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Stepping Out of Darkness Into the Light
Stepping Out of Darkness Into the Light
Stepping Out of Darkness Into the Light
Ebook164 pages1 hour

Stepping Out of Darkness Into the Light

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Stepping Out of Darkness into the Light is a book of action. The Word of the Lord says, "faith without works is dead" (Jms.2:20,26). This book assists God's people in the appointed time to move out from the comfort zone and into a faith walk where the power of God resides. Whenever there is need for change, there is also resistance to change. Th

Release dateDec 10, 2021
Stepping Out of Darkness Into the Light

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    Stepping Out of Darkness Into the Light - Edna L. Lester Blue


    Stepping out of Darkness into the Light is a dedication first and foremost, to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Also, to our Mothers, (Dixie P. Saffold and Jean C. Orr-McCray), who graciously made their transition to the next life. Their contributions to the work of Lester Ministries go far beyond mention. Much like Jesus, they died to this world and made provisions for their loved ones. Also, we dedicate this book in memory of our Bother (Melvin D. Saffold) and our Uncles (Stanley and Jack Jr. Orr), who died after long battles with chemical dependency problems. For the lives mentioned in this dedication, as well as many others who have gone on before them, we dedicate not only this manual, but also the work of Lester Ministries as we continue to be used by God for the furtherance of spiritual development – especially to those men and women who have turned to other coping mechanisms. We are compelled to be used by God as it Is our service to perform the work which he has called us to do, To preach the Gospel to the poor; to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, To preach the acceptance year of the Lord (Luke 4:18-19)

    Gerald and I would also thank all those who have whispered our names in their private prayer time while we were going through our wilderness walk experience.

    May the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ bless you so abundantly that your cups run over.


    Gerald and Edna Lester

    Of Lester Ministries


    Experience as it has been said many times, is the best teacher. Without experience there would be no wisdom, thereby, no useful advice or viable input for the lives of those who look to us for guidance. We know that our ultimate authority is God, and all wisdom and prudence originates with Him. He has never and will never allow an experience in our lives unless He knows that it will not only benefit us, but also those about us and those to come.

    Each experience has led me to a close walk with God. He has proven Himself to be faithful more times than I can remember. I thank God in the precious name of Jesus for choosing me before the foundation of the world as a recipient of His grace and mercy.

    I am also grateful for the love that has been shown to me throughout this production by my Husband Gerald, who is my best friend and editor of this book; for the time he has spent editing and laboring over the details of getting the book published.

    For my sons Robert and Shannon, who were in the crossfire during many of the trials and triumphs leading to the awareness of Christ in our lives.

    For my grandson Jaleal and his academic progress in school during the production of this book.

    To my Pastor, Bishop Arthur M. Brazier, for his leadership and counsel in the developing of the Woman of God, which I am proud to be.

    To my father Monroe Saffold and all my brothers and sisters for their words of encouragement.

    To the entire staff and volunteers at Lester Ministries for there diligent work and dedication.







    Book One: Revelations For Life

    Chapter 1—Your Search is Over

    Chapter 2—The Peace of God

    Chapter 3—When you say Yes to God; God says Yes to you.

    Chapter 4—The Hidden Agenda

    Chapter 5—Our Walk

    Chapter 6—Jesus in Me

    Chapter 7—Jesus Chose You

    Chapter 8—The Love of God

    Chapter 9—Jesus our High Priest

    Chapter 10—The Process of Reconciliation

    Book Two: Bridging the Gap to Recovery

    Step 1—We admitted we were powerless over our dependencies

    Step 2—Came to believe that Jesus is the Greater Power

    Step 3—Made a decision to turn our lives and our will over to the care of God.

    Step 4—Made a searching and fearless assessment of our past and present lives.

    Step 5—Admitted to God, in the name of Jesus

    Step 6—Were entirely ready to have God, in the person of Jesus

    Step 7—We humbly asked God, in the Name of Jesus, to remove

    Step 8—Made a list of the people to whom we felt indifferent

    Step 9—We made direct amends

    Step 10—Continued to seek God’s face

    Step 11—Sought through prayer and meditation

    STEP 12—Having made peace with God, through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ

    The Promises of God

    Step 1—The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord

    Step 2—Order my steps in thy Word

    Step 3—Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible

    Step 4—Jesus said unto him, I am the way the truth and the life

    Step 5—If we confess our sins, he is faithful

    Step 6-7—Humble yourself in the sight of God, and he shall lift you up

    Step 8-9—To whom you forgive anything. I forgive also

    Step 10—Create in me a clean heart

    Step 11—But seek ye first the kingdom of God


    About the Author


    Many of our problems overwhelm us because; we neglect to factor in God. We tend to think that our concerns are just not important enough to bother God with. We pride ourselves. The problem with this thinking is that it sets us up as prey for Satan, whom the Bible refers to as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour (1st P. 5:8). If we are not seeking God’s solutions, we open ourselves up for Satan’s revolution. We cannot receive the wisdom of God without the Word of God. He did not place us in the earth rim to make it alone. This can be tracked all the way back to Adam. God said it is not good for man to be alone (Gen.2: 18). We can take the position that God was referring only to a relationship between a man and a woman or, we can embrace the fact that this was the beginning of God’s relationship with all mankind. When Abraham came along, God spoke to him and said, I will make of thee a great nation (Gen.12 2). Since the very beginning of time, God has been supplying the needs of man. God is no less slack on supplying our needs today than in the very beginning. The Bible says the He is the same God today, yesterday and forever (Heb.13:8).

    A very pertinent fact escapes us when we fall into confusion. God was here first. Everything leads back to him-so why not refer everything back to him. God is everything that we are not: He is omnipotent (having unlimited power). He is omnipresent (everywhere at the same time). He is the Alpha and the Omega (the beginning and the end). He cares more about us than our very closest friend and yet, He allows people in our lives for the purpose of extending His love to us through them.

    God keeps a constant watch over us because; He knows the depths of our vulnerability and our human frailty. He is our Creator and He is well aware of our need for Him. Many times we want to justify our though life and our actions when in actuality our only justification is in Him. The Bible says that we should take no thought of what we should eat, drink or be clothed (Mat.6: 31), but, that we should seek first the kingdom of God (Mat. 6: 33). He is more than capable of directing our lives because, after all, He is the Creator of our lives.


    The title of the book Stepping out of Darkness into the Light was birthed as the result of one of many observations while pondering over past and present anxieties. Looking over our lives and seeing the faithfulness of God has enabled us to identify the difference in walking by faith and living in fear. We have come to understand that God is still God no matter how we choose to see him and he is and will always be in full control of our lives. We have also received the revelation that a spirit of fear is at first capable of masquerading as faith, but, will in time manifest itself in some form or other. There is a certain amount of fear that will probably always present itself within the atmosphere of faith, however, when the true test arrives, the fear will come to an end of itself and you will be left holding the hand of faith. Many times my husband and I have questioned God concerning meeting our earthly needs as we believed that they should have been met. Having not the insight to see the beginning from the end, we made demands based on our present situation. However, God is merciful. I have come to believe that he uses our times of fear to lead us to a life of faith. He teaches us to have patience and to trust him. We found out during those times that God was a way maker. He knows how to make a way out of no way. We came to understand his Words in the 14th chapter of the book of John, when he said, I am the way, the truth and the life…He commenced to make ways where we thought there was absolutely no way. We found him to be a mind regulator. He was the calm in the storm when confusion began to swell in our home. We found him to be marriage counselor. He ordained the union of marriage and He can sustain it.

    We felt it necessary to let God’s people in on some of our own life’s trials and introduce solutions that proved to be a God inspired way of life. We live by the principles outlined in Stepping out of Darkness into the Light,

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