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Undeads are Walking: Undeads are Walking, #1
Undeads are Walking: Undeads are Walking, #1
Undeads are Walking: Undeads are Walking, #1
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Undeads are Walking: Undeads are Walking, #1

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About this ebook

Zombies. Once were seen only in movies, shows, video games, comics and novels, now, they have come to reality due to a mysterious novel virus that has struck the entire world and created a huge chaos everywhere. Thankfully, there are a secret Organization who have trained in the shadows to contra-attack viruses or apocalypse like this one.

This e-book series will offer the short stories of groups of survivors, or alone, going through the hardships of the zombie apocalypse, and noticing it will be not like the ones they have sawed in the medias.

This first volume contains three parts:

1. Fall of Sofia - A group of sixteen survivors, located on Cluj-Napoca, have managed to get on their first day of the apocalypse, due to military orders, at the Avram Iancu Airport where they take a plane that will fly them to Greece. Unfortunately, their journey wouldn't as easy as they thought at first.

2. Maine Street - On Maine, France, a journalist, Raoul, was called by somebody to go there because it has a scope which would help him be famous. As he got there, and meet the source, Raoul will later notice the scope is actually something bigger for a small newspaper in France.

3. Road to Haga - After a week from the first infection, three survivors have finally decided to leave their first shelter, which was a small building in Drachten, and head to Haga port, where they will take a boat to one of the artificial islands built by the Organization.

PublisherEduard Mihail
Release dateFeb 27, 2022
Undeads are Walking: Undeads are Walking, #1

Eduard Mihail

A Romanian writer from Argeș, Romania, that one day has decided to write in English. I started to write on this language two years ago as an experiment, but now, I start to write on a daily basis.

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    Book preview

    Undeads are Walking - Eduard Mihail

    Part 1

    Fall on Sofia

    Chapter 1

    Goodbye, you nasty boss!


    On the city Cluj-Napoca, in Romania, on a gas station, there is a woman at a young age, who got pink and brown long hair, she is tall and slim not like a plank, much like a teenage girl with an athletic body. She is staying on the table where she scans the groceries or the people who are taking the gas from those pumps. She has one client, who is a bald man wearing a black vest with a white dirt shirt with a logo who resemble a fisherman using a spear instead of a fishing equipment. The man asks the lady about a pack of cigars, and she gives it to him. The man quickly gives him the money and then leaves without taking the paper called Bon Fiscal in Romanian language, but English it is known as receipt. She takes that receipt, and throws in the trash, like the others receipts since customers aren't taking them most of the times. After she did that, her boss came to her and told her.

    Ana. You have to arrange the things on their shelves.

    Where is Gus? she asks the boss since it is his duty to do this thing.

    I have no idea, but when he will come back, I will put him to do shift on weekends. Now go and do this job or else I will be cutting your salary. and leaves.

    Like you always do. she says turning her eyes upside down for a moment and going to do the job for that lazy co-worker who is most likely smoking another cigar on the back of the store.

    She got the goods the boss put it somewhere obvious and she proceed to arrange it and put in order to their shelves. She first started with dairy products, she first arranged the milk who contains fifty percent grease, and then she starts with the ones with thirty percentage grease. After she finished with the milk, she started with yogurt, delicious fruit yoghurts with strawberries, blueberry, bananas, mango, honey, biscuits and so much different flavours that would even make Terry from Brooklyn 99 comedy to show to feel energized to go to directly to Romania and buy a random yoghurt product from a random small store.

    After she finished with the dairy products, she goes to the fruit section, but before she was about to put bananas on the specified part, she heard a scream. She goes up, looks behind her, and runs to the back store. There, she sees one of his co-workers who is bitten by a crazy guy, who seems like a homeless, but in reality, it is something much more terrifying.

    Help! Help me, Ana! says the guy who smoked earlier and let poor Ana do his task.

    Ana has quickly jumped back to her reality, and push that zombie from co-worker and screamed at him.

    Leave him alone or I will call the cops!

    The man growls like a man in his thirties who hasn’t drink his eight coffee in the morning. That thing looks at Ana, and he is slowly getting up to his feet.

    Ana quickly put out her pepper spray she carries every time she leaves the store to walk to her home. In Cluj there is a lot of predators who would jump on Ana, abduct her and do different things to her, either selling her organs, forcing her to became a prostitute, or worse, making her pregnant and leaving her alone with the baby. She sprayed that thing in the face, but it didn’t work out, so she throws the thing into the monster face and nothing happens, the things was getting on his feet now and was trying to catch Ana, but she decided to push this beast one more time. The beast fell down on the ground, and she drags her co-worker into the store, to at least help him to stop the bleeding that crazy man did to him.

    The co-worker was not that heavy to be dragged by Ana, who sued to drag things much heavier. Sure, it doesn’t look like she could pull it out, but back in the high school, she used to work at her father business, who is specialized in construction. She built complex buildings, while girls at her age are building friends, memories and chances to get pregnant. Ana throw her co-worker on the building interior, and then she closes the door behind her and blocked with three heavy boxes which contains watermelons and bananas.

    Good. I think we-

    But when she turned around, she sees her co-worker getting on his feet, and having those weird looking veins on his face, those eyes without any colour, a dry mouth, and growling. Ana didn’t know what does this thing is, or what does this virus is because like any girl without friends, she didn’t spend her night reading horror stories, she used her free time working to achieve a good life, but now, she works as a part timer store clerk just to pay her studies at a University in Constructions.

    Andrei... Are you... alright? asks Ana looking scared at Andrei.

    But, before the thing was close to use his attack senses to bite Ana, her boss came here, and yelled at both of them to stop idling and continue their work. And at that moment, Andrei in his zombie form ignored Ana and jumped to his boss. He caught his boss, and start biting him alive, Ana took a canned food, and she uses that weapon to smash it to Andrei head, but she simply smashed it, the thing suddenly stopped for a moment, he turns back, but before it was close to bite Ana, she did an incredible thing. She used the canned food to cover Andrei mouth, and she pushed him into a shelf.

    That zombie corpse hit the shelf, and fall on his back, with almost a few thousand kilograms of soda, water, and beer. The zombie was now under the heavy shelf and cannot move since the plastic and metal bottles are blocking his ways. Now Ana can escape this place and find help, but she decided to take a look at Andrei and try to ask him.

    What happened to you?

    But the corpse which was Andrei one time only screamed at her and uses his hand, trying to reach for her, but the distance between them is too far. Ana looked at her boss, who is covering his wounds made by the zombie on his arms with towels from the nearby shelf. The boss looked at Ana scared and told her to call for help. She immediately goes to counter, takes the phone there and calls for help. She dials 112 (emergency service phone number in Romania), but when she dialled that phone a robotic message told her.

    Warning! The event known as Zombie Apocalypse has begun. Everyone who got bitten or scratched by a zombie must treat by themselves or kill themselves. There are also Hospitals opened but only for the people safe from bitten marks or scratches made by the creatures called zombies. Seek shelter far from city or jump on one of the planes at airport which will transport the remaining survivors to the uninhibited islands, far from our continent.

    And then it closes. Ana looked quickly at the boss who is dying slowly and she tries to dial 112 to again, but it gave the same message. She looks at her, and tries to dial that number again, but again, it gave the same message.

    Ana looked at her boss, who is looking mercifully at her, but Ana, realizing that people are now transforming into these creatures if they are bitten or scratched, she listened to the robotic voice message. She will go to the Airport. But before she was about to leave this place who used to be her part-time Hell, she takes a backpack, a few supplies and leaves while she lets her boss bleeding to death and screaming to her, but Ana, said one last thing to her boss before she truly left this building with a stolen backpack and supplies.

    Goodbye, you nasty Boss!

    And she truly left the store, letting her boss bleeding to death, screaming at her to came back. But this scream made his situation worse because the zombies has successfully freed himself by just sliding, and jumped on the laid boss who is going to be eaten by his co-worker Andrei.

    Chapter 2

    Two fighters against a horde without brains


    At a building where is the business called Academy of Radu and Alin, an Academy where people are training in Martial arts and Boxing. Radu is training young children at martial arts, but mostly on karate since he is an expert to this type of fighting. And Alin, whose is step-brother, three years younger than him, he is an expert in boxing.

    These two fighters have participated in a lot of fighting competitions, and most of them were won. These two have started this sport because of a gang of bullies who used to bully them in high school. They trained hard at their sports, and one day, these two have beaten those bullies so easy. One of them was close to be sent into Hospital by Alin, who’s his force it is really frightening, and the speed of Radu, could match any professional karate fighter in China.

    Now, these two brothers have built an academy of fighting by using their money earned in fighting competitions and their college savings. The business ain't going to well since not many people joined their academy because nowadays, kinds prefer to carry a knife around them, just to be safe if somebody threatens them.   Now, these two are even going to lose their place since this building didn't have many people joining their academy. They posted advertisements online, put posters around the town, and even tried to go at some schools to show the kids martial arts and boxing styles.

    On the office of those two bosses, one of them looks on the title he earned in a tournament.

    What is wrong with our business, brother? asks Radu looking at his title he earned three years ago.

    I do not know. responds Alin who is checking his e-mails, hoping he will find a person who will be willing to sponsor them.

    We do need to give up.


    Look, Alin. Our business isn’t going that well, we barely got one or two kids per day, and they are in bad shapes. We have to give up or sell this building to someone else.

    I know, but we can at least wait. Maybe one day, we will get a new customer.

    Then, their ring at the door starts to sound which means that a person entered this place. Alin looks astonished at Radu, who is going to that man who entered the dojo, but not fighting, he is looking hopeless at them, while he is covered in bite marks, he looks depressed at Radu, and told his final words.

    S-Save me. and he falls on the floor.

    Radu quickly goes to that man, and tries to wake him up, but it doesn't respond. Alin joins this scene and he quickly takes his mobile phone and starts calling for an ambulance to come. But when he was about to call, Radu left that corpse, looking scared how the man is getting back on his legs, growling and twitching.

    Mister. Are you, all right? asks Alin going to the man, but when he was close to touch him, the monster was close at jumping him.

    Radu has reacted quickly at this action, he punched that zombie on the face one time, and then he punched for a few times his belly, whose breaking and the monster refused to go down, he continues to attack while his organs are close to fall.

    Brother, you remember those zombies’ movies we used to watch?

    You mean 28 Days Later, Shaun of the Dead and The Walking dead. he responds Alin who is punching this zombie so hard, that his skull could he heard breaking in half, and this made the monster fall on the floor.

    My goodness... says Radu looking at the zombie corpse. If this was a zombie, does we will get arrested?

    It is definitely not a human. says Alin looking at the bite marks this person acquired on the neck, leg and on the cheeks, It is monster. Not anyone would be able to jump like that being covered in these wounds.

    What about drug users?

    They maybe in influence of drugs, but no drug is able to bring a people back to life and making his behaviour like an animal.

    They see another two zombies entering their building, and these two brothers are smiling at each other, and proceed to kick those zombie’s ass. Radu has successfully broke the arm of one of these zombies, while Alin, who used his full force, he made a hole into that skinny zombie chest, then he proceeds to do an uppercut, who is flying that zombie head to the ceiling, and then landed on the floor, close to the first corpse. After Radu broke the second zombie legs he stomped on the head until he became minced meat from the Profit store. Radu and Alin are slapping their hands and proceed to barricade their doors, to be sure a zombie will not be going to enter this place.

    Radu... You do know what does this mean?

    We are safe from bankruptcy? asks Radu to his brother.

    This and... Now we can beat people without being charged.

    Cool. But promise me, we will only fight zombies, not humans living.

    Of course. But now, let’s just watch the news, just to be sure we ain't dreaming.

    They go their boss room, opens the TV and start looking at the news, who shows a news report on PRO TV about a zombie apocalypse report you will usually see in the movies. Andrea Esca explains how these things can be avoided, killed, how to deal with an infected and where survivors should seek shelter. The ways to kill these zombies it is by removing the head because their brain is still there and if you smash the brain or penetrate it with a bullet it might stop the mutant from moving any more. Andrea Esca told them to seek shelter by living in forests, or taking a plane to a remote island, because staying in cities will raise risks of being infected and most people are considering this a fake sign. Radu and Alin, after they got their confirmation and what they can do, they quickly go to their desks, take each one of them a bottle of scotch and pour a few ml into their glasses they have in these desks for this special occasion. After they filled their glasses these two are doing a toast.

    To our freedom! says these two good friends at the same team before they were packing up and leaving the airport to take one of those planes there who will lead them to the freedom and maximum protection.


    After these two dudes finished with their whiskey, packing essentials and picking some pipes as weapons because they were quite durable and very useful. Alin had this idea since when he was little, he played a lot of Dead Rising and the weapons he takes are always the pipes. Alin has took a second weapon in case the pipe will break, and he took his boxing gloves because if zombies are ever going to grab his fists, it will be impossible to be bitten because this glove are really powerful and hard to be damaged.

    You think we will encounter survivors on our way? asks Alin who was the last person to leave the building and didn't closed the door since it is apocalypse and this building it is not worth it anymore since

    If it will happen, we should help them. Not beat them. says Radu to Alin.

    They are putting the backpacks with supplies on their back, walks to their car, gets on their seats, Alin goes to driver seat, and Radu goes to the other front seat, but right when they were close to leave. A citizen runs to them and yelled at them to help him. That man who stopped in front of their car it is dressed as a mechanic, got on his left arm a wrench and got a lot of blood all over to his face.

    I need help! Someone was trying to attack us. says the mechanic to them.

    Who was? asks Alin who opens the window to the car.

    A-A guy suddenly tried to jumped at me and bite me. Could help me to carry him to the hospital?

    Haven’t you heard the news. There is now a zombie apocalypse going on.

    What?... What is a zombie apocalypse?

    Radu sees a zombie walking slowly to them, but before he was about to leave the car and fight him. Another random guy poops out from a house, and that one wore an Anakin costume, and uses a lightsabre toy for kids. He hit that zombie with the lightsabres but it didn’t work out, instead, it made that zombie turned around and try to jump at him, but the dude continued to hit the zombie in the head. He hit the zombie while he goes with the back just to see if the zombie will have his head broken and die. It was close to pinged that cosplayer to the wall, but Radu arrived right on time, used his pipe he took from the bathroom, and he stabbed that monster into the head which made him dead again and his corpse collapsed to the street.

    Thanks, young padawan!

    ... Whatever. says Radu to that random cosplayer. Would you like to join us?

    To a new planet?

    Most likely on a safe destination, but it is your way.

    I will be coming with you... Because I do not have a driver license.

    Hah. laughed Radu. Who needs a driver license in these days, am I right?

    Wait! says Alin who is coming to Radu to check on him, but he stops and he is shocked. You do not have a driver license? Since when?

    I never had.

    So, you drive without a license for three years?

    Eight years. corrects Radu.

    Eight years? I know this is Romania, but we are not in Rages!

    What is the difference? laughed Radu to Alin to make the mood feeling good, but it didn’t work out.

    They decided to drop it, and get into Radu car. The mechanic also joined them, but before they were about to leave, Radu asks those two survivors.

    What are your names?

    My name is Marcus. says the mechanic sounding a little nervous. Sorry. I am not used to talk with people, nor this new changing.

    My name is Anakin, and I- said the cosplayer but it is stopped by Alin who says to Radu.

    We got a few zombies coming at us.

    These four survivors looked at their back and they see a big number of zombies coming to them. Radu quickly pushed the acceleration pedal and drove from this mess, A few zombies were close to be hitter, but thankfully. Radu had some good skill of driving because he played a lot of cars games to participate in illegal races to buy money which they were founded in creating that dojo, which is now going to be a normal building in apocalypse. An abandoned building which will be devasted by survivors hoping they will see something useful there, like the swords and blades Radu let them there, for the people who truly need it.

    They left the street and now, they drive to the closest airport to take a random plane to fly them to the islands which will spend most of their lives there. While Radu was driving, he turned on the radio and survivors heard an announcing coming from radio.

    The virus which named Z has infected already 600 000 000 people around the world on the first day. The origin of this virus it unknown, but the governments around the worlds are telling people to isolate themselves in their homes or risking to Thake a plane and drive to an island which is in possession of military. Right now, the military told us that one hundred islands around the entire globe are their territories. Some of them are artificial and build in this case, and others are inhibited. Now, the closest ones are in Greece since the ones in Romania are much smaller, and also occupied by government.

    That dammed government! says Anakin to everybody, but he is the only person who speaks about the government, the other didn’t really care that much into politics.

    For the survivors who are listening to us. Be safe and survive this another apocalypse this humanity is dealing with. says the guy on the radio before the transmission got cited by a few screaming in the background which indicates that the zombies have already entered radio building and proceed to eat the humans there.

    Alin turns off the radio, sighs and then he says.

    Well shit... We are fucked.

    Apparently, we will go to the airport and take a plane, right? Is this still the plane? asks the mechanic to be sure.

    But, their car suddenly stops because on the other side of the intersection, a truck is literally on fire and eight or maybe then zombies are holding strong on that truck while one of them is eating the driver who is trying his best to continue to drive that truck, but he eventually crash into a house and that crash, the truck proceed to explode since it got a lot of damage from zombies and the other vehicles if we will analyse these marks on the cars. The boys in the car did a relief sighs because they avoided death, thanks to Radu fast instincts.

    We avoided death there. says Anakin. Thanks, young padawan named Radu.

    Don’t mention it. says Radu who is breathing heavily. We've got lucky here. But I feel bad for the truck driver.

    Radu looked around him to be sure not another car will go through the same shit that truck did earlier, but thankfully, there were a few zombies who were walking slowly to them, and survivors who needed help but they were also bitten because most of them were covered in blood and bandaged which probably indicates that these one is infected. If they were thinking to bring one of them in their car, it will be quite hard to squeeze him there.

    Chapter 3

    Police officer on the duty!


    This day was supposed to go normal for Alina, a 42 years old police officer who have almost twenty years’ experience only in Cluj-Napoca. She got a lot of people going on this police section, drunk, on drugs, lost tourists, crackheads, homeless, gypsy people who stole a lot of homes, orphan kids, irresponsible parents who couldn't take care of a single child cause of their gender or he is dumb and etc. But this day... she will encounter something she only heard in only science fiction could happen, a dozen of zombies who made it into her police section and she with her co-workers are trying this best to put these creatures down by using pistols and their police bats. Some are even wearing riot armor and using shields, but Alina, she is not wearing any protection because she is tough and very quick at action.

    Some zombies fell down, but others were still standing because most of officers there haven't shoot a real gun, only tasers in their police careers. But Alina, is a different cop from their colleagues. Some of them used connections their parents had with the police, or used their sex appeal like in the case of that secretary who is now eaten alive by two fat zombies. Alina spend her free time going at polygon with her boyfriend and practice their pistol shootings at that place, doing competitions and bets almost every-time they went there. Both of them would bet on their clothes, a sexy night, on dinner money, and one time, they bet on a room for their vacation at Euforie Sud, but it ended up badly for them because that room was already taken. Rooms on Romania beaches are selling so fast, that even the stock market is having a normal flow.

    Alina used her gun she always carries, and shoot one fat zombie head, which it made that corpse fall on the floor. Then, other zombies continue to come along, and they got shot by the other police officers, but most of them missed the heads. Alina did manage to put three zombies down with that one, before more continues to pour into this building and yelled at her colleagues.


    She runs from this hallway to the first floor, where some prisoners are kept and yelled at each other, fighting or even fading to some questionable pictures brought by outside people. Alina and other two cops have successfully escaped that wave of zombies, but the rest of those police officers were quickly tackled by those corpses and eating, or others decided to runs from this police section and try their luck on outside. Alina and the other cops are running down the hallways where are prisoners kept, they ignored their screams, yelling and their violence acts like this is a normal thing, and it is. Also, this hallway has done a good thing for these survivors, they could use the prisoners as a zombie bite.

    Alina was thinking a that, but the other two cops didn't want to do that, but before they were about to come to a decision, one zombie was running to them before they were about to close the door to stairways rooms. Alina has quickly taken out her gun from sheathe and proceed to put a bullet on that zombie brain. It felt down, and Alina closes the gate, then uses the key to lock the door and proceed to run with the other two police officers to the second floor, and there it isn't anything to make their run harder, so, they took everything they can from the second room of the armor room and proceed to the last floor, which is the rooftop some police officers are using it to smoke or eat their lunch.

    These people have found on the second floor some necessary weapons, but they already have those weapons so they took mostly a few backpacks, food from canteen area. Alina was the only one who took bullets while her colleagues took food and some bullets for the weapons they didn't carry it. But, there was a thing they didn’t expect to see on the roof.

    On the roof, there was their police chef, who was close to jump from the roof, while is holding his dead wife had on his left hand. The man cried and this moment felt so sad, and so depressing for some reason. But the only thing who made these police officers was the fact that this solid man was in this state, neither of them were prepared to encounter a man in this state, especially their boss who was a man who could put a man down, even though he is his 50's.

    The man looked at Alina, probably the only competent person there, she thought, and that man told her a thing she will remember forever.

    You are promoted. And take care of you... You were always an important person of this section.

    Mr. Antonevici! says Alina running to him, but it was too late, the man slowly falls on his back at almost eight meters into the concrete where three zombies are walking without a reason.

    The fat corpse of the police chief fall after a few seconds on the concrete path, and when it did, one zombie out of those three proceed to jump on him and start biting his face. Alina and her colleagues are looking there terrified and not knowing what to say in this terrifying moment.

    But before they were about to say something, a zombie saw them and he started to run to them. Alina sees the man was close to take out his pistol, but Alina stops him by saying to him.

    He cannot go anywhere. The first floor is locked, remember? He will not be able to climb from here.

    But the thing didn't try to use the door, he just put his both of his hands on the wall of this police section, then he uses his legs and proceed to walk on those walls like a lizard. Thanks to his sticky blood and other cells who make this mutant evolve, it helps him to climb that wall which not even a mountain goat would be able to climb it.

    Fuck. These things are getting worse. says Alina taking the pistol and proceed to shoot into that thing, together with her colleague who draw the gun first.

    Two bullets hit the zombie head who was climbing to these walls, and it made him fall on the concrete path. And when it falls, his spine and probably other bones have been braking since these survivors heard a loud crack noises coming from that monster.

    Now they can climb? asks first co-worker.

    This will be getting dangerous. says Alina to her teammates. We need a new strategy. And a way to leave this city.

    Are you sure leaving the city would be a good decision?

    Yes. Why it will not be, Alex? asks Alina to the guy named Alex which is her co-worker.

    No, no, no. It is a good idea. says Alex to her subordinates who scared him the moment she asked him this question.

    Then shut up and be prepared for anything. says Alina reloading her pistol and preparing her police bat for the zombie who might try to come here. We don't know how much longer it will take these bastards to figure out these stairs are connected with the ground floor.

    These things are like zombies from the movie, right? It might not be that smart. says the second cop.

    But then, three zombies opened the door where these cops were using it to get to this rooftop. But they were slow walking type, so Alina and Alex were the ones killed these three zombies by using their pistols. Alina landed two bullets into two zombies and Alex successfully killed a female zombie who had her hand detached and this easy to defeat even in a melee combat because a missing hand on a zombie it offers and advantage even for a man who is not able to use a baseball bat on a person. These two have also did a mistake by using their pistols, which make a big noise, and this noise can attract zombies, and this attracted four more zombies.

    But Alina, shoot her four bullets to those zombies, while Alex and her co-worker are going as fast as they can to that door which leads to this rooftop, locks it by using Alex key chain to the doors of this police building, and locked the door.

    Alina. You better stop using your gun. says Alex to her. I-It attract noises.

    ... I am sorry. says Alina putting her pistol to her sheathe and looks around her to see if something useful will happen.

    Alina looks on the buildings next to her and she sees a lot of people on the street fighting these creatures by using different types of weapons, or one muscular building next to their police building, at fifth floor, he is pushing a zombie from the window and throw him on that floor into a fence, which impaled that zombie corpse and stops him to move permanently. That muscular man sees the cops on their rooftop and yelled at them.

    This whole building is infected with walkers! We need help!

    We are trying to get help! says Alina with a loud voice to that muscular man after she realize she could call her co-worker which is a police chopper pilot and he might go to help them leave this area.

    She takes out her radio, turns on and says a code to that thing, a code which she requests one police chopper to the police station, but after she tries for almost sixth times to try to communicate it didn't work out. But before she was about to give upon this plan, a voice from their police station told them.

    Here is Capone Alinatir. The pilot of police section number 45. I am on my way to your police section, be prepared to extraction and get put into the nearest airport available.

    Airport? asks Alina. Why are you going to throw us to the airport.

    This is the government plan. I don't know why he is doing that instead of dealing with this thing, but at least thinks about civilian’s status instead of their own protection. They must be desperate to get some votes.

    Let this thing aside. How far are you?

    In about three minutes I might be able to arrive here.

    And it closes the station. Alina breathe a sigh of relief; the muscular man was still on that department and he asks Alina out loud.

    Is it coming?


    GOT IT! yelled the muscular man who is getting off from that window and proceed to head to the rooftop.


    Meanwhile, three blocks away from the police station, there is a zombie who runs after Ana, the chick who quit her job as a cashier and let her boss being eaten alive by zombies. She doesn't have any weapon at her, only her legs who could help outrun the zombies who are after her, but there was only one, and that one is a fat zombie who is probably 100 – 125 kilograms fatter than Ana. She screams while she is running, thinking that someone might be able to save her, and this works. A guy leaves the apartment building with a kitchen knife on his hand and runs to that fat zombie who was still running after Ana, ignoring the man behind him who stabbed his neck and then he easily rotates the zombie neck 180 degrees. That attack was fast and it made Ana stops suddenly after he heard the fat zombie falling on the concrete.

    Thank you! says Ana to that survivor who just looked at her, and he heads back to his apartment. Hey! Would you like to come with me to the airport?

    ... No. I done think I will. says the survivor who looks at Ana for a bit before he was heading back to his apartment. 

    She continues walking, ignoring the rest of people who are dealing with these creatures and trying to dodge the zombies who are coming after her. She did see a crowbar on the street, next to a corpse who is about to became zombie at any moment and missing an arm, probably taken by a zombie to eat. Ana didn't care about the corpse or the other zombie, she just took this weapon because a crowbar in this situation might be the best decision. When she puts her hand into that crowbar, she seemed fascinated for a second.

    It is big and... Not heavy. says Ana taking a look at that crowbar with blood from zombies or normal people, it is hard to deduce what kind of blood is that.

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