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Heaven on Earth Begins: The Seven Stages of Love
Heaven on Earth Begins: The Seven Stages of Love
Heaven on Earth Begins: The Seven Stages of Love
Ebook288 pages3 hours

Heaven on Earth Begins: The Seven Stages of Love

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About this ebook

Over the past decade, Tala Scott has learned that loving and being loved is the true key to unlocking the hearts hidden treasures.

Scott, who is a long-time researcher and teacher of sacred relationships, shares valuable insight that takes the Divine Union Relationship in a forward direction by revealing the seven stages of love. As she details her odyssey to find true love, Scott invites the reader on a fascinating journey that swings across the vine of loves ups and downs as each admirer follows the path to her heart and offers a piece of the puzzle that prepares her for the ultimate relationshipthe Divine Union. But do the admirers ultimately fulfill their purpose and does Scott learn all she needs to know about love?

Heaven on Earth Begins: The Seven Stages of Love shares a life-changing message of the Divine Union Relationship that leads others down an introspective path of self-discovery to the purest of loves.
Release dateSep 10, 2018
Heaven on Earth Begins: The Seven Stages of Love

Tala Scott

Tala Scott is a teacher and presenter of the Divine Union Relationship who has dedicated twenty years to research and study to help thousands find loving, healthy relationships. The mother of four children lives on the beautiful Sunshine Coast in Queensland. This is the second book in her Divine Union series.

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    Heaven on Earth Begins - Tala Scott

    Copyright © 2018 Tala Scott.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5043-1385-8 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5043-1386-5 (e)

    Balboa Press rev. date: 09/06/2018






    Stage 1: Karmic Contract – Mr Grey

    Chapter 1 Childhood Dreams

    Chapter 2 Reflections

    Chapter 3 Love Don’t Live Here Anymore

    Summary - 1st Stage

    Stage 2: Soul Mate – Mr McDreamy

    Chapter 4 Doctor Love

    Chapter 5 Well Made Plans

    Chapter 6 Loving Friends

    Chapter 7 Facets of Love

    Chapter 8 First Facet

    Chapter 9 Second Facet

    Chapter 10 Third Facet

    Summary - 2nd Stage

    Stage 3: Heart Soul – Mr Unavailable

    Chapter 11 My Lucky Stars

    Chapter 12 Breakfast at T’s

    Chapter 13 Then I Saw His Face

    Chapter 14 Facing the Truth

    Chapter 15 Soul Sisters

    Chapter 16 Loving Presence

    Chapter 17 Guitar Man

    Summary - 3rd Stage

    Stage 4: Twin Soul – Mr Upgrade

    Chapter 18 New Heights

    Chapter 19 Helping Hand

    Chapter 20 Rainforest

    Chapter 21 Healing Retreat

    Chapter 22 The Three of Us

    Summary - 4th Stage

    Stage 5: Heart Flame – Mr Variety

    Chapter 23 Colours of Love

    Chapter 24 New Horizons

    Summary - 5th Stage

    Stage 6: Twin Flame – Mr Duality

    Chapter 25 Paradise Found

    Summary - 6th Stage

    Stage 7: Divine Union – Mr Darcy

    Chapter 26 Through the Looking Glass

    Chapter 27 The Omega Connection

    Summary - 7th Stage

    Love Divine



    To Christine

    My loving sister and beautiful friend

    And to those who believe in love



    Heaven on Earth Begins. The next level of teaching is ready to commence. My first book, Heaven on Earth, provided a glimpse into a new world concerning love and relationships. Wisdom and knowledge accumulates within the sacred heart as it prepares to traverse the intricate road ahead. The clearing away of limiting patterns and beliefs must be completed now. It is time to get serious if you want the Divine Union Relationship.

    The teaching contained in this book is referred to as the ‘Seven Stages of Love’. Innovative ideas pave the way forward to the most amazing relationship we will ever know. We ask relevant questions that need to be answered. What is love? How do we obtain it? How do we keep it forever? We are all seeking answers and searching for truth.

    Our world has evolved during the past decade. But our deepest need to love and be loved has not. It is time to experience and embrace a brave new world as we cultivate self-love and inner strength. We have been told that our bravery will be rewarded. It’s important to remember that the power of positive thinking can bring to fruition the extraordinary lives we are meant to live.

    The family of humanity is ready to move forward and take the next evolutionary steps toward an inspired life. Just like the lotus flower pushes through the water’s surface to bloom, the heart pushes its way forward toward the soft stirrings of divine love.

    The Divine Union Relationship is linked to love, integrity, beauty and truth. The true meaning of miracles is found within the mysteries of the sacred heart that have stood the test of time. We are being encouraged to enter the next level of new experiences as they are revealed. These new experiences leave clues, a treasure map of scattered gems, as new pathways appear encouraging us to explore love more freely and deeply than ever before.

    The sacred heart knows the way. The map is alight with anticipation Are you ready?



    A decade has passed since I wrote my first book Heaven on Earth. Numerous life experiences swirl within my heart. Anticipation fills me to the brim as I sit at my desk to transcribe the next level of the Divine Union Relationship.

    Only the brave in heart, body, soul and mind can fully understand the wonderment of this new love story that is beginning to emerge. My soul dances in connection to the rhythm of new and amazing life situations and circumstances. The information I have discovered takes the Divine Union Relationship forward in a positive and expansive direction.

    It’s my belief that we are emerging from the dark cocoon of the unknown veils of illusion that blind us and bind us to the harsh world of pain and suffering. Some people endure so much suffering that they want to give up on life, they don’t want to go on. New truths are beginning to emerge that in time will set us free. However, as we begin, there are steps to take and obstacles to overcome.

    The wisdom I have obtained during the past ten years has revealed that the path to secure freedom comes at a price. It demands our willingness to let go of life’s struggles and to cultivate the understanding that we deserve so much more. In truth, I was faced with the demands of change and growth, to remove outdated patterns and limiting belief systems. The suffering we endure from this state of awareness creates emotional and mental wounds. It leaves us exhausted, exposed, fragile and broken. Endurance of pain can result in an armour like shell that surrounds and tightly squeezes the sacredness and sanctity of the heart. The ability to truly shine and live to our full potential is lost, as fear has immobilised us. To love and be loved is the true key required to unlock the heart’s hidden treasures.

    The road I have travelled and the experiences I have shared with the men portrayed in the Seven Stages of Love opened my life to higher truths and understanding of the human heart, body, soul and mind. I have known first-hand happiness, joy and wonderment as I discovered deep emotions regarding the synergy of love. Rejection, pain and releasing old emotional wounds also surfaced as I learnt about the limitations that kept me isolated and alone. There was much work to do. Ultimately, the journey has led me to the discovery of my authentic self, to inner peace, joy and the understanding that I can now access the purest love contained in the Divine Union Relationship.

    I am convinced that we were not born to suffer. It’s my belief that we are born to experience all possibilities and especially, the best that life has to offer. We must let the balance of the heart and mind guide our lives as we evolve and bond together as the family of humanity. The Divine Union Relationship holds the keys we seek. We can and should have it all!

    Now that I have completed and integrated the seven stages of love into my heart, I am ready to soar to new horizons. As I reflect, I acknowledge that I am not the same woman I once was. Gentleness, love, gratitude and a deepening sense of compassion and joy now fills my heart. I am brave, compassionate and open to experience the new life opportunities that await me. As a young woman, I possessed enormous faith and courage, yet I continually stumbled through life. This occurred, because like most people, I had limited knowledge of the core teachings of love and relationships.

    Education and healing are our best courses of action and the most progressive steps we can take toward achieving our goals. It is my purpose and honour to teach the Divine Union Relationship, to point the way out of the maze of confusion and limited understanding. The place to start this inner and outer journey of transformation begins with ourselves. The basis of our happiness and joy depends on it! Honouring and loving yourself illuminates the map that leads to the ultimate destination. It is the cornerstone and fabric of the future we can build together.



    Starry, starry night

    The silky eminence of the universe shimmers with light. I can feel the intensity of vibration beginning to emerge from a source, as yet, unknown. In this moment, I am unaware that a star is preparing to explode. The vibration escalates and the rumbling amplifies as I watch, enraptured, the scene unfolding around me.

    I am awake in a dream-vision experience once again and consciously aware of all that is happening. I am witnessing miraculous phenomena. I smile with absolute delight. My body is floating in the luminous dark mass of space. Feelings of immense love are pulsating toward me. Stars, too numerous to count, are twinkling and tumbling like precious jewels, bewilderingly beautiful. All I feel is a deep, abiding love and connection to my beloved stars.

    Our universe is breathtaking and vast, absolutely beyond measure. Dust particles swirl past, dancing and swaying and tumbling in their cosmic playground. Majestic hues of colour and light swirl with effortless grace. As my eyes search the endless void of space, I see light fragments swirl and intertwine with radiating nebulae. It can only be described as perfection at play. I am completely overwhelmed by all that I see.

    My heart is thumping extraordinarily fast. Prisms of light shimmer and glow silhouetted against the pitch-black void. It is not death I am about to witness, but the birth of life anew. The birth of the supernova is immanent!

    Flickering energy involutes, dancing and swaying to the rhythm of atomic particles preparing to reach a critical mass. I hear a rumbling so deafening it defies description. As the inevitable outcome approaches, the reverberation within the impending explosion is unbelievably intense. At this stage I feel no fear. I am floating like a soft, white feather hovering in the magnificence of star-filled space as I am reverently, tenderly held within the vibrating arms of the universe.

    Fear quietly seeps into my mind like gentle rain falling. A realisation dawns! A star is going to explode and I’m floating in the universe with it! What am I going to do? I ask myself. Oh no, I’m going to die. Panic rises within me and my pulse pounds in my ears like thunderous tribal drums. Conscious thought interrupts my state of panic and I remind myself to breathe. Be brave, just breathe, I tell myself out loud. Any moment now, death will come for me.

    In a split second, as if orchestrated by an invisible force, all thoughts cease. An all-pervading stillness ensues. Love permeates my heart and the chatter in my mind fades away. An almighty explosion is heard. The blast expands within the invisible force of nature. I cover my eyes from the shock waves and the colour blinding my eyes. Creation, however, hovers in the simplicity and complexity of its grandeur. The symphony of the universe is singing a song more beautiful than before.

    Renewed energy, light and brilliance has formed from the star’s death. Bewildered and in shock, I watch, and then stand in awe at the birth of this majestic supernova. An epiphany dawns, a deeper understanding suddenly emerges. My beloved star is gone, obliterated with the finality that accompanies death. The heightened energy of the new star is just beginning to evolve, exuding secrets that are yet to be discovered.

    What just happened? I ask myself in disbelief. My reasoning mind tells me I should be dead, but I am still very much alive! There is a part of us that never dies. We change, transform and become more incredible than ever before. There is no death! We are immortal.

    My eyes shine with clarity and wonderment at the brilliance of creation. My heart is exploding in cosmic bliss. Intense pulsations of love wash over me connecting me to the link, the heart of humankind. A remembrance stirs, an absolute knowing is now revealing that a greater plan has emerged.

    The dream-vision slowly shimmers and is gone.

    I woke with a shudder and bolted upright in my bed. It was January 1, 2015. My mind was having difficulty comprehending all that I had witnessed. The feeling of absolute love and wonderment toward creation came flooding back with intensity and awe. I had just witnessed the birth of a supernova and the significance of the miracle was crystal clear. My life was going to change dramatically.

    Rainbow coloured birds were playing outside my bedroom window, chirping loudly with animated delight. I adore birds, yet I was wishing that they would chirp with a little less enthusiasm. I wasn’t quite ready to embrace the day. I also loved my new bed and especially my luxurious Vera Wang doona and 1,000 thread count cotton sheets. Ah, the bliss! More importantly, I wanted to hold onto this sacred feeling for as long as humanly possible. I know I am incredibly lucky to witness and remember my dream-vision explorations.

    This New Year held amazing life experiences that were preparing to unfold. It contained the secret of magical events that were going to herald the new direction my life would take. It also contained the joy of transcribing all the experiences that needed to be included in this book.

    The seven stages of love are ready to begin.


    The First Stage of Love

    Karmic Contract – Mr Grey

    This book you now hold in your hands

    Contains the secret of love’s commands

    The Divine Union Relationship is real and bold

    The Seven Stages of Love can now be told

    Love is the key the heart searches for

    Found in the inner sanctum, the heart’s true core

    Read the words of love divine

    They’re real, true and so sublime

    The heart really does know what to do

    Follow this map, the real-life clues

    If not, you’ll fall into a daze

    And walk into the relationship maze

    Challenges appear, there’s no more fun

    The clues are gone; a whirlwind has spun

    Until you know what love is not

    You will tie your heart in knots

    Until you decide to follow the clues

    The Divine Union Relationship won’t flow to you

    Heal the heart of old wounds and pain

    That’s how to free the heart again

    Rejection and hurt, those deep old wounds

    Need to be healed and then the heart swoons

    Remember what I say is true

    Divine love will reveal its path to you

    Read this book with an open heart

    Then true wisdom begins to spark

    And reveals the real, the inner you

    This opens the doorway to the first stage clue


    Chapter 1

    Childhood Dreams

    A strong gusting southerly wind whipped and whistled through ancient trees anchored on a seven-acre property nestled in a country township in Australia. A little boy, aged five, stood on the back porch of his family home. He was dressed like an urchin with dirt smeared across his face and shirt. Yet, this little boy was strong, he possessed the heart of a true warrior.

    His destiny was whispered in haunting tones that arose within the symphony of the whistling wind. But he didn’t hear the melody, the symphony’s call. His mind was preoccupied with other things. A small container of food and water was added to his backpack. The food and water contained the nourishment he needed for his body but not for his soul. The little warrior slipped into his sneakers and stepped off the porch to begin his daily trek.

    Tiny fingers gently brushed over tall golden blades of grass burnt dark gold in the scorching sun. To his delight they were dancing and swaying in the breeze. No one was taking care of this little boy. He swirled around with wild abandonment as magic filled the air. This was the kind of magic that only little boys can only hear when they feel disconnected from love.

    To discover and explore the majesty of the land was his life purpose and the secrets it contained filled his world with wonderment and joy. He loved his daily walks with Sam, his beloved dog and trusted companion. These treks were also his saving grace. The land contained majestic hay castles and playgrounds that encouraged him to explore. Without knowing how or why, he knew he was protected from the numerous dangers in nature that roamed around him. But he felt so terribly frightened and alone regarding the uncertainties of life.

    Five years passed. Today was a special day. Or, it should have been. Looking into the dark pool of the mirror’s reflection, he saw a stranger staring back. Luminous dark chocolate eyes peered from beneath silky black eyelashes. Black curly hair framed a beautiful face. His family members had declared, on previous occasions, that he was much too pretty to be a boy. Today was his tenth birthday. But he didn’t feel much like celebrating. He wasn’t sure if anyone would remember or care anyway. After a quick wash, he ventured downstairs for breakfast. There was no one to greet him, just the empty stillness

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