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The Prospective Princess
The Prospective Princess
The Prospective Princess
Ebook269 pages3 hours

The Prospective Princess

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Five years ago Lady Brislyn of Komissa fell in love. Five years ago her heart was broken, never to be mended. But when one careless act finds her abducted by marauders and forcibly betrothed to an enemy prince whose Gifting is seduction, there’s only one man she can count on to free her: Her father’s brilliant—and devastatingly handsome—military commander. The very man who rejected her.

Five years ago, Commander Marchant rebuffed the fifteen-year-old daughter of his duke. Now she is a woman grown, a Gifted musician whose song captured his heart. Yet Brislyn is not so easily reclaimed. To save her from one royal suitor, he must make a show of engaging her to another. Then March will rescue the kidnapped lady or die in the perilous journey to reach her. If he can survive the storms, the pirates, and the princes, he will win back Brislyn’s heart.

Release dateSep 22, 2014
The Prospective Princess

Kary Rader

Kary Rader is a stay-at-home mother of three, avid reader and slave to the characters and worlds inside her head.Always creative, she's drawn to stories with fantastical worlds and creatures. With a little bit of magic and divine guidance, there isn't anything that can't be accomplished with words. It's the power of words that creates and destroys.Vanquishing evil and injustice while finding eternal love in the process is all in a day's work. And with the help of her critique partners and master cartographer imaginary places come to life.Let the fantasy begin...

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    Book preview

    The Prospective Princess - Kary Rader


    A Reign of Light novel

    Kary Rader

    Praise for Kary Rader

    and the REIGN OF LIGHT series

    Winner of the 2013 Coffee Time Romance Reviewer’s Choice Award

    Winner of the 2014 RomCom Reader’s Choice Award:

    I loved the characters and world that Rader created…Rader brings a new dynamic into the fantasy genre.

    —MR Wilson, Amazon review

    I found myself lost in the land of Jastain! I would highly recommend Queen of Jastain by Kary Rader!

    —Zcrazyangel, Goodreads review

    …a wonderful fantasy adventure with a good versus evil background and a will they, won’t they love story.

    —Melanie of The Review Corner


    Bris, please consider my request. I promise to be a good husband. He pulled her hands to his lips and kissed each of them.

    A good husband? But you… What are you playing at, March? You told me in no uncertain terms of your feelings ages ago. I’ve moved on.

    Panic and frustration built behind his flailing façade of composure. She was slipping from his grasp. Bris, you were barely fifteen years old, and my feelings have changed.

    Her golden brown eyes flashed with fire. So have mine.

    March winced then held her hands to his chest, pulling her close. Searching her face, he asked softly, Don’t you think they could change again?

    She wouldn’t meet his gaze but didn’t pull away. That was a long time ago.


    A Reign of Light novel

    Kary Rader

    PUBLISHER’S NOTE: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, business establishments or persons, living or dead, is coincidental. Boroughs Publishing Group does not have any control over and does not assume responsibility for author or third-party websites, blogs or critiques or their content.


    Copyright © 2014 Kary Rader

    Smashwords Edition

    All rights reserved. Unless specifically noted, no part of this publication may be reproduced, scanned, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, known or hereinafter invented, without the express written permission of Boroughs Publishing Group. The scanning, uploading and distribution of this book via the Internet or by any other means without the permission of Boroughs Publishing Group is illegal and punishable by law. Participation in the piracy of copyrighted materials violates the author’s rights.

    ISBN 978-1-941260-35-7

    For the long-suffering Camille, who helped Marchant

    become the man he was always meant to be


    A Reign of Light novel

    Kary Rader


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22

    Chapter One

    Marchant stood at ease in the main corridor of the castle. His lips quivered, trying to keep the smile from his face. Lady Brislyn stood toe to toe with him, her nose upturned and sweet little chin jutting out.

    Commander Marchant, you overstep your boundaries. Brislyn scowled up at him.

    March couldn’t suppress a chuckle. With her finger, she twirled her hair in irritation. This was a look she donned often, at least with him.

    My lady, the matter of your safety is perfectly within my boundaries. His words echoed through the empty castle corridor.

    "But you’ve sent these…these spies to follow me." She gestured to the two sentries standing nearby whom he’d tasked with discreetly protecting her on her evening walks.

    Her eyes blazing with indignation caused desire to fill him. His hands itched to grab her and pull her close. The brocade sweep of her blue sleeve hung to her side, its silver thread sparkling against the ivory skin of her clenched fists.

    My lady, they are not spies. They’re merely for added protection. As you are aware, there’s been an increase in undesirable activity since your father’s refusal of your hand to the crown prince of Isa Vis. Marchant growled inwardly at the thought of the prince.

    Brislyn glanced to the floor, and her cheeks flushed bright crimson. Was her embarrassment due to his mention of the prince? That couldn’t be it. She despised the crown prince. Hope swelled in March’s chest. Might she still have feelings for me? Could that be why she blushed? He hadn’t been able to make her blush in a long while and it flummoxed him. She’d certainly never thanked him for ridding her of the unwanted suitor.

    According to his sources and by his own account, Bris had spent an agonizing week in the company of the dark-haired devil. And though she was initially enamored with Prince Enriq, the man’s deceptions eventually revealed themselves. An unintended huff escaped March’s lips. Visions of ripping the slick-tongued cad to ribbons steadied him. March’s heart would’ve broken had Bris married the scheming royal. However, it would’ve been his loyalty to the Light that forced him to rebel had that match been allowed by the grand duke. He snorted. The crown prince was evil, and the emperor even worse. March could never have allowed Brislyn to fall into their hands.

    In the last five years, under reign of the Sovereign Queen of the New Kingdom of Light, goodness, justice, and peace had been restored to lawless lands. Darkness held sway in precious few places anymore. Health and long life once again blessed the people of Jastain. But the emperor was ruled by the Darkness. His desire was to overtake Komissa and use it as a stronghold against the Light. He’d been bold enough to say as much. With Komissa under his thumb and the successful production of his new long-distance cannon, Hanar would be formidable. March shook off the thought. He had other formidable things to occupy him.

    He stood with shoulders squared. I’ll dismiss these men if you will permit me to accompany you on your walk this evening.

    Bris’s eyes widened in shock; then she narrowed them. Why would you personally want to accompany me?

    He tried to keep his tone light, but his heart began to pound. Perhaps I enjoy your company. And someone must watch after you.

    Though I doubt you’ve given it a thought, Commander, I no longer need a governess—or a babysitter, as I once did.

    March smiled at the retort. He had watched after her years ago. That was true. She may not realize it…yet, but he saw her as much more than the girl she had been. Oh, my lady, there is scarcely a sentry in my employ whose notice you’ve escaped. No, nor any man who looks upon you. I should think your beauty alone would warrant an escort, even if the threat of the emperor were not present.

    Her blush deepened. She fidgeted with her dress and wouldn’t meet his gaze.

    He continued with a harsher edge to his tone, However, based on your foolish forays outside my protection, I cannot with any confidence agree you do not need a governess.

    Her lips pouted, and she placed her hands on her hips. "I am not a child anymore, and I’m not your prisoner. I should be allowed to walk in peace if I choose, and that still doesn’t answer my question, Marchant. Why do you want to accompany me?"

    She hadn’t called him by name in years, but he took comfort in the fact she still knew it. Are you not aware of the emperor’s ire with you, and of his promise to force you into marriage with the crown prince? Does your own safety mean so little? I’ve sought to give you as much freedom as I can, and yet you intentionally dodge my protection and force my men to follow you in stealth. His breath quickened, and his heart raced. With a seriousness he hadn’t intended, he added, And as to why I myself wish to accompany you—perhaps I have something of import to discuss.

    Her eyes widened. Well, Commander, if it’s of such great importance, tell me now.

    He gazed deeply into her hazel eyes and shook his head. We’ll save it for later, during our walk. That is—he softened his voice to almost a whisper—if you’ll allow me to escort you this evening.

    The pulse at the base of her neck beat frantically, as did his. He wanted to place his lips over it. She took a deep breath. I suppose that’s agreeable. She studied his face, looking, he supposed, for any hint of his intentions. But can you not give some indication of what this is about?

    She’d been a curiously straight-spoken child, and she preferred the same as an adult. The not knowing would drive her to madness, he knew. I’ll meet you at the southern entrance. Your usual time. He inclined his head and left her there, flitting like a butterfly whose favorite flower had just been picked.

    According to his spies, the emperor planned to force the issue of marriage, one way or another. Emperor Hanar believed the duke would be under his control if the man’s daughter was, and that wasn’t far from the truth. Like March, Affean would do anything for the lady. Fury blazed through March, and he pounded his fist against the wall. Bris was in danger, but she refused to acknowledge the precarious situation, despite his repeated warnings against her walking alone.

    Though the emperor and his son had come under the guise of friendship—an armed escort with them—their demand for an alliance was an act intended to intimidate. In the last few months, stories of the emperor’s brutality had come from scores of refugees fleeing Isa Vis, many of them with torturous wounds and without home or family. The emperor would attempt to capture Bris, but March was determined the Dark tyrant would not succeed in that endeavor.

    Bris may never love him, but March would not allow the crown prince to marry her against her will. She must be free to choose whom she would marry, which she couldn’t do without knowing all her options.

    She’d given him no indication one way or another of her inclinations, at least not in the last five years. The memory of the queen’s garden came flooding back.

    There, she’d blindsided him by boldly confessing her love and kissing him with more passion than a fifteen-year-old should feel. He had hated hurting her. He just hadn’t thought of her in that way—hadn’t realized the consequences his attentions would produce until it was too late. It still pierced his heart to remember the crushed look on her face and the tears in her eyes as he tried to explain himself.

    This evening would be her turn to reject him, and he was almost certain she would take the opportunity, even if merely out of spite. With a touch of Truthsaying on that night so long ago, she’d warned him he would regret rebuffing her, and now he surely did. However, if she loved him once, perhaps she could again. And, in any case, he could wait no longer to profess his love.

    Thinking of how he’d nearly lost her to the crown prince without her ever knowing of his love, it chilled him to his core. He wasn’t a coward, not in this. There would be other suitors to come. He shuddered. His time was running out to claim her as his own.

    After posting the weekly guard schedule in the barracks, March headed to the south entrance to wait for Bris. His heart already at a gallop, he practiced military breathing exercises to calm himself. How hard would his heart beat when she actually came to meet him, when he declared himself? He wouldn’t have to wait long to find out.

    As if she lingered behind a threshold, Bris magically appeared in the corridor and padded toward him. Her light brown hair glowed with a brilliance that reminded him of fresh honey in the sunshine, and her delicate brows and lashes added to the sweetness. Flecks of amber, green, and grey sparkled like jewels in the golden brown of her eyes. Her hips swayed and her arms swung, bringing her closer, but not close enough. Her song had saved him, but it was her feisty spirit that ultimately won his heart. Everything Bris did, she did with abandon. Leaving no effort unspent in her endeavors, she lived passionately, and he loved her for it.

    Hoping she couldn’t hear the pounding of his heart, he spoke with as much confidence as he could gather. Good evening, my lady. Are we ready for our walk?

    She narrowed her eyes. I must admit, Commander, I’m intrigued by your request.

    He offered her his arm, which she tentatively took, her hand warming him through his shirt. They walked the trail to the cliffs overlooking the South Sea.

    Midsummer flowers in the ankle-high grass sprinkled the path with blue and yellow. Next week was her twentieth birthday, and he wanted to celebrate the occasion as her betrothed. Perhaps, if her father was willing, as her husband. By the Light, it had been a year since he’d first realized his heart, and in that time his love had grown fierce. If she didn’t accept him…

    In the distance, the azure of a cloudless sky met the deep sapphire of the ocean over white cliffs. Being with her like this gave him more joy than he had a right to, but what would he do without it? He was no stranger to heartache. He’d lived his life frozen in a moment of betrayal. Since that fateful day of his youth—the day that had claimed the lives of his parents—he’d not trusted any woman, or man for that matter. But Brislyn wasn’t any woman.

    The misted breeze cooled the air with a briny scent, and he breathed in the comfort. If he was to have his heart trampled, this seemed an ideal location.

    It’s a lovely evening for a walk. He cleared his throat and wiped a damp palm on his breeches. I do hope the cooler weather will come later this year.

    Hmmm…yes. She nodded, but her adorable forehead wrinkled in bewilderment.

    As they neared the cliffs, she grasped his arm more tightly to steady her climb, covertly glancing over when she thought he wasn’t looking. She seemed greatly interested in what he had to say, but would she still be so interested after he’d said it? He nervously fisted and flexed his free hand. Hope welled in his chest.

    When they reached the pinnacle of the cliffs, he stopped and turned toward her with his back to the sea. He frantically searched her face. Brislyn, do you have any thoughts for your future?

    Furrowing her delicate brow, she answered matter-of-factly. I assume I’ll finish my studies and eventually Father will give me in marriage.

    Is that what you desire? The blood pumped so loudly in his ears he had to strain to hear her response.

    You know as well as I, it’s what’s expected of me. She shrugged. I suppose it seems the logical choice, considering my station.

    "Yes, I’m sure it’s a reasonable choice, but is it your choice?"

    She looked past him out over the water and answered with an openness that stunned him. I’ve long desired the companionship and intimacy that comes with a husband. Her eyes misted, and her cheeks heated. Intimacy was it? He could think of a thousand intimacies he wanted to share with her. Although I don’t hold out much hope I’ll love the man. Then, as if remembering herself, she asked, Why do you care about this, Marchant?

    A lump formed at the base of his throat, making it hard for him to speak. Taking her hands in his, he gazed into her shining eyes. Because I wish to ask your father for your hand in marriage. If it pleases you.

    As if his words smelled like the stables, she crinkled her nose and curled her lips. "What?"

    March bit the inside of his cheek. Hard. He’d suspected a less-than-positive response was forthcoming. All right—he had known this reaction was forthcoming. It shouldn’t have come as any shock. But the reverberations of her appalled tone were enough to knock him from the task. He was not a coward. She had, albeit innocently, declared her love five years ago; he had courage enough to do the same. He steeled himself to continue, even as his insides trembled. In his years of service to the duke, he had been in many battles and seen unspeakable horrors, but panic and anxiety welled up in him now as never before. He swallowed hard, hoping he wouldn’t black out.

    I realize, my lady, that this information falls on unsuspecting ears, but I hope it’s not unwelcome news.

    Since Bris had last spoken, her face, seemingly frozen in shock and horror, hadn’t moved.

    Bris, please consider my request. I promise to be a good husband. He pulled her hands to his lips and kissed each of them.

    A good husband? But you…what are you playing at, March? You told me in no uncertain terms of your feelings ages ago. I’ve moved on.

    Panic and frustration built behind his flailing façade of composure. She was slipping from his grasp. Bris, you were barely fifteen years old, and my feelings have changed.

    Her golden brown eyes flashed with fire. So have mine.

    He winced, then held her hands to his chest, pulling her close. Searching her face, he asked softly, Don’t you think they could change again?

    She wouldn’t meet his gaze, but didn’t pull away. That was a long time ago.

    Five years isn’t so long.

    She lifted a defiant glare to him. "To someone as young as I am, five years is a very long time." The sarcasm dripped from her lips.

    And for the first time, he felt hope rise. She was still hurt, and that meant she felt something.

    Lifting her chin with his hand, he traced her jawline with his thumb. Her eyes rounded in sweet vulnerability, and the rapid rise and fall of her chest seemed a positive sign. They stood locked in the moment, neither moving for fear of what the other might do, but again, he was no coward. March leaned in and barely brushed her lips with his, hovering for a brief moment before he dared go any further. He gained confidence with every passing second she didn’t pull away and slap him.

    Releasing her hands to cup her face with both palms, he sighed out the breath he’d been holding and slowly engulfed her lips. Deeply, he kissed her. The warm moisture of her mouth ignited his forbidden desire. Though he hadn’t kept his fantasies about Brislyn strictly chaste, he wouldn’t degrade her or what she meant to him with his own debauchery. But now, in this moment, he could picture it. He could picture her under him, the tight wet heat of her beckoning him, and he wanted to sink into her and lose himself.

    A clean scent of lavender filled his senses. With his tongue, he parted the crease where her lips met and found a willing participant between them. She kissed him back, moving her mouth with his in a dance of lithe bliss. His body ached to claim her. His heart soared to taste her sweetness. He was right—fresh honey.

    Retreating back from her liberties, she seemed to remember herself; she jerked away from his stunned lips.

    They stood for a moment, staring, with only a gull’s cry between them. A thousand words flooded his mind. Gentle words to charm and woo. Words that came easily, too easily, with any other lady. Stunned to silence, his voice would carry none of them.

    With tears in her eyes, she trembled. What are you trying to do to me, March?

    He reached for her. "Bris—"

    She flinched. My heart died when you rejected me. I can’t go through that again. Did you honestly think I would fall into your arms? I’m not one of your chambermaids or the daughter of a lesser earl.

    He cringed and squeezed his eyes closed in shame. I know that. I’m sorry I hurt you, but I want you to be my wife.


    The contempt in her voice constricted around his heart, and he couldn’t speak.

    Seeing her chin jutted out

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