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Justification of Mankind
Justification of Mankind
Justification of Mankind
Ebook151 pages2 hours

Justification of Mankind

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Justification of Mankind ... by Bill Campbell .. is The Best explanation I have seen. Everyone should read it at least once. An important resource for those who feel the call to Spiritual purpose, and to Spiritual Leadership in this age of global Awakening. An important subject.

“We have all heard that Jesus died upon a cross to be the savior of the world; but most of us don't really understand, "why".

When we refer to the cross, the blood, the atonement, we are referring to something ... that is for the whole world. (it’s God's idea)

But, "justification" is something personal. It's about the person taking advantage of all of this.

Although Jesus died upon the cross for the world; all people are not "justified". (the accusation of sin has not been removed)

There is a certain understanding of this Atonement Covenant that affects justification for the person. It calls for obedience to the Word of the Covenant. It has to do with the person's life, and "active" faith. As we will soon see, I'm not talking about a religious opinion. I'm referring to ... a covenant relationship.”

The preaching of the traditional "creed" church over the years has sought to justify people that didn't know God, and never knew, or pursued His intention. They were lost people, relying on a notion that Jesus had died for their sins, and that they were now saved. This leaves people without relationship: and they don't know the Spirit Word of God. (we’re not talking about the Bible?)”

"Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of His. For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, ... they are the sons of God." - Romans ch.8

1.God’s Creation 2.God’s Living Word 3.Showing 4.Knowing 5.Severity 6.Atonement 7.Ministry 8.Gospel 9.New Life 10.Harvest

PublisherBill Campbell
Release dateMay 16, 2012
Justification of Mankind

Bill Campbell

Bill Campbell presently lives in Vancouver, B.C. on the beautiful West Coast of Canada. Listed as #77 for Best Spiritual Books at Canadian Sites by ... he is the Author of 12 Books on Spiritual relationship. For more information visit To Order, or See more information about each Book below ... Click on Book Title. Free samples are available, and downloadable, at the individual Book Page. (10 different formats) To return to this page Click on author name. These Books are intended to introduce the Reader to new "relationship" and Spiritual awareness in our present day ... and will serve as an ongoing Self-help and Resource for the Spiritual leader. Remember, reading to the end is important .. as the beginning of the Book is meant to set the stage for the power of the thought presented! Referral and Reviews are always Welcome. Thank you ... and Blessings.

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    Justification of Mankind - Bill Campbell

    Justification of Mankind

    Bill Campbell


    Justification of Mankind

    ISBN 978-0-9879727-2-9

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2012 Bill Campbell

    For more information contact:

    Vancouver, British Columbia



    All rights reserved under International Copyright Law. No part of this book may be reproduced, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the written permission of the publisher.


    Justification is an in depth look at the message of the Gospel, and how it relates to you. The spontaneity, and presence, of God’s Spirit in our lives is the only Gospel … that is respected in this book.

    Our traditions may have robbed us of the Gospel of light, and the Spiritual relationship that Jesus, and the apostles of the early church, … spoke of. (St. John chs.14,15,16)

    It is my belief, … that the principle statement of tradition is … that there is no faith in the Holy Spirit’s spontaneous presence, thus the need for tradition rather than obedience and ministry, and justification.

    Introductions to some new understandings are brought out for those seeking God’s life, … as they are encouraged to stop, and to behold … what is present.

    The Review Breaks in this book encourage the reader to begin to hear, and record, what the Spirit is saying to each one. (St. Luke ch.8) We commit your justification… into His hands. - Bill Campbell



    1. God’s Creation 2. God’s Living Word 3. Showing 4. Knowing 5. Severity

    6. Atonement 7. Ministry 8. Gospel 9. New Life 10. Harvest

    Chapter 1

    God’s Creation

    God's Presence in His Creation

    We are creators ... continually. A flow of creative thought, and power, continuously flows through our being in this life. It is from this thought and power that we discern the voice of the Spirit of God. For from within this Spirit Word proceeds our justification.

    It is our status with God. It is clear that it is not based upon our achievements, nor our religious opinions, nor God's good mood, or loving character.

    Throughout much of our writing we are dealing with the word of God. (How do you feel about God's Word ?) But now, we are dealing with the presence of God. How do you feel about ... God's Presence ?

    Because we discuss the importance of being the light, (the actual Presence with unity and oneness with God); this discussion about justification becomes a foundational value.

    It is possible to have an intellectual awareness of the message of God's Word in our lives, and still not be participating in the presence of our Creator.

    Justification releases our expectation, stewardship, ministry, obedience, and faith, to be in and to express God's presence.

    We are the light.

    Do you remember the initial creation of humanity in Genesis ch.1, and how God said that He saw it, and it was good ?

    We have heard so much preaching about the depravity of man that we have lost sight of the fact that first of all we are God's good Creation.

    In the Scriptures, we read ...

    And God saw everything that He had made, and behold … it was very good. - Genesis 1:31

    "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.

    And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it, and have dominion ..." - Genesis 1:26,28

    The premise of a false religion is that God hates. He hates sin, He hates the world, He hates some kinds of music, He hates some kinds of clothes, and hairstyles; and ... because He hates so much, we are always looking over our shoulder wondering what ... He hates about us. (?)

    The truth of the matter is that God created a pretty amazing bunch of people. And to challenge that is to challenge His own image, and His Creation. We need to get over our religion, and get used to the idea, ... God did very good.

    What Happened ?

    When we look at the brief account of Eve being tempted by the Serpent to disobey God, we see her unbelief, lack of trust, self-preservation, and self exaltation.

    Now, I want to point out that these are not demon spirits, but rather ... they are carnal decisions, and again I say, decisions. (the emotion is just present)

    When we talk about justification we are dealing with the issue of ... being born again. We are leaving the decisions of Adam and Eve behind us, and returning to the trust in God's creation ability ... for our lives. We are returning to His Word being expressed in our lives, ... no matter who says what. And this happens through our faith in the Spirit Word of His presence. We are ... justified by active faith. (St. John ch.3, Romans 5:1)

    To preach the religion of man's depravity is not what the Gospel is about. (see: St. Luke 4:16-21 and Isaiah ch.61) Jesus had many opportunities to condemn, but He did not. He came to bring life, and the Word. (St. John 3:17-19, ch.5:24, ch.6:63)

    What we do see Jesus condemning is the traditional, legalistic bondage, and hypocrisy, of religion.

    We are not justified by the deeds of the law - Galatians 2:16

    nor by ... the blood of bulls, ... or goats. - Hebrews 10:4

    For I the LORD love judgment, I hate robbery for burnt offering; and I will direct their work in truth, and will make an everlasting covenant with them. - Isaiah 61:8

    The issue of justification begins not at the cross, but at Creation. (for that's where the birth of decision is)

    Now, ... God's justification ?


    ... Self justification ?

    Do you see how it comes down to taking God at His Word, ... and entering into His message: not our own ? Into His Spirit intention: not our own ? (St. Matthew 10:7,8, and Titus 3:5-7)

    The Confidence of Faith

    In the account of Adam and Eve's temptation and sin (Genesis 3:1-10) we see a basic truth become evident about justification, and how it relates to knowing, and experiencing, the presence of God.

    After the conversation with the Serpent, where they analyzed the word of God, and how it pertained to their lives, ... they made a decision.

    It was at this point of decision that they established their relationship, not only to God's word of direction, but also to experiencing His presence.

    Because of their decisions pertaining to His Word, they were no longer comfortable with His presence. They were traitors, and they knew it. Now, they not only had no confidence to walk with God, but their eyes were opened to many shortcomings: and to cover themselves, ... became an important issue.

    The story goes on to say that God called for them, and found them ... hiding from His presence. They felt no justification, and indeed were not.

    It is possible to experience the presence of God, and to know His word, and still not be justified, for that is a relationship term that describes our agreement with one another. (our decisions are important)

    Self - justification ? or ... God's justification ?

    The Battle of the Gods

    For God knows that in the day that you eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and you shall be as gods, ... knowing good and evil. - Genesis 3:5

    Even to this day, ... human beings continue to fight the supremacy of God, and His word, by trying to justify themselves through this power of knowing good and evil.

    Circumstantial Justification (Genesis 3:12,13)

    I can see clearly now, that it was the woman's fault that this confusion occurred; and even greater than that, it was you God who gave me that woman, says Adam. So, where does the blame lie, now ?

    I can see clearly now, that it was the Serpent, who tricked me. You just made him too smart, God, says Eve. So, where does the blame lie, now ?

    They were good judges, but they were still not good stewards of God. They were on a self agenda, and were exercising the power of self-justification.

    I want you to notice (Genesis 3:14-24) that God did not curse mankind, whom He had created in His image. He cursed the Serpent. He cursed the ground; but He did not ... curse the human.

    After the Flood, God renewed His dominion promises, and blessings, to Noah; ... and stated clearly that if anyone should harm a man that they would be harming someone who was in the image of God. (Genesis ch.9) It could also be noted ... that the ground is no longer under the curse, either. (Genesis 8:21,22)

    So let's review. Man is not cursed; and neither is the ground, any more. God loves, and holds mankind as being special.

    God does not hate, and is not on a hateful agenda. (Relax ... He is not seeking to wipe you out)

    The only thing hateful and fearful is the fact that any of us, as His Creation, would dare to exalt ourselves to the position of a god, and choose to define what is good, and what is bad, in order to justify ourselves, while pursuing our own many agendas. (read: St. Luke 18:18-27, and Genesis ch.3)

    God's present colorful rhe'ma word is what comes to us through His Spirit; and unites this one Kingdom together in this earth. (St. Matthew 4:17, ch. 6: 9-13)

    Our Gospel is not a gospel of man's depravity, and God's hatred: but rather a gospel of God's love, and willingness to justify through His Word. (See: Romans ch.8-12, ... esp. ch.10:8-10)


    Realization from the Holy Spirit

    Take time, review, hear, … and write

    What about this Previous Section … ? Be specific Which part ?

    This Break is not for Questions & Answers, but rather for Realization that comes to you from the Holy Spirit. Take time to also read the Scriptures referred to. The Holy Spirit has much to say to you. You are His. As we build upon realization, write what the Lord speaks to you, and shows you. It’s important to your growth. (Ephesians 1:17-20)

    Chapter 2

    Justification - God’s Living Word

    The fallacy of Justification through Religion

    There has been a carnal, legalistic, view of justification that defines Christian morality as keeping the law because of gratitude to the Savior for the gift of righteousness. This is similar to the Jewish belief, and motivates man

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