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The Infinite Human: Ascension Books, #1
The Infinite Human: Ascension Books, #1
The Infinite Human: Ascension Books, #1
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The Infinite Human: Ascension Books, #1

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"There is emerging on the face of the Earth a New Human, an Infinite Human and that Human is YOU!" Thirty years ago I wrote these words not fully understanding how deeply they relate to current world events and the consciousness wars our planet is NOW experiencing.  This is not just my story but the story of my TWIN SOUL, a physician and how we tried to change the course of modern medicine. This book offers FULL DISCLOSURE of the truth behind the lies that have been hidden in plain sight while taking you on an amazing spiritual journey around our planet and into the higher dimensions of Esoteric Knowledge, Supernatural Phenomenon, and Cosmic Disclosure. This is a Love Story, a Hero's Journey, an Alchemist's Memoir of twin souls who managed to navigate through the world of illusion, heal their past wounds and create an Eternal Love that survived even death! But above all, STAR SEEDS this is your story of the TRUE Liberation that only comes from Awakening from the Dream Spell and ORGANIC ASCENSION, to become the Master Builders of the Infinite New 5D EARTH! Because YOU ARE INFINITE! ALL THAT IS, EVER HAS BEEN AND EVER SHALL BE!!

Release dateApr 10, 2024
The Infinite Human: Ascension Books, #1

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    The Infinite Human - Peter Monroy M.D.


    An Ascension Guide for Awakening Infinite Humans, Star Seeds, Twin Souls, and Co-Creators of the New Infinite 5D Earth



    Infinite Human Productions

    Copyright © 2022 by Elizabeth Monroy M.S

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations or in a book review.

    Print Editions 1.1 2022




    Infinite Human Productions L.L.C

    USA, Italy

    This book is my own personal journey and perspective of life. I wrote it to help me make sense of my own life experiences, to access the hidden history of our multiverse and to recover my lost memories, reclaim and heal my lost identities and bring myself back into holiness. I hope it will inspire you to do the same! It is in no way meant to be misconstrued as spiritual, medical or legal advice nor any other means of advising you as to how you should live your life. You are a God Sovereign Being who has been granted free will, making you responsible for your own choices. The names of individuals used throughout this text serve as examples to explain concepts and situations and are fictitious and any similarity to any persons living or deceased is purely coincidental.


    The Divine Storyteller

    My Story

    What Is The Infinite?

    Mind Control

    Let ’ S Talk About Sex, Baby

    What Is God?

    And No Religion Too ?

    Twin Souls

    The True Creation Story

    One World Order

    Meeting Our Spiritual Teachers

    Losing My Twin Soul

    Living Again

    Hurray For Hollywood !


    The Truth About Spiritual Teachers

    Cycles Of Creation, Ascension And The Great Year

    The False Ascension Matrix

    The Great Work Of Ascension

    Lockdown In Italy 2020 Vision

    Smearing Honey Over Pus

    The New Infinite Earth

    About The Authors







    This book is dedicated to the Divine Infinite Source within us all!


    There is emerging on the face of the Earth a new human, an Infinite Human, and that Human is YOU! These words spilled out onto the page of a paper I was writing over thirty years ago while I was working towards my Masters in Mental Health Counseling. Shortly after that, my computer was struck by lightning. I managed to recover the paper and submitted it to my professor, who called the idea Kooky. But the idea stuck, and it has taken the form of this book, which relates to Earth’s Hidden History, Current World Events and the Frequency Wars on our planet.

    This is not just my story but the story of my twin soul, Peter Monroy, a physician and how we tried to change the course of modern medicine. It is a heroine’s journey, an alchemist’s memoir, a love story of two broken souls who managed to find each other against all odds, heal their past wounds and create an eternal love that survived even death! But above all this is your story, of the true freedom that only comes through organic ascension. Of the power that comes to those who awaken from the Dream Spell to co-create an Infinite New Earth! This book offers full disclosure of the truth behind the lies that have been hidden in plain sight, so you can heal while taking you on an amazing spiritual journey around our planet and into the higher dimensions of forbidden knowledge, supernatural phenomenon, and cosmic disclosure to awaken you to the truth that, YOU ARE ALL THAT IS, EVER HAS BEEN AND EVER SHALL BE!! YOU ARE INFINITE!



    In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word WAS God.

    JOHN 1:1

    We are all just stories in the mind of God the Divine Storyteller. The further we stray from the original word, which IS God or the vibrational frequency of Infinite God Source, the more our life story begins to unravel. The more pain, suffering and confusion we experience until like the prodigal son, we decide to return Home to the vibrational frequency of Infinite God Source within.

    For years, I have worked with film students using the Mythic Story Structure that Joseph Campbell so intuitively captured and wrote about in his books. He explained that inherent in all myths, legends, novels, films and stories, since the beginning of time, there exists a mythic structure, which he called The Hero’s Journey. It is really an alchemist’s journey to transmute what Carl Jung referred to as our shadow self. According to this renowned psychiatrist, all humans possess a shadow self. This is the part of us where our deepest, darkest fears, anger, grief, sorrow, traumas and wounds fester until we have the courage to bring them out of the darkness and into the light. When the main character faces and transmutes their own shadow self it is called a comedy. But when the darkness overpowers our main character and he or she succumbs to their inner flaws, never transmuting the shadows within, we call this a tragedy.

    Which story are you writing? Is your current life story a comedy or a tragedy? How do you see the World around you? Is it a cold, cruel world? A dangerous world? A heartless world? What type of character have you chosen to play? Are you the heroine in your own life story, the leading man or lady? Or are you a supporting character in someone else’s life story? A sidekick? Are you a people pleaser? Are you living your life for others? Do you take care of everybody but yourself? Do you constantly seek validation from others? Do you feel unworthy? Unloved? Abandoned? Fearful? Not enough? Are you swimming in a sea of shame and guilt? Are you playing the victim? Are you repeating the same old story over and over, again, stuck? Not knowing how to change? Are you longing for something new to happen but not sure how to write it? Or perhaps you are soul weary? Perhaps you just long for an end to your life story? Perhaps you don’t even care how your story ends anymore! Maybe your life story has no real meaning, no connection to the world, to others, to God, or to your authentic self?

    You are the hero at the beginning of a great story. You, like all heroes, are filled with flaws and defects as well as amazing gifts and talents. And what is a story without a good villain? In fact, any good writer knows that the stronger the villain or antagonist, the greater the character arch or growth of the hero. Take a moment to determine whether this statement is true. Have you had people or experiences come into your life that you thought were horrible? Yet in these times of great difficulty and challenge haven’t you had to reach deep inside of yourself and find out just what you were made of? Haven’t all the challenges you faced in life made you a better person, taught you valuable lessons? Or have you remained bitter? Have you allowed your deepest, darkest fears, pain, and sorrows to remain hidden, festering like pus inside a wound?

    There is really only one story. The story is always the same, but the people, places and situations change. Our hero may be a handsome young man in a galaxy far, far away dreaming of adventure, or a humble hobbit dreaming of his next meal, when adventure comes knocking at his door. All Hero’s journeys are ultimately the same journey back Home, to the original word or vibrational frequency of Infinite God Source. It is the Prodigal Son’s return to the Father, the Fool’s navigation of the Tarot’s Major Arcana, or the Alchemist transmutation of lead into gold. We are all students here on this Earth Campus, just walking each other home. I hope by sharing my life story, this book will serve as an impetus for you to embark on your own supernatural journey of inner healing, transmutation, ascension, and to drink from the elixir of life that holds the knowledge of Truth!

    Story creates meaning in our lives and allows us to learn and grow, share our experiences, know ourselves better, and appreciate this spiritual journey we call life. The curative effect of the genuine sharing of our story, the exposing of our vulnerabilities, weaknesses, and the bringing forth of our dark side into the light was known to the Ancient Greeks. They performed their stories in Amphitheaters as part of a religious festival which the entire community would participate in. These festivals would last days, even weeks, and contained moments of climax followed by a catharsis or release for the purification of the body, mind, and spirit. In this manner, the townspeople would purge themselves of toxins they held physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually, often weeping and vomiting. Aristotle, in the Poetics, describes the healing and detoxifying power of story as Tragedy having a healthful and humanizing effect on the spectator. Perhaps we don’t have to weep and vomit on one another but certainly there is a healing affect as well as a deep bond formed by those who openly and intimately share their deepest darkest secrets. Those who unbosom their souls free others to follow.

    All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players.


    With that said I will quote my husband Peter, everything is sacred and nothing is sacred. The point being that once you become too attached to your story it may be time to loosen the grip. If you find yourself identifying too much with your finite story and its characters, it is time to detach. Time to take a step back and see things from a higher perspective. You are not your story. You are merely playing a part. You are Infinite! If you can approach your life story from the third person omnipresent, you will find the inner power to become the Divine Story Teller and co-create a new divine version of yourself in unison with the Divine Word Vibration which IS God. You will hold the pen that writes your life story. You will become the Finger of God, writing words that are in harmony with the Vibrational God Source Frequency while leaving your own unique finger print with every word you write. Then you can change your life story and change the your world. You can erase the past mistakes and rewrite your own ending. Ah, but here’s the rub, you must first understand, heal and transmute the life lessons you have created for yourself in order to free yourself, and loosen the grip of karma.

    When you came here, part of your story was to learn Earth’s Collective Story. This is why we read books, watch plays, see films and listen to other people’s stories, to better understand the collective human story. But many of you have forgotten that your job was not to become part of the fallen Earth story. You came here to be a hero! To guide humanity out of the darkness. You came here with your own unique story, plot, and theme, to be a light! But many of you have had to dim your brilliant light to fit into this world of darkness. Perhaps you have been raised by wounded parents, indoctrinated into a broken society and let other people’s perspectives, opinions and stories bleed into your own life story, infecting your every intention like a virus? Perhaps you have joined humanity in the lower frequencies of the broken finite earth? Perhaps the insidious and infectious infiltration of Earth’s Dream Spell has taken your words from Infinite God Source and quietly reversed these words into swords used as weapons against you? These words have convinced you that you are a victim, a martyr, or a villain and cannot change your story. Perhaps these words have perverted your story’s theme, hijacked your plot, and made you into a sidekick in someone else’s story rather than the hero in your own life story?

    Words are magic! Words hold frequencies and can be used for either g(o)od or (d)evil. It all depends on who is holding the magic pen. Words can harm you or heal you. Words can empower, liberate, illuminate, educate, inspire, and expand your consciousness. Words can direct you closer to the truth of the unspoken Word which IS the vibrational frequency of Infinite God Source or they can be used as weapons to confuse, embroil, ensnare, and entrap your consciousness into their finite narratives of fear and powerlessness. Hence we can see the truth behind the saying, The pen is mightier than the sword. This also demonstrates the ancient alchemical premise thought directs energy or energy goes where attention flows, at work in the World.

    The first thing any child learns in school is how to spell. The definition of the word spell is, a spoken word or form of words which holds magic power. So spelling, or the art of casting spells is the first thing taught. It is important to note that in the English language, each word has multiple meanings. So people can easily say one thing and mean another. People who are under a spell or spellbound are hypnotized to SEE only what those who cast the spells want them to see. The storyteller, the writer of words, the caster of spells directs the words or thoughts in a certain direction. The storyteller keeps the reader’s mind contained in the narrative of the story. They can only see what the storyteller wants them to see and only go where the speller directs them with the wave of their magic pen. So the reader is spellbound to the confines of the word, the plot, the story, and the narrative. They cannot see outside the finite architecture of the words, that make up the pages that move the plot forward. If you add an S to words you have swords. So you can see that the word or the pen is indeed mightier than the sword.

    The intention of my words is to ignite the spark of divine truth within you, to arouse the power that lies sleeping, to awaken the Divine Dreamer, the Divine Storyteller. My goal is to expose the underlying virus that has infected you and bring you back to the Truth of the unspoken vibrational frequency of the Word, which IS God inside of you. I will do this through the antidote of Truth, full disclosure of the lies that have been spun around you to keep you asleep in the dream spell. We, on Earth, are on the verge of a great new story, a great awakening, an Ah-hah moment that will jolt the collective in a way never before experienced. But this can only happen if you the Divine Infinite Dreamer awaken from the dream spell that has been cast over you to keep you spellbound, asleep in the dream, and unable to awaken to your true power within.

    The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ, Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line, Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.


    But you can change your story! You are the writer! You hold the pen ...or do you? Many of us think we hold the pen but do we really? Are you letting someone else hold the pen of your life story? Are you allowing yourself to be defined, manipulated, hypnotized, mind controlled by something or someone outside of you? A partner, a family member, a friend, a spiritual teacher? Are you permitting your culture, your government, your vocation, your sex, your age, your race, your religion to define who you are and what you can or cannot do? Where is there an insidious virus poisoning the real story that you have come to Earth to write?

    Many people believe they do not hold the pen of their life but God does. But if God is omnipresent or present in all things, doesn’t this mean that God is also present in you? Doesn’t this mean that you too are the omnipresent voice of God writing your story? But first you must match the words to the vibrational frequency of God’s Word. You must merge with the Divine Infinite Storyteller and become One with God! When you can awaken to the truth by surrendering your finite self to your infinite self, you will know that you are God, all that is, ever has been and ever shall be! You can then take back the magic pen of your life story, step into your power as the Divine Infinite Storyteller of your own life and become the Infinite Human Being God intended you to be.

    So the work is to become an alchemist and transmute your life story! Then you can cancel and wash out every word that is not in atonement or at-one-meant with the ONENESS OF ALL THINGS inherent in original Vibrational God Source Frequency. This is the journey Home, which can take many lifetimes or can happen in the blink of an eye. The reason being that there is no time! Time is an illusion. Time is a series of flash sequences much the same as lightbulbs on a Marque that flash on and off, creating the illusion of movement and time. These flash sequences create mathematical equations that create geometrical patterns that create the structure of each Multiverse or Time Matrix. This pattern carries on into infinity. We use these flash sequences to create the illusion of time to create meaning in our lives. To have a beginning, middle and end to things. To allow us to reflect, learn and grow from our experiences. What does exist is an infinite number of realities, moments and versions of you! These separate realities are like distinct and separate pictures or frames in a movie. When we splice the frames together, we create the illusion of time through moving pictures. These movies create our life story. So your story is simply a series of framed moments or choices made by flashing into Infinite Source, then back out again co-creating your unique holographic reality. Moment to moment, you are choosing another version of yourself, writing and rewriting each word of your life story. Each moment in time is like a pearl when all strung together make up a necklace. When these strands of pearls or threads are woven together, they create the tapestry of time. You can choose to step into a higher vibratory frequency or flash sequence of yourself or a lower one. Likewise, you can step onto a higher timeline of Earth’s future or a lower one. One of ascension or one of descension.

    How do you ascend in frequency? Thought directs energy. Imagineer the new optimal version of yourself and step into it! But in order to maintain that higher vibratory version of yourself, you must heal all your past wounds and traumas so your triggers will not pull you back into the lower frequencies. You must heal your shadow self and learn all your lessons. If you are having trouble maintaining this higher version of yourself then it is a sign that you have not completely healed from these painful experiences and learned the lessons that they are gifting you. I know nobody likes to return to painful moments in their lives, but unless you have fully integrated these life lessons, you cannot graduate from Earth School and move into the next vibrational frequency.

    All creation moves in spirals. You are either returning back to Infinite God Source on the KRYSTALA SPIRAL of LIFE or descending away from Infinite Source on the Fibonacci spiral of DEATH. (Fib-A-Not-Chi) When you are choosing life and ascending back to Infinite God Source, you feel good! Your life flows. Of course you may feel you are repeating some of the same lessons over and over again. But if you look closer, the pain or discomfort you feel around the subject is diminishing and you are receiving help to fully integrate these lessons into your life. It is in feeling, accepting, understanding, learning and loving our pain that we heal ourselves back into wholeness. Love is the magic ingredient that transmutes all! This is necessary to move beyond the confines of your finite self. When the lessons are learned, when tests are passed... you graduate and move up to the next grade. It is in this way we transmute ourselves from the lower vibratory frequency versions of ourselves into a higher more refined version of ourselves aligned and RESET with the Vibrational Frequency of Infinite God Source within, thus becoming One with God.

    In your life story you may create a tragedy or a comedy. It makes no difference to God, the Divine Infinite Story Teller. The whole purpose of these stories in the mind of God is for you to better know yourself. The Divine Infinite Storyteller within you creates characters, plots, themes, and catharses for you to better know thyself or the Infnite to know ITself. Infinite God Source then plays out all of the roles because, after all, God is Infinite. It casts itself as both the Hero and the Villain. It plays all the major characters and minor characters and will continue rewriting the same story over and over again until you, the main character, say, There’s got to be something better and I WANT IT! Then you must create it! This is the story of the Hero, the Heroine, the Shaman, the Alchemist! This is my story, your story. This is the story of the Hero’s Journey Home.



    An unexamined life is not worth living.


    My story begins on the Island of Manhattan in New York City where I was born the same year Fidel Castro took over Cuba, the Dali Lama fled Tibet, Aldous Huxley warned the medical community about the dangers of future medicine, Walt Disney released Sleeping Beauty, NASA announced its selection of America’s first astronauts, Mattel Released the Barbie Doll and the Presbyterian Church accepted women preachers. My parents named me Elizabeth Lee Steere. Elizabeth, meaning Dedicated to God or God’s House of Light. Lee, meaning Poet or Healer, and Steere, meaning, Star or to Steer. When I married Peter, I took on his name Monroy which means My King or in my case My Queen. Women who take on the name of their husbands join in their soul mission. This is his story, as well as mine. Your name as it appears on your birth certificate is your logos which will guide you to your life’s purpose. If you look closely, every soul, has set up signs and symbols to help them remember who they are and why they came to Earth. They are in the letters of your name, the lines on your hands, the bumps on your head, the numerology and astrology of your birth chart, even the bumper sticker on the back of the car in front of you! They are everywhere! Your job, is to properly interpret them. My job is to be assist people in their own inner healing through my words serving as a guiding star, steering them back to the Kingdom of Infinite God Source within. This is my logos. I did not know it then but I was to be a brilliant light in a world of great darkness. Though many times my light was doused and my divine creative sparkle smothered I always reignited it!

    The obstetrician christened me a perfect baby at birth. Every year on my birthday, my father would retell the same story of how perfect I was. I would always feel it was a standard I could never reach, a bar raised too high. But now that my dear dad is gone, I realize it was a message we had set up long before my birth to remind me throughout my life, despite all the challenges I faced, underneath all my imperfections, I was PERFECT! We humans beings are all perfect. . . we have just forgotten. We have been born into an imperfect world where our divine essence was fractured, and this spiritual journey we call life is simply the process of becoming whole or holy again, by releasing our imperfections and returning to our true Divine Infinite State of perfection.


    The catalyst for my awakening was in kindergarten. One day when I was in a pitch-black bathroom, I saw the skeleton of my classmate walking towards me. I thought everyone had this type of x-ray vision until one day in the emergency room after a bicycle accident, they wheeled in a heavy machine to x-ray my skull. When I asked the medical staff why they didn’t just turn off the lights, they laughed. I began to SEE that there were two very different realities—the one that most people agreed upon as reality and another unseen world. As I moved through life, I began to realize that most people no longer had this ability to SEE beyond the veil of illusion. I thought everyone would be delighted to benefit from my intuitive abilities, but I soon found out that the world did not want people like me nor my extraordinary gifts and talents. This was perhaps the greatest tragedy of my life. It wasn’t until years later when I read the book Autobiography of a Yogi that I learned that my x-ray vision was the sign of a true healer. It took me many more years to come to understand the full power of this extraordinary gift and how to properly use it. X-rays create shadows, separating the dark from the light and exposing the dis-ease within our physical bodies. This allows the healer to SEE the root cause of the dis-ease that must be addressed so they can properly assist the person to restore balance. But it takes an intuitive healer to SEE the darkness in the emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies. I did not know it then, but I possessed this ability. I just needed to learn how to use it with wisdom, which is knowledge administered though love.

    One of my first memories is of holding my head next to the stereo console and listening to the song Puff the Magic Dragon by Peter, Paul and Mary, tears streaming down my face. I never understood why every time I heard this song I would sob uncontrollably! I now realize it was a memory of my true star family, a powerful, noble guardian race of Dragon Kings and Queens. This royal Dragon Queen lineage is passed down from mother to daughter. Normally, the higher the genetics, the more wounded the females. My mother was no exception. I so desperately wanted to communicate with her my otherworldly experiences, but she could never understand them. As I grew up, she became more and more critical of me, perhaps for fear of what would happen if people found out I had special abilities. She was unable to give me the love and nurturing I so desperately needed as a child. At times, I felt so completely alone, like an abandoned orphan on a hostile planet in the custody of a wicked stepmother.

    Although I was an intelligent, intuitive, and creative child, I had few opportunities to express it. As a result, I always felt less than others. I was extremely dyslexic and bored with the left-brained educational system. As a result, I retreated into a world that existed within the power of my imagination. My spirit guides inhabited my dolls and stuffed animals. They guided me through the wounds of my childhood. And then there was my father, who was a kindred spirit.

    Each morning, before my dad would go to work, I would lay down on the stairs and pretend to be asleep. My father would pause and say to my mother, Look, Margaret, a golden-haired princess asleep on the stairs. I wonder, if I kiss her, would she awaken? Then, he would lean down and kiss me, and I would wake up. He was my savior, my Prince Charming! Thus began my princess programming, but a seed was planted to be fully awakened by true love.

    I was always in love with Peter. Even before we met in this lifetime. I was in love with the promise of him. When I was in first grade my mother enrolled me in an acting class after school. I loved it! For our recital, we had to choose a character from history and recite a monologue. I chose Wendy from Peter Pan. I remember the heated debate I had with my drama teacher. She was a big woman with flaming, red hair, and a bellowing voice, who told me that Peter Pan was not real. I adamantly disagreed. On the big night after George and Martha Washington, Pocahontas, Lewis and Clark, etcetera, I was the last to proudly take the stage. There, in my periwinkle blue nightgown, I stood in front of the audience, my proud parents gazing on as I began to recite, I am Wendy Mora Angela Darling, Peter Pan taught me to fly. After my performance, I drew a picture of Peter Pan and taped it on the wall beside my bed. Every night I would kiss him good night and when I fell asleep, he would come get me and we would fly away to Never-Never Land.

    When Fidel Castro came to power on the island of Cuba, Peter had to flee for his life. After two years of hiding at his family’s beach home, he got passage on a plane destined for the Bahamas, with a layover in Miami. When he arrived in Miami, he bought a pack of Salem menthol cigarettes with the small bit of money his mother had sewn into his clothes, and locked himself in the bathroom. When the plane left, he presented himself to the customs agent who was going to send him back to Cuba. Peter, not being able to speak a word of English, and knowing that this would mean his certain death, began to cry, and handed the customs agent a small piece of paper with a phone number of a priest written on it. The agent, touched with compassion, called the Priest, who came and got Peter and took him to the first Cuban boys’ camp. This was the beginning of what came to be called Operación Pedro Pan or The Peter Pan Operation which became a clandestine mass exodus of over fourteen thousand unaccompanied Cuban minors, known at the time as Pedro Pans or Peter Pans.

    My father was a Presbyterian Minister. He was a very spiritual man who grew beyond the confines of religion. Above all, he was an eternal optimist! He believed in the inherent good in people. He had inherited that quality from my grandmother, whom, I always identified as my fairy godmother. She supplied the nurturing my mother lacked. She would create beautiful clothes for me to wear and always made me feel so special. My dad and I had a deep spiritual bond. He too was descended from the Dragon Kings. I remember, before he died, I sculpted him, a clay statue of Puff the Magic Dragon, reading a book with a large tear rolling down his cheek.

    Like my father before me and many of you, I was of the first wave of volunteers, who came from the God Source Worlds to answer the call of creation, to RESET the Divine Angelic Infinite Human Races and our time matrix to the Infinite! I came to assist Earth in the Krystos Mission of recovering the lost souls of Tara and assisting all those souls who desired to return HOME to Infinite Source. I came with my twin soul Peter to learn about the fallen realms and try to prevent the massive cataclysmic fall. We failed. I choose to stay to help preserve the truth and to help those Earth-bound souls return home during this ascension cycle. Along the way, as Earth fell deeper and deeper into the darkness, and the deceptions of the dream spell, I fell with it. I had my genetics downgraded, my memories erased and my soul entrapped. I had my good intentions of leading humanity towards the eternal light of truth, co-opted by the false light. I became embroiled by the dark side, spiritually hijacked.

    My father’s quest for union with God lead him to the Seminary where he became an ordained minister. He decided to pursue his Doctorate of Theology at Union Presbyterian Seminary in New York City, where I was born. When he graduated he took his position as a faculty member at the Louisville Presbyterian Seminary where he founded the Marriage and Family Therapy Program. But, in his early humble days, he would travel the back roads of Kentucky, preaching in small farming communities and I would travel with him. I was so hypnotized by his amazing storytelling abilities that once when I was no more than six, I stood up in my pew and my father had to tell me to sit down from the pulpit. One of his favorite Bible stories was Joseph and his Coat of Many Colors. When I went away to college my mother bought me a beautiful woven poncho of many colors. One day in Italy it got caught in my bicycle spokes. I looked down at the ripped and stained coat. Foreshadowing?

    I was surrounded by religious people my entire childhood. I was baptized by my uncle whom my father had convinced to become a minister. My parent’s circle of friends included members of our congregation, fellow ordained ministers, and my father’s students who were studying to become ministers. I believe that because of my father’s keen intellect he began to question religion. Once, I asked my father for a Bible and he reluctantly gave me one. It wasn’t’ anything he said but I got the message loud and clear. Another time I came home to find him editing the Bible. I asked him what he was doing, and he told me the female ministers were complaining about always having to refer to God as male. Good for them! I thought. He sheepishly looked up and said, you know they’re right. My father intellectually and intuitively knew that much of the truth had been altered or left out of the poorly translated, severely edited, and misinterpreted book called The Holy Bible.

    I think this discrepancy inherent in religion turned my father’s spiritual search towards the humanistic movement being born in California during the sixties. It was his deep desire to serve his fellow human beings and expand his own consciousness that motivated him to load us up into our family station wagon, with our Volkswagen Beetle in tow and like the pioneers before us head West. We were in search of God, adventure, and whatever lay ahead. It was 1968 and at the age of eight I found myself in the middle of Southern California at the tail end of the sixties! The human potential movement was all around me and it was an amazing time to be alive! My father studied Transactional Analysis with Eric Berne, Family Therapy with Virginia Satire, Gestalt Therapy with Fritz Perls, Childhood Development with Eric Erickson, and a host of other pioneers, who had made their way to California to give birth to the human potential movement. I met many of these people personally and was often included in the workshops and group therapy sessions. We lived in a beachfront apartment in Del Mar, California, down the beach from Desi Arnaz, a Cuban! Long haired hippies wearing sandals would play guitars around bonfires at night on the beach. The air was alive with freedom, creativity, experimentation, and the promise of an exciting new age! My school was very progressive, and I was selected to be on the debate team! Sam Keen, my father’s colleague at the seminary had also brought his family west. One day, his daughter told me about the Big Secret. She made me swear I would never tell anyone and she also said, let’s become the youngest authors ever to write a book! So, I started writing about the Big Secret, without breaking my oath to her in my first children’s book, The Magical Mist.

    Nine months after blazing our trail West, we climbed back into our wagon train and headed back East. Needless to say, returning to Kentucky after living in Southern California during the sixties was a bit of a letdown. In my children’s book, The Magical Mist, the main character, Lauren has her magical rag doll, thrown away along with the Key to the World of Imagination. That pretty much sums up how I felt back in Louisville, Kentucky. I had my creative sparkle all but snuffed out by the indoctrination of the public school system, which was the theme of my children’s book. It was only in the library where I could escape in books or when I had the opportunity to write, direct, and act in my own plays, that my creative sparkle was reignited!

    My father brought the energies of the sixties and the human potential movement back to Kentucky with him. I saw my parents transform from the black and white starch conservatism of the fifties into a psychedelic kaleidoscope of colorful expressions. I watched the conservative restraints of the fifties give way as more open-minded ministers joined the faculty of the Louisville Presbyterian Seminary. Worship services transformed into outdoor events with communion being passed around from bowls filled with wine and loaves of sour dough bread, while the congregation sat on blankets listening to folk music. One Commencement everyone left the chapel singing and dancing to the song Jeramiah was a Bullfrog!

    People’s hair grew longer, their clothing looser, and my parents went to New York to see the Broadway Musical Hair which encapsulated the freedom of expression young people embellished as they let their hair grow longer. Interestingly, it has been proven that hair serves as a kind of extrasensory antenna. The U.S. Army learned this when they forced their Native American Scouts to cut their hair and discovered that they lost their ability to track their enemies. I have always been singled out and teased throughout my life for my wild, curly hair, my signature feature. I remember standing on the main street in Malibu, California one evening with John Savage, the actor who starred in the musical film, Hair, serenading me with Italian opera. Nothing happens by chance.

    As Peace, Love, Happiness and Flower Power" infiltrated mainstream society, musicians like Bob Dylan, Joan Baez, Cat Stevens and Donovan, as well as Rock Operas such as Joseph and his Technicolored Dream Coat, and of course Jesus Christ Superstar vibrated the walls of our old log cabin. The Rock Opera Jesus Christ Superstar made religion cool transforming Jesus and his apostles into rabble-rousing hippies that challenged authority. I knew every word of this Rock Opera and my first teen idol was, well, Jesus or Ted Neely. Buffy Saint Marie’s ballads recounted America’s true history, with each line punctured with the reoccurring verse, America, your people are dying. Even the musical Hair warned us with Lyrics such as, facing a dying nation of moving paper fantasy listening for the new-told lie.!

    Our family vacations were retreats to deepen our spiritual growth. One summer, we visited the Edgar Cayce Foundation at Virginia Beach. Another year, we went to Ghost Ranch, a spiritual retreat center owned by the Presbyterian Church for ministers and their families in New Mexico. It was the same year the movie Billy Jack came out and I was around the same age as their daughter Teresa, who wrote and sang the song, Your Brother is Dead, in protest of the war in Vietnam. We stayed in teepees, made God’s eyes, tied dyed clothing, acted out bible stories and had fascinating discussions. I remember being paired with a Presbyterian Minister and although I was just a kid he treated me like an equal. He confided in me that he thought the word God had lost its true meaning from being so overused and abused. He said he thought we should think up a new word. I reflected on our conversation for years, and one day, the word Infinite came to me. So now I refer to God as Divine Infinite God Source or simply: The Infinite. I think it would be very hard to make finite the word Infinite.



    The Infinite is just that—Infinite. It is all that is, ever has been, and ever shall be. There is no beginning. There is no ending. No Alpha, no Omega! It is everything and nothing. It exists beyond time and space, which is often difficult for our finite brains to imagine. Nonetheless, it is what it is, even if you cannot comprehend it. Imagine if you will a Void. In this Void, there is no light, no sound, no thought, no form, just vast infiniteness. This is the Infinite in its pure divine state of Prima Materia . This Infinite all-encompassing energy makes up everything within us and around us. IT is known by many names: Chi, Ki, Prana, Divine Principal, Holy Spirit, the Force or Source. It is not chaotic, erratic energy as we have been taught to believe. The Infinite is love, beauty, unity, harmony, and intelligence. It is a unified field of harmonized energy made from pure love, eternal sound and light. It is the very building block of all creation. IT is ALL ONE. It is LOVE: the unifying, purifying force of the multiverse, the cosmic glue that binds everything together. IT is the unspoken word within the breath of God. This unspoken word is the intrinsic, intuitive, instinctual means of communication within our soul. It is in the way the Trees, the Animals, the Stars, the Wind, the Sea, and our Mother Earth herself, commune. This inner voice of wisdom tells the birds to fly south in Winter, the seedlings to sprout in spring, the planets to rotate around the Sun, the Stars to be born and to die. This is the way a mother communicates with her unborn child, and animals communicate with one another. This is the pure, untainted, true language of the soul. It is the unspoken divine language of truth that cannot be confounded, misinterpreted, twisted, or manipulated into bald-faced lies. It is the truth known only by our soul through its connection with Infinite God Source.

    This living organic Infinite God Consciousness is inherent within all things. It is encoded into every molecule, present within every atom, found within every element in the world of matter. This is the native language inherent within our cells; it is what makes up our consciousness that communicates with all consciousness. It is the multidimensional language of light, frequency, sound, and symbols. This energy directs thoughts through telepathic transmissions of creation codes, into encryptions of cosmic downloads that are translated into thoughts and words that co-creates our reality. The true fall of the Tower of Babel was not when our spoken words were confounded into different languages but when the original unspoken word which was God, was separated from God Frequency. This is where the first distortion occurred. This was when the Language of the Stars was confounded with the lower frequencies and polluted into our spoken words.

    The soul/sole purpose of the Infinite is to know itself! This is why the Infinite fired its first flash sequence, creating the holy trinity of Partiki, Partika and Particum, setting into perpetual motion all of creation. This first emanation sparked by the Infinite was fueled by the desire to Know Thyself. This was the first Word of God spoken from pure love. It was the first utterance of Sound of the eternal I AM that set into motion our Story of Creation. It laid the foundation for the Divine Holographic Architecture inherent in the creation codes of our Infinite organic holographic Universes. As this divine technology expanded it created the multiverses, universes, galaxies, star systems, solar systems, planets, and even you! The organic holographic multiverse is based upon open Infinite Divine Architecture with sequences that emerge from the center-point of creation and return to it, perpetually retaining an open living, breathing (expanding and contracting) connection to Infinite Source. Infinite open architecture always preserves that which came before it. Organic Creation always maintains its connection to Source while expanding through the multiplication of the Infinite. Nothing is ever lost. It is an open system that draws energy or feeds directly from INFINITE GOD SOURCE during its eternal dance of expression, expansion and contraction. This is the true nature of the Divine God Consciousness Technology of our Organic Infinite Holographic Universe.

    What does it mean that our Universe is a Divine Organic Hologram? This means that every tiny particle which makes up the Universe is also a hologram, or in simple terms, every

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