been in. A sickeningly putrid stench wafted from the interior.

    The design was off, too. Why had they installed such a long sink on the floor?

    My stomach dropped. I realised that, in my haste, I hadn’t checked the sign on the door.

    I was in the boys’ toilets.

    Hoping I’d be able to leave before anyone saw me, I turned and ran back through the doors, eager to inhale some fresh air.

    ‘Hey, check out the chick in the boys’ toilets!’ was what a long and lanky guy began to yell to his shorter mate as I emerged. They burst into hysterics at the sight of my horrified face as I bolted past them. Oh God, oh God. Why do things like this always have to happen to me?

    I tried to act as if nothing had happened, and to regain my confident stride, walking once more in the direction of my first class.

    ‘Hey, come back! We can hang in here if you want, toilet girl,’ the first guy yelled, poking his head out of the bathroom and attracting the attention of literally everyone in the area. I felt heads turning, gazes boring into my back.

    Fantastic. Apparently, I was starting my Cherrybrook career as ‘toilet girl.’

    I picked up the pace, one foot leaving the ground as soon as the other touched down. Why care what the people around here thought of me, anyway? I was probably only going to go to my first few classes before skipping off for the rest of the day.

    ‘You’re new,’ said a deep voice to my left. I spun around to meet it.

    Here was a fantastic reason to stay in school. Standing next to me was one of the most gorgeous looking guys I had ever seen. He was movie-star hot, a cross between boy-next-door and surfing God, with luscious dark hair that was tinged with little blonde peaks. He was tall and had a football player’s body, golden skin, and chocolate brown eyes that were twinkly and clear. There was a cheeky grin on his face, revealing a set of solid white teeth with the tiniest little gap in-between the front two. I was hooked.

    ‘Y-yes,’ I managed to stammer. I found myself praying. Please, God, don’t let him have seen the bathroom incident. If you keep that secret from this one guy, I won’t drink again until I’m 18.

    ‘Don’t worry, I don’t think anyone saw.’ The mysterious stranger winked at me and jerked his head towards the toilets, which were now a few metres behind us.

    Ouch. I wished I could melt straight into the concrete. My first encounter with a super-hot high school guy and I’d already managed to look like an idiot. On the plus side, I guess my drinking had come back into play.

    ‘Um, at least I know what a urinal looks like now.’ I cringed as the words came out of my mouth.

    Luckily, the sexy stranger didn’t seem to notice how stupid I was being. ‘You’d never been in the guys’ bathroom before?’

    I shook my head.

    ‘Well, now you’ve had the grand tour, how do you like Cherrybrook?’

    ‘So far I’ve only visited reception and the boys’ toilets. I’m kind of hoping things will start to get a bit better from here on in.’ I smiled up at him. I was sure I looked pathetic and overeager, but for some reason this hot specimen of manhood had fallen into step beside me.

    ‘What class have you got?’ he asked.

    ‘English, I think, somewhere over’ — I paused to look around me and gestured to my right — ‘that way?’

    ‘Well, since the English rooms are all to the left, and the area you’re pointing to is the Science block,’ he said, not unkindly, ‘you’ve either got the class or the location wrong.’

    ‘Oh. Well, it’s definitely English.’ Even if it wasn’t, it was too good an opportunity to pass up. Please offer to show me? Please, please, please, please?

    ‘I can take you, if you want,’ he offered. ‘You’ll be a bit early ‘cause I’ve got to get to my own class, but I don’t mind dropping you off. I’m Luke, by the way.’

    ‘Hey, I’m Amy.’ I delivered the words with confidence, but I felt my insides turning all wobbly as I checked out his shapely arms and broad, strong shoulders once more. He had to be a football player. I wondered how he’d look in a tight-fitting uniform — or, better yet, without it.

    I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts. I’d been in school five minutes and I was already losing it for someone I’d just met. This couldn’t be a good thing.

    We walked along in companionable silence, navigating our way through the crowd of students. A young kid jostled past us and pushed my body closer to Luke’s. As my arm brushed against his, tingles rushed up and through my spine. I was officially in lust. Somehow, I’d developed a mini-crush on the first guy who’d introduced himself to me at my new high school. I didn’t know if that made me desperate or lucky, and I didn’t care.

    ‘So you just moved here?’ Luke asked.

    ‘Yeah, to my aunt’s place.’

    ‘Oh, cool. What about your folks?’ He slowed to a stop when we reached a nondescript brick classroom.

    ‘My dad has to travel a lot for work.’ I wasn’t lying. I just wasn’t exactly telling the truth.

    Since Dad had become famous, I’d kept the fact we were related quiet. The one time I’d told someone — a guy staying in our hotel who I’d been enjoying hanging around with by the pool — he’d promptly laughed at me, teased me, sung at me, and had then left me in the pool to hang out by myself. I wasn’t going to risk that happening again. Not here. Not when I didn’t have to.

    ‘Fair enough.’ Luke smiled. ‘What classes are you taking?’

    ‘Um, English, Math, Business Studies, Drama and Music.’

    ‘I take Music, too. We’ll be in the same class,’ he said, a slight smile playing on his lips. God, he was good-looking. I analysed his words. Had he sounded happy about our having a class together or sad? And was it too soon to start planning a beautiful duet together? I smiled up at him once more, wondering what new bargain I could make with God in order to win him over.

    ‘Luke, who’s this?’ A tall girl with straight, shiny blonde hair and a smile so sparkling you could pick out your reflection in it bounced over to us.

    ‘This is Amy. She’s new. Amy, meet Coral.’

    ‘His girlfriend,’ Coral added pointedly. Her

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